What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wednesday Treasures for Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday

 Valentine's Day Love Is...building a new nest...

Yes, that is our same Mr. and Mrs. Sand Hill Crane building a new nest out on that little scrap of a marshy island early this morning...and they are working at it diligently morning and night...so it must be time for a new baby crane "colt" egg to make an appearance any time now.  Last year the first egg appeared on Valentine's Day, and another one right after that.  

These pictures are rather grainy due to it being right before sunset tonight, but they were both right back at it tonight, working away, pulling up lily pad stems from the pond and tossing them into a pile to create the nest.  They took the day off to go feed somewhere else, but came back this afternoon to get back to work. 
They were making quite a lot of noise for a while this evening, and I thought maybe she had already laid the egg...but it's too hard to tell from these pictures.  Hopefully I will be able to see them better in the morning.

Meanwhile, during the bright afternoon sun today, Mr. Turtle was enjoying sunning himself on top of their newly constructed nest.  I have a feeling Mr. and Mrs. Crane will be standing guard over their nest once the egg appears and Mr. Turtle will have to go sun himself elsewhere!

Today was a rather conflicting day...it was Valentine's Day, a day to celebrate the love of friends and loved ones, and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season, when we remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for us and we realize just how unworthy of His great love we really are, and yet He chose to love us and die for us anyway.  So maybe it isn't such a conflicting day after all?  It really is all about LOVE.  I guess the conflict comes in wanting to celebrate at the same time as feeling a sense of needing to make some sacrifices in order to draw even closer to the One who loves us so much.  

John 15:13 NKJV 
"Greater love has no one than this, 
than to lay down one’s life for his friends."

1 John 4:10  King James Version
"10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, 
but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."

Romans 5:8 NKJV
8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, 
in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Rather than write a new post regarding the practice of Lent, HERE is a link to a previous post that I wrote originally a few years ago about what I believe about Lent.  You may find it interesting.

Meanwhile, since today was also Valentine's Day, there were other things happening as well.  Our Women in Faith group met for their monthly gathering.  I went with full intention of staying for the luncheon at the end, but I really wasn't feeling up to par and decided to head back home instead where I could have a bowl of soup and take a long nap. I was just very tired and my tummy wasn't feeling great, so that was the best option for me today.  But I was there long enough to get this fun little Valentine game that one of the ladies brought for each of us to enjoy.

It was one of those papers that you have to fold all different ways and make a little hand game. I never did get it right, so here is what it looked like originally:

I thought the questions were cute and fun, and maybe we should try to answer them as a Valentine's Day quiz.

1.  What food do you dislike most?   I like most foods, but probably nothing too overly spicy. I don't eat Sushi or stinky cheeses like Bleu Cheese or Limburger. (Does anyone really eat Limburger Cheese?)
2.  What's your hidden talent?   Not sure...it must still be hiding...I used to be quite artistic, but not so much anymore. Most of my talents aren't really hidden as I try to use them so I don't lose them...I love to sing, take pictures, and write this blog.
3.  Who do you like?  Gosh! Where do I begin? I like all of YOU!!
4.  What's your favorite candy?  Payday candy bar.  (the Original one...not the chocolate one).
5.  What's your biggest fear?  I really can't say that I have any big fears because I know God is in control and He is handling everything perfectly. However, I must say that I really would not want to live alone. I've never had to live alone in my whole life, and I have a hard time imagining that I would adapt to a solitary life very well.  I know God is always with me no matter what, but still, the thought of living without anyone around to talk to or just be close to is something that I hope I never have to do.
6.  What's your favorite animal? I am more of a dog person I think, but I love horses and little kitties are so sweet.
7.  Who's your favorite TV star? As a child I would have said Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy). Now, I really can't think of any one favorite TV star as I really don't watch much TV.  I like old movies, but those would be movie stars.
8.  What's your go-to dance move? I have no clue. Slow dancing with my hubby. What could be better than that?

Now it's YOUR turn! I would love to hear what you have to say about these little questions. Feel free to copy them and answer them on your blog if you wish.

It's getting late, and so I guess I will close this with a few pictures of tonight's sunset on Still Waters Pond. It really was magnificent...another of God's masterpieces...a Love gift for Valentine's Day from God!

Here's the beginning, just as the sun was dipping down below the trees...

The skies became all golden and glorious...
This reminds me of a hymn that I remember singing often growing up: "For the Beauty of the Earth". You can listen to it here and sing along with my pictures if you wish...

1 For the beauty of the earth,
for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies.

Lord of All to Thee we raise
this, our hymn of grateful praise.

2 For the wonder of each hour
of the day and of the night,
hill and vale and tree and flower,
sun and moon and stars of light, 

Lord of All to Thee we raise
this, our hymn of grateful praise.
And then the skies turned to this lovely shade of pinkish-orange-blueish.  Or "sky blue pink".

3 For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth, and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild, 
Lord of All to Thee we raise
this, our hymn of grateful praise.

It was about this time that Mr. and Mrs. Crane were making lots of noise out there on their little island while building their nest.  You can't see them, but they were singing praises to their Creator for the beauty of the skies around them while they work against time to get their little nest ready for their new eggs to be developed and lovingly cared for until the babies are born...and then they really get busy!

4 For Thyself, best gift divine,
to our race so freely given,
For that great great love of Thine,
peace on earth and joy in heaven. 

Lord of All, to Thee we raise
this, our hymn of grateful praise.


May you have a blessed season of Lent as we prepare our hearts for the remembrance of the Passion of our Savior Jesus Christ..."Lord of all, to Thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise!"


  1. Nice to see your cranes working on a nest!
    I liked what you had to say about Valentines Day, Ash Wednesday and Lent.
    I remember making those little folded paper things in school. I don't think I could do it now though.

    1. Thank you, Mari. I never was very good at making these paper things. I totally couldn't figure it out with this one, and they even provided instructions. But I like it better like this so I can read it and share it with you all!! Have a blessed rest of your week.

  2. New crane baby(s) soon! At least that's what we are all hoping. Yay! Happy Valentines Day to you too. Jesus really did give the greatest gift of love in His sacrifice. It's almost fitting that the days go together.
    I did sing along with the photos.We used to always sing that hymn when I was a child.
    Those were interesting questions and I enjoyed reading your answers to them. Many of my answers are vey similar to yours! Are we related somehow? :-)
    Blessings and love,

    1. Ha Ha! You never know! We just might be related! Have you done the DNA test on Ancestry.com? If so, we might be able to follow the trail and find out!

  3. Gorgeous sunset photos, Pamela! I do love that hymn, too. I do hope the Sandhill cranes will have their babies soon. I know you'll keep a close eye on them for us.

  4. Y'all are so fortunate to have the Crane's and other bird's in the back yard. That beats watching TV anytime.
    My favorite animal is dog as well.
    Those are wonderful photos. The sunrises and sunsets have been gorgeous this year. We're so buried in out little woodland it's hard to capture how pretty it has been. I'd have to drive out to the road for a more open spot and I'm too lazy to do so by 4:30. My fault. I do love our big, tall trees.
    Blessings. xx

  5. I will look forward to seeing baby crane one of these days.
    Your sunsets are amazing, especially since ours have not been all that colorful (unless you think grey, dark grey and light grey are colorful).
    I like most animals-- dogs, cats and sheep are at the top of my list.

  6. Yeay for the new Sand Crane nursery!
    I'm sorry you weren't able to fully enjoy your ladies gathering. All the same, I enjoyed these questions ... off the top of my head, here are my answers:

    What food do you dislike most? Fruit (or Sushi, aka Hiroshima's revenge)
    2. What's your hidden talent? I don't think I'm talented in the least. Maybe, being a good listener?
    3. Who do you like? Citizens of Blogland and my Bible study ladies
    4. What's your favorite candy? Reese's Peanut Butter cups or KitKat
    5. What's your biggest fear? Flying and/or becoming infirm -- either physically or mentally -- and dependent on others to take care of me. I loathe the thought of being a burden.
    6. What's your favorite animal? Dogs!
    7. Who's your favorite TV star? I may (or may not) have an adult crush on Doctors Charles and Archer (Chicago Med). Ha!
    8. What's your go-to dance move? I can't dance!

  7. A beautiful hymn and perfect for your lovely photos! Fun questions and answers! I love all animals but am partial to cats, as you know! My favorite candy is anything toffee and/or caramel. The only foods I refuse are oysters, snails, and okra (slimy stuff!). The weekend is nearly here!! Blessings!

  8. Pam, you capture the most beautifully glorious sunsets and thanks so much for sharing on your blog. Also belated Hearts ♥️ Day wishes to you and John. it is nice to see that the cranes are building a new nest and I am sure you will be posting updates on the family's progress. The game was fun to read about and here's a few of my own responses.

    Not a fan of Indian cuisine; I enjoy taking images, talking to just met people, interacting with friends never met through blogging; I live my husband and friends, including blog ones; favorite candy is malted milk balls; biggest fear is losing my eyesight or mind; favorite animal is a cat; no favorite TV actor and not a dancer.

  9. Happy belated Valentines Day. Waving from Ocala, smiles.


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