What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tuesday 4 Summertime Memories

I sure hope you are enjoying these questions each week. I try hard to get good subjects and I hope you are not bored or disappointed. So, welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

It is Summer!

1. What memorable times have you had in summer? 
I have attached below two links to previous posts we have done about summertime memories.   Summertime for me as a kid growing up in Florida was always a time of swimming, either at the springs in the Ocala National Forest, or at Daytona Beach, or in a community swimming pool with our Summer recreation program at school, and sometimes in a lake, but that was before we saw so many alligators in the lakes like we do today.  I spent most of the time playing outside mostly barefooted or with flip flops, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, cooling off in the sprinklers, drinking water from the water hose (and lived to tell about it!) We took vacation trips through the Smoky Mountains and camped in a tent all the way up and back to Ohio to visit our grandparents and cousins. If you click on the links below you will be able to read a lot more about all of the above memories, and even see some pictures!

2. What foods bring back that summertime feeling?   Watermelon, homemade ice cream, popsicles (we used to make our own with koolaid and or orange juice, using those neat little Tupperware popsicle containers that you could freeze).   Hamburgers and Hotdogs cooked outside  on the grill, homemade potato salad and deviled eggs...corn on the cob...fresh tomatoes...

3. What music do you associate with summertime?   That's a difficult one to think about...probably something like "Hot town, summer in the city",  "Up on the Roof", "Summertime, and the Living is Easy", Any of the Beach Boys hits like "Surfer Girl", "In My Room", oh, there's so many from the 1960's that I loved...(that's when I was a teen)

4.Where do you want most to be in the summer if money is no object and you have the time?
I'd love to go to the mountains or to New England and stay in a cabin on a lake...  Something like this would be lovely:

Thanks, Annie, for another great Tuesday 4! Now, let's go see what others are thinking about on this lovely summer day!  Click HERE to join the fun!


  1. Fun answers and I could be happy staying in that last photograph! Have a great day.

  2. Oh yes, staying at a cabin on the lake sounds wonderful!
    My Granie made me kool-aid popsicles too. Yum! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  3. I picked a cabin in the mountains too!

  4. Pam: We still have summer-favorite foods. I may have said this before but we like the fresh fruit of the summer. This morning Hubby fixed us strawberries with whipped cream on top. A few days ago, he bought some Bing cherries. We both have memories of getting Bing cherries in Michigan that we kept snacking on as we drove through the state. Those cherries never made it to Indiana. Watermelon is one of our favorites when they are in season locally. That cabin looks like something I would like, especially by a lake or a stream. One year Roger wanted a pup tent for Christmas; his Sunday school teacher had one that he was not using. So, Roger got his pup tent. He was around 12 years old. He had fun with it in the back yard. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  5. Sounds like a lovely summertime. Awesome summer foods too! Excellent song choices. Nothing better than a cabin on the lake. We spent 18 years doing that for a week in Mammoth Lakes, CA. Hope your week is going well. Take care.

  6. Thank you for joining in! We have a lot of things in common in foods and music. I would love the mountains too and spent a lot of time camping in the mountains in Utah when I lived there.

  7. I love the cabin you featured here, Pamela! Yes, I would love to spend summer in the mountains if money were no object. My favorite part of summer when I was a kid was taking the long trip from Georgia to Massachusetts to visit with grandparents, cousins and other relatives. I have great memories of going to the beach!

  8. Great song selections, Pam! The only one that came to (my) mind was Red Rubber Ball -- probably because that was popular the summer we took a cruise and all the teens were singing it like looney tunes. (lol) I'm right there with you on that welcoming lake cabin! Hurry Autumn!

  9. I would like a cabin on your mountain lake and we could maybe take some walks together.

  10. I love reading your answers! Watermelon and locusts are my two 'Summer' things! While it's NOT my favorite season, I do my best to enjoy it. Not easy in Texas with triple digit temps!

  11. We're kindred spirits my memories are very close to yours, down to the tupperware popsicle doo-dads. I so miss our summers on the lake in Washington. I would definitely choose a place to park my RV, right on a lake with a mountain view. How I miss those days. But, we'll be there next week! We leave Sunday morning for 4 weeks away. I'm excited but strangely sad to leave our new condo. I do really like it here.

    1. Oh my, I would not want to leave so soon after settling in either, but then again, to be able to spend 4 weeks on a lake with a mountain view sounds pretty wonderful, and I think I could get ready for that right away! LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful time! Relax after all your hard work of moving. Your condo will be waiting for you when you get back!! I'm happy that you do love where you are living, however. That's a real blessing!

  12. I had those tupperware popsicle makers when the kids were small. I used them all the time. When I was a little girl mother would freeze koolaid in a regular ice tray, she then would put a few cubes in a bowl for us to eat. We have similar answers to #4, give me a cabin in the mountains where it's nice and cool.

  13. Howdy my Girl Scout Sister, Pam! I did love Scouts, we did so many fun things, sounds like y'all did as well. Hobo Stew.....YES!!--that sure does sound familiar! Have no idea what it was though, or how we fixed it. Love this picture here of the pretty quilts. yep, alot of your Summer songs are the same as mine. Also "summer nights" from Grease. and Sum sum Summertime, a really old one. And "those lazy hazy crazy days of summer". So much good happy music back in the good old days. AND IT WASN'T VULGAR. And no cuss words and CONSTANT F=WORD. the Beach Boys and Jan and Dean, old Motown hits, Bernadette and Dont Walk away, Renee, Brown Eyed Girl, the Twist, Hot fun in the Summertime, Sugar-Sugar, Good Vibrations, Sherry, Happy Together, One Fine Day, Pretty Woman, Under the Boardwalk, and all the other good old songs.

  14. A cabin like that would be awesome. Nice post Pamela.

  15. Lake cabin of my dreams! Love that. So serene. Summer's about going to the beach for me. A plus with the husband on the side. :D

  16. It's been fun reading everyone's summer memories. I enjoyed your other answers as well. A cabin on a lake sounds great.


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