What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday Foto Friends Little This and That

It's Friday! And I haven't been posting much lately, because I've been busy with a "little this and that".  So I think I will just share the pictures I've been taking so you can see what I've been up to.

Just for the "record"....this spider web in the Secret Garden looks like it says it is a "45" rpm record...do you see that little bit of stitching in the center that looks like it says 45? That's what I think, anyway! I wonder what song the spider was singing as he spun this web? 

He really stretched this web out there in the middle of the garden, ready to catch unaware critters in its strands. So glad the sun was shining through and got my attention before I was the victim!! I would not have made very beautiful music if I'd been tangled up in that web, I can assure you!

This was my favorite pic of the week. The Swallow Tailed Kites have been extremely active this week.  Here you see what I believe is a young kite sitting on the lower branch.  The mother kite was sitting above it, and these other kites came diving in to try and disturb them, I think...Or maybe it was feeding time. Quite an action shot, huh?  I have a video of them on my facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/pamela.m.steiner/videos/pcb.10214383344484091/10214383335603869/?type=3&theater

And this Osprey was giving me a good look over as I walked by...

Hubby decided to do some mowing in between rain storms this week:

I love how this pot of flowers that my kids gave me for Mother's Day is still blooming and making me smile every day:

I am NOT smiling that my favorite camera is stuck in the "on" position, but I cannot actually turn it on or off to make the lens go back in. I've checked the batteries, etc., done everything I can, and it will not work. So I've had to put it aside while I contact someone who may know what to do.

 Meanwhile, I found another camera that a friend had given me when I had a similar problem before. I dusted it off, put in new batteries, and decided to go try it out. My hubby, "the ham" posed for me:

I went to my usual favorite spots for pictures to see if I liked the results from this camera...

It's okay, but not as clear and concise as the other camera.

But these Oak trees are still stunning, don't you think?

Last Friday we went to meet some dear friends and family for lunch. Here I am with my friend Paula and my sister Doris.

And here is my brother in law Art and my hubby John.  They were the "daily specials", according to the sign behind them.

My friend Paula gave me a little gift...this hanging solar lamp...for the Memorial Garden:

Or perhaps for the Secret Garden:  It is something she had ordered as a potential birthday gift for me (but my birthday isn't until September), but she thought it was a little small and not what she thought it would be from looking at it online, but she couldn't send it back, so she gave it to me now anyway. I love it.  It will remind me to pray for my friend Paula, as she got some disturbing health news this past week and may be having some serious things ahead. Please keep her in your prayers.

And then earlier this week I made a little trip down south of here to visit another dear friend, "Evelyn",  who lost her husband to cancer last year, and we try to stay in touch as often as we can.  We met at a restaurant southwest of Ocala, "Red's"... they have this goldfish pond out in the yard and many people feed them...

And here we are taking a "selfie" of the two of us.  We are like two sisters from different parents. Been friends for about 40 years. 

Around the yard of the restaurant there are other interesting artifacts and beautiful nature...

This is alongside the Withlacoochee River...

Anyone still use this kind of lawn mower?

This looks a good place to say, "The End"

This past week's visits with dear friends, both of whom have lost husbands to cancer, really makes you stop and think about how quickly life can change.  We need to always be ready to share the love of Christ with others, and also be sure that we are ready to trust Him with whatever comes our way.  I am so thankful for my sisters in Christ who have been there for me, and I pray that God will always help me to be there for them as well.

Have a blessed an beautiful day my friends. Hug the ones you love, and spend time with your friends as often as you can.


  1. Beautiful. Oh and my husband uses that kind of lawn mower--he has two of them that someone gave to him.

    Cancer is a ugly word...I am a 14 year survivor. Unfort. our landlady who is 82 found out yesterday her cancer returned and its not good. All I could do was hug her and listen to her and keep praying. Just breaks my heart.

    1. Thank you, Linda. So thankful for your 14 years of being cancer free. Praise God. I will say a prayer for your landlady. Glad you were able to hug and listen. Sometimes that is enough. Just keep praying. I would love to see a picture of your husband using that lawnmower. The only other place I have seen them being used in recent years was in Amish country. One hooked up a horse to a couple of them and pulled the horses around to do the mowing! That was a 2 horsepower engine!! LOL

  2. Beautiful photos, Pamela, and wonderful reminders of how short and unexpected life can be. Yes, we must love and love well while here on earth, and spread Jesus' love every chance we get.

    1. Yes...Life is very short, and we need to share love and the Lord wherever we go. We never know who will be meeting Him face to face next. We must always be ready. Thank you for visiting. Always love to hear from you.

  3. Lovely pictures even without your special camera but I hope you can get it fixed. Yes, the oaks are stunning :) I hope your day is filled with smiles.
    I woke up at 7 to sunshine.. ate something quickly.. went back to bed about 15 mins later.. woke up to more rain. Never ending rain.

    1. We actually didn't have any rain today...which is probably the first day all week. But it is very hot and humid. I'd rather have the rain than the high heat and humidity. I hope your day has been happy and sweet as well.

  4. Beautiful pictures, no matter the camera, because you have a good eye! (two of them, actually!)

    Praying for Paula, for peace and clear direction.

    Thankful for my Daily Special, as you are thankful for yours.

    And a good place to say, "The End." Aren't you the clever gal?!!!

    1. Thank you for your keen insights and sweet thoughts. And yes, we should be very thankful for our "Daily Specials". LOL. And my "The End"...well, it just popped in my head...sometimes I am clever, but I'm not sure how or why! LOL. Thank you for thinking so. God is good, all the time! God is good!!

  5. Pam, it's good to get a small glimpse into your life. Even with needing to go back to an older camera, you still capture great photos.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh thank you, Kim. You are very sweet. Sometimes life looks even better in pictures than in does in real life...but actually, I know I am blessed and very thankful for all that God has given me. I don't take any of it for granted. Life is too short.

  6. What a great post chock full of beautiful pictures. So glad you found the other camera. That spider web was something, but I couldn't see the 45. It doesn't seem he would be singing itsy bitsy spider, although maybe he recently had climbed a water spout. I sometimes wish we had one of those old lawn mowers. We also have a friend who seems to be losing the battle of cancer and it is very sad and such suffering. How wonderful to have long time friends. I treasure all mine. I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2005, but I was blessed that it was caught so early on.

    1. So thankful that your cancer was caught early enough and that God has blessed you with many more happy years to serve Him. As to the spider, I love that little song, and have some fun memories of singing it, actually with my high school graduation class on "grad night", when we put on a show for the public and that was our final "act", the whole class standing together and singing that with the hand motions. It was quite a sight! I'll never forget it. We actually sang it again at one of our class reunions. Thank you for being a good friend, not only here in blogland, but with your dear friends there who need and appreciate you. I know you are a blessing to them as well.

  7. Pam: Re: That reel lawn mower, I have been thinking about them lately. My dad had one. My friend Martha's husband started mowing the church grounds. It takes two men on riding mowers about five hours to complete the job. I told her we should be thankful that the technology has given us the riding mowers. The other gentleman had to mow two days a week, 5 hours at a time.

    We very recently heard that a lady in our neighborhood lost her battle with cancer. She was declared 'cancer free' but it came back. In 1996-97, I spent almost one year caring for my stepmother, then my dad as they had cancer.

    I saw the 45 RPM record. I wonder if it would play Rick Nelson or Pat Boone music?

    1. Ricky Nelson or Pat Boone, hmmm, writing "love letters in the sand", or Rick Nelson's "Garden Party", or "Fools Rush In". Ha ha. I am sorry to hear about the lady in your neighborhood. Cancer is a horrible foe. I pray for a cure to be found, and for those suffering with it to have strength and grace and comfort. Yes, when it comes to lawn mowing, we are blessed to have riding mowers these days. I said to someone above, I once saw an Amish farmer with his horse pulling one of those little lawn mowers. That was his idea of a "horse powered engine". LOL>

  8. I was just at a memorial today to support a friend who lost her husband to cancer. They were a beautiful couple and an even better family. My last digital SLR eventually wouldn't focus. Every photo was blurry, no matter if I used the manual focus or the auto. I finally just gave it up.


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