Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours! Yes, this was my plate today...and it was all very good...just a bit too much, but still, well, it's Thanksgiving!
Hubby and me at the beginning of our meal...
Son Scott is ready to dig in to his plate!
Rose and Benton are also ready...they are all saying "hurry up with the pictures, Mom, so we can eat before it gets cold!" LOL.
Yes, now my plate is clean. (I can't believe I ate the whole thing!) I wanted you to see the necklace I am wearing. Remember I told you that my friend Evelyn, who just passed away this week, used to love to create jewelry, using used /vintage jewelry pieces...well, she had made this for me several years ago, and I wanted to wear it today in her honor and memory. It's strange, but I was actually looking at it on Sunday morning and thinking about wearing it, but it didn't really go with what I was wearing that day very well, but I told myself then that I needed to wear it soon. Little did I know that at that very moment Evelyn was in the hospital, and she was already on life support temporarily until her son could get there. Because she had a living will, the decision was made to disconnect the life support, and she actually passed away early Monday morning. I find it very unusual that I was literally holding this in my hands on that day and thinking about her and what a wonderful, dear friend she was. We really just do not fully understand how close that veil is between life and death...it's literally only a breath away.
Anyway, I wanted to remember her today by wearing this. She will not be forgotten.
This picture is of our son Scott, but the lighting in the living room at that moment was very bright, so it's a bit too light, but it's a good picture of him. It was so good to see him come through that door today...and oh, yes, he mashed the potatoes for me. I had already peeled them, but he's the best potato masher!
And here's Benton, carving the turkey that he and Rose cooked absolutely perfectly...it was so tender and moist and there was a LOT of it! We each were able to take home some great left overs!
We cannot forget our sweet Grandpuppies...here's Sugar, and she has her "bacon flavored bone"...the first toy she looks for when they get here...
And here's Spice, and yes, she has her bacon flavored bone too! They are so funny about those bones!
Now, this is a favorite picture! Benton and Scott washed and dried the dishes for me! What sweethearts! Rose and I had already cleaned up the leftovers and divided everything up so each one could take home a good "care package" of food. But to have the guys wash the dishes was really a blessing. No, I don't have an automatic dishwasher...so I am VERY grateful for any help I can get!
Sadly, our friends that we had invited that I told you about were not able to come. As I was concerned, she had a difficult night last night and just wasn't feeling up to being out today. Of course we missed them and I feel so bad for her, but I totally understand. We had PLENTY of food, and I offered them to get some, but they didn't want to do that either. So we ended up with a lot of leftovers, but our kids and we will enjoy them in the days ahead. I'm about ready to go make a turkey sandwich right now!
After the kids left John and I decided we needed to go for a walk, so we took a ride to our walking place in town. The skies were just beautiful...the perfect ending to a perfect day:
Come take a little ride with me and enjoy the view of the sun and clouds in the skies:
Wasn't that lovely? I enjoyed it, and the walk was very beneficial as well. After eating such a big meal we really needed it!
Here's some thoughts to finish out this beautiful Thanksgiving day:
Psalm 103:2-5 New International Version
"2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s."
This is my thought and prayer today for those who may be going through deep water physically and or otherwise. May we never "forget all His benefits", and may God "satisfy our desires with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles." Right now we could probably all use some youth renewal and healing and forgiveness and redemption. Our God is an Awesome God, and He does all of that for His children, because He loves us so much!! So let us 'Praise the Lord, and forget not ALL His benefits!"
Have a beautiful and wonderful rest of your Thanksgiving weekend. May God's peace be your peace, both now and forever. Amen.