What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tuesday 4 Thankful


Hello friends and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Thanksgiving Day is about here. Let's talk about the holiday and thankfulness.

1. Whether you are from the USA or not, thankfulness is beneficial to a nation and people. Is it a natural thing for you to think of being thankful or is it something you must be reminded about?

Being thankful is something that I think about all of the time. Every day is a gift from God. Every breath I take is a gift from God. When I see the sorrows and perils and poverty around the world and even in our own community, I am thankful to God for His kindness and mercy and grace and blessings bestowed upon us, who are most unworthy. 

Psalm 136:1-3
1  Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.
2 Oh, give thanks to the God of gods!
For His mercy endures forever.
3 Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!
For His mercy endures forever:

2. Plimoth Plantation is the site of the original settlement and everything is authentic to the 1600's including how they speak. Have you been to Plymouth Rock? How about the Plimoth Plantation (yes that is the proper spelling). Would you like to go visit these places? What places are you thankful for having seen?

I have never been to Plimoth Plantation or any of that area. I would love to visit it someday.  I do appreciate our country's history, and especially the courage of those Pilgrims who traveled so far to a new land so that they could have religious freedom.  They withstood many hardships and many did not survive that first year...but for those who did, it is quite fitting that they should set aside a special time of giving thanks to God, their Creator and Sustainer.  I love that they also shared that celebration with the local Native Americans.  It is sad how that early good relationship with them deteriorated as so many people flooded our continent and drove them out of their native lands. History cannot be re-written or erased, however, and we must not forget the "good, the bad, and the ugly" parts of our country's development over next many decades.  We should learn from our mistakes and teach our children the truth...and pray they will strive to do better in the future, with God's help.

3. Do you tune into the Macy's Parade ?
It may be on the TV, but I am usually too busy in the kitchen to pay much attention to it.  I do, however, love the old movie, "Miracle on 34th Street", and would rather watch that than the modern day parade.

4. What will you be eating on Thanksgiving Day this year?
The usual traditional dishes: Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green beans (not the casserole!), maybe a Corn pudding casserole, jello, rolls, and maybe some carrot and celery sticks if anyone gets around to fixing them...(me?)  Then there will be pumpkin pie and apple pie for dessert.  And whatever else we think of.  

We will be a smaller crowd than usual, just our immediate family here and one guest friend from our church.  Our extended families all decided to do their own thing this Thanksgiving due to health and family travel concerns, etc., and now I am missing them already.  I miss the anticipation of seeing our loved ones come through the door and hearing their voices and seeing their happy faces and enjoying their chatter around the table.  I wish now we could have managed to pull everyone together...but I guess as we age and  families scatter and grow it becomes more and more difficult to gather everyone under one roof for one day.  I am thankful we had a lovely family reunion in September with most of our family there. That helps me not feel too blue.

I spent a few minutes scrolling through the posts I've written over the past years about Thanksgiving, and it made me really miss everyone even more.  If you want to see what I am talking about, you can go to the link for "Thanksgiving" on the right column of my blog page and go back as far as you want. It definitely made me a bit nostalgic, but happy that we have such good memories.   I suspect many of you have similar feelings on these holidays. We can't always do what we remember doing back in our younger years. So we do the best we can with whoever we have...and if we don't have any family nearby, we can always create some family and invite over neighbors or friends or folks who have nowhere else to go for the day. That always makes for an interesting and delightful celebration. 

Well, friends, I'm sure we all have a lot to get done in the next 24-48 hours to prepare for Thanksgiving Day, so I will bring this to a close and wish you each and everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! May we always be counting our blessings and giving thanks to the Lord for what He has done!

If you want to join in this week's Thanksgiving meme, HERE is the Link.


  1. I've been to Plymouth Rock. I almost giggled when I saw it. I expected this huge boulder and it was a fairly nondescript smaller boulder all fenced in. At least I was there! I used to watch the Macy's Day Parade faithfully but not for s few years. I go to my son and daughter in law's house for Thanksgiving. I bring some things but my daughter in law Stephanie is an amazing cook and her turkey and dressing is one of a kind! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I do get nostalgic and a bit teary when I think about past Thanksgivings, Pamela. When loved ones have passed or moved away, those memories come to mean all the more special. But I do not need to dwell in or on the past when there are new memories to make over the holidays. May your Thanksgiving Day be blessed, my friend!

  3. We have foregone the big meals…we eat organic small meals and spend our cooking time playing games. However this year the hospital is the place for a loved one…so…we wait…for little one to get better…I don’t miss those huge huge meals…I love it this way. We can enjoy our Christmas decorations too. Have always felt the sooner they are up the better. They go along with Thanksgiving Because what are we thankful for? The Lord. Between Tgiving and Christmas time to short to enjoy them. That being said ai do not care when people decorate..an individual thing…have a good day…enjoy your family…prayers

  4. You said, “Every breath I take is a gift from God.” I often meditate on the song that says, “This is the air I breathe, Your Holy Spirit living in me.” I remember how my Beloved died as a result of COVID shredding the lining of his lungs so that he could not breathe (as the doctors explained it to me). When that air could not process inside of him, that was the exact moment the Lord whisked Beloved off to Heaven.

    Since my remarriage and downsizing to my new husband’s house, I no longer have my Pilgrim People, but love seeing this one couple you have pictured, in particular, that is exactly what I had, too. I’m giving them a nod of recognition.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, even with a smaller number of guests around your table.

  5. The holidays are still hardest for me! I sure miss those old timey Thanksgivings with Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Now it is me who is the aunt and great aunt :) wouldn't trade them for the world. I will go to my brothers where my nieces, nephews and the greats will join. I am always thankful every minute of every day

  6. Indeed, I can't begin to imagine anyone who's not thankful for our many undeserved blessings. Your Thanksgiving menu sounds delicious -- altho' I had to snicker at the carrots and celery sticks. (If you read my "10 Commandments" for holiday eating you'll understand why.) My parents were huge fans of the Macy Thanksgiving Day parade, but I'm a 'take it or leave it' sort. Bring on the Dog Show!
    I hope your Thanksgiving memories bring warm feelings and few tears. Each new year's a new patch in the quilt!

  7. Time too short lol. The anonymous was Brenda ….merciful heavens…again…I love your blog. You are be of the most sincere honest bloggers…

  8. I'm thankful every minute of every day for all God has provided and the many blessings He's given. Sometimes I become overwhelmed at His mercy and grace. I love the parades, back in our old home I had a tv in the kitchen, I could enjoy the parade while I cooked, it was great!! Our girls all have plans with others, so it will just be Mr D and me. We plan on going to Kelley's Restaurant where they will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I doubt we'll eat there, most likely we'll just pick it up and come back home and enjoy our meal here. This is very unusual for us, but our oldest daughter, Tracey, is having a big family get-together for Christmas. Blessing to you and your family.☺♥

  9. The parts of my family we spent Thanksgiving with have all passed on. We have a small meal for Jim and me on Thanksgiving Day and Roger comes home on that Saturday and we have a bigger meal. This year we will have ham, candied sweet potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, and maybe blueberry bread for desert. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  10. I really miss my parents and the big family Thanksgiving days we shared when they were here. Now, we meet with our immediate families. But those memories are held dear in our hearts! Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. We certainly do have so much to be thankful for Pamela. I pray you have a joyous & special Thanksgiving even though you will have fewer members of the family gathered together.

  12. I enjoyed your answers. I'll be honest in that when we are celebrating Thanksgiving I don't really think of the pilgrims, etc..I'm always thinking how thankful I am to gather with my family.

  13. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving, hopefully we will get together for Christmas, SMILES.

  14. One gets out of hospital maybe today…one leaves for trip to Iceland tomorrow…one to NYC…one home from WV seeing relatives…the Lord answers prayers every day…I have my devoted text prayer group…my snail prayer group and yours truly. The Lord must think here she is again…thank YOU for your delightful blog that is never snarky with comments…you represent what a Christian is…as my grands tell me, Nana, you are so sweet and nice…you are too. Have a good holiday and enjoy your sweet home and family…you are unique. Prayers my dear one. Brenda

  15. P.S. I wonder…we’re you Pamela? Pam? Pammy? In school. Brenda

    1. In school I was known as Pam. My parents sometimes called me Pammy, but if I was in trouble I was Pamela Anne Mursch! LOL. "Pamela" is my alter ego...the kind of "lady" I picture myself being in another day and time. LOL. But my friends and family know I'm really just a plain old "Pam". Thanks for asking. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving day.

    2. Holiday with illness not so much…on the other hand, you are certainly not a plain old Pam. If I were to go to the dictionary and look up sweet Cristian Lady, your picture would be there my friend. I do not consider you plain or old. You are unique. Brenda

  16. I miss my family that has passed on too. It is so much different now. You are right, we all have so much to do to prepare for Thanksgiving. Josh is going to work in a bit and I plan to start cooking after that. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  17. I remember the story of pilgrims coming on a ship years ago. Never been to Plimoth Rock but I have a friend who's connected to a man on the ship. He was on her mom's side of the family. I made apple crisp this afternoon and will roast the turkey in the oven. I wound up getting some to pan to roast it in as I hadn't made turkey for awhile. Carrots and potatoes. I am always thankful for God with what He's done for us in life, especially times of weariness and disappointments. He hears our prayers through the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Have a good time together with your family and friends on Thanksgiving, Becky

    1. Thank you, Becky! I hope you and your family have a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving day. Yes, praise God for hearing our prayers and being with us through all of life's travails and joys. We are blessed to be His children!

  18. I know what you mean. I miss the gatherings when most everyone was there. There were just 9 of us this year. But it was fun being with them all.

  19. Big hugs. How was your day?
    I always stimulate the kids to do their own things and make their own choices... but like you I miss "the old days". We used to gather at my gram, certainly at christmas and easter, and also at birthdays and some sundays. With so many people we couldn't even sit properly...but none cared. As long as we were together. Wonderful memories. Many are gone now, others live at other places in the world.
    Mr. J. can't deal with a lot of fuzz around him... but one day I'll have a full room, just like my gram.
    Have a nice weekend!


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