What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday 4~ Songs


Hi Friends and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Are there many people who dislike music? I doubt it, don't you? Songs can have a lot of meaning and bring out a good helping of emotion whether happy, sad, nostalgic or funny. Let's talk about it.

1. Tell us 4 songs that define your life. I know.. this one is hard but it's not written in stone! Feel free to be serious or silly as you choose. Maybe even some songs that you would like to describe your life!

1."Jesus Loves Me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong!
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so."

2.  "Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way.
Thou are the potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me, after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still."

3.  "Like the woman at the well, I was seeking, for things that could not satisfy.
And then I heard my Savior speaking, draw from my well, that never shall run dry.
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up Lord, come and quench this thirsting of my soul.
Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more. Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole."

4.  "Some glad morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away!
To a land on God's celestial shore, I'll fly away!
I'll fly away, oh glory, I'll fly away!  When I die, hallelujah, by and by, I'll fly away!"

2. A song or songs that are special to you in some way.

"Entreat me not to leave thee..."   (Whither thou goest, I will go".)    This was sung at our wedding.  The song that Ruth sang to her mother in law Naomi.  (See book of Ruth in the Bible).   At the time of our wedding I did not fully grasp the meaning of these words and what effect they would have on my life from then on.  However, this song was actually, in my mind, a song from me to my husband, as I pledged to go with him wherever he went.  Little did I know that God would take us through many moves and places over the years, as we committed our lives to Christ to serve Him in the ministry.  I am thankful that God placed this "song" in my heart early on so that I had this understanding of the importance of going with my husband through whatever paths God would lead us.  

Another song is "The Lord's Prayer".  I wrote about why that song is so special to me recently HERE.

3.A song you and your sweetheart loved, or maybe your Mom's or Dad's favorite?  
For my parents: Shine On Harvest Moon...I wrote about that on that link a few years ago.

For my hubby and me: Getting to Know You... and that is a link to the story behind that!

4. A movie soundtrack you have enjoyed, or a theme to a TV program or commercial you like/liked. Name as many as you like! If you have no favs, then how about ones you remember well? Some songs just stick in your head!

Of course "The Sound of Music" has to be my all time favorite musical movie soundtrack. I loved Julie Andrews as "Maria"...and there was a time that I probably could have sung every song in the movie to you.  I don't have the voice for it nowadays, but these songs were some of my favorite songs to sing in the shower. The acoustics were so good in there and in my mind I sounded like Julie Andrews. Probably not to everyone sitting out in the rest of the house listening, although my parents heard me singing that one time in the shower back when I was a teenager, and when I came out of the shower they were silent for a few minutes, and then they said, "We didn't know you could sing like that! Would you like to have voice lessons?".  I wasn't sure how to take that comment...it could be taken either way...either I sounded so good that they were impressed, or I sounded so bad that they thought I needed voice lessons. LOL. Either way, I didn't get the voice lessons, at least not at that time. I did take some later in life after I was married, but when our collie dog Laddie howled every time I tried to work on my scales, I got the message and gave up on the lessons. LOL.  However, I didn't give up on singing. Singing has always been a part of my life.  I am thankful for the gift of music, for it has comforted me during sad times, and has allowed me a way to express my praise during times of great joy and thanksgiving.

Now, on to current events...I've been singing "the washing machine blues"....  
I don't normally do my laundry on Sundays, but I had a load of towels, etc., that really needed to be washed, so I put them in the washer before we left for church, thinking my son Scott would show up before we got home and he could put them in the dryer.  However, when we got home from church we found out that he was not coming after all, and my clothes were still in the washer...and they were still very WET.  The spin cycle had not spun!  After changing cycles and messing with it, I finally managed to get them spun dry enough, but I could tell it was probably going to be for the last time. This washing machine was at least 20 years old, and it has seen better days...plus it had that locker room smell that no amount of perfumey fresheners could remove after so many years...so I told hubby that rather than waste money trying to fix an old stinky washing machine it was time to replace it.  He agreed,  and the search was on for a new washer.  Thankfully we can order things online and have them delivered for free these days, without even having to leave the comfort of our homes.  So I ordered a new washer and it was delivered on Monday morning!  That, in itself, was a miracle!  The original delivery time said sometime between 11:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., and I was very disappointed because this week was the first week that I would be able to go back to our Women's Bible Study on Monday afternoon at 1:00, after being out for over a month due to hubby's recuperation/issues...  So I prayed, "Lord, I hate to miss Bible Study again...it sure would be nice if the delivery could happen before noon..."   And shortly thereafter the phone rang and it was the delivery man calling to say they would be there in 10 minutes!!!!!  And so they were...and the old washing machine was removed, the new washing machine was set up, and all before 10:30 a.m.    Now comes the hard part...the new washer has different settings and sensing devices, even though I tried to get the simplest (and least expensive) model I could find.  I am struggling to learn how to operate it as I am used to turning a dial and pushing a button and it starts washing!  This one has to sense things, and it takes a bit longer and I am a little frustrated, but hopefully I will figure it out.  Meanwhile, I am thankful to have it and to be able to keep moving right along and not miss a moment of clean clothes! For that I am VERY thankful!!   Here's a few pictures of before and after, or "old washer and new washer"...

Old "stinky" washer:

New, fresh, but more complicated washer!

But it does match my dryer, which we bought new a few years ago...

Hubby has suggested that I watch the YouTube videos about how to operate this washer. I think I will do that, because I just want to make sure I don't break it!!  I am not crazy about new fangled electronic things...I prefer to just "K.I.S.S."..."Keep it simple, stupid!" LOL.   

Well, I must get a move on this morning. I thank the Lord for His blessings and for making it possible to take care of issues that arise.  (Thankful to Lowes for a 5% discount credit card and a good sale going on, and speedy free delivery and removal of old washer too!).  

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever."
Psalm 136:1

Okay, let's go check out Tuesday 4 linkup and see what songs everyone else is singing today!


  1. #1 - Our Church only sings the old hymns (can't stand that new stuff) and those four we sing often. They fill my heart up! Love it.
    Nice new washer. A couple of years ago I had to buy a "new" dryer. Bought a refurbished used one from a local store for a fraction of the cost and they hauled off my old one. That thing is still going strong and it's the nicest dryer I've ever owned. It's great. Win win. I don't think I'll ever buy another new appliance again.
    Have a blessed day! xx

  2. Pam: This past Sunday was "All Saints Day" at church. the closing hymn was "In the Garden". The words in the chorus spoke to me. We sang three verses and the chorus three times. I had to reach for the box of tissues at the end of the pew. After the benediction, the lady behind me asked me if I was all right. So right now, "In the Garden" is my favorite hymn. Jim does not especially like appliances with "all the bells and whistles". it is his thinking that those extra features can cause the appliance to break down sooner.

    Our Lowe's store no longer has cashiers and cash registers as we know them. They are all electronic. We left the items we were going to purchase and walked out. A church friend posted her experience at IKEA was the same and she did likewise. Just thought you needed to know this. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Fully understand. Had to replace washer and dryer a few years ago, and mine is the same brand and I fully agree. I would love simple! My daughter bought a Maytag that is not electronic which I should have looked into! Blessings.

  4. Enjoy your new washing machine! Thanks for participating in Tuesday 4 as well. Nice songs you picked. If I were to pick a Sunday School song it would be Sunbeam I think.

  5. Glad you got the new washer. Will be more energy efficient too. When I moved from Indy, I donated my washer and dryer (three years old) to Habitat...no sense in moving.
    Son bought me the washer and dryer for the condo...all electronic and push button. Love. I asked for a washer with no rotator as I am so short that it is difficult to get things out of the washer. He found it...love both. The first washer and dryer I ever had lasted 20 plus years...since then, I have moved so much and had so many. I use one cycle on each...When I arrived here at the condo son bought, the appliances...all new were here...the new floors all in...no carpet at all. Although this is a tiny old condo, it was the only first floor my son could find. I can't do steps. It is at the Gulf...he made sure everything was good for me...It was difficult leaving the apartment in Indy by daughter, but these little boys...do I miss my house in WV? yes...it was huge and gorgeous....however...the days for me to keep up a house...long gone...ok, I am rambling...just love love your blog and your sincere Christian attitude...prayers prayers prayers...

  6. Oh, I love hearing why "Entreat Me Not to Leave" is so special to you. More so, your singing the songtrack to Sound of Music and your folk's reactions! I chose the same movie; and even as recently as we viewed it (last year?) Tom remarked, "You remember the lyrics?" Well, YA!
    We bought our Whirlpool washer/dryer at Lowe's when we moved here 5 years ago ... and have hated it/them ever since. I remember when that 'sensor' thing refused to fill the basin to the level I thought was right; I was carrying big pans of water from the sink and pouring in. Thank goodness we had the 1-year service plan. Our repairman actually agreed about the new technology. Then, he did some researching and learned a trick from colleagues: Always leave the setting on 'Bulky/Sheets.' It took a while, but now it's filling to the level I like.

  7. Great songs, Pam! This was fun!! I like your new washer and it does match your dryer perfectly!! YouTube is pretty amazing. You can learn just about anything! Good luck and keep us posted!! xo

  8. Jesus Loves Me was my pick. Sound of Music too.

  9. This entire post could have been written by me...except my parents didn't offer voice lessons. :-) I agree with all of your song picks. Sound of music is my favorite musical too. Dennis's would probably be Phantom of the Opera or Rigoletto. When I was a teenager I sang with my Mom in the Omaha Symphony Chorus. I usually only was able to go to practices and sing Handel's Messiah every year because of my school and work schedule. I couldn't get off work for all of the chorus practices the rest of the year. I had to choose. How I loved that. My voice has gone downhill over the years though. I don't exercise it enough. The new chorus's at church use the same six notes over and over.
    The washer and dryer that came with the condo are fairly easy to use for new ones. And they were still wrapped in plastic when we moved in so we knew they were brand new. But they still have that sensor thing that I detest. I'm going to try Mevely317 repairman's suggestion of just using the bulky/sheets setting.
    Have a lovely Wednesday my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. I also put Jesus Love Me and Sound of Music. Your new washer and dryer look similar to mine. YouTube is great for learning new things.

  11. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed reading your song list and listening to your wedding song. The European lady sang it marvellously. I'm sorry you're having difficulty operating your new machine but once you figure it out I'm sure you will love it. How wonderful that I matches your dryer so perfectly!

  12. Like you, Pamela, I've always enjoyed singing, and am so happy and blessed to be able to sing with Danny in our new church. Like you, too, The Sound of Music is my all-time favorite movie; The Wizard of Oz runs a close second. Both are marvelous musicals!
    Believe me, you will get used to your new washer sooner than later. YouTube tutorials will certainly help! I'm so grateful for my washer and dryer, that's for sure.

  13. Like you, Pamela, I've always enjoyed singing, and am so happy and blessed to be able to sing with Danny in our new church. Like you, too, The Sound of Music is my all-time favorite movie; The Wizard of Oz runs a close second. Both are marvelous musicals!
    Believe me, you will get used to your new washer sooner than later. YouTube tutorials will certainly help! I'm so grateful for my washer and dryer, that's for sure.

  14. I enjoyed hearing about the songs. And the sound track for Sound of Music would have to be my all time favorite! What a movie and the songs are wonderful!

    I'm sorry about the washing machine. I've been there and done that before and it's not fun at all. And to think that the new appliances are made to basically last 3-5 years. We had to replace our dryer a few years ago and the new one replaced my 30 year old dryer. I'm just praying that our refrigerator holds out because I've had it 30+ years so it's nice and roomy and I dread the thought of having to deal with a new refrigerator. :)

  15. What a lovely blog, Pam! 😊 I don't know all the songs you mention, but I'd love to hear you sing them sometime! 🎤🎶

  16. Where would we be without Youtube?!!! That is one invention of social media that has become extremely helpful. Your new washing machine looks great.

  17. I enjoy the older songs and hymns. The new stuff is not to my liking. Doesn't seem like worship at all - more like I am at a rock concert. I live in the same town as Bethel and Bethel Music. So its big around here.

  18. I like all the songs you wrote about. The song that was on YouTube was good to listen as well. Good memories of a song at your wedding years ago. I did make some cookies today and gave one to a friend of my daughter who came to visit her today. Her friend has cancer two times and she's still alive!!! PTL!!! A good way to encourage another person. They both have the same first name as well!!! I am glad you were able to get a new washing machine. We got one a few years ago. We got an older dryer 2020 and it still works, thankfully that Phil knows how to make things work!!! God bless, Becky

  19. I don't know the songs you mention. But I love your top loading washer and dryer. Ours loads from the side so you have to bend down and pray for the clothes to go in.

    God bless.


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