What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tuesday 4 and More

Good Morning from not so warm north central Florida! Looks like old man winter is catching up with us! It is 44 degrees right now as I write at 6:45 a.m., and the high will only reach 57 today.  Tomorrow morning it is supposed to get down to 37 degrees!  I know for many of you that is nothing...but for us here where we live, this is pretty chilly!  

It's time to pull out my "Christmas Flannel Shirt"...my normal house attire during the chilly days of December...

The birds have been quite active lately, gathering seeds to keep them warm...

Frankly, I love the cooler weather.  It helps get me more into the "Christmas spirit".  I am hoping to finally start putting away Thanksgiving decor and bringing out the Christmas things little by little.  I will have to wait for our son Scott to come this weekend to get everything out of the shed. It's a little too much and too awkward for us "old folks" to manage. 

I am still battling a lot of sore back muscles and other issues of that nature.  Last week I had a Doctor appointment to determine the progress of the healing of my torn bicep since having that stem cell procedure done a few months ago.  If there has been any progress at all, it is very very slow.  While in the office they put a "Tens unit" on my shoulder for a few minutes to see if that would help.  I'm not sure if it did or not as I've had a lot of issues since then.  However, they did send it home with me to try.  I haven't quite figured it out yet for myself, and I was too busy last week with Thanksgiving to take the time to study it. But after Sunday's episode, I'm thinking I may need some kind of intervention...
While at the Doctor's office he also prescribed a muscle relaxer for me to take. I have taken this medicine before, but this time the dosage was 2x a day instead of just once. I started out with just one a day, but on Saturday night I was really hurting so decided I needed to go ahead and take the second one as prescribed.  Let's just say that it was too much for this old gal to take. I was having terrible nightmares and had a hard time waking up. I actually had to miss church because of the effects of this, and the worst part is, I am still having the pain in my back/shoulder area like before. So no more of that stuff for me!   So anyway...I'm wondering if any of you have any experience with a "Tens" unit, and does it help? I would appreciate your input, and if you can come down here and help me figure out how to use it, that would be nice too. LOL.

Okay, so today is Tuesday and time for the Tuesday 4 meme.  I am not a big "fan" of Hollywood, but these questions are meant for fun and sharing our thoughts and experiences with our friends so we can get to know each other better.  So here we go!

Hooray for Hollywood!

Hello and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Per our hostess Annie: "Hollywood magic is well named. In Druidism the holly and it's wood were used in magic. Magic wands were often made of holly wood. Lightning will not strike holly so it is often planted next to homes to protect it. The word holly comes from the word holy and the holly tree was sacred in times past. Today Hollywood still churns out 'magic' and 'spellbinding' displays as well as 'stars in the firmament' who entertain, mesmerize and influence us."

I never knew this about "holly-wood", that lightning would not strike it! That's nice to know, since we have a large holly tree near to our house! (or rather a clump of holly trees grown together into one big tree!)

The birds certainly love the holly berries!

But that really isn't what we are here to talk about! LOL.

Let's talk about it....

1. Do you have a few favorite holiday movies you enjoy watching year after year? Do you make some popcorn to eat while you watch movies at home?
My favorite to watch during the Christmas season is "The Bishop's Wife".  We usually always watch one of the old Christmas Carol movies...I can't remember which one as there are so many.  No, we don't make popcorn while watching movies, but I think that sounds like a good idea.  There are other movies we watch too, but those are the ones I definitely want to watch.

2. Have you had a celebrity crush? Can we ask who it was?
Not really. I can't think of anyone in particular, and now I am too old for celebrity 'crushes'. LOL.

3. Do you have favorite actors/actresses whose movies you don't want to miss and what movie would you say is your all time favorite from those stars?
I loved the old Cary Grant movies, Gregory Peck,   Here is LINK to the last time we did this with a few similar questions that will answer this question. 

4. Have you met any famous Hollywood people in person or would you like to? Why or why not?
On my 10th birthday I met Gloria Swanson.

I even got her autograph on the photo above (which was in the newspaper!) and also in my little autograph book.  She was visiting at the grand opening of a new housing development in the area and it was quite a big event back in the day.  Strangely, that housing development today is probably pretty much a place you really wouldn't want to live...and definitely not movie star-worthy. LOL.

Okay, that's all folks.  It's time to get this chilly day started.  
Sunrise this morning

Before we go any further into "the Season"  of Christmas, let us never forget the "Reason" why we celebrate...

Internet Photo



  1. Christmas flannel is my favorite color. *grin*
    So sorry you're still having pain! And I understand about chosing between the drugs or the pain. When I went through all that, one of the "pain killers" was giving me terrible nightmares, I "heard" voices and I had a hard time waking up. Gave that one up immediately. I'd rather be in pain! Prayers for your healing and may the Doctors be given the wisdom to help properly.
    Love & Blessings. xx

  2. I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain I imagine that this cold spell does not help. My mom had a tens unit in the nursing facility it did give her relief. She also had meds but I would not recommend we hear of so.many side effects and dependancy. If you go.to you tube you will find a video on how to use a tens unit. I hope that this will help you. Keeping you in prayer

  3. Praying for your good health and all your family.

    That's my tartan shirt. It's from my Scottish Clan "The Lost Ones". They got lost in the Highlands because GPS satellite navigation had not been invented. Here's a photo of me wearing the shirt:


    God bless.

  4. I'm so sorry that you're still having pain. I can't use a tens unit because of my pacemaker but my friend Jenny used it for her hip before her replacement and it did seem to help her.
    My celebrity crush was Donny Osmond when I was about 13. Can't think of any others. We're not much into movies or hollywood much. However, our entire family can quote most of "The Princess Bride".
    Take care and I hope your pain subsides very soon.

  5. Oh Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about the side effects of that muscle relaxer! They say those terrible nightmares are one of the biggest complaints from people taking Chantex to quit smoking. (Mine were vivid, all right, but I actually enjoyed them.)
    And your pain levels! My son gifted Tom a Tens unit a couple of years ago, but somehow it became mine. I keep forgetting to use it, so I'm going to go get up right now and put it somewhere I can't miss it.

    We won't be putting out our Christmas decorations until the weekend, too. I want to squeeze out every ounce of Autumn!

    PS - Love the photo of you with Gloria Swanson!

  6. I hope you can get that tens unit working and I'm so sorry to hear you are in so much pain still. Hubby has had issues in his back, neck and head ever since me came home. I will be praying for you my friend.

    I used to be pretty big into like movie stars, but not so much any more. But the ones you mentioned, I loved seeing their movies. Love that flannel material. I was just telling my sister I'd like a flannel shirt again...I haven't had one for a long time. I love those photos of the cardinal in the holly tree...beautiful!! I think the second photo of that is definitely calendar worthy! And I love the sunrise photo...gorgeous!

    Take care my friend and have a great day. Praying for your healing.

  7. Sorry to hear that are still in pain. It was 16* this morning when I first checked my phone. I wanted to do some shopping and pick up an order but those things will wait for another day. I have had some "crushes" on Hollywood stars back in the day. Some of us formed a Ricky Nelson fan club. We like the old movies, film noir is one of my favorite types. My son watches "A Christmas Carol" and "It's a Wonderful Life" with me. He has accused me of having the lines in these memorized. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  8. I forgot to tell you how much I like the Internet photo you used.

  9. Hi Pamela, I hear you with the aches and pains. I did not like the muscle relaxers either and Motrin works better. I did have a tens unit years ago and it worked great! I hope you can get to use yours. I think my husband has one and I think I will try it. My rotator cuff is improving but my right elbow is still giving me issues. I will need to use my icepacks because they really help! That is cool that you met a movie star and got a picture!

  10. Gloria Swanson? How cool is that, Pam? And I absolutely love that meme you shared at the end; I've never seen it before, and it is perfect.

  11. What a great flannel plaid shirt, Pam, and like yourself, I also like wearing them at this time of year but then it is usually much colder here in NH than FL. Nice to see the male and female cardinals which I miss seeing as often as we did in VA. The Bishop's Wife is a great holiday film and I love the classic ones the best. We watched the original Miracle on 34th Street this week. Hope your shoulder pain will be easing up.

    Thanks too for your recent visit and comment on my blog posts, much appreciated.

  12. On my blog I think you were thinking of Dinah Shore Show as she is the one who sand the Chevrolet song. Sometimes rubbing magnesium salts into a joint can help a bit as does wet heat. I am sorry you are hurting and I hope you can find relief. That is a great Christmas shirt!! I love plaids.

  13. Pamela, I'm so sorry to hear about the muscle issues. I would highly recommend you use the TENS unit. It will stimulate and move your muscles. It will likely take a bit of time, several sessions for you to feel the benefits. God bless and heal you.

  14. Hello Pamela! So good to visit with you today. I love your Christmas shirt, and I agree colder weather definitely puts you into the mood for Christmas, so we should have plenty of the Christmas spirit around here, with our lows around 12 the last week or so, and highs around 28. We still have no snow - but that will probably change this weekend. I love the picture you shared the reason for the season. May we never forget the reason He came! I hope your shoulder gets to feeling better soon, this sounds like a terribly miserable thing to deal with!!! Praying for you! Blessings and hugs :)

  15. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Your birdies are precious! Love cardinals. It has been quite chilly here in Mississippi, too. It got down to 31 last night. I don't like the cold at all anymore. I think I need to retire to Florida. Haha!

  16. Hello dear Pam! Love your flannel and the cardinal pictures. It was nice checking in on your blog today. Sending love, and how happy I am that you are still sharing here! ;)

  17. ALSO, I hope you are on the mend and feeling better asap!

  18. What a great photo. your answers were fun.

  19. Yes! Gregory Peck ,Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, Rock Hudson, Donna Reed,, John Wayne, Greta Garbo, Cary Grant, Vivian Leigh, Vera Ellen, Rosemary Clooney ,FRED ASTAIR, BING CROSBY. Love Judy Garland! The Golden Age of Hollywood. my favorite Christmas movies are The Bishop's Wife and Its a Wonderful Life. And White Christmas! Debbi at debbisfrontporch NOT anonymous LOL

  20. PS---- feel better soon!! Hugs

  21. I am praying for your good health, May God bless you! Have a great day!

  22. Loved your Tuesday Four answers. I had celebrity crushes the whole time growing up but I grew out of it. LOL I've never met a celebrity, but I've seen a couple from a distance. My younger son has met John Travolta. I have several Christmas movies that are my traditional part of celebrating Christmas - like "White Christmas" and "Scrooge". I have several adaptations of "The Christmas Carol" - one of my favorites is the one with the Muppets. I hope you can begin to decorate for Christmas soon and I look forward to seeing them on your blog. Have a blessed day.

  23. Watching the funerals of a great Christian lady today. We took our kids 40 plus years ago to Plains Ga and this year my son took his sons. A life well lived. Mrs. Carter lived her life for others…an example for the rest of us. Prayers for her sweet husband and family.

  24. That was Brenda of course

  25. I'm so sorry you're having so much pain, sending prayers for healing. Love the picture with Gloria Swanson, that must be a special memory, she was very popular in her day.


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