I know it is Tuesday, and I didn't do the weekly
"Tuesday 4" as per my usual norm. It has been busy the past few days and somehow I just couldn't wrap my head around it this week. My apologies to Annie, who goes to a lot of work to come up with great questions every week for us. The link up is above if you'd like to check out what the questions were and see what others have been sharing.
I think these Canada Geese are hurrying right over there now to check things out! LOL.
Actually, they were parading in front of us as we pulled into a parking lot today at the Doctor's office where we were headed for an appointment.
When I got out of the car, I quickly discovered where they were coming from:
Kind of reminds me of my own Still Waters Pond! Such a lovely spot in the middle of an urban development!
Today we had to make a trip to "Fleming Island", which is about an hour's drive north of us, for an eye appointment for my hubby. He was meeting with a Cornea specialist surgeon to discuss whether or not he will need a cornea transplant due to an eye condition that has developed. Thankfully, this doctor did not believe that the need for surgery was imminent, and wants to see him back again in six months to see how things are "progressing", and then a decision can be made at that time. All in all the appointment was very encouraging and my hubby left there feeling much relieved. I'd say it was an answer to prayer, as we were both very concerned about this situation...and God has given us much hope today.
Speaking of our Still Waters Pond, this was the view over the pond a few nights ago at sunset:
I found it to be very comforting and peaceful...it looked like an angel hovering over us and spreading a golden light of peace and good will...
The lighting was really beautiful It could have been some remnants of that Saharan Dust Cloud still passing through the atmosphere...
The next day we received at least an inch of rain, and here is how that same area looked after the rain:
It was so refreshing to see the pond being restored with life giving water once again...
Another view of that "angel in the sky" the night before...perhaps it was sending us a special heavenly blessing?
And this is how that same area looked after the rains: You may not be able to tell it, but the water is much deeper and healthier.
That same golden sunset...
And again, that same spot after the rains...
Still Waters Pond is rejoicing to be given a new lease on life!
Here's how things looked in our front yard during that rain storm! You will see a "moat" running down the front along the road...in front of our "castle".
Thankfully all of that water had soaked into the sandy soil within an hour. That's one good thing about having sandy soil! It doesn't hold standing water for long! (I apologize for leaving the flag out in the rain. It started storming before I could get out there and bring it in, and then I wasn't going to go out and get soaked! Thankfully it dries quickly!)
Again, this was Still Waters Pond during the rain storm. It really was what we call a "frog-strangler" kind of storm here in Florida! LOL. Again, we are very thankful for these life-giving waters.
John 4:10-14 (Jesus with the Samaritan Woman at the Well)
10 Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”
11 The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? 12 Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?”
13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Speaking of happy times...although this picture was certainly not properly "staged", it is a picture of our "kids" here on Sunday after church for dinner...Rose and Benton and their two pups, Sugar and Spice.
Also our son Scott was there, but he managed not to be in this picture. LOL. It was the first time we'd all been together for over a month, and it was so wonderful to have everyone here again, safe and sound and healthy again.
The other day I heard the familiar sound of a bulldozer over next door on the empty lot, so of course, being the nosey neighbor that I am, I had to go check it out to see what what happening.
He was bulldozing down those newer piles of clay and preparing the ground for the "pad", that will be the "foundation" for the new house. Here's the finished product:
Then when we got home this afternoon from our Dr. appointment, we were shocked to see this sitting on that lot already!
That is only 1/2 of the full house...the back half. I understand that the front half will be delivered tomorrow.
Here is what the back side of the house looks like:
It is a kind of woodsy green color, which I actually love, because it will blend in better with the woods around it and won't be so bright and glary to look at!
And it will certainly have a lovely view from every window along the back:
I hope I have these in the right order. I stood in front of each window, starting at the kitchen window, and took a picture of what the view would be:
The Dining Area window
The Family Room 1st window:
The Family Room 2nd window:

The back (or 4th) bedroom window:
Hey! It's still not too late to be my neighbor! This house will be for sale in the near future, as soon as it is set up and ready for occupancy!
I was disappointed to have missed the delivery of the first half, but hopefully we will be here tomorrow to watch them deliver the 2nd half, and I'll be able to take some pictures! I hope you don't mind all this crazy stuff! It's just that sometimes it's more fun to watch all this happening than it is to stay inside and clean my own house! LOL.
Well, I suppose this is enough for one day. Thank you for hanging in there with me!
Also, I mentioned a couple of weeks ago a request to keep our blogging friend Debbi from "
Debbi's Front Porch" and her husband in our thoughts and prayers. I know she appreciates the prayers, and because of her privacy, I won't go into any details, but just suffice it to say they still need our prayers for a serious medical situation. Thank you so very much.