What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday 4 ~ Great Architecture


Great Architecture

Tuesday 4

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. She would be delighted you are here to join in and so am I.

The photo to the right is the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, New Jersey. It is the largest cathedral outside Europe . Not only is it beautiful inside and out but has a magnificent pipe organ It's cornerstone was laid in 1899.

As buildings go she is a masterpiece of great workmanship.

1. What are some beautiful buildings in your neck of the woods?
We live in a small town that has an older historical area with several lovely old homes and churches, but the main part of the town currently is out on the highway and the majority of the new homes in use today are either older ranch style homes or manufactured homes.   
Click HERE for a previous post on historical buildings in our town.

This is one of the historic old homes found in the historic section of our little town. I don't know any information about this house, but I do love the style of it with its two storied porches. I am not even sure if this home is still occupied.  It doesn't appear to be in use on a regular basis.

2. What buildings of renown have you experienced or would like to experience? The Louvre? Maybe Versailles? Things closer to home perhaps?
Many years ago our family visited the Biltmore Estate while on vacation. Our sons were very young at the time and really weren't old enough to appreciate the value and beauty of what they were seeing. I would love to go back again someday and see it again without having to worry about keeping my three young sons under control and away from touching things that shouldn't be touched. LOL.
The Biltmore Estate in Asheville NC   
Internet Photo

We also visited Jekyll Island, Ga., many years ago, and toured the "national historic landmark district" known as an exclusive winter retreat for the wealthy back in the late 1800's/early 1900's.  HERE is a LINK to more information and pictures of those homes.  Again, when we visited there our sons were quite young, and I would love to go again some day and visit it without having little kids tagging along. LOL.  Jekyll Island isn't very far from where we live now, so maybe we will get to go there again someday.

3. What do you think of the current trends in modern buildings?
I am not fond of modern architecture at all. So often it lacks style and beauty and designs of interest. I believe you can still design modern buildings that are both functional and beautiful if you just use a little more creativity.

4. If you could choose any style home you would like, what would it be? Victorian, Farm House, Craftsmen, Ranch, Georgian, Tudor, Cape Cod?
Although I love old Victorian style homes, they are no longer practical for me. I do not want a house with stairs or so many rooms.  I prefer a more open concept, where I can see what's going on from the kitchen into the living areas, and the dining area also to be connected and open.  At this stage in my life, a more rustic style of home, like a log cabin style home (but it doesn't have to be log...just that style) would suit me just fine.  Although I do love the Farm House style and also a cottage style.  I will have to find some photos to share.

Here's a few pictures from my Pinterest site that are examples of what I am talking about:

Cabin style:

Cottage style:

Farmhouse style: (but must have a first floor master suite).

Cabin style...a place where friends and family and maybe even "new friends" love to gather...

Location, location, location! 

And no matter what style of house, it must have porches, preferably with a view of water and/or mountains!

No matter where or what the home, it's only a home if God and Love both reside there!

Okay, folks, that's it for today's Tuesday 4. I hope you enjoyed this. Now let's go see what others are sharing, okay?  Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.


  1. Lovely post! I think Florida has some very beautiful buildings. Like the Don Cesar and the Breakers. My late hubby had his photo taken at the Breakers sitting in the old Duke of Windsor's lap. Isn't that a hoot? His family has an old 8mm film of it but I've never seen any of it they just told me about it. Flagler College is nothing to sneeze at either!
    I always enjoy your photos since they add so much to your posts. Thank you for joining in.

  2. I like that cottage style home. You are blessed to live near water. I hated leaving my 2 story home, but we had to look ahead to what we would be comfortable in as we aged. At least I know we will have a wonderful home in Heaven!

  3. I like old buildings and the charm they have compared to the newer ones. It was fun looking at the different styles you posted. I like cottages and craftsman style as well.
    We visited the Biltmore - it's incredible!

  4. I love a wrap-around porch and a cozy, lived-in vibe. We could be neighbors in a valley with a bubbling brook in the backyard! I've been to the Biltmore and to Jekyll Island. Interesting and lovely, for sure. A fun Tuesday 4!!

  5. I don't care much for modern buildings and I think I would choose a farmhouse look. Like you I would need to have a porch and a view of my much loved mountains or water of some sort.
    I have visited lots of old buildings. The Louve, Versaille, Windsor, Buckingham Palace, Notre Dame, St. Pauls Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Winchester Cathedral, Tower of London, Stonehenge, Kensington Palace, and many more in both Great Britain and France. We've been to the White House and other buildings in Washington DC. We've also been to the Montana State Prison which is now closed. It's one of the oldest old west prisons and is pretty spooky with the stocks still outside.
    All of these buildings are interesting and/or beautiful, but there's no place like home!

  6. You're right, it's only a home if God and love reside there. When I see a shockingly gorgeous house, I do wonder if it's warm and good in there, if the occupants are truly happy. If I could choose, I'd like a house with a nice big covered porch with rocking chairs, an inground pool for the grandkid, one storey, for my poor knees....just a few bedrooms and an enormous family/living room to fit the whole family into...oh, and a big attached garage for bitter winter days. :)

  7. I love the same as you, cabin can be white wood or logs, craftsman, farmhouse, any of those are what I would choose. I live in a ranch made of concrete blocks. but was not what I wanted, but what we could afford. I to have always wanted a porch, never had one . we have a tiny porch not even big enough for a swing.
    I like all the photos you showed and really like the old one at the beginning. I am drawn to old historical houses that are wood. I have visited the Ca da Zan, home of The ringlings in Sarasota, many times. In Savannah GA I have been in every historical home and 3 forts many times, I grew up there..

  8. I loved seeing the old part of Jekyll Island, Pamela, and we've visited it several times. Our home has somewhat of a rustic feel, though it's not a cabin, per se. Danny and I are happy here, so no amount of cajoling can get us to move unless health issues demand it. And my guess about the house you featured from your Florida town is that it's in much need of tender loving care.

  9. Homes with a wide porch would be my first choice. Love the older architecture but no stairs for me either.
    Your home seems just about perfect to me..(:0)

  10. Like you, I think much of today's architecture lacks imagination and beauty. And also like you, my preferences for what I would ideally like to live in have changed as my body has aged and changed. The open concept really is nice and that's what we have now but sometimes that is tricky for arranging furniture if one wants to be able to plug in a lamp!

  11. That last house with the amazing front porch! Even if I had all the money in the world, I'd rather live there than say, the Biltmore Estate. Years ago, "Mr. Wrong" took me there and I was bored out of my tree. I do believe I've turned into my mother who'd remark about that much space to keep clean -- not to mention the cost to keep it heated/cooled. How sad it must feel to live in a house you don't like!

  12. Pam: I love the floor plan of the cottage style. We are of the age where stairs are not good for us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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