What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Wanderings

 Here it is Saturday again...and really there isn't much new to report, except the great news that we finally got some good rain this evening!  I was enjoying it so much I had to take a few pictures, of course!

I always enjoy watching the rain coming down on Still Waters Pond...every drop helps replenish the waters in the pond, reviving and restoring it to good health once again.

I went out and sat on the porch to listen to the rain, but I soon discovered that I was bothering the local birds by my presence there. This is Mrs. Bluebird, waiting for me to leave so she can go back inside her nest in the birdhouse. They don't like to enter the birdhouse when anyone (or any other creature) is watching. It's a security thing. They don't want anyone to know they are feeding babies in there, but I definitely do believe they are.

And then, Mrs. Ruby Throated Hummingbird kept flying up to the birdfeeder, but wouldn't come any closer when she saw me sitting there on the porch. She flew back and forth a few times, but wouldn't eat as long as I was there.
So, I finally had to leave the porch and go back inside the house to watch the rain so the wildlife could carry on without interference.   
The rain lasted for a nice little while and then finally stopped, but if my phone weather app is correct, we can expect more later on tonight, which will be very much appreciated.

Speaking of wildlife...This very young gray squirrel was sitting up in the tree like this for quite a while yesterday afternoon.  I just thought he was cute like this, with his tail curled up over his head.

I mentioned the neighborhood cat in my last Tuesday 4 post HERE the other day, and said I was concerned that she might be "expecting".  Well, I still don't know about that, but I discovered her (him?) hiding in these bushes yesterday afternoon, just lazily sleeping on this log. She wouldn't come out because actually the kids were here and they were taking the pups for a walk just then, so she stayed hidden here.
She really didn't seem to care one way or the other and just relaxed there on that log.

And then early this morning we looked out on our back porch, and there she was!

Actually, I think she was keeping her eye on that birdhouse, because I know there are baby birds in there now as mama and papa Bluebird keep coming and going, apparently feeding some new youngsters.
She just kept a close watch on the birdhouse...

And then suddenly she jumped down off the porch onto the ground and caught something and ate it. It wasn't a bird, but it may have been a frog or a lizard or some kind of tiny critter that only she could see. She sure has good eyesight!

So anyway, I debated on shooing her away, but after a little while she disappeared and I haven't seen her since all day, so I guess here again I just have to let nature do what nature does and leave well enough alone.  Besides, I think Mama and Papa Bluebird will drive her away if she gets too close to their nest. They are very vigilant!  

Thank you for those who asked about my hubby's eye exam yesterday. We had a good visit with the eye surgeon and she gave him a more thorough examination. However, she is going to be referring him to a different surgeon as it does appear that he is going to have to have some surgery on the cornea, and she doesn't do that particular kind of surgery. They will have to address this issue before they can tackle the cataracts.  After examining his eye she said she was surprised he could see out of that eye at all, but praise God, yes,  he can see pretty well, all things considered. Had our optometrist not referred him to this Ophthalmologist, we would have never known that he had this problem at all. So I give thanks to the Lord for His leading us before things progressed too far along.

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good
 to those who love God, 
to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Well, tomorrow is Sunday, and it will be another full day with Sunday School and church, and then the kids are coming over after church and we are going to make spaghetti for lunch.  We always enjoy these family times together and are so very thankful they are nearby to spend time with.  Actually, they will be heading out to Minnesota for a few weeks, to go visit Rose's Dad and extended family there,  so we will be missing them while they are gone. We are happy they are able to do this and pray for their traveling mercies.   (but we will be happy when they get safely back home again).

After the rain...
Well, "Day is dying in the west..."   reminded me of this old hymn:

Day is dying in the west,
Heav’n is touching earth with rest,
Wait and worship while the night
Sets her evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.

Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of Hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord, most high!

Lord of life, beneath the dome
Of the universe, Thy home,
Gather us, who seek Thy face,
To the fold of Thy embrace,
For Thou art nigh.

Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of Hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord, most high!

While the deepening shadows fall,
Heart of love, enfolding all,
Through the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil Thy face,
Our hearts ascend.

Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of Hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord, most high!

When forever from our sight
pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of angels, on our eyes
let eternal morning rise
and shadows end.

Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of Hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord, most high!

Good Night!

"Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God of Hosts!
Heav’n and earth are full of Thee!
Heav’n and earth are praising Thee,
O Lord, most high!"


  1. We also had some rain this morning and more is predicted tonight. We needed it too. It's always nice to see it coming down on your pond.
    The cat seems to have settled right in!
    Glad the eye appt went well and praying the new dr will come up with a good plan for your husbands cornea problem.
    Have a nice lunch tomorrow! We have our small group from church coming right after church to have lunch, so we will also have a busy day.

  2. The last photo of your pond looks so nice. It really needed that rain. Is there a stream or creek that feeds into the pond?
    Wow Minnesota is a long ways from Florida. Are they flying? I’d much rather drive but then we’re retired so we can take the time.
    I love cats but keep an eye out. He’s plotting! Really he’s just doing what cats do. We have a lot of bird feeders and there’s one neighborhood cat that likes to come and watch the birds but Laydee always knows when that cat is in the yard - she dances around in circles, yapping and then we let her out and she chases the cat. This has become a game with both my dog and that cat. Once a day!
    It’s good your husband has good eye care with a specialist. You don’t want to mess with your eyes! ๐Ÿ‘€
    I miss rain! Unless a rare storm blows this way, we probably won’t see rain till the Fall.

    1. Thank you, Debby. No, there isn't any stream or creek that feeds into the pond. I do believe there is a drain under the highway on the side of the pond where all the trees are, and waters from the ditches across the road flow under the road and into the pond when it rains. That is the only place I know of where water flows into the pond. This pond is very shallow, hence it dries up almost during our dry season, but that isn't all bad. It seems to need that annual restoration period. Although I don't like looking at a dry, mucky pond, it is a natural part of its life cycle. Re: the kids are traveling by their vehicle to MN. They have the two pups and don't want to fly, and also because they will be staying there so long they need their own vehicle. It will take them approx. 3 days to get there from here.

  3. The pond is definitely loking much better. I always enjoy seeing the critters in your yard. Mrs. Bluebird is keeping her eye on you...and I'm sure the cat too.
    So glad that the appointment went well but sorry that anothr doctor has to get involved. God was good to let you know early and get it taken care of.
    We've decided to leave on our trip tomorrow after church. It is supposed to be 100F on Monday and the first day was going to be a long one, at least 10 hours pulling the camper. We've decided to split it up and go part way tomorrow afternoon and just drive about 4-5 hours, stopping at a KOA in Mitchell, SD. Yes, we're heading to Spokane but first we'll stop in Montana to see our son and two grandchildren. We haven't seen them since last July. Way, way too long. I miss them, being so far away now. After Spokane we're planning to go to the Oregon coast for a few days. We're so glad that we have people to take care of our condo while we're gone and no yardwork to worry about.
    Mom is our biggest concern, but the assisted living that she's at is very good with her and we can talk to them daily if we want to.
    So with leaving a day earlier it's been hectic around here. We had a retirement party this afternoon for Dennis's best friend from childhood and then went right back to packing. I'm looking forward to the mountains and low humidity by Monday afternoon. It's like being in a sauna here which I'm sure you understand very well.
    Take care and I'll be thinking of you singing in the choir tomorrow while I'm in church. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. i see this sight every morning when i walk with Beau and this chorus works very well with sunrise. I rarely see sunset. early to bed early to rise is who we are. my sister in law has never seen a sunrise. wow.. I am glad you gave the update on his eye and prayers for which ever and what ever and whom ever you have to go to.. your stray looks just like our Stranger. only saw it twice.. hope your stranger stays away from the birds. i smiled really big over you vacating the porch so the birds could eat.

  5. How funny about the birds 'guilting' you into leaving. I never really thought about the birds watching people. Unless we get too close, that is.

    Thanks for shedding more info about John's eye(s). So, unlike Tom, his is corneal thing? I don't understand this sort of thing but find it fascinating! I wonder how many of our ancestors simple succumbed to near blindness before this technology came to be.
    I hope you and the 'kids' enjoy a great spaghetti lunch. Lifting my prayers for their travel mercies!

  6. I love how the pond thrives during our rainy season! It thrives all year, not to disregard nature's survival ways during droughts, but the lushness during the rain benefits all!! I am keeping John in my prayers and am glad he has been directed to a good surgeon. Thanks for keeping us posted! Spaghetti sounds really good!! Praying for safe travels for Ben and Rose. I know you will miss them!! xo

  7. Hi Pamela. So glad that you got some needed rain. I always enjoy the pictures of the birds and other critters around Still Water Pond. I will keep your husband in prayer so that he can get the correct treatment for his eyes. Vision is so important. Somehow, I missed your last post about Father's Day, so I was playing a bit of catch-up and enjoyed the pictures of your family. So glad that you had a nice Father's Day. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  8. Oh, that life-replenishing rain! God is so good, sending his blessing to shower the earth. I pray for safe travels for Benton and Rose, and I know you will miss them while they are away. How wonderful it is to see all your visitors to Still Waters Pond, though some, like the kitty, might not be so welcomed by the birds. I'll keep John and you in my prayers!

  9. Oh, how I pray for a good downpour here. It's getting scary dry. This seems to happen every Summer now.
    I'm taking a break again. Been staying close to home. May not post, or I might, who can say. I'm feeling kinda battle worn and tired.
    Hope your day is wonderful. ๐Ÿ’™

  10. Pam: Most of the downpours we have had come rather late at night. Praying for your family, Benton and Rose, as they travel, John as he undergoes surgeries. You as a caregiver. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  11. I love the rain pictures and I love rain. We LOVE TO SIT on the porch and watch it rain. It's so peaceful and refreshing. Unless it's REALLY BAD, we sit out there for summer storms too. We sit wrapped in blankets in the wintertime, so I guess we are just "porch people", LOL. Hope y'all had a nice weekend. After church yesterday we did our marketing and it wore me out, LOL. Thats a pretty black kitty, she sure seems to be happy on your porch! I think she likes y'all and hoping you'll take her/him? in. LOL


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