What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Disappointment Turned to Thankfulness

It's been one of those days...
You know, when you work really, really hard to make things extra special...

And you arrange things just so, thinking it will be noticed and appreciated...

And even the "baby" (Baby Elva) is all dressed up and ready to be noticed...

And Pamela's Victorian Cottage is ready to welcome guests...

And the people come, who are "prospective buyers" for our house, and they kind of breeze through, looking around, but not with the kind of interest and intensity that we, as prospective sellers, would like to see. And then they tell you they are looking for "investment property", to use as a rental...and your heart does a little drop, knowing that this particular house and property are most likely not what they are really looking for...and they really didn't care how "cute" and dressed up things were...they don't plan to live here.

So, you thank them for coming...and you wish you hadn't worked quite so hard and wore yourself out trying to make things look so nice...because they really didn't notice at all...

But, as I sit here feeling sorry for myself, one of my dear friends from here in Blogland as well as Facebook sends me an encouraging message, telling me a story of how when they were trying to sell their house, and they had a really special new house picked out that they wanted, and they were meeting with the builder and making changes to the floor plans, etc, in hopes their house would sell and they could buy that wonderful new house just the way they thought they wanted it...with only two bedrooms since they were downsizing...one very large master, and the other a regular bedroom...but then their house didn't sell and they had to give up on that particular house.  They were quite disappointed.

Then a few weeks later their house finally sold, but that house that they wanted was no longer available.  They ended up choosing another house, with three smaller bedrooms, but it was okay...just not exactly what they thought they wanted.  Long story short, not long after moving into that home, their son came back home to stay with them because of an illness, and they found that they really needed that 3rd bedroom, and were so glad that God had stopped them from buying the first house as it would not have been adequate for their current needs.

My friend then said to me: 

"The Bible tells us to wait on the Lord, that is so very true. We don't know our future but He does. He is leading you through this venture so everything will work out for your best interest. "

Yes, that is so true, and I truly appreciate my friend (you know who you are!) for sharing this story with me just now as I was starting to write this post. It helped change my whole attitude and demeanor from being frustrated and discouraged, to hopeful and thankful again.

Another blogging and Facebook friend posted this verse on her page this morning:

Today's Verse: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” -
1 Thessalonians 5:11

I love how our friends here do exactly what this Bible verse says...You know, we can say a lot of negative things about Facebook and they would probably be true, but there are also many wonderful things about it...and that is the fellowship of friends that we have there, and here, in blogland.  I have met so many wonderful people here, and keep up with many old friends as well, and we are able to bless one another with words of encouragement, often just at the right moment.  I had another friend email me this morning to tell me she would be praying for me as we showed the house today. Again, this is a friend that I met through blogging and facebook.  (and have also had the joy and privilege of meeting face to face as well).

This week another of our friends has been sitting in the hospital with her husband, who has been in ICU.  She reached out to her friends here, and one thing led to another, and she actually called me on the phone the other night and we were able to talk to each other "in person" for the first time, and to encourage one another. The good news is her husband is on his way to rehab today, and appears to be doing much better. Many friends have been praying, and God is answering those prayers.

So, what started out to be kind of discouraging, disheartening, and disappointing, has turned out to be a blessing to me today.  I know in my heart that God is in control, and that He is working ALL things together for my good, (Romans 8:28), and therefore, I will rest in that knowledge and trust in His goodness.  And my hubby and I will just enjoy having a clean house for the rest of the day. I may even go have a little mini tea party with myself and Baby Elva, just for the fun of it.  

God knows when and if this house will sell, and He has just the right kind of people who will come and love it as much as I do and appreciate the special things about this house as they make it into their own home.

Meanwhile, You are always welcome to come for a visit...and I will definitely put the tea-kettle on so we can have a tea party!!

Have a blessed day...and Thank YOU, dear friends, for being exactly that!
Dear Friends!!!


  1. Oh, I have a few tears, such a heartfelt post. I hope you and Baby Elva have a tea party today!!

    1. Thank you, Mary...you are such a blessing. I've missed your blogs...I hope you can get back to them again soon. Actually, I ended up sitting here reading other people's posts and trying to get caught up a bit, and where has the time gone? I need to go start working on supper now, so I never had the tea party! But that's okay. Visiting here with friends is better than a tea party with myself and my dolly, even as sweet as she is...she doesn't quite communicate the way I'd like sometimes! I needed the real people communication here today, and thank you for being there!!!!! God bless you, dear friend.

  2. "God knows when and if this house will sell, and He has just the right kind of people who will come and love it as much as I do and appreciate the special things about this house as they make it into their own home."

    What if that's what you're waiting for? What if the house you are living in is someone else's forever home, the place where they will heal, or paint, create, and write poetry, play with their grandkids or kids, and discover your secret garden, and you are just holding it for them until they get there?

    (I think I just heard a WAHOO from Heaven.)

    1. I think you are right about that...and I am praying for those people to discover our home in the right time. God knows who they are. I'll just have to be patient a little longer... Wahoo!! Yes!

  3. The LORD bless you, Pam. And He is.

  4. Such a great post! "He will turn your mourning into gladness!" I'm excited to read about what He's going to do for you in the selling of this house!

  5. When it came time to sell my home I contacted a realtor who suggested staging the house
    Packed away so much and it kind of upset me that most of my possessions were put away
    The house sold in a week
    I suggested daughter do this
    Hers sold just as quickly!!! Staging works
    Good luck

  6. I have always found that God knows better than us (and I know you know that too). Waiting is sometimes so hard. keeping this in my prayers, Pam!

  7. Pam: God is with us, even when we think He isn't. We are to wait for Him. Sometimes, it is difficult to do. But we must trust Him. I will continue to pray for you. Peace and blessings.

  8. As we've shared here before, Pamela, God's timing is perfect. He does have plans, I believe, for you to have the right buyers come through, and for you all to find your dream home. And that's one of my favorite things about blogging, too - the friendships and the encouragement we experience with one another. So honored to be able to call you my friend. Praying for you!

  9. The Lord already knows exactly who will buy your house. We will most likely be finding ourselves in this situation soon. Isn't it amazing how He can turn our disappointment into His blessings? Beautiful post, Pamela.

  10. God knows what is best for us. Still seems disappointing in that moment.

  11. What a wonderful and encouraging post dear Pamela. All in The Lord's Time as He knows just when and how and what is best for us. You will be blessed when your house sells to whom The Lord chooses for you my friend. Patience and in His time. Have a day of blessings my friend.


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