Welcome to my "Open Window"...a place of hope, encouragement, and adventure as we journey down the road from "Closed Doors" to the new opportunities God places in our pathway. I hope you will take the time to go back and follow the trail of mixed blessings and fears, failures and triumphs from the past and side-trips in the present. Perhaps it will conjure up some of your own special memories, and be an invitation for you to share with others. I look forward to spending this time with you!
What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!
Friday, October 23, 2020
Friday Foto Friends on Still Waters Pond
Howdy Friends! It's Friday...and I didn't have any new photos to share with you, so that is why I'm a little late to the party! I stepped outside and realized it was a very pretty day...not too hot, not too cold, but just right! And I also noticed that there seems to be a break in the lily pads on Still Waters Pond, so I decided today would be a good day to take out the kayak!
"A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature.
It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."
Henry David Thoreau
I haven't been out since last spring because it was just too hot and the lily pads were so thick I couldn't paddle through. But now they are dying back for the winter and sadly there are no more lilies blooming either, but it sure made for easier travel.
What is interesting, however, is there appears to be a new "island" floating in the middle of the pond. I've been noticing this dark stretch of what looks like dead lily pads forming a kind of floating island, and I wanted to check it out.
Most recently I watched a pair of Sand Hill Cranes walking around on this little island, so I knew it must have some substance to it.
(These pictures of the cranes were taken a few days ago from watching them from our porch...they weren't out there this morning, or I assure you they would have flown away at the sight of me!)
Here you can see both of them as they were squawking back and forth at each other. I posted a video of them making noise on my Facebook page this week.
So anyway as I passed by this little floating island I realized it was made up of dirt and dead lily pads and new little plants popping up on it. We shall see what becomes of it as the days go by. It's interesting to see how these things develop and come and go.
There wasn't much activity on the pond this morning in the way of wildlife, but it was very peaceful and calming to paddle around and enjoy the freedom of exploring new "lands" and "seas" once again!
As I came around one of the bigger islands I approached this old dock that once spanned the waters to the smaller island from the shore.
As you can see, this dock has seen better days. I don't believe any sane human has tried to cross it in many years...
Could be a few "insane" humans may have tried, but I assure you it wasn't me! I was not too sure about even passing under this dock safely...
Coming up to this reminded me of the old song we learned in elementary school:
The Erie Canal Song
"Low bridge, everybody down
Low bridge, yeah we're coming to a town
And you'll always know your neighbor
And you'll always know your pal
If ya ever navigated on the Erie Canal"
So I ducked and paddled under the "low bridge" and navigated on through the Still Waters Pond, not quite the same as "The Erie Canal"...but it was fun remembering that old song, wasn't it?
"First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."
Thomas A Kempis
Oh yes, "peace"... something we are all in need of these days, right?
On around the island you can see the remnants of what was that same dock, which led from the smaller island to the bigger island. Long gone now. But's that's okay with me...keeps people from intruding on our little private pond.
"You are my hiding place;
You will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance."
Psalm 32:7
As I came around the island I did see this lovely dragonfly perched on some grasses, waiting for me to take it's picture.
Thank you, Dragon Fly! Now you may fly away...and he did.
Meanwhile, I've been noticing the red holly berries in the tree tops on the island...funny I never noticed there was a holly tree on the island last year...I don't believe the holly trees had nearly as many berries last year as they do this year. The old timers will tell you that an abundance of berries and acorns (which we also have) is a sure sign of a hard winter...yes, even here in Florida. We need lots of food for the many birds who will be traveling through to even warmer climes south as they escape the bitter cold winter up north. Sorry folks, but that's what the old timers say...I should know...I'm getting to be an old timer myself. LOL.
Just passing around by the island and then looking back at the shore on the "mainland" here below:
The yellow wildflowers are starting to really bloom along the shores of the pond now too. So beautiful to see in the autumn...
Oh, looky there! There is someone sitting on that porch waiting for me. Can you see his nice legs? That's about all you can see. Yes, that's my hubby, watching for me to come around the bend and into shore so he can come down and pull me in. Getting off of this kayak is the hardest part of all (next to getting into the kayak) There is no graceful way to do it, trust me!
Oh wait! As I am paddling and struggling to get up to the shore, this young fella is right smack dab in my face. So I figured I might as well take his picture before I knock him out of my way. I mean, would you want him right where he could jump right in your face or wherever else he might jump? I don't think so...especially when one is already unbalanced, sitting in water with no other way of escape. So I just nicely bent over his branch and he jumped the other direction, thankfully!!
Okay, here's a sweet little purple aster looking flower along the shore. Had to get some kind of flower picture to show you.
And then back on shore, standing in my Secret Memorial Garden, looking back out at Still Waters Pond. Actually, I took this picture before I decided to take the kayak out. As I stood there, I knew I just had to get out there and enjoy this morning. I hope you enjoyed it with me. Wasn't it pleasant? Could you almost feel the gentle breeze and feel the warmth of the morning sun as we paddled about? I hope so...because it was very delightful, and even better because I shared it with you.
"This is the meeting place where God has set His bounds.
Here is enough, at last, for eye and thought,
restful and satisfying and illimitable.
Here rest is sweet, and the picture of it goes with us on our homeward way,
more lasting in memory than the sunset on the meadows or the lingering light across the silent stream."
Isaac Ogden Rankin
Psalm 23:1-3
1. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
3. He restoreth my soul..."
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Such lovely photographs Pam. I'll probably never take a ride in a kayak so I'm so glad I can go with you. Love the 2 photos of the dragonfly...so gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for joining me, Cathy. I was thinking about all of you friends out here as I paddled around taking pictures, thinking how much I wish you could all be with me to enjoy this, and so this is the next best thing. So glad you could come!!!
DeleteOh! That was wonderful , especially since I didn’t have to get into that kayak or try to navigate the water. i enjoyed your views and company.If i were closer, I would join you for a cup of tea on the deck.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes...a cup of tea on the deck after our ride around the pond would be delightful...or even if you didn't want to actually get into a kayak and paddle around, you could sit and watch the birds and enjoy the beauty with me. I have hot tea, iced tea, or coffee...which would you prefer? I'll get it ready for you! Thank you for joining me today.
DeleteThank you for taking us on the relaxing journey through Still Waters pond. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you join us today, Martha. In light of all the stressful stuff going on in our land right now, I thought a peaceful journey around the pond would be delightful. Thank you for coming with me. Please do come again!
DeleteI think it is just So fun that you can get out on your pond and enjoy the kayak and the beauty of your still waters! That dock must have been something at one time! If only it could talk! I think getting in and out of the kayak would be my biggest problem, too. Lovely photos, as always, and thanks for taking us along with you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Terri. I am so glad you could come with me, even if vicariously! Yes, I imagine that dock was very nice back in the day. Apparently whoever lived on the other side at one time built this dock so he could get out to the islands and fish. Not sure where he lived because there isn't really a house on that side of where the dock is, but maybe he just had it for his personal fishing hole. It would have been expensive to build a dock that long, and it is too bad it is no longer functional, but actually I am just as glad. And yes, getting in and out of the kayak is a real trick. I cannot do it without help, and even then it is hard to do. But it is so rewarding once I manage to get in there and go. I am glad you enjoyed "the ride".
Delete"... remnants of what was that same dock, which led from the smaller island to the bigger island. Long gone now. But's that's okay with me...keeps people from intruding on our little private pond."
ReplyDeleteSometimes when a bridge is brought down, it is for a good reason. Hmm.
He restores my soul! Amen.
Bless you, Pamela. Take care.
Yes, that certainly can be true about bridges coming down. But sometimes we also need to build bridges to bring people back together again. Just all depends on the people... And yes! He restores my soul! Praise God. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend Sandi.
DeleteA calm and peaceful tour of your beautiful pond, Pam! I know you're glad to be able to use your kayak once again. And yes, I remember that Erie Canal song vividly - Captain Kangaroo often featured it on his show. Did you know that Mr. Green Jeans actually sang that version of the song? Just a bit of trivia for today.
No, I don't recall Mr. Green Jeans singing that song, but that is probably one of the places I heard it growing up. But I do remember learning it in music class in probably the 4th grade. Our music teacher's name was Miss Tripp. She would come to our classroom door and sing "Hello, Boys and Girls". We would reply in song, "Hello, Miss Tripp". She was an older maiden lady who made music interesting at that age. And yes, the "trip" around the pond was peaceful and calming today. I was very glad to be out and feeling free!
DeleteI enjoyed the trip with you very much, I never learned to swim, so I have never been in a kayak! Such peaceful photos. Thanks also for the lovely Bible verses too. Have a blessed weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mildred. I am glad you enjoyed the trip around the pond with me. I do wear a life jacket, and the water isn't more than 4 feet deep that I have discovered, however, I would not want to fall into that pond and have to swim. The bottom is rather mucky and muddy and no telling what is under there. So I pray the kayak stays nice and stable even though I do know how to swim, I would not want to swim there. I guess I could if I had to, however. I am glad you enjoyed the post today. It was a peaceful time for me as well.
DeleteBeautiful...simply beautiful...to soak up nature is relaxing. Meditating on God's presence all around and within us helps us to get through those trying days, weeks, months, and sometimes, years.
ReplyDeleteLove and blessings!
Yes, it is good to spend time focusing on God's Presence and His calming peace. Especially during these stressful days. I highly recommend that we all try to find a special place of peace during these days and stay away from the "fray" as often as possible. Thank you for joining me today. I do hope it was a pleasant time for you as well.
DeleteI'd totally forgotten Eric Canal! ... and Mr. Green Jeans, too. Good times.
ReplyDeleteNever have I ever tried to operate a kayak, but suspect it wouldn't be long before I tipped over, ruining a good cell phone in the process. Props to you! :)
We are of the same generation that enjoyed Mr. Green Jeans and little songs like Erie Canal. They probably don't teach that anymore, and we can't see Capt. Kangaroo either. Such a shame. Re: kayaking, I would not attempt this in rapids or swiftly moving water. Our little pond is quite calm and not too deep, so I feel pretty safe. As far as the cell phone goes, I do not take it with me but only my camera, which is attached to a strap around my neck, so if I tipped over it would probably tangle around my neck and drown me, but at least my cell phone would still be safe on shore where I couldn't even call for help. LOL. Thankfully I am not that far out and hubby is watching. It's just that he would have no way to reach me except to swim and this pond is so murky/mucky on the bottom, I'm not sure he'd attempt it. He'd probably just say farewell my dear, it was nice knowing you. LOL Actually he was a lifeguard at New Smyrna Beach after high school and rescued many in the ocean, but still, that was well over 50 years ago and I'm not sure what he'd do now...LOL. I'd probably have to swim for it myself.
DeleteThat is very interesting, indeed, how a new land mass (island) seems to be forming out there.
ReplyDeleteDo you have no concern for a gator showing up while you're paddling out there?
We haven't seen any sign of any gators in this pond and trust that no one will put one in here as a joke. I worry more about the possibility of water moccasins, but haven't seen any of those either. So I pray and just try to stay afloat at all times. LOL. Yes, the floating land mass is interesting. Not sure how that happens, but I've noticed in other ponds they suddenly appear...not sure if they break off from something else or rise to the top from the bottom...not sure. Something to research. It is solid enough for the Sand Hill cranes to walk around on, so that's something...
DeleteVery pleasant indeed. I used to kayak and enjoyed it very much. I don't think I could handle it these days. Your husband is very good to watch for you so he can help you. Hope that you get to go out again soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Vee. I love kayaking around this little pond, which isn't very deep and not very big. I don't think I would attempt anything bigger or with a current. I don't want to have to swim back to shore either, as this pond is kind of mucky and murky...not sure what's under there. So I try not to think about those things and just have a good time. I do wear a life jacket.
DeleteI'll go along with you any day!! It was beautiful at every turn. And if it weren't for the -s h- cranes sqawking, I almost heard everything green growing (even as winter approaches).
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you enjoyed the ride with me, and the cranes do make a lot of racket. I should try to post that video on here so you can hear.
DeleteWhat a lovely tour! Thanks for taking me around the pond with you. I didn't realize just big your "pond" is. And I still can't believe you don't have any gators, but I'm glad you don't. I'd have to worry about you paddling about with them if you did. I remember that song about the Erie Canal. It was the B side of some child's record I had as a kid...must have been an older one passed down from the generation before me. I love how close your house is to the water...just like my biological dad's summer place (kind of makes me sad that once he is gone so is the property since it was in his family for generations). Sorry to have been so absent this week. It was a crazy busy one for me. Have a wonderful and blessed day!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you came along for the tour, Stacy! Wish you could do it in person! Our pond really isn't all that big as far as ponds go, but with the islands (which are small), it breaks it up so that I have to paddle around them to see what is on the other side! I was so happy when my son brought his kayak over here for me to use! I'd been trying in vain to see what was on the other side until I was able to paddle around there myself. It is interesting to see, but really nothing to exciting. I hope your dad will leave his property to someone in the family? That would be sad to have it leave the family now that you have just found out about it. Maybe something will change there...I hope you will be able to enjoy for a while longer either way. Have a good week this week. Hope all is well now.
DeleteOh, my... your fotos are awesome. What a wonderful place to live, Pam. Are you bothered with mosquitos? I always think that way because those critters absolutely adore me! ☺
ReplyDeleteHello and welcome to Still Waters Pond! I'm glad you enjoyed the pond tour. As for mosquitoes...they do show up in the evening about dusk, when the sun goes down they come out, so I go inside! But we don't seem to have a problem with them in the daytime. We have plenty of birds and dragonflies, who love mosquitoes, oh, and bats! The bats come out at night and fly back and forth above the water and eat to their heart's content! So they really do help control the mosquito population! Just so long as the bats stay away from me, I am happy for their help! Have a blessed day!