What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Last Day of Summer~Autumnal Equinox

 I will never forget when we went to Maine to visit our then 5 year old grandson for his October birthday. He and his parents met us as the airport, and on the way home to their house I was making conversation with our very intelligent and quite verbose grandson.  I made a remark about how pretty all the fall leaves were, and Noah very quickly corrected me by saying, "Oh no, Grandma! It's the Autumnal Equinox, not fall!"  I probably said something like, "well pardon me!" LOL.  But then I said I'd never heard it called that before, and he told me that that is what it is in no uncertain terms.  Of course I was chuckling about how brilliant our grandson was, and wondering what to expect next.  He never did cease to amaze us with his vocabulary and keen intelligence about most everything.  Soon he will be 25 years old, and he still never ceases to amaze me, but we just don't get the opportunity to talk all that often anymore, and I do miss that very much. I may just have to try and call him this week.  But that's another subject...

Today I was looking for signs of the "autumnal equinox" around us as we took a little ride this morning to the Kenwood Boat Ramp.

This posters will tell you more about where we were.  And HERE is a link to our visit there last year, about this same time.

It's a beautiful place in all seasons, and it never fails to bless us when we take the time to ride down there. It's only a few miles from our home, so isn't hard to get to.  I did see some early signs of fall there:  These Sweet Gum tree leaves were like signs on a trail leading me somewhere!

And although the leaves are not really changing much yet in the trees, the reflections in the water were gorgeous, and well worth seeing...

Lots of pretty purple water hyacinth blooming still...
Those are mostly Cypress trees on the other side of the water, and they will turn kind of yellow gold before they lose their leaves...

All was calm and peaceful on the water today, even though there were probably 20 or more trucks with boat trailers parked in the parking lot, they were apparently all out there somewhere in the lake fishing since the crack of dawn.
Oh, look at this magnificent live oak tree, and I LOVE the way the sun is shining and making that palmetto glow in the shadows of the tree:

The water is very coppery looking, which is actually tannin in the water from the trees all around...

This is what I was really trying to capture on camera...this elusive Queen Butterfly, as she flitted from plant to plant all around me.  Finally she stayed still long enough to pose for a few pictures...

Isn't she beautiful???

Oops! There she goes, off in flight in search of another tasty plant!
I wish you could've seen me chasing after her, trying to keep up with her and not fall in the water in the process!  LOL.  I'm sure it was quite a sight to behold, but I was having a good time and was so thankful that my efforts were rewarded with these few photos!

We came back home and after lunch I went outside for a little while and sat on the swing, but it was getting pretty warm and after I took a little walk-about our property I came back inside to cool off. However, not before I saw this:   I wish the picture was better, because the spider was literally glowing with a bright orange spot in the sun. He was very small, but I am sure he knows how to take care of business. I left him alone to catch more bugs...there are plenty of them out there to catch!

I also noticed these Maple Leaves starting to turn color, so of course I took their picture:

Oh, and I've been meaning to show you these "puckery persimmons" that look like they are almost ripe now. This is over where we take our usual woods walk.  They are wild persimmons, and best left for the critters, although I understand some people make jelly out of them when they are really really ripe.  

I guess that about wraps it up for today.  Are you seeing any signs of the "Autumnal Equinox" where you live yet?  I'm sure many of our northern friends are seeing beautiful leaves by now. Please share them in your posts for those of us in the south who are Autumnal Equinox deprived. We are still waiting for some cooler temperatures...it is 87 degrees now as I write at 2:49 p.m., and it was a low of 71 this morning.  The humidity seems to be backing off a teensy tiny bit, but then again I hear there's a tropical storm possibly churning around out in the Gulf of Mexico, so we shall see what develops out of that next week. Praying it just dies and goes away. We could use some rain, but please, God, nothing more than that.  Thank You.

I will close with this "benediction" from God's Word:

Jude 1:24-25 NKJV
Glory to God

24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
25 To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.


  1. She is indeed a Queen of Butterflies. I love the blurring of her wings as she moves on to more nectar. the spider web is excellent to me, I have never had much luck with spider web photos. that is a truly beautiful place to wander.. I do love cypress trees, they have lovely ones in Hillsborough State Park. have you ever seen gators at that place?

    1. Thank you, Sandra. No, I haven't seen any alligators there, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. Hubby kept telling me to watch out for them when I was in the weeds trying to get a picture of the butterfly. We could tell there was pathways from the water through the weeds up onto the shore, so that probably means alligators. Thankfully they stayed away while I was there.

  2. Pam, you are so good at catching beautiful butterflies and taking the perfect photo to share with us. Nice that you found a little color changing on some of the trees and plants. Maple trees become beyond gorgeous in the Fall. Have a good weekend!

    1. I bet you will see some fall leaves in Ohio next week! I hope it cools down for you too. Thank you for visiting. I know you have a lot going on right now. Have a safe trip!! Praying.

  3. Beautiful post
    I love the grandsons story

  4. Grandson story oops this phone likes to correct me incorrectly Brenda

    1. Thank you for your kind words, and I understand about overzealous auto correct. LOL. Kind of like my grandson when he was 5. LOL.

  5. You never cease to amaze me, Pamela. Your photos always make me smile. Wishing you a lovely evening my friend.

    1. Thank you, Linda. Not sure what I do that amazes you, but I give God the glory for whatever it may be. I'm glad you enjoy the photos. We can't miss when we enjoy God's beautiful creation all around us. Such a gift to us to enjoy! Hope you have a blessed and wonderful evening and rest of your weekend as well.

  6. Gorgeous photos Pam! The Queen is indeed beautiful. It's like she decided to let you take her photo after all. I do see signs of leaves changing here in the Black Hills. It's still pretty hot at home so I'm not sure what's happening there. I posted some photos I took here this week and you can see the leaves in at least one.
    We talked on FaceTime with our little granddaughter in London for over an hour today. She is just over two and quite the talker. She sent me a video yesterday thanking me for a video that I sent her the day before singing her some songs we sing together on FaceTime and when we're together. That way they can play it for her and she'll remember me. :-) She was adamently trying to tell me something this morning in Japanese and then said, "Oh I forgot my Grandma in American doesn't know Japanese. Here it is in English!" And then she repeated it in English! That girl.
    I hope you will have a wonderful morning in church tomorrow. We were going to try to go to church here, but Zoey is experiencing separation anxiety and we can't leave her alone in the camper or she'll bark constantly and annoy the other people. We've decided to watch our home church online and take communion here.
    Blessings and love,

  7. I really enjoy all of your nature photos. The butterfly is really beautiful. Have a wonderful, storm free, week :)


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