What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

It's a Beautiful Day for a Beautiful Day

It's a beautiful day for a beautiful day!! 

From the Psalms of David, 
"A Psalm of Unmixed Praise" (per my NKJV Bible)
Psalm 103:1-5
1.  "Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
2.  Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits;
3.  Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
4.  Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
5.  Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."

We took a little ride in our own neighborhood. We had kind of forgotten this beautiful place was there, practically within walking distance....(but not quite yet for me)
 Hubby is on the lookout for a quiet, safe spot to have our own personal Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday Morning.  Since we can't gather in crowds or groups, we are looking for a  secluded spot where we can just sit and praise the Lord at sunrise on Easter.
 Although this is a public boat ramp in our neighborhood, there was no one there today. So we are hoping perhaps it will be the same on Easter Sunday morning, and perhaps we can go there
to spend that quiet time rejoicing in the Risen Christ.

We shall see. If it doesn't work, then we will do our time of rejoicing here at our own home, but
we were kind of hoping to see the sunrise from a special location.

Maybe people from all over will also be rising early wherever they are to celebrate
the risen Christ at sunrise on Easter Sunday.

Perhaps something to think about, if you haven't already.
We would be celebrating together across the land, even if it is at different times for the different time zones, but it might be a special way to celebrate together.  
So, why not set your alarm clocks next Sunday morning to be sure and rise early enough to watch the sunrise wherever you are...and spend that time rejoicing in the fact that Christ is Risen!
He is Risen indeed!

Meanwhile, back at home, I am preparing for another special "celebration." Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Our Pastor will be speaking to us online, and he has also promised that we will be sharing Communion (The Lord's Supper) together, since it is also the first Sunday of the month.  So we are each to prepare our own elements for observing this wonderful Sacrament together.  
I decided this was a good reason to bake some bread.
Yes, I know, I do cheat a little by using this bread machine. It was a gift from my parents many years ago, and I honestly don't use it often enough anymore...but felt this was a good opportunity to put it back into service...to prepare bread for our remembrance of the Lord's Supper.
For a complete personal Communion Service Please click HERE and share in this service with me.

So, what special plans are you making for the observance of this Holy Week? It will be largely up to us as individuals to set apart a special time to worship and remember the Lord's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His Last Supper, His brutal death on the cross, His burial in the tomb, and His glorious Resurrection three days later.

If nothing else, during these difficult days, let us remember what Jesus said to the sleeping disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night He was betrayed:

"What? Could you not watch with Me one hour?
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.  
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."
Matthew 26:40-41

May Jesus find us awake and watching, for we do not know the hour that He will be returning to take us all home.

Have a wonderful, beautiful, blessed Holy Week.  Remember, it's not really about the Easter Bunny, or the eggs or the baskets  or the dresses...It's all about Jesus. Let us never forget.


  1. This is such a beautiful post, Pam! What a lovely idea to look for a beautiful spot outdoors for a personal Easter Sunrise service. I love it!

    Your photos are especially pretty today; I enjoyed every one of them.

    As for the scripture from Psalm 103, verse 2 especially jumped out at me with this reading: "... forget not all His benefits." Even with all the hardships we are facing now, the benefits FAR outweigh the negatives. Our Lord has not left us desolate. We still have all we need to trust and enjoy Him.

    1. Amen! Yes, we tend to forget all of His benefits when we are feeling deprived of something. So yes, that is a very good thing to remember, and I am glad you noticed that particular verse and pointed it out. We are truly blessed even in our times of "deprivation". Praise God!!

  2. Pam. Thank you for this beautiful sharing time. Pictures are lovely. We may not physically be together for the sharing of the bread and juice, but I know each of us will be together in worshipping God and loving each other on this Palm Sunday.

    1. Yes, we will. I am looking forward to it. The Body of Christ is together even when we aren't physically together...but we are one in Christ and His Spirit will be with each of us as we partake and worship.

  3. It absolutely is all about Jesus, Pamela! And I think it's wonderful that you all are looking for a special place outdoors to greet Easter sunrise and to praise the Lord. We can't actually see the sunrise from our vantage point here at the house, so our worship at the Orlando Compound will have to happen just a bit later than yours. :)
    Have a blessed Holy Week!

    1. Time really doesn't matter...I guess the idea was to wake up and rejoice that Christ is risen on Easter Sunday morning, and to set aside that early morning time to praise and worship Him! I know we all will be doing that throughout the day anyway...but to hear that chorus of all the saints here on earth singing He's Risen, Alleluia! would be a beautiful sound to the heart and ears of Jesus in heaven!! Just a thought.
      Have a blessed week, and stay healthy and happy!

  4. What a peaceful and beautiful site to meet with the Lord!

    I'm feeling especially sad we won't be able to worship corporately this Holy Week. The pinnacle of the Christian faith, and we can't be with our church family. And for us, this is the first year our church has been in existence. We began last August as a church plant of another PCA church. So, our sweet little body won't be sharing this first Easter together. But, as you said, it's not about anything but Jesus, and we can worship him still, even on our own.


    1. I am so sorry your church won't be able to celebrate their first Easter together on Easter Sunday, but remember, we are "Easter People"...not just Easter Sunday people. We celebrate the risen Christ every day. So we can all have our special Easter services when we do get back together, but we can celebrate His resurrection wherever we are. It won't be long before we'll be back together again, rejoicing all the more!!

  5. What a wonderful post! I love the idea of having an Easter sunrise service for ourselves. I have the perfect view and I think I will indeed set my clock Easter Sunday to celebrate looking at that beautiful sunrise.
    I am so grateful for technology as I have enjoyed my church right in the comfort of my chair, but miss "my girls" as I call them. I teach 4th and 5th grade girls.

    1. Oh, I am so glad that you will also try to do this. I think it is the perfect time to celebrate Easter...at sunrise, just when Mary Magdalene and the others discovered that Christ was risen from the dead. We have so much to be thankful for...even in the midst of this crisis. God is with us, always.

  6. Having your own personal sunrise service sounds wonderful. Easter can be just as meaningful as we celebrate in new ways this year

    1. Yes, perhaps even more meaningful because we do have to make the extra effort to do this on our own. But I believe it can be a deeply spiritual time for us when we approach it with an open heart and mind, ready to hear what the Lord has to say to us individually. Blessings abound!

  7. Your sunrise service sounds wonderful. I hope your personal place is still quiet and not crowded by many so you can enjoy the peace of the SONrise!! Wishing you a blessed Easter week!

    1. Thank you, Terri. We can each find our own special ways of worshiping and celebrating if we just open our hearts and minds to God's Holy Spirit and what He is saying to us in these days. It shall be a very blessed Easter week, I believe!!

  8. I love the idea of your private personal Easter sunrise too... such a lovely place!

    1. I believe you also have a lovely spot to arise with the sun and worship the Lord at the breaking of the dawn on Easter Sunday morning. I hope many will think about this and look for those special ways to make this time very meaningful.

  9. Our pastor has told us there will be "drive-up" communion on Maundy Thursday. I am uncertain if I will be able to go. On Good Friday and on Easter Sunday, he will be on YouTube bringing us a message. Today's message was wonderful. Peace and Blessings.

    1. The "drive-up" communion should be interesting. Not sure how they will administer the Sacraments without getting too close...but I am glad they are at least trying. We are thankful for technology that makes it possible for our Pastors to connect with us, but we will be so glad when we can all come together again to worship and praise. Hopefully not too much longer! Peace and blessings to you as well. Take care.

  10. Very nice post with beautiful photos!

    1. Thank you, Ann. It was a beautiful morning and I am so glad we were able to get out and be refreshed by God's beauty. Hope that you are doing well up in your neck of the woods. One day at a time, and praying this will soon be over.


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