What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

"Going South..." A Book Review

Several weeks ago I mentioned that I had received a couple of  "unexpected blessings" here totally out of the blue...and of course the first one you are all pretty aware of by now, in the little "personality" of Lily Grace. Her adventures have kept me so busy ever since her arrival that I barely had time to think about the second "unexpected blessing", which did arrive and has also been a great joy to me.  

However the second gift was in the form of a book, and due to so  many "adventures" in life in addition to those with Lily Grace, I was having a hard time sitting down and spending any time reading. But once I finally did, I was so glad I did.  Here is the book I am referring to:

I first learned about this book HERE, on Marcia's blog entitled "Marcia Moston, On a Write Journey Following God"When she shared a bit about her latest book on her blog post, I was intrigued by it and truly wanted to read more.  Well, for some reason, after Marcia read my comment on her post, she decided to send me a copy of her book! I was so surprised and blessed beyond measure! When I finally made the time to sit down and read the book, I was even more blessed.  

Here is the gist of the story: 

Marcia Moston weaves a warm and fun story of what happens when she stepped away from the original plan to buy a sensible home way down south in South Carolina for her and her husband, (while he was still finishing up his work up north) and ends up with a fixer-upper that needs major renovation...much to her hubby's dismay. Thankfully he was a great sport and dove right in with the positive attitude of making lemonade out of the lemon...but this story goes so much deeper. It is a glimpse into how God also weaves a tangled mess of bad decisions, unexpected life events, sorrows and disappointments into a magnificent tapestry of lives filled with new hopes, restored purpose and fulfilled promises. This book took us so much deeper than what appeared on the surface and I came away with great comfort and hope for how God can work in my own tangled messes of life. Wonderful positive message of hope!

I guess this story really resonated with me because we have made many moves in our lives over the course of our 51+ years of marriage, and sometimes our best laid plans didn't always work out the way we thought they would. I could identify with Marcia's story on several levels...the moving part, the renovations, but also the deeper personal level of how God works in our lives when we make wrong moves, bad decisions, or when things happen in our family's lives beyond our control. I have also experienced disappointments, unexpected "house-guests", and sorrows beyond my ability to cope at times. But, like Marcia shares in her story, God doesn't give up on us because we make mistakes. He often takes our mistakes and turns them into victory and blessing. Her story is one of encouragement and hope, and I can honestly say, that is my story too.

I believe you would also enjoy "Going South with the God of Jacob's and My Mistakes".  Here is a link to it on Amazon.com in case you would like to "check it out" for yourself!

Thank you, Marcia, for sharing your story with me. I truly enjoyed this book...and now I need to go "check out" your other books as well!   


  1. Thanks for the review. I suppose that without those mistakes, we'd not in the place to learn many lessons. If all went well all the time, then there is no need to change. I've gone through so many lessons and changes these last three years since my move to Tennessee! Thankfully God has used my mistakes for my better and of course, those pesky lessons! LOL

    1. Yes, I think we all can identify with the ways in which God uses our mistakes and issues in life to teach us valuable lessons and to extend His great grace to us. We are truly blessed to be loved so much that He doesn't give up on us even when we step out of line or move in the wrong direction. He gently and lovingly gets us back on track and helps us move on to victory!

  2. Thanks for the book review, Pam! I am always glad to read a positive review of a good book!! How nice that she sent you a copy! Blessings abound! Hello to Lily Grace!! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. It really was a great book that took me a lot deeper than the cover prepared me for. I was expecting a book about moving and renovating a house, but of course, God couldn't miss such an opportunity to teach us valuable lessons and extend His loving grace toward us. I highly recommend the book! And Lily Grace says hello to you and Joe too. Hope you are feeling better.

  3. This sounds like exactly the kind of book I'd enjoy, Pamela. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Oh yes, Martha, I believe you would enjoy this book! It is a book that goes way deeper than the cover! Much like your books...there are valuable lessons intertwined in the midst of a fun story. There are definite messages there we can all identify with. I am sure you will like it!

  4. How nice that Marcia sent you a copy of her book! It sure sounds like a good one. Thanks for the review :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, I truly enjoyed reading it and I am sure others will too. I could personally identify with it in so many areas. And she writes with humor and fun along with the heart felt message...

  5. This sounds like a very good and valuable book!

    1. It really is an excellent little book. I am sure you would enjoy reading it!

  6. "..... a tangled mess of bad decisions, unexpected life events, sorrows and disappointments into a magnificent tapestry of lives filled with new hopes, restored purpose and fulfilled promises." That resonates!

    1. Thank you...that resonates with my life for certain...perhaps I should save that line for my book someday...

  7. Hi there Pam, this book looks good, I will have to look it up and find it! Mercy....we moved alot in the old days too. NOT DOING that ever again, God willing. LOL that is so weird about that "days of our lives" quote....isn't it??? I didn't watch that soap either....so even stranger!?? But I always liked how it came on....with the hourglass and the man saying "these are the days of our lives....etc." thing. I looked for AGES TO FIND me an hourglass!! Didn't want to pay big price....I finally found this one this Fall at the thrift store....I was thrilled and brought it home immediately!! i think it's so pretty. And it was in perfect condition. Hugs!PS....back in the "old days" when I DID watch soaps---it was As the World Turns, guiding light, and Young and the Restless. Much much later, the Bold and the Beautiful. There was one way way way back called Somerset and also Capitol--neither one lasted too long but I liked them. Somerset had Audrey Landers and I liked her, she sang and played guitar I think. My mom and ma-maw also watched Edge of Night. My ma-maw loved watching "the stories" as they called them. My Great Grandma watched them every day too! LOL. I also remember when Luke and Laura got married, it was a "big deal" even tho I didn't watch that one, I saw the pictures.

    1. Ha Ha, "These are the Days of our Lives..." and they certainly are exciting! I never really watched any soap except for All My Children, and that was about 50 years ago, when my first baby was a baby and I would watch it when he'd go down for a nap and I would sit and fold diapers and baby clothes and watch it while he slept. Dummy me, I should have taken a nap too! LOL.

  8. Thanks for the review. Wish it was in Dutch

    1. Wow, Aritha. I wonder if that can be done? Perhaps Marcia Moston will see this message and check into it.

  9. Oh, it intrigued me so much I just popped over to Amazon and ordered it...and the last copy of the book that came before it! Thanks for the tip!

    1. Oh Wow! I am sure you will enjoy it. And I know Marcia Moston will be very grateful for your purchase!! Perhaps you can review the other book for us!


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