What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

It's February!! (Friday Foto Friends)

Yes, it's February here in north central Florida, and even though the temperatures have been rather chilly the past few mornings, (39 today!) it has been warming up in the afternoon to the delightful high 60's, with sunshine and beauty all around...let me share a little of what I've been enjoying on our walks in the woods and also here at our own Still Waters Pond...

First, the wild plum trees are in full bloom and they are gorgeous!

Here is a close up:

Although you can't see them here, there were honey bees having a great time enjoying these blossoms!

I am so glad I discovered these trees blooming before they stopped! This is a sight worth seeing!

Another view of these same trees. At some time in history, there was a house here on this lot, and there is a paved little walkway around these trees. I imagine maybe they had a little bench here or some kind of garden spot so they could enjoy the beauty of these trees...

This setting isn't as lovely, but these trees are growing wild in the woods and most of the trees look like they are dead, but then you see these blossoms bursting forth every spring anyway! What a joy to behold! 

This tree is out in the woods in another area, and the evening sun was filtering through lighting up the trees around it...just made everything glow...

Again, these are wild, uncultivated plum trees, and every year they put on this show for all of the world around them to enjoy.  The plums themselves are rather small and not very sweet, but the birds and other wild animals enjoy them, and I suppose if I were energetic enough and could gather enough ripe plums before they dropped to the ground I might be able to make some jelly, but it would take a lot of them because they are so small and tart.  So I will just leave them for the forest creatures to enjoy. It's one of God's ways of providing for His creation...

Back on Still Waters Pond, the Canada Geese flew in yesterday morning...

From  a distance, I was having a hard time figuring out how many geese were standing in that spot, so I kept taking pictures, and once I could see them better "up close", I could see there were two there on the end, side by side, in addition to two others on the other end of the little marsh island...

It was a chilly morning, and it appears they were enjoying the warmth of the sunshine:

Such a lovely way to start our day!

And here's a lovely way to end our day...I looked out the window this evening and saw this lone Ring Necked Duck swimming around in the pond. I wonder if he's the same duck that had the battle with the turtle recently, that I told you about HERE, in case you missed it.  The rest of the duck family has not returned to the pond since that day, but occasionally I have seen this male duck swimming around by himself. Maybe the others moved on and left him here by himself...I don't know...but he seems to be swimming just fine, so thankfully, if he IS the one the turtle attacked, he seems to be okay. That's good news, and I am kind of believing that is who he is...

The sun was going down behind him, and so the pictures are kind of almost black and white, but that makes for an interesting and dramatic kind of photo...

Here you can really see the white band on his beak...and his white sides. I call these ducks 'Shamu", because of their white sides against the black. 

Can you still see him?

Can you see him now???

So let's switch gears for a minute...since today is the first day of February, it is time for the calendar roll call...This one is in my bathroom, and when I saw this picture it made me think of the island in our pond, although certainly it is not this big and we don't have any mountains around the pond, but if you look at that picture above, you will see our island mid way back on the right side, with trees growing out of it.  Now do you see why this picture made me think of our pond?  Kind of like Still Waters Pond on steroids. LOL.

Below is the Thomas Kincade calendar that we use for all our monthly appointments.
"Lovelight Cottage", what a fitting name!
And the verse is appropriate for Valentine's Day too:

This is another of my favorite verses...NO ONE, or NOTHING can separate us from the Love of Christ!! Never forget this!

Of course I love the John Sloane Country Seasons Calendar...and these happy children outside sledding down the hill in the snow...we don't see that here in Florida, but I do remember it from when we lived up north.  Fun and happy memories...

The Teapot Calendar always has such interesting teapots to show us...

As well as some interesting quotes...
LOL.  I agree...once you've buttered the toast it must be eaten before it gets cold!

The Susan Branch Calendar is also full of interesting and fun thoughts:

Speaking of strawberries...it is strawberry season in Florida...and my evening snack is often a bowl of yogurt with strawberries and granola...(I haven't mixed them up yet so I could get a picture of it before I dumped the granola on top...and yes, I do slice the strawberries first too...)

So that's the picture show for today...I hope you enjoyed the show!  I wonder what was your favorite picture...and why?

So what have we been up to this week?  Hmmm, let me think...doesn't seem like we've done a lot of anything...just some shopping here and there and running errands...and oh! I got energetic and went out to the storage shed to clean out some old file cabinet drawers. They mostly have things like old bank statements from more than 10 years ago and other paid bills, etc., and honestly, I don't know why we still have them! I think when we moved there wasn't enough time to really sort through things and clean them out, and so they have been waiting for such a time as this.  There are warranties and instruction manuals for appliances that we no longer have, and just a lot of miscellaneous stuff that I really don't know what to do with.  Back when we were in the ministry I was involved in a lot of different women's ministries, Bible Studies, Ladies' Retreats and working with youth and children.  I saved a lot of material from those days, much of which is very outdated now and probably not worth saving.  I need to take a little more time and go through it more carefully before I just throw it away. Then there are files of things like college transcripts, professional certificates (hubby's stuff mostly), old resumes', letters from our years in the ministry, again...stuff that really doesn't have much value to us now that we are retired, but I still can't just throw them away.  I did manage to throw out two big garbage bags full of miscellaneous stuff, but there is a lot more waiting.  

I did find a picture tucked in among some things that really didn't belong there, and it certainly was worth keeping:

This was our Jr. High school cheerleaders in the front, during a Homecoming Parade in 1963.  Yes, I am in that photo. I wonder if you can find me?

If you picked the 4th girl from the left, between the A and R, you would be correct:

I was in 8th grade.  Those were certainly fun and happy days...and homecoming was always an exciting time.  As I look at that picture I am saddened to realize that out of those seven cheerleaders,  only four of us are still living today.  That really makes me stop and think.  Back then we all thought we'd live forever...never thought things like heart disease and cancer would strike any of us and take us home to heaven before we reached a really "old age".   But it did.  These "girls" left behind dear husbands, children and grandchildren and siblings and friends who will miss them until that day when we are reunited in heaven for the greatest "Homecoming" of all!  I can imagine there will be a lot of "cheering" going on on that day!  

In the meantime, I believe they and many other "saints" who have already gone on to glory are a big cheering section in the grandstands of heaven, cheering us on as we run this race we call life.  How do I know this?  Well, the Bible tells me so!  

Hebrews 12:1-2 says:
"1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 

2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

These are some thoughts to ponder as we close out this day and week and consider the next stage of our journey called life.  And let us who are here on earth also cheer each other on in our pursuits of living. That's why we are here...to lift each other up when we fall and rejoice with one another when we rejoice, and weep together when we weep. I am thankful for this great cheerleading squad that we have!!

"Two bits, four bits, six bits a dollar! All for our team stand up and holler!"  Yay!!!

Good night and sleep tight dear friends!
God is watching over us.



  1. Hi Pamela, those trees are so pretty! You have some nice calendars too! I am like you with the paper things. I do need to get rid of a lot of things. I guess it will have to wait until we get some better weather! Have a happy Friday!

  2. What a lovely post. God is watching over us. 😊

  3. The plum trees are just beautiful! I'm never seen them before. I enjoyed the calendars too. And love the pic of you!

  4. Our property was loaded with Wild Plum trees when we were building the house in 1993. Most of them are gone now but I left several along the cemetery fence line. They are lovely in the Spring. The bees love 'em that's for sure.
    Wonderful photos. I enjoyed the one of you from Way Back When. Those are nice memories, aren't they?!
    Have a blessed day.
    Love in Christ. xx

  5. We did that same cheer, so long ago. The wild plum trees are just beautiful, such a sight to behold. Your life on Still Water Pond gives you so many things to enjoy. It must be so peaceful to sit and watch the geese, ducks and cranes as they come to visit. ♥

  6. You captured some amazing scenes with your camera, Pam! The white buds are stunning and a perfect welcome to the red and white themes we tend to see with February's Valentines Day.

  7. It’s so not ce to see the blossoms. I’m thinking about starting some flower seeds in indoor pots. It’s a long ways till sting here

  8. I'm so glad that the duck came back and is okay, just swimming away. The photos you take of Stillwater Pond are so beautiful and I really enjoy them. They bring a sense of peacefulness with them. Do the plum trees have a smell? I imagine a sweet smell from those blossoms. :-) Thank you for the photo of you as a cheerleader and a reminder to live our life in service to God, but do live it! We're only given so many days on this earth to enjoy the things God has made for us to see.
    Pam, I do thank you for your prayers for us while we were gone on vacation. The roads were dry the entire trip there and back home. Unheard of for January! I know you're prayers for our safety were a lot of the reason. Prayer. It's such a powerful force. God really does listen to us and to our hearts.
    Have a wonderful day and enjoy the warm weather.
    Blessings and love,

  9. What beauty surrounds your home, Pam! I'm so grateful you make time to share it with us. Whew, it sounds like your week was chock-full. Sometimes it takes me longer than is necessary to clear the 'unnecessary' from their hiding places -- but once I get the urge, stand back and look out! Love the cheerleaders image! What a lovely co-ed you were! Heck, they don't print enough money for me to ever show a picture of myself at 13.

  10. Pam: I spent part of today going through old stuff out of a closet we thought we had to clean out in order for a plumber to come fix our shower. But Jim found out we "cleaned it out for nothing", his words; I had three piles, one throw away. one for the church rummage sale this summer, and those I plan on keeping. A few of those clothes belonged to Roger. I understand about your old papers, I have those as well. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  11. The plum blossoms not only survived the cold spell - they thrived! Love the photos you shared here today, Pamela, as always, Your calendar featured for February are lovely, too, as are the "old" photos you shared. Yes, it seems like only yesterday that I was a cheerleader at games. If we continue to encourage others on their journeys, we will always and ever be cheerleaders.

  12. Beautiful nature photos...
    I had you pegged and didn't know you were going to tell us and then even that so many are already gone. Each day is a gift. I think we have a lot in common in not being able to part with things.

  13. Lovely trees and the wildlife on your pond are always a treat to see. God is good!


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