That's okay. This week was my birthday, but I can't believe I don't have any birthday pictures to show you. We really haven't "celebrated" it in style this week, (although I did go to lunch with our son and daughter in law on my birthday to Perkins, and had a orange/cranberry muffin for dessert as my birthday treat, so I guess that was a special celebration in style!) and we hope to go out to lunch on Saturday with my sister and brother in law and then come back here for apple pie, which either my sister will bake, or she will buy at all depends on her energy and time...let's face it! We are all getting older and sometimes we just can't do everything we used to do! Apple pie is a tradition started by my mother for my birthday, and my sister Doris has continued it since our mother passed away in 2006. This is a picture from my birthday party in 2013, where my sister baked TWO apple pies, and my sister in law brought a beautiful Princess Cinderella cake too! Wow! Now that was special!!!! And you can see that I was very happy... (click on the link above for more about that party)

Speaking of getting older, I was cleaning out a dresser drawer (actually looking at things IN the drawer...didn't do much cleaning out!), and I found a little box of baby congratulation cards that were sent to my parents when I was born! Can you imagine that my mother saved them all? I was amazed. Well, I won't share them all with you, but thought of this one, as it is from my maternal grandparents and is a special treasure...(and you remember last week I shared pictures of my grandmother with you) So here you go:]
On the back of the card my Grandpa Tedlie had written a little note....I hope you can read it...
And then my Grandma had written a little note inside, Here is page 1 &3
And here is page 2:
I love their handwriting, don't you? And they were so happy that my parents had another little girl, making our family "perfect"...2 boys and 2 girls.
And here is a picture of the party I had for my 8th birthday:
That is the first birthday party I can ever remember with friends. After that I didn't have many more big parties...maybe just a few girlfriends over. We didn't do big parties back then like they do today. I was very happy to have a cake and my special friends over. Not sure what all we did for games, etc., but we look happy. I am the third from the right. I see a gumdrop tree to the far right, and a string of suckers on the far left, so I'm sure this group was pretty wound up before the party was over! LOL!
For other pictures from this week, I really didn't get out and take many. However, my dear friend Sharon, whom many of you have heard about and have been praying for...(Click HERE for an earlier post about her), was taken to the hospital via ambulance on Tuesday because she was having much difficulty breathing. It turns out that she apparently has pneumonia, but they have her on strong antibiotics and she seems to be fighting back and doing well, and hopes to go home in a day or two.Click HERE for a CaringBridge post regarding her current condition I went to visit Sharon at the hospital, and no, I didn't take a picture of her, but I stepped into the chapel of the hospital on my way out to pray for her, and took these pictures:
Beautiful stained glass window with the dove of peace.
I love this picture of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane...He was praying for you and me!
And this sign is in the lobby of the hospital as you come in the front doors:
Our hospital has recently been purchased by the Seventh Day Adventist Hospitals, and I love that Christ is honored and "expected" to be a part of the healing process here. That is an added comfort.These are some of the interesting painted horses that you will find all over the city of Ocala:
They are standing just outside the hospital, and I had to stop and visit with them for a minute.
I know many of you already saw ( on Facebook) these cute young deer who were following us down the road as we took our evening walk the other day:
They were a part of the much larger family that had been dining on our front lawn:
It was such fun to watch them.
Well, dear friends, it is now my bedtime (Thursday night, remember?) and this "Old Gal" is feeling her "OLD" age this week. So I think I'll mosey off to bed, and will get up and finish posting this in the morning (which is when you will be reading it...)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Give thanks for your loved ones and friends...I know I do. We just should not take them for is short...
Now let us step over to Deb's place at Breathing in Grace and check out what our other friends are seeing and doing!