What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Evening Musings

This was today's sunrise!  Sunday morning glory in the heavens!
My post on Facebook said, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!". (Psalm 150:6)

It was breathtaking, but I still praised the Lord with every breath that I breathed.  Such a beautiful way to start the day!

If you want to sing a happy song along with our choir, join in here below:

Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth.
Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth.

Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth.
Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth.

For God is great and greatly to be praised. God is great and greatly to be praised.

O Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth.
Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the earth.

Another great way to start the day!!  (and now that it is evening when I am writing this,  a good way to end the day!)

Today was a lovely day...no rain for a change!  I had kind of hoped to go out to eat after church with a group of our church friends, but they had decided to go to a different place than where we normally go, and it is sometimes crowded and you have to wait in line a while, and we just didn't feel like doing that today, so we came on home. Normally our son Scott comes down on Sunday afternoon for lunch (and does his laundry), but he wasn't coming today, and Rose and Benton weren't coming either because she had to work today, so were kind of at loose ends. However, actually in some ways that was best.  We've had a busy week and frankly I was tired.  

Yesterday we had our church monthly pot-luck "Agape'" luncheon, and I had made my "Taco Lasagna" casserole.  It was good, and I still had a little left over, but I didn't feel like eating that either.  It's not really something that my tummy can handle two days in a row! LOL.  So I made a salad with some ham and cheese on top of the lettuce, etc., and that was plenty good enough. Then we took a nice long nap.

After we woke up hubby said that he wished I'd either bake a cake or make some cookies or something.  Well, at first I kind of balked because I normally don't do stuff like that on Sunday...it's just too busy of a day and I am usually tired. But since we didn't go out to eat and we had such a nice nap, I decided to go ahead and bake some Snickerdoodles!  (Do you know what they are?) I was hungry for something with cinnamon in it, and since hubby wanted cookies that he could snack on throughout the week, that was a good idea.  But I needed some help. Guess who helped me?

Yes, Lily Grace (click that link for a previous time of baking with  Lily Grace)  said she would love to help make Snickerdoodles!  She's trying to earn her cooking badge for the Brownie Scouts, so she needed some experience baking cookies. LOL.  

She especially loved rolling the balls of dough in the cinnamon and sugar!

It's great to have a little helper!

She even helped get them off the cookie sheets when they were done baking!  They sure smelled good!

Snickerdoodles...My Mother's Recipe

Well, of course baking cookies always means they have to be tasted while they are fresh and warm out of the oven.  So it also became an occasion for Lily Grace and Bailey her dog to have a little party:

So I got down the Buster Brown Tea set for them to use:
It's perfect for a tea party with your favorite doggy!    This set belonged to my mother, and she got it from her older sister, my Aunt Margie.  It is dated on the bottom 1910, which is when Aunt Margie might have gotten it when she was a little girl.  My mother remembers playing with it when she was a little girl. My mother is 11 years younger than her sister.  

Anyway,  it is a special family heirloom, so Lily Grace and Bailey had to be very careful.

Then Lily Grace got the idea that she wanted to invite her friend Anne of Green Gables over to have a tea party and share some snickerdoodles with her.  Anne was delighted of course and came right over. We know how much Anne of Green Gables loves tea parties!  Thankfully there was no "Raspberry Cordial" involved in this tea party. If you've read Anne's story, you know about that event! HERE is a link to a previous post about Anne's tea party.
Thankfully they left us some snickerdoodles to enjoy later!

And so that is how I ended up spending my Sunday afternoon.  

Nice little thought for today.  A good reminder, no matter how big or small our "place", we should tend and guard it with care, because it isn't our own place, but "his Who set you there."  And that would be God.  He placed us in our homes and gave us a special place to guard and care for. When you think about your home that way, it takes on a whole new perspective. 

Here's another thought about the home:

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city,
The watchman stays awake in vain."
Psalm 127:1

And so I think it is time to end this post for tonight. I hope you enjoyed this little tea party time with Lily Grace (and Bailey too!) and also Anne of Green Gables. I know this is a departure from my usual Sunday activities, but sometimes you just need to "play" after a busy week. We had a good time, except I might have eaten too many warm cookies fresh out of the oven, and so I didn't want much for supper! LOL.  I finally ended up eating two stalks of celery with peanut butter on it, and later some yogurt and granola.  That should make up for my lapse in good judgment. LOL.  

Have a restful night my friends, and I'll be stopping by to visit with you in the next few days.  Tomorrow (Monday) is another busy day as we have our Ladies' Bible Study in the afternoon, and hubby has his men's Bible Study.  But I will try to catch up with as soon as I can.  Love to all of you! "Good Night, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite!"  LOL.



  1. Beautiful sunrise photos! I haven't had a snickerdoodle in years. Yummy! Lily Grace looks like she was a big help and then enjoyed eating her cookie. Hope you have a great Bible Study tomorrow.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Yes, Lily Grace was a wonderful helper, and she and Bailey and Anne of Green Gables all enjoyed their cookies. I'm afraid I enjoyed them too much myself. LOL. Our Bible Study was really good. Hope you are having a good start to your week too.

  2. It sounds like a lovely day! Our church had a potluck last week but we didn't go because of my recent surgery.
    My mom made snickerdoodles a lot. I hate doing all that rolling in sugar, but they are good and I should make them again.

    1. Teach your granddaughters how to make them! That would be a fun project to do when you are together!

  3. Lily Grace is adorable in her Brownie uniform!!--- I loved Brownies and Girl Scouts, so much fun. Those cookies look delicious! That's a gorgeous sunrise. That tea set is very special--- all the pieces there--- the plates and the teapot, and the teapot lid all unbroken and still lovingly cared for.. have a great week! Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous!--- LOL LOL

    1. Thank you, Debbi! I wish we could get our 'girls' together to have a tea party. We could make snickerdoodles again! Actually, my sister has one of the teacups and saucers and the cream pitcher to the Buster Brown Set. I gave them to her when I received the set from my mother's estate, thinking we would put them together sometime to have a tea party, but that's never happened. We should probably bring it all back together again to pass it down to the next generation someday. But until then, she enjoys having a part of it to look at as I also enjoy having this part to enjoy. Hope you are doing well and that things are going well at your house. Love ya girlfriend!

  4. Since I despise all things to do that involve a stove of any kind, I may try to find a doll that cooks...I love Ann's dress, and the dishes are priceless.. it sounds like a great day even if you did not do the normal Sunday. mother called this recipe sugar cookies, instead of baking the balls, and looking like this, she mad small balls, and pressed a fork down on it twice and they came out crisp delicious sugar cookies. the only cookies I baked for my kids were the kind you slice off a log and bake, but they grew up on Oreo's if I would let them have any of mine. ha ha

    1. I could loan Lily Grace to you for a little while, but she does need a lot of supervision in the kitchen. She's a good helper, but you can't let her get too close to the oven for obvious reasons. Anyway, we have fun, and it's a good way to spend a quiet afternoon filling the house with yummy smells. Oh, Oreos...my kids just loved to lick out the filling and put the cookies back! LOL. Yeah, that happened one time at a church fellowship...our then 2 year old was doing that to the oreos and putting them back on the serving tray. Luckily someone came and told me what he was doing so I could correct the situation right away! LOL. Those were the days my friend!

  5. I've never of Taco Lasagna, but it sounds really yummy! Would you believe, I've never tasted a snickerdoodle? Tom would probably faint if I said I was making homemade cookies, lol. Gosh, it's probably been since high school home economics! I love that Buster Brown tea set; back in the day, he was one of my favorite comics. Is there a story behind the set?
    I must get ready for Bible study now. Have a blessed day!

    1. I am so sorry you've never tasted a snickerdoodle! Wow! You poor child! If you lived closer I'd bring you some! I'm afraid they wouldn't be as good if I mailed them. The story behind the Buster Brown set is that it first belonged to my mother's oldest sister, my Aunt Margie, and then it came to my mother, and she wanted me to have it, because she knew how much I loved to have tea parties. Actually, there's more to the set. When I got it from my parents' estate, I gave my sister a cup and saucer and the cream pitcher. The idea was that she would bring it with her when she visits so we can have a tea party with it, but that's never happened. Some day we may have to put the whole set back together again to pass it on to the next generation.

  6. Taco Lasagna? Hmmm, I dunno. I like them both but ... guess I'd have to give it a taste.
    Beautiful photos again.
    Our Sunday was not good. When we were driving to Church a speeder in a huge SUV nearly turned us into a hood ornament on our little dirt road! If Steve hadn't taken evasive action we would have died or been in Hospital. Dude didn't even slow down after to check on us. Then Steve's evil brother just showed up at our Church after 2 years of blissfully ignoring us (he is banned from communicating or contacting us). He lives more than 2 hours away. Thank heaves I had warned my Church family about him in case this happens. He is not trustworthy. I kept my hand on my gun. It kinda soured the day. I had a restless night too because I don't like drama or hateful actions or words. The devil was on the prowl that's for sure.
    Blessings. 💙

    1. I am so sorry about the events that tried to spoil your Sunday. Yes, the devil is definitely on the prowl, seeking whom he may devour, so we need be vigilant and keep our Spiritual Armor intact. Glad you are okay. Praying things will go better this week.

    2. P.S. the Taco Lasagna is made with tortilla chips, not lasagna noodles. I call it that because I layer the chips, meat mixture (which I used Black Beans in this time), cheese, and then another layer of each again, with cheese on top and after I finished baking it I added some sliced green onions and black olives to the top as a garnish.

  7. I don't bake cookies much anymore, but snickerdoodles are simply amazing! I know I have a recipe in one of my cookbooks, so maybe it's time to make them again. I love how you have such whimsical fun with Lily Grace and her friends, and that Buster Brown tea set is just too precious. And the sunrise photos? Definitely made me want to sing a new song to the Lord. Blessings, Pam!

    1. Thank you, Martha. Lily Grace sends her love to Racer and his gang! LOL.

  8. Oh this was such a fund post Pam. Dennis loves snickerdoodles and I'm going to try your recipe when we get home to make him some. Our Sunday wasn't quite normal either. Of course we went to Sunday School and church but our friends that we usually lunch with were having a family reunion of sorts with an out of town uncle. We ended up picking up BBQ and ate at home. Then I spent the afternoon washing bedding/clothes because we left this morning for South Dakota. I wanted to do it the last day so our undies would all be clean. :-) Dennis grocery shopped with a list I made. He doesn't mind shopping and I detest it so since he retired he has taken it on. I make the list, he buys it and I put it away! It works for us. :-) Then we packed, and packed. I had brought all of the linens and towels home last time we camped to wash everything. We had a truckful this morning when we left to pick up the camper and now we're on our way. We'll spend the night tonight in Mitchell, SD at a KOA and go on the the Black Hills tomorrow. Normally we would do the drive in one day, but we had a meeting at 10:00 with our finance guy that's been scheduled for awhile so we didn't want to change it on him. This is okay. It breaks up the drive a bit.
    Take care and enjoy your beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The Lord is the BEST artist. I'm looking forward to the beauty He has prepared for us in Heaven.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. I love snickerdoodles, I just have not tried to make them. How many cookies does that recipe make? Jim's birthday is coming up the end of next week and I want to do something special for him. My I copy your recipe?

    1. Of course you may copy the recipe. It's pretty standard, but that's just the way my mother made them, so I call it "her recipe". I think it makes between 3-4 dozen cookies, depending on how big you make them. I roll the balls about the size of a walnut. If you make them too big they won't bake as nicely all the way through. I baked them at 375 for 9 minutes, and that was about perfect. Let me know if you bake them. I love them fresh out of the oven the best!

  10. I'm sorry your Sunday lunch plans fell through but I know that nap felt good!! Snickerdoodles are second only to chocolate chip cookies in my mind (or should I say tummy)! Yours look delicious and I'm sure Lily Grace's help was appreciated! Wishing you a blessed week ahead!! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. It's nice to hear from you during the day now! LOL. Hope you are enjoying your retirement! Maybe bake some snickerdoodles for you and your friends/neighbors!

  11. Snickerdoodles, I do like them although I've not had any in a very long time. Yours look delicious!

    1. Maybe time to bake some???? I bet Gary would love them too! Should I send Lily Grace over to help? LOL.

  12. Maybe teach your retired darling husband to cook...that would free up some of your time. I am sure he does his part, but I have found that men like cooking...they like being creative...hope you are both doing well. Prayers as always...

    1. My hubby cooked after he retired until I retired, and then he turned it back over to me, and even though he did a great job and seemed to enjoy it, he enjoys more having me cook. At this stage in life I'm not rocking the boat. It's all good. Thank you!

  13. Thank you.

  14. Aww, Pam, I just love this post. UMMmm Yummm, Snickerdoodles are my favorite cookie, especially warm from the oven.
    Your Sunday sounds like ours was..plans didn't come together, the place we went to eat was a disappointment, came home and just vegged. Dave watched some football and some Nascar and I valiantly tried to stay awake but failed and snoozed in my recliner for far too long. But oh did it feel good. (:0)
    Love your tea set. What a wonderful antique set. Its amazing how well it has survived. I just love things like this and your Lilly Grace is fantastic.

    1. Oops, I misspelled Your precious Lily Grace..sorry for the 2 "l's".

    2. Lily doesn't mind at all, trust me! LOL. She's just happy to be getting some attention again!!

  15. Those are lovely photo of the sky. The sky always amazes me. So glad your rain has stopped. Sorry you were not able to go to eat after church but it sounds like the day turned out okay. Glad you were able to go to the potluck at church. Your meal sounds yummy. Sorry it doesn't agree with you. Snickerdoodles are always good. I haven't baked in a long time. Cute tea party.


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