Psalm 128: 1, 8 "Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways....." "Yes, may you see your children's children..."
What a joy it is to be blessed with children...and even more blessed to have grandchildren! We have just returned from a trip north to Maine to visit our children...and our one grandchild...How grateful we are to have had this time together. Even more grateful because God granted us this special time together on the heels of a very difficult couple of months for our son and his family...and also for us. As those of you who have been following this blog are aware, our son Matthew was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive cancer about two months ago. In the weeks that have followed this diagnosis, he has undergone extremely strong chemotherapy...which has resulted in many days of physical discomfort, exhaustion, and misery. On the bright side...his prognosis is not as bad as originally feared in that the doctors believe they have discovered his cancer early enough to hopefully bring about a cure with the vigorous application of this chemotherapy for many weeks and months to come.
So tonight I am giving thanks for the hope that we have...and for the fact that during our visit with our son he was feeling great...thanks to a three week respite from the chemo. I don't love the fact that the day we left he had to go back for his next dose of chemo and has spent today very ill again from the effects. I do love knowing that he has loving and helpful family and friends surrounding him and encouraging him day by day. I don't love that we are so many miles away and unable to participate in that time of care-giving. I do love that this treatment, even though uncomfortable and not very pleasant, will hopefully result in giving our son a long and healthy life.
I do love that so many of our friends, family, people near and far...have prayed and sent words of hope and encouragement to us and to our son and his family. Many of these people have never met our son (or us!), but because of their compassion for others they have taken the time to reach out to us with that love that can only come from God above through His servants.
I am very thankful...for the many ways God shows His love to us and sends us His mercy when we are feeling overwhelmed. I pray tonight for our family way up there in Maine...may God shower His grace and compassion upon them...and give them rest and strength for each new day's challenges. And yes, "May you see your children's children..." Amen.
Welcome to my "Open Window"...a place of hope, encouragement, and adventure as we journey down the road from "Closed Doors" to the new opportunities God places in our pathway. I hope you will take the time to go back and follow the trail of mixed blessings and fears, failures and triumphs from the past and side-trips in the present. Perhaps it will conjure up some of your own special memories, and be an invitation for you to share with others. I look forward to spending this time with you!
What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!
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