What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Saturday Wanderings...

 Happy Saturday everyone!  I entitled this Saturday Wanderings, but actually I will be writing a little about "Friday Wanderings" instead, since the pictures will be from Friday's "little" road trip.   Actually, what started out as a "little road trip" ended up much longer than expected, due to detours and road construction and pit stops, but still, we had a lovely day.  

But first, I thought you'd like to see some nature photos from Still Waters Pond...that's always a pleasant way to start the day...

Philippians 4:6-7  
"6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 
7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Mama Bluebird has been busily building her nest.  Papa helps too, but she's the main architect in this venture I believe, since she's the one who will be spending so many days inside there while waiting for her next little brood of babies to appear.

And also both Mama and Papa have to be constantly on guard for this fella...Mr. Red Shouldered Hawk, who seems to be hanging around much too closely these days...

I do hope that Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird will be able to keep him away from their nest and new family when it makes its appearance.  The wild kingdom can certainly be a dangerous place for the most vulnerable new members of their "society".  
That Hawk definitely keeps a "hawk-eye" on everything that goes on in his territory, but so do the bluebirds, and they know how to drive him away. So we will keep hoping and praying that they will be able to persevere and keep their babies safe.

So back to our little road trip yesterday...

One of the places we ended up was a "ride" (not walk) down memory lane, and we didn't even realize we were going to be driving right past this place until all of a sudden there it was!

When I saw the above sign I was so surprised, because we used to live in this town about 40 years ago! 

So, of course we had to go find the church where we served so many years ago...it's still there, but sadly they actually closed this church about a year ago because it just was not thriving anymore. It never was a very large church...I think we had a about 35 faithful members back when we were there, but apparently it just never could compete with the many larger churches in the community. It's too bad, because it was a wonderful congregation of people back then and we have some very fond memories of our time there.

Here's how it looked 40 years ago, with hubby and our three sons standing on the front steps:

And this was the sign they had out on the highway to welcome us when we first moved there!  I noticed that sign board is still standing in the same place, but sadly there's no welcome message for anyone anymore.

This was the parsonage that we lived in.  It still looks pretty much the same as it did 40 years ago. It was a lovely brick home, with four bedrooms and two baths.  Apparently someone is still living in it, but I don't know if they have sold the house or if it is being rented.  I noticed the church building had a for sale sign out front.
Another view of the front of the house as it looks today...

And here is how it looked 40 years ago, with our family on the front porch...I believe that is my mother sitting on the porch, and then my hubby, me, and our three boys acting silly.

Here's a special picture taken at that same time. My parents had come to spend Easter with us. This is our son Benton, my mother, me, my Dad, and our son Matthew. Not sure where Scotty was...probably running around doing cartwheels or something like he usually was at the age of 7.  

I was glad we were able to find the church and house because the community has grown quite a bit and everything else looked really different.  

After finding this we kept on going up the road a ways and soon saw this sign:

Yes, that little town where we used to live was right on the Florida/Georgia border!  

After we had driven as far as we wanted to drive we stopped and had some lunch and then turned around and headed back home.  We stopped at a gas station/store in a little town called Saint George, GA., which is right on the GA/FL border.  We only needed to make a "pit-stop", but I felt bad about not buying anything so bought a DeConna Ice Cream Sundae Cone. It was yummy!

Turns out this little store was not just a handy store at a gas station, but apparently the grocery store for the little community, and the lady at the check out counter was a life time resident of the town. I wish now we had more time to drive around the area and see more of it. It sits just next to the Okefenokee Swamp and also the St. Mary's River. I was trying to find out more about the town online, and this was an interesting historical story about the town: https://www.charltoncountyhistoricalsociety.org/saint-george, in case you like to read about the history of old towns.

When we got home from our rather long "ride", we called "the kids" and they came over and we all had Domino's Pizza for supper.  After they left I was noticing that the house felt a little warmer than usual. Of course, it was about 96 degrees yesterday, so that could have something to do with it. But if you recall, we got a brand new air conditioning system just about one year ago exactly, and it shouldn't be warm in our house!! I looked at the thermostat and saw that the temperature was rising above what it was set for.  So I sent a text message to our AC repairman at 8:30 last night advising him of our problem. He told us to turn it off and that he would be here in the morning.  True to his word, he was here at 8:30 a.m. to assess the situation.  Turns out there was some insulation inside the new unit that was coming loose and was being sucked into the ducts, causing it to block the airflow.  He said he has come across this on another new unit recently. Thankfully, all he had to do was remove the loose insulation, and soon the air was nice and cool again!  Thank the Lord that it wasn't anything major that we would have to wait for parts, etc., because the temperatures are expected to be up to at least 99 tomorrow!  Also, thank the Lord this unit is still under warranty, and there was no charge to us!

I don't usually post a lot of memes, but thought this would be a fun way to end this post...

LOL.  If you live in the south, you understand.  

Well, friends, it's time to move on...hope you are cool as a cucumber wherever you are!  


  1. I haven't been online much the past couple of weeks...
    I think your day trip sounds like a fun time. I love that you 'happened' to pass your old stomping grounds.
    Seeing your blue birds reminded me to pop out and add seeds to our bird feeder--I just did it.
    Enjoy a COOL weekend.

    1. Thank you! And I know your birds are happy you remembered to refill the bird feeder! I know they sometimes come "knocking" on the door almost when ours runs out of seeds! LOL.

  2. I enjoyed the bluebird and hawk photos.
    What a lovely trip, stepping back and seeing your home and church from years ago. It's sad that the church is closed. I know seeing those place brought back some good memories.
    Here in Michigan it's cool today - a high of 70 and this evening we are having a gentle rain. Glad your air has been fixed!

    1. Oh, that Michigan high of 70 sure sounds nice right now!! Please send some of that our way! We are supposed to get rain all next week, which is also supposed to lower the temps a little. I hope it's true! Have a lovely Sunday!

  3. Loved those pictures of the church and your home! What a great trip down memory lane. Great memes! Especially that baby!

    1. Yeah, that baby was cute! Reminded me of me, as I was bathed in the kitchen sink until I was too big to fit in it back in the day when we lived on the farm in PA and didn't have an indoor bathroom! Everyone else had to shower in the shed where the wringer washer was! LOL. Those were the days!

  4. I had Domino's tonight! Always easy and good! Pam, I loved this post and seeing the photos of your family 40 years ago!! A walk (or ride) down memory lane is always interesting and heart-warming!! Have a blessed week ahead! Hugs!

    1. Yes, our Domino's was having a 50% off sale all week on online orders! So we took advantage of that opportunity, and it was good to not have to cook after being on the road all day. Thank you for your kind comments, and I hope your Sunday is filled with joy and blessings.

  5. What a nostalgic road trip you had, Pam, and I am sure that it was sad to see that the church was unused and for sale. I enjoyed seeing the vintage photos of your family. The heat here in NH is only in the 80s, so not bad at all, but sure we will get into the 90s in the next month or so, which is still better than being in the 100s. Glad the a/c unit is working again!

    1. Thank you, Beatrice! It was sad to see the church building for sale. But it was in a bad location from the beginning, off the beaten path, and back when we were there the town had a population of 500 people, and there were about 35 churches in a 5 mile radius! Small town where if someone didn't like someone they'd just go start their own church! LOL. But now there are several large churches serving the area, which has grown, btw, so we pray they are still hearing the Gospel message. I hope the church building will be used for something positive in the community.

  6. We live in the South, and we completely understand, Pamela! How amazing that your adventures took you back to the town where John served as a pastor many years ago. I loved the photos and memories you shared here today. There are so many treasures in our own lives that are made richer by sharing with others. Blessings to you!

    1. Yes, I know it gets hot in the north GA. regions as well...but at least you are closer to the mountains and can maybe slip away to where it is cooler a little easier! Thank you for your thoughtful comments always. I hope you and Danny are doing well... (((hugs)))

  7. Re: Trail Life. It is Christian (faith based). Look it up. traillifeusa.com

  8. Well the south isn’t the only place that has hot summers ie; Phoenix, Las Vegas, Death Valley! 😘

    1. True, and I will keep our "hot summers" as opposed to theirs any day! LOL.

  9. Well it was hot here today but thankfully no where near 99 degrees because most of us don't have air conditioning. It's because this is the rain forest where temperatures are supposed to be cool. It was nice to see your old photos and to read about the Florida - Georgia line which has been immortalized in a country song though maybe it's a different part of the Florida - Georgia border. I'm not sure, lol. Keep cool.

    1. Not sure what country song that is...would love to hear it! Hope you stay cool where you are. I never realized you were in a Rain Forest! That seems strange given your location! I guess I need to read more of your geography!!

  10. What a lovely drive and trip down memory lane. You must have your photos organized very well to be able to find them so quickly! We used to take drives like that around the mountains of Idaho and Washington.
    I sure hope the sweet little Bluebird family does okay in this harsh world we're living in. The hawk is just doing what comes naturally but it still is sad isn't it?
    We had the AC guys come to check our AC last week just because. They were here when we moved in last summer too. We wanted to make sure it was clean because we didn't know when it had last been serviced. It was a good thing we had them check it. Although it was working fine, it had a layer of about 3/4 inch of lint wrapped around the entire thing like a blanket. I watched them peel it off. It was crazy! The AC units for our end of the building sit right UNDER the dryer vents and they suck the lint coming out of the vents right into the condenser unit! It looks like we'll definitely have to have them out every spring before we turn it on! He said if we had run it very much at all it would have burned the unit up and it's only 3 years old!
    wishing you a blessed Sunday Pam.

    1. Wow! So glad you had your AC checked out! That could definitely be a dangerous situation! Whoever built the building was not thinking very well about the placement of those dryer vents! I think the building management people should pay for your AC maintenance! Anyway, glad you discovered it and that you are safe. I hope you are having a good weekend. Thinking about you and your MIL situation... (((hugs)))

  11. having lived my entire life in The South, and 40 years of that without AC I do know what you mean... all the places I lived with my parents have been torn down now.. due to progress.. or so THEY say.... I wonder who gets the money for selling the church after it has been closed.. just sayin. ha ha remember my name is MADsnapper. we had a very large AC that was 16 years old. and an honest AC repair guy. About once a year he would come and replace a part. each time he said to me. don't buy a new AC until this one DIES and can't come back. I get more repair calls on new AC's than on the old ones.. dear old thing died at age 18 and we got the new one, first year had to call, we got it in 2020 and have had 2 calls since then. the old one we never had a call until it was 16

    1. Re: the church being sold...it belongs to a denomination, and so the money will go back to the denomination, which will be used hopefully to help build other churches in growing areas or some other positive way to further the work of God's kingdom. It's always sad to see churches closed for lack of "business". That particular church building was not in a very good location, back off the main street where it couldn't be seen, and when we lived there 40 years ago the town had a population of 500 people and there were about 35 churches in a 5 mile radius. All of them were small and struggling and mostly splits off of other churches because someone didn't like someone else...sad commentary on what church is supposed to be all about! But we had a sweet congregation of devoted people who loved the Lord and each other. It's sad that the church just couldn't sustain itself over the years. But I noticed that there are now several large churches out on the main road in town, and it looks like the Gospel is still being preached in that community, so that is what is really important.
      Re: old AC versus new, just like old appliances versus new: they are now all made in China and are not built to last more than a few years as opposed to when things were made in America and built to last. But thankfully we do have a 10 year warranty on parts, and we had 1 year warranty on labor, which we squeaked under the wire on that one! Whew!! So thankful!

  12. Wonderful old photos. Hilliard is a nice town. At one time I had thought about moving there, as opposed to living here, and it's still too expensive for our budget. Florida has priced us outta the real estate market. Not much in St. George, is there?! I'm surprised others haven't discovered it's charm too. A drive along the Saint Mary's River is always fun for me.
    The A/C's are so delicate. I try to keep a close eye on ours but there's so many things that can happen. Glad yours was a easy fix. This heat is deadly and the Left want us without A/C. Well, they know what they can do with that ... bet they don't do without.
    Have a lovely Sunday! 💙

  13. Oh, how I loved learning about this chapter in your lives! I hadn't heard of Hilliard, but it looks so picturesque. Loved the 'Welcome John Pam and Boys' signage. While in Sarasota, my uncle and aunt lived in a parsonage but now I wonder if church's still have such a thing. Not something I've heard of in years.
    Praise God for a speedy a/c fix! I know worrying doesn't help, but each summer I compulsively go checking the thermostat. Poor Tom knows, I wouldn't last a day before finding a nearby dog-friendly motel. Thanks for the reminder; I need to call and schedule our semi-annual system check-up.
    Have a blessed day!

  14. Pam: I enjoyed reading about your wandering. It does our hearts good to revisit our past and remember those times. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  15. I live in the south and I sure do understand!! I love to go on long drives and visit old places! That was a nice parsonage♥, I enjoyed your old pictures. It's so sad to churches that can't keep going, I see it here more than I like. We have a lot of BIG churches and I think they are drawing the people to them. As long as the people are going to church I guess all is okay.

  16. I am in Colorado and this heat is miserable. Rain please more rain. The grass looks sad. I am so sorry about your little church. That was a sweet church and the house too. I think big churches have more means I suppose although I do love some of them and others not so much. I have a Pinterest page and one of my pages is dedicated to churches I either took an outside shot of or pinned them. I love a church. When I know who is inside. Take care, stay cool and sending a tall and cold refreshing drink across the miles.


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