What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday Foto Friends~Thanksgiving Roundup

Some people call today "Black Friday".  I call it the day of rest after Thanksgiving.

This is how the sky looked around 7:00 a.m. today..."Red sky at morning...shopping malls take warning...the shoppers are coming, come rain or shine!" LOL.   

But not me. I wouldn't go shopping today if my life depended on it...I'd rather stay home and relax and savor the sweet memories of the past few days...This was the sunrise yesterday morning...Thanksgiving day dawned bright and clear and quite chilly for us here in Florida, around 50 degrees...but it was a perfect day in every way...

Let's take a walk back in time over the past couple of days so I can remember it all while it is still "fresh" on my mind...

The first guests to arrive for Thanksgiving were the Sand Hill Crane Family and Mr. Great Blue Heron:

I tried to catch the photo of the Crane family flying across Still Waters Pond to come and have their Thanksgiving day breakfast along the shore...but my camera wasn't fast enough for them.  When they decide to pick up and fly, they do it quickly.  Mr. Heron just stayed calm and relaxed over on the post...

Mrs. Cardinal was nonplussed by their arrival. She just kept eating away at her breakfast at the lovely cut glass diner...

Mr. Heron must have been taking an early morning nap. He has his chin tucked into his wings and he's not paying any attention to what's going on around him.  Maybe he was up all night...

Of course, a lot of preparation for Thanksgiving day began the day before...and I needed all the help I could get. So Lily Grace volunteered to help me bake the pumpkin pies:

She really is a great little helper...she made sure we beat the eggs just right and then we put in the right amounts of spices...

And then she helped stir in the can of pumpkin...

Once the pies were baked she declared they were the prettiest pies we ever baked...

Now back to Thanksgiving morning...the table is all set and ready...

And some more of our special guests have arrived: Sugar and Spice are here to keep everything running smoothly...

Mr. and Mrs. Little Pilgrim are poised at their place on the table.  Hey! I just noticed today that Mrs. Pilgrim is a redhead, and Mr. Pilgrim has dark hair! Just like my hubby and me,  back when our hair was still "young"...LOL. Afraid it's not quite that bright anymore...

Finally everything was ready, and we asked the Lord's blessing on our food

And the serving/dining began:
It's so nice to see these smiling faces:

Even if he does have his eyes closed! LOL:
These turkeys were having a little chat and giving thanks that they weren't the ones being roasted today:
I guess I should have figured out how to take this picture with me in it too...but here's our family and our special guest, the "other Pamela", a dear friend from our church who is a "snow-bird" and we are her Florida family...

Oh, there I am, the two Pamela's could mean double trouble...LOL.

Scott was taking some random photos without us looking...everything was SO good we didn't want to waste anymore time with photos...
Rose and Benton were a big help...they cooked the turkey plus other things...and that was a BIG help to me!

After we finished eating but before everyone left the table we spent some time going around the table sharing what we were thankful for. It was a very sweet and moving time.  This is Scott telling his stories of thankfulness...

We were each and every one extremely grateful for all that God has done for us in this past year.
One special story I want to share...there is a dear couple in our church who we invited to join us for Thanksgiving dinner, but because the wife is currently undergoing treatments for cancer and is immunocompromised they could not come and dine with us.  However, she insisted on baking a pie for our dessert even though they couldn't be here.  Sadly, I forgot to take pictures of our desserts, and I wish I had because it was a beautiful pumpkin chiffon/coconut pie.  It was delicious.  I offered to send home dinner for them, but because of her illness she is very careful about what she can eat at this time and so they wanted to prepare their own meal. But what I want to share with you is what she said when I thanked her for the pie:  She said "I'm very thankful I could cook a meal today--I'm happy to see today...attitude is everything...cancer hates joy, so I choose joy!"    

Wow! That really touched my heart...and made me really think about the things I take for granted...and when she said "I choose joy",  I remembered this verse that I have sitting on my countertop in the kitchen, 

"The Joy of the Lord is your strength"  Nehemiah 8:10
You may remember the story of this little "Prayer Pillow" from this story on Mother's Day.  I love what my friend said, "so I choose joy".  Yes, I want to choose JOY each day as well. Something to really think about at this time of Thanksgiving and as we begin the advent of Christmas...

So as we faze out the Thanksgiving decor and have a last cup of Pumpkin Spice tea
while I sit here writing this post...

And before we get all caught up in the hustle and bustle of the "shop 'til you drop" season and all things leading up to Christmas...Let us take these last few moments of the day to remember to 
"Be thankful, grateful and blessed"...

And most of all, to choose JOY!

Happy Thanksgiving!!



  1. You had such a beautiful Thanksgiving, Pam! Yes, may we all choose joy and be grateful every day for all that God has done, and is doing, for us.

    1. Thank you, Martha! It was a beautiful day, and we had such a great time with our family and friend. We choose to be joyful even when things don't always go the way we would like for it too. God is in control, and that is where our peace is found! Have a blessed SONday tomorrow!

  2. Hi Pamela. This is a very lovely post. I enjoyed hearing about your Thanksgiving from beginning to end. What a nice day with friends and family, remembering all the good things that you have to be grateful for! Every part of you meal looks just delicious - and it is wonderful that you had cherished friends and family to share your bounty. We had to go out and do a little shopping today, and it was a zoo - so crowded everywhere! You have the right idea is staying home today and savoring Thanksgiving for one more day. I hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon!

    1. Thank you, Deb. It was good to hear from you and also to hear about your decorations and other special activities this past week (from your recent post). I am sure you've enjoyed having a little extra time off from school too! Hope you have a peaceful day tomorrow and then you'll be ready for action again on Monday! Blessings to you and yours.

  3. G'evening, Pam. I'm right there with you about staying home, away from the shopper! I did let my fingers do the walking and seized a 'just right' something on Amazon's Black Friday sale for my son and DIL's Christmas ... in the comfort of my pajama pants.

    What a blessing, your friend's sending that pie to complement your Thanksgiving feast! Her attitude (choose Joy) is enviable for sure, and I pray she and her hubby will be joining you around the table next year.
    It's good to see Lily Grace again -- what a dear little apron she's wearing! Looking at all that yummy food almost makes me forget I'm still stuffed from yesterday.
    Thank you for sharing your special day with us!

    1. Thank you, Myra. It's nice to be able to shop in our pj's, isn't it? That really is delightful, seeing how the stores aren't all that interesting anymore like they used to be in the olden days with their pretty windows decorated for Christmas, etc. Times have changed and so have we. Yes, our friends who couldn't come to dinner have been a promised a BIG celebration when she is finished with her treatments and safe to be around people again. She still has a way to go, but she is definitely trusting God to carry her through. She's a courageous woman, and I pray she will be totally healed. Oh, Lily Grace sends her love. She was so happy to be a part of the festivities!! Take care and God bless you dear friend.

  4. What a lovely Thanksgiving Day you had! All the food!
    You had six at the table. We had seven. Three were 'extras' who have no family in the state, so we invited them and thoroughly enjoyed their presence at our table.

    1. I think it is always fun to invite others into our Thanksgiving celebrations. It makes the meal so much more interesting and filled with real fellowship as we share with one another and learn from each other. I'm glad you had some special guests with your family. I am sure they really appreciated being with you!!

  5. Oh, the joy of the Lord is my strength, too :)
    Your table looked so pretty and welcoming.
    How sweet to be gathering together in His name
    and counting your blessings together.
    This is Connie from crafty home cottage
    Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend.

    1. Thank you, Connie. I enjoyed reading your most recent post today too! And I loved your table and pretty placemats that you made. All so very welcoming and joyful!!

  6. Love your post and your pictures are wonderful. We talk about choosing joy all the time at our church as one of the ladies who happened to be going through a very hard time in her life, told us that she chooses joy. She always comes in with a smile on her face, no matter how her life is going at the time. I admire her and how she handles life and so I often think about choosing joy. In fact, last year in Myrtle Beach I bought a bracelet that has the word joy on it and I wear it a lot to help me remember.

    1. Oh, I would love that bracelet! It is so good to be reminded to choose JOY in the midst of our trials and tribulations in life. We all have them sooner or later, but God is with us in the midst of them, and when we realize that it is easier to choose JOY. Thank you for visiting!!

  7. I agree to choosing joy. Seems like there are many illnesses and cancer stories lately coming across my path. It has kept me busy praying.
    I love your little post of family. Nothing like having the family around the table.
    I too avoid the Friday shopping. It is just too much. I like to savor the day before and start readying for Christmas.

    1. I am thinking about you and your family and praying for you in this new season of your lives. (((hugs)))...and yes, choose JOY!

  8. What a wonderful post, and what a great idea going around the table sharing what you are all thankful for. I wish more people did that. Sadly, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK.

    God bless you and yours always.

    1. Maybe you should start a new "holiday" in the UK! Every nation should celebrate a national holiday of Thanksgiving at some time or another! Even Canada has their own Thanksgiving in October. I suppose one could just celebrate it with their own family and friends in some way. You don't have to eat turkey to give thanks! LOL. God bless you too, Victor. I always enjoy hearing from you.

  9. Lovely pictures. One of the grands texted me this today, nana, i missed you today and our tradition of Black Friday shopping. Oh how I do too. Our first time, she was one. Our last time, 2019..Covid 2020… I moved to Florida 2021. . A day of early rising…shopping and since Nana has always had a budget, I saved tons and tons of money. Now I write checks for them and gift cards…my son he helps me get the gifts for the little boys. I loved those Black Fridays. I met nice people…never saw anyone awful like one hears about. We had fun. We knew when to hit which stores and avoided mostly long lines..oh fun fun …in 2019, we went to a Best Buy first. I had saved gift cards for three years…I got a 900.00 laptop for 500.00 and had enough gift cArds to pay…then we shopped for family..when the three girls were little, we found bargains on toys and clothes …yes, that tradition is gone for this elderly Nana, but I will never forget those days with my daughter and three grand girls…I miss it…we would have our meal on Tgiving at Nana’s home with fancy china…go to bed and get up excited…now just do what I do and remember those outings…holding their hands and loving it…Brenda

    1. You have some wonderful memories of your Thanksgiving traditions. How wonderful that you were able to the "black Friday" shopping with your daughter and grandgirls. Maybe if I'd had a daughter and/or granddaughters I might have liked doing that...but just having boys left me with not so many fun options for shopping. I used to shop with my mother many years ago, and we loved it and always would end up either at a Woolworths for a hot fudge sundae or at a "Mister Donut" shop for donuts and coffee for her and probably hot chocolate for me. Those were happy memories. My sister in law and her daughter were planning to go spend the night at a hotel in Orlando (they live in that area) and shop at the local malls yesterday and today. I am sure they had a great time. I really do not enjoy shopping that much and nowadays I don't have the physical stamina for it, so I shop locally as I can and do some online shopping. Gift cards are becoming an easy option, but just not as much fun as a real gift to open. However, it does give them the option of getting something they really like instead of something they may have to exchange! Thank you for sharing your memories with me. I enjoyed reading them. You need to be writing a blog for us all to enjoy!

    2. Checks and gift cards are my go to at my age and health. Son helps with the little ones. No blog. I do not do any social media exc read a few. I have written a newspaper column off and on since 1999. First for the big state paper and now tiny local one. Fun…I am not negative or political in the column. It is a feel good fun column. I could not do a blog. I do not want my life open to the public and never pictures. I love your blog and two others.

  10. What a beautiful day you had. I love how you write, sharing about your visitors to the pond, your kitchen and your table. I enjoyed the smiles on your human companions faces too. You do have a wonderful way with words and feel grateful that I can read your beautiful words.
    I, too, choose joy. Yesterday wasn't bad at all. While I was alone, I watched several sermons about Thankfulness on YouTube. Then listened to Christmas music while knitting on a sweater for Piper. The kids and Dennis called on and off throughout the day to check on me. And do you know what? I wasn't sad at all. I DID miss the time with our London kids that I only have one more day with before they fly away, but still, I tried to remember joyful, counting my blessings throughout the day. I lost count because there are so many! God is so good.
    Today after three days, I woke up feeling normal again so we ALL went to the zoo. It was 18F and so COLD but we walked almost five miles! We had such a good time. Then it was back to daughters for leftover Thanksgiving food and a fun video that our DIL from London recommended. It's called "The Snowman" and based on a childrens book. We found it on YouTube. She said it's a Christmas tradition in the UK and it's not Christmas without watching it. I think you would enjoy it.
    Tomorrow will be another full day with them and then they'll be flying away again. What a blessed time we've had. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
    Thank you for being such a blessing in my life.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. I am SO happy to hear that you were able to spend the day with the family at the zoo and beyond after being so sick and missing Thanksgiving day with them. That is a blessing, especially since your time with them was so limited. You are a wonderful example of choosing "joy" in the midst of tribulations!!

  11. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed your pictures. Looks like it all turned out great!

    1. I enjoyed seeing your family fun times too. Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas season on its way!!

  12. Such a beautiful time, my friend!!! Yes, choose Joy. Sending you lots of love.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I hope you are having a good weekend. I'm praying for you.

  13. What a beautiful post my friend. I wish I could write and express myself like you do. Love that you shared your thankfulness stories around the table and had so much yummy food. Enjoy your weekend and your precious family. Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Dear Diane, we each have our particular talents/gifts. You share such wonderful photos of your hikes, and that is a blessing to those of us who no longer are able to get out there and walk the trails for ourselves so much. I miss that, especially in our wonderful Ocala National Forest. I appreciate you sharing it with us. You have an eye for what is really special!! That is a wonderful gift!

  14. I’m happy to share the Porchetta recipe… https://www.seriouseats.com/sous-vide-deep-fried-turkey-porchetta-recipe.. but it is super complicated!

  15. I am delighted to share the Porchetta recipe… It is delicious but pretty complicated!

  16. Beautiful post, Pam. Your home, your table, the food, and those sitting around it -- all are very heart-warming.

  17. Your Thanksgiving table was so pretty, a great place for good food and fellowship. Lily Grace sure made some pretty pumpkin pies, I'm sure they were enjoyed by all.

  18. Looks like a good time was had by all. The food was plenty and I am sure very good. Now its on to Christmas...

  19. What a sweet visit to your blog today to see your Thanksgiving blessings! Family and friends around the table! It doesn't get any better than that.

  20. Passing through quickly but loved this post and your beautiful Thanksgiving!! The food looked delicious!!


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