What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Foto Friends and "The Egg and I".

Happy Friday Foto Friends! I was afraid I wouldn't have any new photos to share today so I was planning on bringing back some oldies or find some that were taken recently but haven't been deemed 'blog worthy' yet...LOL, but just as I was sitting back down here this afternoon to try and figure this out I noticed something outside the window here in "My Room With a View", and was gratified to see a Great Blue Heron down on the shore of Still Waters Pond.  So I grabbed my trusty camera and tiptoed out on the porch to try and get a picture before he got spooked and flew away, which is what usually happens when I do that...so here you go...this is what I was blessed to capture:

I think he reached down to grab a fish and only came up with weeds, and that's when he saw me standing there...

And so, of course, off he flew!  I am thrilled that I was able to catch this photo in mid air, because my old camera is not very speedy and I can't get any photos in quick succession like I can on my phone camera, but this camera has a great zoom lens and so I would not have been able to get this much clarity with the phone.

And there he is, right where he landed next to the marsh island.  Thankfully he stood there for a little bit and let me get a few more pictures.
I always feel honored and blessed when God gives me these opportunities to see His amazing creatures!
Thank You, Lord, and thank you, Great Blue Heron, for standing tall and handsome for this photo!

Now here's a few pictures and kind of funny story from yesterday:

I mentioned the other day (here), that one of the Sand Hill Cranes has been spending more time here alone lately.  I am not sure if this is the mother or the father or one of the "colts", because they all look pretty much the same now.  

So anyway, yesterday morning there "she" was (I'll assume it is Mom), out on the marsh island by herself again.  She kept calling for the family to come join her. If you've never heard a Sand Hill Crane calling for their mate, then you've missed something.  But anyway, she kept calling and calling.

When I zoomed in on her, I could see something down in front of her that looked a lot like an egg.

So, I'm thinking, "By golly, she's already laid an egg, and she doesn't even have the nest ready yet!"
She really did seem a bit distressed by this and kept calling for her mate to come and see this "egg". (At least that is how I interpreted her distress calls).

Don't you agree, she looks a bit perplexed about this situation?

See? She's leaning down and looking at it and I am quite sure she is thinking she'd better hurry up and get that nest built before something happens to that egg!

Again she is calling, "Mr. Sand Hill Crane, come quickly! I've laid an egg!"

There's no sign of Mr. Crane, but the Canada Geese came swimming over to see what all the ruckus was about:

But Mrs. Crane marched right over toward them to shoo them away, which tells me that she's protecting that "egg".

Then she disappeared for a while and I didn't see her anywhere on the island.  After a while she and her whole family (all 4 of them) came walking around in our yard, foraging for food and not at all anxious about whatever is out on that island.   They stayed up close to the house for a long time, but I was busy and didn't get anymore pictures of them. (you've seen lots of pictures of them already anyway).  
So I zoomed out to look again to see that "egg".  It was still there just like before, but no one was paying it any attention.

After a while I had to seriously think about this, whether or not it really was an egg.  I couldn't zoom in any better, and I am not quite ready to go kayaking out there to get closer...but after further consideration I have determined that this is none other than....drum roll, drum roll: Are you ready for this?  I believe it is one of my son Scott's golf balls that has resurfaced with the changing of the water levels in the pond! 
One of his favorite past times when he comes home is to hit golf balls as far as he can into the pond. They are old balls that he finds on the golf course where he works, so he has a lot of them to play with. Oftentimes they will suddenly appear in places out there that we never noticed before when the water levels change.

Case in point: here's one I found along the shore of Still Waters Pond when walking along in the woods:
And so I will conclude that little mystery as being solved.   If I were to give this story a title, it would be "The Egg and I", named after an old movie and a book by the same title, which just kind of popped into my head when I was thinking about this story. LOL. The things that pop up in my head can be scary sometimes. (and now I'd like to find that old movie and watch it!)

Well, I guess I should close out this post with another couple of photos of the Great Blue Heron, who is still out there on the marsh island, trying to be camouflaged in the grasses so I can't see him.  I actually went outside to see if I could still see that "egg" out there, but I can't find it, and this is what I saw instead, which is much more beautiful and interesting anyway.
He is a rather stately and noble character, don't you agree?  (I know, our friend Annie from Cottage by the Sea won't agree, as the herons tend to "like" her goldfish in her little pond a bit too much, and that is a problem!)  But as long as they stick to the fish in the BIG ponds and lakes, they are interesting to watch and enjoy.

Here's the "One Word"  strength verse for today:
Proverbs 31:17  NKJV
"She girds herself with strength,
And strengthens her arms."

Remember when I told you about the Stem Cell procedure (HERE) that I had done last August to hopefully help heal/rebuild the torn bicep in my arm?  And I've been back to the doctor several times since for them to take measurements of the progress of how high and how far I can lift or stretch my arm since that procedure was done...and each time it seemed to me like there wasn't much progress.  My last appointment was in November, and I kind of felt like a failure.  Well, I don't have any more appointments scheduled to monitor my progress, but I honestly believe that my arm is finally getting better.  It's not hurting nearly as much or as often, and I can stretch it farther than before without hurting, so little by little I do believe that God is truly healing my arm, and I want to give Him thanks for this blessing and answer to prayer.  I am claiming by faith that my arm will continue to get stronger in this new year...like the verse from Proverbs 31:17 says above.  Since "Strength" is my One Word for the year, I believe this is definitely a worthy goal and well within my "reach".  

I hope you've enjoyed this rather rambling walk and talk today...   I pray you and yours will be blessed and have a weekend filled with new adventures and much joy along the way.


  1. Praise the Lord on your arm. I’ve wondered about it and it’s good to hear it is healing. I had to laugh about the egg/golf ball in the pond. I wonder why she was getting all upset and calling to her family. The blue heron is quite stately. They come to my little pond as well. Last year they chowed down on everyone of my 6-7 inch goldfish that we had for years. The fish would eat from our hands. So it was heartbreaking. 💔 This summer we replaced them with young ones. Laydee, alerts us and then runs after them, chasing them away from her pond. Still, they’re just doing what herons do -
    I’d never get anything done if I had this big pond in my yard!

  2. Pam; I always enjoy your post about the Still Waters Pond. You piqued my curiosity with the "egg" story. That is one you could tell at gatherings of your family for quite some time. I am so glad to hear your arm is getting better. Peace and blessings to you and yours,

  3. I'm sooo happy to hear your arm seems to be STRENGTHEN-ing, Pam! When my elderly mother injured her shoulder, the physical therapists' homework involved her standing in/near an interior door, letting her index and middle fingers 'walk' up the edge/frame to see how high she could climb.

    Your Great Blue is sure a handsome fellow. The Sand Hill mom's fascination with the 'egg', however, was the best. It made me laugh out loud.

  4. I love love love those photos of the blue heron! The blue heron is my all time favorite bird (and I seldom see any here where I live now).
    I had to laugh about your story of the 'egg' actually being a golf ball.
    Happy New Year to you!

  5. Good photo of the Great Blue Heron. We laughingly call them "Rodan" (like in those cheesy Japanese Godzilla movies because of the call they make is similar ... lol). Our winter birds seem to be missing this year. Perhaps it's not cold enough yet.
    Blessings. xx

  6. I think Blue Herons are so majestic. Love those photos.
    Your Sand Hill Crane story is great! Poor confused bird. :)
    Glad you arm is finally improving.

  7. That poor Mama bird's story is so sad. I wish the family had come when she called. What if she REALLY needed them? At least they were all together later. The blue heron is beautiful. We used to see them on lake Coeur d' Alene in Idaho when we were camping on Lake Chatcolet. (It was a small offshoot of the bigger Lake Coeur d' Alene. To watch the fly was really something. The eagles too. I miss seeing the eagles.
    I'm glad your arm seems to be improving. Possibly God is blessing your choice of the word Strength?
    I hope your weekend is a lovely one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. I enjoyed this post and the mystery egg story! The Herons are beautiful and I hope the Sand Hills stay on your pond and keep producing!!

  9. I love the pictures from this post. You live in a wonderful place to be able to watch all of the birds on Still Waters Pond. Great story about the egg/golf ball. Poor Mrs. Sand Hill Crane! Praise God that your arm is getting better. All things in His time! I hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend.

  10. I love hearing about your adventures on Still Waters Pond. I'm a bit glad that wasn't an egg. It looked so forlorn out there! I need to read up on your stem cell procedure on your arm. I hope it is helping. A new year, Pamela! What do you think it will bring? Have a great weekend.

  11. Smiling over the "egg". I am glad the arm is feeling better. I hope you have a beautiful day, smiles.

  12. Such a fun post with the "egg mystery". Love the blue heron, he is so beautiful! I also love that your arm is getting stronger and your reach further.

  13. I did so enjoy your egg story here, Pamela, and the photos of the Blue Heron took my breath away - so majestic! Wonderful news, too, about noticing improvements with your arm and its mobility. May God continue to heal you and renew your strength!


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