What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends Again!

 It seems like only yesterday that it was Thursday and Friday...but a whole week has gone by, and oh! What a HOT week it has been!! After last week's cooler rainy days and nights we have been thrust into the heat of summer overnight it seems. Our temperatures have been in the high 90's every day. 

This was the outside temp a few minutes ago when we went for a ride.

 Every day this week we have thanked the Lord that our air conditioner chose to die last week instead of this week, and we have had our new AC system working beautifully all week long for this very hot weather. God's timing is always perfect!!

However, one thing that was a little inconvenient this week was that our community water department decided to do a system cleaning, and so our water was shut off all day Tuesday, and then we have been under a "boil water alert" ever since.  When you are hot and thirsty it can be a bit of a pain to not have access to potable water from your faucets and not be able to use the icemaker in the refrigerator!  But thankfully, just a few moments ago, this arrived on our door:

(never mind the typo in bold print..."Boll Water Notice") Lol. We're just glad it's over)
So now things are pretty much back to normal, even though it is still so very very hot!
But we found a way to beat the heat this afternoon:

Oh wait! First...another blessing to add to my thankfulness list:
Our kids Benton and Rose made it home from their vacation safely Tuesday night. We sure are happy to have them back home again! And so that brings me to what we did this afternoon to beat the heat:

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago HERE that progress was coming to our little town, and that soon we would have a place for burgers and milkshakes:

The owners of our favorite BBQ place, Hog Wild Country Cafe', have bought this other location for a burger and shakes place.

They've kind of been having a little difficulty in getting things going due to county inspection slowdowns (not their fault), so they still can't serve the hamburgers, etc., but they are open for 
We decided to go pay them a visit this afternoon and meet our "kids" there for some ice cream.  Hubby discovered that they also have toys and fun things for sale:

Here's our sweet DIL Rose deciding what she wants to order:

I found something I wanted, and asked for a cup of ice-cream to go with it for a Root Beer Float!

Benton and Rose decided on a chocolate milkshake for him and a ice cream cone for her:

And here I am with my Root Beer Float.  Hubby decided he didn't want to spoil his supper so he just came for moral support while we indulged in our ice cream treats. LOL.

It was really yummy and refreshing.  Even though the treats seemed a little "pricey" (the owner explained the cost of all things dairy went up considerably just since the time they decided to open this business), it was still worth the time and energy to go and cool off and spend some fun time together with our kids. We sure have missed them!  As a matter of fact, we had them over to our house last night for supper, and they brought the grandpuppies Sugar and Spice, who were very happy to finally come back to Grandpa and Grandma's house after so long. But I didn't get any pictures of them, I guess because I was just too busy enjoying having them all here again.
One picture I did take before they arrived was this:
I baked this lemon-blueberry cake for dessert. It's actually Rose's recipe, but she didn't have time to bake anything since they had just gotten home from their trip and I didn't want her to have to make anything.
We had a pork loin roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked maple glazed carrots and green peas for supper. It was all very yummy, especially because we were all together again. Even a peanut butter sandwich tastes better with loved ones to share it with. LOL.

So what else is going on?
Well, in the bird kingdom here on Still Waters Pond there seems to be some changes going on.
This is Mrs. Bluebird last week.  This week Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird seem to have abandoned this nest. At least I haven't seen them around for a couple of days. I never saw any babies ready to fledge, so I am thinking something went wrong and maybe the high heat has caused these eggs to not develop properly and so Mom and Dad have gone away. I haven't looked inside the birdhouse yet to see what's there. I will wait another couple of days to be sure they don't come back first.
But in the meantime another couple have started checking out the other birdhouse again. I think it's probably the same couple who were there earlier in the spring, as they tend to come back again for their 2nd brood a couple of months after the first batch leaves the nest.  Here's Mr. Bluebird checking out the house:

What's funny is all the while he is inspecting the house he is chattering away in bluebird talk, apparently talking to Mrs. Bluebird, who is up in the tree and out of my view.

I can hear her chattering back, and it is literally like they are having a conversation with each other about the merits of this house.

You can tell he is giving it a very careful inspection, and she's probably telling him to be sure and check for leaks and air flow and safety issues.

He does not overlook a thing.

He inspects the roof:

And then sticks his head inside, and he did actually go inside and come back out after a minute or two.

Again, he keeps chattering away in a sing-song conversation. I wish I could tell what they were saying, but it seems logical to me that it is all about whether or not they should set up housekeeping here once again.

Here he is on the tip top of the pole, staking his claim on this piece of property. I think he likes that it has a nice view of Still Waters Pond, and hopefully they can catch a cool breeze now and then.
I half expect to see the moving van coming tomorrow to bring all their worldly goods. LOL. I will keep you posted on their progress.

Well, I will close with these thoughts from a little devotional calendar from earlier this week:

Psalm 119:105 
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Seeing this also  reminded me of the poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Lamplighter":

This came from my very favorite old book from my childhood:

This also reminds me of another verse, from the most favorite book of my whole life, The Bible:

Matthew 5:14-16

14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 
15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

And with those thoughts I will leave you for today.  May we always strive to be that light that is shining before men and women, to give glory to God for Who He is and all He has done for us!  Amen.


  1. 98*!? Yipes! Glad it wasn't that bad here. Only felt that way. lol
    Yum, root beer. My fav. They need to make a sugar-free version.
    Love xx

  2. I just love the bluebirds and your commentary on their house inspection!! There really is never a dull moment on your lovely Still Waters Pond!! I am so glad Rose and Ben are back!! Seems like they have been gone a long time! A much deserved vacation, for sure, but nice that they are home. Ice cream!!! I have really been wanting some ice cream and now I REALLY want some ice cream!! I want what Rose had!! :) Hugs!

  3. Gosh Pam, it's not yet 8 o'clock and you're making me hungry! I hope Hog Wild's new venture is a success, despite the rising food costs. Tom loves his root beer floats; as a matter of fact, I think there's a six-pack in the beverage cupboard. I don't often crave ice cream, but Rose's cone looks mighty tempting!
    Guess what? I used to have that same little Stevenson book; it probably went the way of a church rummage sale.
    Today through Monday we're under what the TV's calling "First Alert" heat advisory. So thankful for air conditioning!
    Wishing you and John a blessed day!

  4. Oh, those precious bluebirds remind me of my Daddy...he loved those. And, that cake....so yummy. I really enjoy blueberries and lemon together. And, I could never pass up ice cream. HOPE your weekend is great.

  5. Pam: Thank you for sharing your family times with us. Those bluebirds always get my attention. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  6. I had that very same book growing up, Pamela! I'm glad that Rose and Benton got home safely and that you could spend some time with them. The ice cream shop looks delightful, and I do hope they can open the burger part soon. I'll bet those will be delicious!

  7. Yes about trying to be a light in the world! Jesus is the true light that shows us the way back to him. I love all of the goodies in this post. (I must be hungry!) A rootbeer float with good 'ole A & W Rootbeer sounds so good and refreshing. The cake looks delicious too. So glad that Benton and Rose got home from their travels safely. It's always fun to see what is going on at Stillwater Pond. I loved the pictures of the Bluebirds inspecting their home, and your fun narration. I hope you and your family have a good weekend and a very happy July 4th! God bless America!!

  8. Thanks as always for your comments on my blog.
    I always love seeing what is happening at Still Waters Pond.
    Love the 'story' of Mr and Mrs Bluebird. My brother's bluebirds do the same thing, and they have just decided to stay for the second round of babies.

  9. I'm so glad that Rose and Benton made it back safely from their trip. I'm sure you have so much to talk about with them. The ice cream place and the cake look wonderful. And I really enjoyed Mr. Bluebird's inspection routine. I laughed out loud at your talk of a moving truck! :-)
    The Bible verses are so fitting. Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Nice to read that Benton and Rose returned home safely from their travels and that you were all able to get together for a treat and break from the heat. Yes, Pam it is good that your AC unit was replaced just in time. The imagined bluebird conversation was amusing and I wondered about the duct table on the birdhouses. I might have missed if you mentioned the reason in an earlier post.

    1. Thank you, "Beatrice"...re: the bluebird house duct tape: We have had several incidents of something, either a cat or raccoon or some other predator opening up the birdhouse somehow. We've never been able to figure out what or how, but we door would be left wide open. Thankfully the baby birds were still intact in the nest, with the parents standing nearby in the tree all upset. So I very carefully closed the door and taped it shut. The birds seemed to appreciate my efforts and did not try to attack me while doing it. So now we try to maintain a fresh layer of tape on the door after we clean out the old nests before the new family moves in.

  11. We just finished off a carton of ice cream before I sat down to read this post. This is definitely the season for ice cream! Welcome back to Benton and Rose!

  12. I like root beer floats as well. I'd put chocolate ice cream in mine. I glad Rose and Benton had a good trip and close enough to be with you again. It was in mid to high 80s this past week. This week is to be in the mid 90s. I hope my husband and daughter survive the rodeo July 4th. Good thing it starts at 7:30 p.m. I won't be going as I have be careful walking. We got tickets 🎟 early and no refunds. NW Christian ✝️ convention days were really good this past Wed-Saturday 💖 . Hope the birds 🐦 🐦‍⬛ 🙏 figure their house. 😃 ~~Becky

  13. Wow, you are hotter than us! But we will be in the 100's at some point. I would love to sit on your porch and birdwatch! I used to enjoy root beer floats, but I don't drink soda's anymore. I limit my ice cream because I have to watch my sugars. Have a wonder 4th Pamela!


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