What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Finally Back!

 Dear Friends in Blogland and beyond! 

It's been a long week since my desktop computer crashed!  But thankfully, that waiting is finally over and my new computer arrived today.  Let me explain...what I now have is a refurbished Dell desktop computer that I ordered via Walmart online, and it only cost around $70.00. It came fully equipped with Windows 10, which is what I had before and what I wanted to keep so I didn't have to learn a new program on top of adjusting to a different computer.  My last computer was also a Dell refurbished computer, purchased the same way, and it lasted quite a few years. So I feel pretty confident that this was a good plan, and we will trust that it will last for a good long time!  Now I am waiting for a little $10.00 piece of equipment to arrive via Amazon tomorrow that will enable me to transfer my files from my hard drive from the old computer to the new one. I have already removed the hard drive from the old computer, and I am trusting it was not corrupted when the computer crashed and that my files are still intact. We shall see what develops!   Thankfully I have saved a lot of my pictures and important files to flash drives, but I had not done a backup recently and so I know there are many files that I want to make sure I can save.  

One thing that will be different for me is my Picasa Photo editing program is no longer available, and I do not have it on a CD so I cannot load it onto my computer.  So I am experimenting with what comes with the computer programming online. So far I am not too impressed, but I'll keep working on it.

Here's a few pictures I took yesterday at our monthly "Women in Faith" fellowship...Since both St. Patrick's Day and Easter are during this month, the decorations covered both special days.  We had a great time of fellowship and prayer for one another, and a delicious lasagna luncheon provided by the ladies. Different ladies take turns each month in preparing the lunch, and we always have something good! There were about 22 ladies present, which was great for a regular meeting month.  Our bigger events are in May, when we have our "May Fellowship" and invite ladies from all of the local churches to join us for a luncheon and a nice program/guest speaker,  and at Christmas, when we have our Christmas potluck fellowship.    

We are now called "Women in Faith", since our church no longer belongs to the United Methodist Church, where we were known as "United Methodist Women". We now belong to the Global Methodist Church, which is the conservative new denomination recently created for churches wishing to leave the United Methodist denomination. As of yet I don't believe there is an organized women's group for the Global Methodist Church, so each church has developed its own group and we wanted to be known as "Women in Faith".  

 A funny thing happened yesterday.  At our last month's meeting one of the ladies said she was going to order some new bags for each of us, and she passed around the catalog and told us to choose the one we wanted.  I thought she meant for each of us to pick the one we wanted in particular, so I chose this one:

Those of you who know me will know why I wanted this particular bag. My "One Word" for 2024 is "Strength", and so I thought this would be perfect.  Well, much to my embarrassment yesterday when she gave everyone a new bag, everyone else received bags that were all alike, which said "Women of Faith", except for me. I got this one, because I was the only one who thought we were supposed to pick out the bag we wanted.  What she had meant was did everyone like the bag she had chosen for our group, which is what everyone else got.(I just found this picture online of the bag everyone else received):
Everyone had a good laugh at me for being the only one different from everyone else. She did have another bag like this to give me, but I told her to save it for someone else who may not have been there yesterday and would still want a bag. It was funny and I guess I need to learn to listen (my one word for last year!) better to instructions from now on! LOL.

Lest you think I've moved away from Still Waters Pond, here are a few pictures I've taken this past week of the birds:
The Goldfinches are still coming around for seeds. Not sure when they will head north, but we are enjoying them in the meantime.

The Bluebirds still come and go also, but we aren't sure what exactly is going on as it doesn't appear that there are any new babies in the nest yet, and it seems like they are way overdue. So I'm just watching and waiting to see what develops.

Mr. Cardinal stopped by for a visit.

And Mrs. Sand Hill Crane still comes up for her daily break away from the nest to get a snack before returning to her place of waiting. I figure the new "colts" should be cracking open their eggs sometime late next week.
These Great White Egrets came by to visit Mrs. Crane while she was on the nest yesterday morning:
They danced and pranced and flew around as if they were entertaining her so she wouldn't get bored.  I'm sorry the pictures aren't more clear, but it was till early morning and low light.

So what else has been happening you say?  Oh my, when it rains it pours! Not in the literal rain sense, but in the happening of events.  Not long after my computer crashed, the water dispenser and ice maker on our refrigerator basically stopped producing any water or ice. I thought perhaps it was time to replace the water filter, so I ordered one online. It came in a couple of days, and so we installed it, but the problem with barely a trickle of water continued.  Thankfully, this time when we purchased this refrigerator almost 4 years ago we also purchased an extended warranty! It is good for 60 months, so we are still within the time frame to be covered. I called the company and they are sending out a repairman tomorrow to repair the issue (hopefully!).  No fees for parts or labor! Hooray!! That was good news!!!

The other item we ordered was a replacement part for our generator. We couldn't get it to work last summer during hurricane season, so with that dreaded season coming soon we thought we'd better get it fixed and ready to work in case we need it.  So I ordered the right part. We had some fellas from church coming today to repair it with the new part, however, the part we received was not the correct part. At first it appeared to "others" that I must have made a mistake in ordering the wrong part, but when I looked it back up, I had ordered the correct part, but they sent me the wrong part! So now we must send that part back and they will send us the correct part (hopefully) soon. I'm just thankful to know that it wasn't my fault!  

Also, keep in mind that all these things I had to order happened after the computer crashed, so I had to do everything on my cellphone! I am amazed at all you can do with cellphones! I even figured out how to write a blog, but commenting on other's blogs is not always as easy, as it wants to go to "anonymous", and there are too many steps involved to change it, so I have gotten way behind in reading and commenting on your posts. Plus, I just don't like reading such small print and trying to type on the cell phone with any decent comments! LOL.  So I will try to get caught up with you all in the next few days as I am able. Please bear with me!

One more thing...Last night hubby kept mentioning that he had pain in the top of his head and down around the left side of his face and cheek and neck and his left eye kept wanting to close. Also he had a swollen gland in his neck. We thought maybe he had a sinus infection working on him. But this morning a small rash of blisters appeared on his cheek, and we both said "shingles!"  So thankfully we were able to get into the doctor this morning, and he agreed that he thought it was shingles, but that he also could have some sinus infection as well. So he is now on several medications for all of the above.  Praying that we got it in time before it really had a chance to take hold on him, as anyone who has had shingles knows it is very painful. And no, we haven't had the vaccine. The Dr. said for him to wait 3 months to get it now, but I need to go ahead and get it soon. So I will.  Thankfully he said it is not contagious. So we are thankful he was able to get right into the doctor right away.

Well, I think I will close with this photo of the sunset last night.  Our kids were here for supper and Rose and I went out on the back porch for a while and enjoyed the sunset until the mosquitoes started biting and we had to go back inside! Yes! It's that season already!!

And here are some good verses to close out our day, after a week of expectation, waiting, some frustration, but much thankfulness to God for all of His wonderful blessing and kindness shown unto us. Our problems are so minor compared to so many in the world today. I am very thankful indeed.

Psalm 62:5-8
My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
7 In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.
8 Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Selah

Amen, and Good night!
It's so good to be back!


  1. I'm so happy to have you back Pam! Lovely photos of the wildlife and I can't believe it's already time for the colts to be hatched. Time is flying isn't it? Computer woes are NOT fun. How did we live without them not so long ago?
    You've sure had a lot of excitement. Definitely raining at your house right now. I laughed out loud at the bag story. Now that is something I would definitely do and then be embarrassed by it. They are both very pretty bags though.
    I've had shingles and it is not fun, that's for sure. We both got the new shingles shot last year. I had also had the old shingles shot, (you had to have two of those.) But I'll do pretty much anything not to have them and that pain again.
    I hope your repair woes slow down and end now. Take care my friend.

    1. Good Morning, Betsy! So glad to hear from you! I've been missing all my friends here in blogland! LOL, I'm glad you are a kindred spirit when it comes to doing the most different thing from everyone else. Thankfully everyone's ribbing was in good spirits and I recovered quickly because I got the bag I wanted! LOL. Besides, everyone else had the same bag, and how can you tell them apart? I'd probably be stealing someone else's bag and not realize it! LOL. Oh, I am sorry to hear you've had shingles before. So far hubby is having a mild case, and we are so thankful we were able to catch it quickly. I am planning to get the shot next week.
      Hope you are doing well. I will try to catch up with you and everyone soon. It may take me a while as I am WAY behind! LOL. Have a lovely day.

  2. Congratulations on getting a refurbished computer at a reduced, great price and for figuring out how to save files from your old hard drive. I miss Picassa and I haven't found a good replacement. If you find one please do let us know. Also I've been thinking for years already about having the Shinglix vaccine. I have been on the fence about it but now your hubby's experience makes me think I should. I just wish we didn't need so many medicines and vaccines. I'd prefer not to but I understand and appreciate their availability to us when many people in the world have to suffer without things that can help them. I wish your husband a speedy recovery.

    1. Good Morning! Thank you for your kind words. Yes, like you, we are not big vaccine people, but this shingles thing is not good. Thankfully I believe we caught it in time and he is having a mild case so far. I pray it stays that way! But I do believe it would be wise to get the vaccine. I'm going to make an appointment for it next week. There, I said it, so that means I'll have to do it now! LOL. Have a blessed day!!

  3. Welcome to your new computer, and wishes for a short happy learning curve on one that is different. I can't wait to see the baby sandhill cranes. they are so cute. I have seen them on the side of the road with parents, but they were juvenile not new born.
    I took don't listen well, and in a group of people almost always miss out. I think it is because I am a talker and find it hard to listen.
    maybe all the STUFF that has happened will stop now.. it is good you have someone to put the part in once you get it, that is the hardest part of all. yes, we too have mosquitoes now, not swarms yet, but a few and they love to come in the house one at a time and hummmm and drive me nuts. and one bite and I itch for days

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. It is so good to be back! And yes, I hope all the "stuff" is over, but when the refrigerator repairman came today he didn't have the part he needed to fix our problem, so it had to be ordered and it will be another 2 weeks before it is fixed. Thankful it is just the ice maker and water dispenser and not the whole refrigerator! We can live with ice from ice trays and I have a Britta filter for water. Our water here is highly chlorinated and I really can't stand it, and I hate to drink bottled water, which is so wasteful. So anyway, we will survive and we are thankful it's not something worse. And yes, the mosquitoes are vicious. I use a menthol type itch cream (like Gold Bond but generic) and it helps a lot. Take care my friend and have a great weekend.

  4. Welcome back! Glad you have a new computer. Why does it seem everything breaks at the same time?
    It's looking good inside your house and outside too.
    Shingles is no fun. I've had it and I should also be getting that vaccine.

    1. Thank you, Mari. I know, it does seem to come in bunches! I'm just thankful it isn't something worse. We can live with these issues...they are just aggravating. And re: the shingles, thankfully we seem to have caught it early enough and with the meds the Dr. gave him he is not suffering much at all. Praying it stays that way!

  5. So thankful you have that new computer and can be back online. I've learned to blog from my tablet (I don't have a phone) but it is so much easier and quicker on the desktop, isn't it?

    The bird photos and sunset are lovely. Mosquitoes already? Say it isn't so!

    1. Thank you Mrs. T! So wonderful to hear from you. I am so behind in my reading and commenting. I've missed you all. And yes, it is so much easier to write on the desktop computer. I don't have a tablet or a laptop. My hubby has a laptop, and I've tried to use it, but it's just not the same. I think better sitting here at my computer. LOL. And yes, I am sorry to say we do have mosquitoes already! I know you will have some big boys this summer, plus do you get black flies? I remember those and they weren't any fun. Thankfully we don't have them here in Florida. But the mosquitoes are real pests and they make outdoor living almost impossible in the summer months. There's always something everywhere, so we just give thanks for our blessings instead. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Welcome back!!! It never occurred to me to look into a refurbished model via WalMart. I hope and pray this year-old model will enjoy a long, long life.
    You girls sure know how to throw a gala. Goodness, those bunny gnomes(?) are the cutest. That's funny about the bags; I just went back and re-read -- and she said pick the one 'you wanted' -- not 'like the best.' Don't you love the purple and green color combo?
    I'm so sorry about John's shingles diagnosis! Prayers lifting his case won't be too painful. Keep us updated, please?

    1. Thank you for your kind comments. I've missed you all so much. And yes, I am happy with my new refurbished computer and I pray it lasts a long time. So far so good! Of course it's only been 24 hours. LOL. And yes, the bag story was funny. I still don't really understand what she must have said...but everyone else seemed to "get it". I guess I'm just dense, but still I like to be different and I picked the one I liked best, and so that is what I got. Who wants to look like everyone else anyway? So far John is doing fine with the shingles. We pray the meds will keep it under control and that we got to it early enough to keep it from getting too bad. Mostly right now he is just adjusting to the prednisone, as you can imagine how it affects you. He's kind of hyper. LOL.
      Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  7. Well done on the refurbished computer. I like Dell too. I haven't had much luck with refurb electronics or I would have went the same route last time. This Dell laptop I'm using is brand spankin' new. It's been a huge improvement over the HP. HP is not as good as it once was.
    I've quit using our icemaker. Got tired of the expensive filters and it not being reliable (what IS these days?!). Now I simply make our own ice with trays. With two people it's no big deal. I'm done with these expensive appliances and their expensive add-ons. I wish we could have our old refrigerator back that didn't need a filter.
    Anyway, glad you're back. Hope the photos will transfer. If not, maybe they're in a cloud somewhere and can still be retrieved. I've been using Google Photos that tie in with my phone camera. Can't lose anything that way.
    Blessings. ❤️‍🔥

  8. Love the photos. Welcome back. I have an old Toshiba with windows which is still working but no more updates. I also have a Toshiba chromebook which I like but it's update ended almost two years ago yet my Google is still working fine. I will be in need of a new computer at some point. I am not at an age when I want to learn new things. I'm just getting used to a new cell phone. I have used Picture Keeper to download all my photos of the laptop. Hopefully my kids will be happy to have them someday.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. What is "Picture Keeper"? I need to look that up. I really only care about the pictures of people, not so much the "things" and wildlife. Hopefully I will be able to retrieve them and save them to a safer place. Keeping up with technology is mind boggling for us "mature folks". I think the old paper journals and photo albums were much better! I hope you have a wonderful weekend too. I am so far behind in my reading. I hope you are doing well!

  9. Wow what a good deal on a computer. I had no idea Walmart sold refurbished computers. I have a Dell Inspiron which I love. I went over to check out the Walmart website and I didn't see any as inexpensive as what you got, but there was some good bargains. So I told the husband I will buy him a laptop since I hope the desk top with my genealogy. Thanks for mentioning it because I would have never known.

  10. Congrats, Pam, and all the best in learning to use the new PC and hope you can get the files transferred OK. I had to do the same thing recently and thankfully the migration program worked; my computers were both Apple brand. The women's group grt together looked lovely as did the bag you selected. Hope that John will be feeling better soon and that it is not a case of shingles.😕

    1. Thank you "Beatrice!" I still haven't transferred the files as the part I ordered wasn't exactly what I needed, so again we wait for the right part! This has been a week of trial and error. The fridge also isn't fixed because they didn't have the right part and have to order it and it will be two weeks before they can fix it. Thankfully it is just the ice maker and not the whole fridge! LOL. And, yes John does have shingles, but thankfully the meds are helping a lot and he is not in a lot of pain. Probably more discomfort from the meds than from the shingles! But we are very thankful. It could be a lot worse. Hope you have a lovely weekend up there in the north country!

  11. So glad you're back!--- yay for new computer! That cardinal picture is amazing and I love the Goldfinch one too. The ladies gathering looked lovely and the table decorations so cute. Sounds like good food too. Sure hope John is feeling better and the sickness is over quickly! Have a great weekend and hope your fridge is fixed! Hugs! Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous ha ha .LOL

    1. Thank you, Debbi! I wrote you an email earlier this morning. Fridge is still not fixed. They didn't have the right part so it will be two more weeks before they can get it. Glad it's just the ice maker and not the whole refrigerator!! John is feeling pretty good considering, but the meds are probably making him feel worse than the shingles! But we are thankful it isn't worse.

  12. Welcome back to blogland!
    I enjoyed each item you wrote about. As always, I love the bird photos.
    Shingles is no fun. Both The Professor and I have had it. I hope your husband heals quickly.
    Our daughter owns a generator but we don't. Maybe we should get one...
    Happy weekend to you!

    1. Thank you, Willow. It's good to be back. Hubby is doing okay, but the meds make him kind of blah. However we are thankful for them and pray they help keep this thing under control. Generators are a good thing to have if you live where your power goes off from storms for any length of time, like as in a hurricane for us, but maybe a snowstorm or, heaven forbid, a tornado for you all. Praying those storms that passed through Ohio did not come too close to you! Take care and God bless you all.

  13. Welcome back to Blogland! Oh no poor John!!!! Keeping you all in prayer. smiles

    1. Thankyou, Linda. We appreciate the prayers. We never seem to know from one day to the next what new challenges will face us, do we? We are thankful it isn't something worse. But still...he's pretty uncomfortable. One day at a time, Sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from You! Have a great week ahead...your birth week! yay!

  14. I am playing catch up today, Pam. So glad you got your new-to-you computer! I love the photos you shared and like the name of your women's group. Welcome back!!

    1. Thank you Terri. It is good to be back, and I am trying hard to get caught up, but there are only so many hours in the day! LOL.

  15. Had to purchase a new computer, also. I will email you with the reason why. Weather here has been up and down like the proverbial roller coaster. Tornado missed us this week. But it did major damage in the eastern part of the state. Sorry to hear that John is ill. Jim has a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon (actually with a NP.) Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. So good to hear from you. I've been thinking about you and praying you were doing okay. So glad to know the tornado missed you, but am sorry it did so much damage in your state. So very thankful you are safe. I am sorry you also had to purchase a new computer. It's never an easy thing to do, especially when it just quits on you without warning! Peace and blessings to you and yours. Praying Jim's appt. goes well. Thank you for your kind words.

  16. Oh Pam, that is too funny about the bags. Sounds like something I would have done. I am glad you got your new computer. Oh dear, shingles. I haven’t had my vaccine yet for a number of reasons and one of my friends just got over them. I guess I need to get that doggone shot.

  17. Hello, Pam! I am glad you got another laptop and it works even though there's no cd player. My daughter ordered one a year ago and the one she could afford or didn't know that there wasn't a cd player in her laptop. I hope your husband feels better soon and glad he was able to visit his doctor and get help. I drove Megan to church this morning and I really liked the sermon. I touched my heart with that and a few of the songs that were in worship. It's very sunny and rarely any clouds. I enjoy viewing Mt. Hood and a few other mountains. Have a good week and stay cool and blessed, Becky


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