What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends

This past Tuesday we had severe thunderstorm warnings followed by a tornado watch followed by a tornado warning, which means a tornado could be imminent and take shelter.  We live in a manufactured home, which is another issue when there is any kind of major storm alert. We discussed whether or not to leave our home and go to our son's home about a mile away, which is a concrete block home and therefore should be safer in such a storm. But actually leaving in a vehicle can be just as dangerous as staying put, so we opted to stay put and were ready to run to our closet if things looked like they were headed in our direction. We also prayed and asked God to watch over our home and us and our community and family and friends.

While watching the storm rolling in I decided to take pictures of the changes in the atmosphere on our Still Waters Pond.  As you can see below, the Sand Hill Crane family decided to hunker down on our shoreline of the pond.

Some of these pictures were taken on my "good camera" (above), and others on my cell phone, (below), so that is the difference in quality, Because it was getting so dark (it was about 3:30 p.m.), the lighting for pictures was not very good, so that also affected the quality of the photos, but you will get the "picture" of what was happening I am sure...
The Crane family stood perfectly still while they waited for the storm to approach from the west.

Once the rains started they still stood there, braced against the strong winds that were howling across the pond.
It was almost a "white-out" of rain and wind, moving across the waters and definitely changing the waters from "Still Waters Pond" to "Swift Waters Pond." 

Our strong family still stood firm against the winds and rain...
It was hard to see across the pond for certain.
At this point the wind was blowing so hard it was pelting the rain against our glass doors under the shelter of our back porch.   This was at the height of the storm, and then soon after it receded back to a more normal rain and lower winds...as the storm blew its way eastward and up the coast of the state and country.

 And once again peace was restored on Still Waters Pond...
And the Sand Hill Crane family lifted up their wings and flew away once they knew the danger was past. But they were too quick for me to get a picture of that! 

And we give thanks to the Lord for seeing us safely through what could have been a very bad situation, but He covered us with His wings and sheltered us in the height of the storm and all is well once again.

Psalm 46: 1-3, 10
1 "God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

10 Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"

So now, what have we been doing since the big storm? Thankfully, by that evening the rains were gone and I was able to drive to choir practice at our church! We were all thankful to see each other there and again gave thanks that no harm had come to anyone in our midst.  I know others in our state, up on the panhandle area, were not as fortunate, and many others in the country are dealing with records snows and flooding and winds. It's been a strange winter so far. I hope you and yours are all safe and warm and being taken care of.  

I have been slowly but surely taking down all the Christmas decorations. I am taking my time because it is just too much to try and do all at once.  And there's no rush. As far as I know I don't have any company coming!  We are going to finally get together with my sister and her hubby and my hubby's brother and his family this Saturday at a restaurant about an hour south of us, so we can celebrate Christmas together! We don't really expect to exchange a lot of gifts or anything like that, but just want to be together and give each other hugs and enjoy one another's company. We've all come through difficult things this past year, and we are thankful that we can still come together as a family and be happy.  So I am looking forward to that. 

While taking down the ornaments on the Christmas tree, I was looking at some of them that I don't believe I've ever shared with you before. They are kind of fun and different, and were each one gifts to me from an old friend with whom we've exchanged such kinds of "silly stuff" for years, except for lately because we don't seem to be able to see each other anymore due to distance and "life".  But here are the ornaments that I think you will enjoy. They are very typically a Floridian thing:

Yes, these are all Pink Flamingoes, in various costumes...

Don't you agree these are fun and unique and very Floridian? I reserve a special place on the back side of my tree each year for these lovely "birds", where they have a birds eye view of Still Waters Pond.
I thought they'd go nicely with the previous pictures of the Sand Hill Crane family, who must be some kind of distant cousins. LOL.

Well, friends, I do hope and pray that you and yours are safe and sound and keeping warm. And that no matter what life throws in your path, you will be able to stand strong in the face of adversity like our Sand Hill Cranes were doing in the face of that storm.

Good Night and God bless you each and every one!


  1. Those were some incredible photos of the storm on your pond. Beautiful. I guess you don't have a tornado shelter? My late brother and his wife, Edith have a shelter. They are in Cullman Alabama and it was a welcome place to be, one time when I visited. Apparently they get many tornados. I remember as a 9 yr old child, going back for a few weeks in the summer to visit my cousins in Indiana. There were tornados and we spent hours in their basement shelter. Being a wussie California kid, I cried and wanted my parents. At least I was brave at my sister-in-laws shelter. Though inside I was a bit unnerved and thinking about all the what if's.
    Glad you're safe and the storms passed over.

    1. Hi Debby! No, we don't have a tornado shelter here. They really are not that frequent in this part of the state, although they can happen anywhere at anytime. But we feel pretty safe here even during hurricanes. Our biggest concern is falling trees, and I stayed away from the front/end of the house where the two huge oak trees stand out in front. I love them for their shade, but they do make me nervous in a storm. That, and lightning. Oh, I can imagine you fear having to go those shelters in Alabama and Indiana. I am sure I would have wanted to be with my parents too! Yes, they do get mean storms in those states. I guess every state has its issues. Without God I don't think we could live anywhere in peace and safety!! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

  2. God answered prayer and kept y'all safe! Praise Him for tender mercies.
    It is unique to be a Floridian. The Flamingo ornaments made me giggle. That's cute.
    Amen to the Ephesians quote!!!
    God bless. xx

    1. Glad you all were safe in the storm too. It looked like it went right over you as well. These kinds of storms are unusual in January. Our pond is nice and full again, so we are happy about that, but still didn't really like having that storm headed right at us. Glad you liked the flamingoes. They are definitely unique and fun. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

  3. That is so interesting to see how the cranes stood their ground during all of the rain and wind! Wow. Glad they made it through the storm, as well as all of us! Pam, the flamingo decorations made me smile. When we were moving from our home in Virginia, coming to Florida, our neighbors threw a going away party for us and it was flamingo themed. They said all Italians in Florida have flamingo decorations around their homes so they wanted to send us off, well prepared. That said, we have always had a flamingo somewhere in or around the house. I just purchased two new flamingos to put outside! I will take pictures when I get them situated - probably on Saturday. They make me happy!! Love your photos, always!!

    1. Can't wait to see your flamingo friends! I don't currently have any outside, but my "friend" who gave me the ornaments used to also decorate my yard with them on occasion, but then I always returned the favor right back to her! LOL. Those were fun times when we were young and crazy.

  4. The sandhill crane family is very much an example to all of us of standing firm in your faith in the midst of adversity. I love it. And the flamigoes. What a great gift to give each other!
    We are in a winter storm warning for the second time this week. We are supposed to get 9-11 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. Also wind chills of -45F to -55F for the next day or two. No highs or lows above zero until probably next Tuesday! Yuck. That's why we're heading to the Carribean next week. :-) We truly are glad now that we booked that cruise a year and a half ago. We're just hoping that it's nice enough to drive to Texas next week.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Oh my goodness! 9-11 inches of snow is a LOT! I do hope you can get out and drive to Texas safely! Yes, I don't blame you for wanted to "get away". Have a great time, but in the meantime be careful and try to stay warm and cozy!!

  5. Such fun ornaments!
    Pamela - thank you for documenting the storm! I found it so interesting, especially with the crane family standing there, through the storm. It makes me think of how we need to be planted in the rock so we can stand firm during life's storms!
    Speaking of storms, there is a big one headed our way. It's called a bomb cyclone winter storm. The atmospheric pressure is supposed to drop very rapidly, creating high winds and cyclone like weather, but in a blizzard.
    We are supposed to get about 16 inches of snow between noon tomorrow and Sat night.
    Most everything is already closed for tomorrow and Saturday. My office has cancelled patients and I can work from home tomorrow. I'm so thankful for a work place like this!

    1. Yes, about the "planted in the rock and standing firm in life's storms". Yes, I thought about that too. It's interesting how the birds know just what to do even before the storm arrived. They could sense it in the air. Oh, I hope you will be safe in the "bomb cyclone winter storm". That sounds really kind of scary too...I don't like blizzards! I am sure you are prepared as best as you can be, but I pray your power doesn't go out. 16" of snow is a LOT!!! I hope you will be able to take some pictures when it is safe to do so. But mostly just stay safe and warm. It is nice you can work from home. That is a blessing!! Take care and let us know how things go when you are able. We will be praying.

  6. Good morning, Pam: Haven't had any sleep last night. I wound up ordering some small stuffed teddy bears for a Valentine's Day project at church. You were very brave to stay in your home during the storm. I enjoyed seeing the activity and the Sand Hill Cranes as they weathered the storm. I loved seeing the Flamingo ornaments. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  7. That was one scary storm, Pamela! Thankful that the Lord was looking out for you and the Sand Hill cranes. God does see us through all the storms of life, doesn't He?
    I do love those quaint flamingo ornaments, too. It's a very Florida decoration, to be sure. Thanks for sharing all your photos here today!

  8. So glad to read that the storms didn't cause any damages and that yourself and the crane family were safe as well, Pam. We have had some really severe rain storms as viewed from our 5th floor windows.
    Thank you for your comments on my recent post about family issues with posting on the blog. I had considered not sharing the information and went through various rewrites so as not to unfairly represent both myself and others. While, they were quite vocal in their emails and texts, all were deleted and would not have been included. Moving on is the best approach and sharing this incident has actually helped me. I did hesitate thinking that perhaps a family member would read it and then start another round, but as stated before, none have ever read the blog unless a link was sent, much as you said was true with your family. And, even if they did, my post did not contain anything that wasn't true, did not mention names or relationships and included the resolution. If there were ever another backlash, it would show that the iasue is more with themselves. I plan to continue posting and am sure there will always be things to share in future.

    Thanks for sharing those fun and colorful ornaments, Pam. I also took my time in putting away the few holiday decorations we put out, but the holiday village will remain up longer as we enjoy seeing it every evening.

    1. Our family does not share family pictures or details online. Not safe. You were wise. I learned what can happen when I was teaching and we r all private.

    2. That was Brenda oops

  9. So glad you were safe during that storm. Your flamingos are so cute. What a nice collection you have. I'm still working on Christmas because I was sick for a week. Hopefully getting the ornaments off the tree today. You take care and God Bless.

  10. Praising God that no harm came to y'all! One of the first things we did after moving here was identify an interior room and get motorcycle helmets. Our chief meteorologist says a helmet, whistle and sturdy shoes should be required attire in the event of a tornado threat. (The majority of deaths are due to head injuries.)

    Your flamingo ornament is so cute! I still remember the old commercial jingle for the Florida lottery: "Walk this way to 7/11, follow the flamingo, walk this way....."

  11. I'm so glad you were able to stay put and stay safe. Those flamingo tree ornaments definitely say "Florida" to me. I think I was in 5th or 7th grade when I became fascinated by the pink flamingos in Florida and I actually sent away to the state tourism office which kindly sent me a packet of information about your state. My grandfather was very impressed, lol. I never made it to see flamingos in your state though I did make it to Miami on a flight connection to Peru. I'm glad I did get to see flamingos in Kenya though. They look amazing especially when thousands of them are gathered together. Enjoy your Christmas meal with sister and others.

  12. I totally forgot to mention how I loved your photos. The top ones especially bring a Monet painting to my mind. Well done!

  13. I just love the flamingos; I do believe I have one on the tree too. I do hope you have a beautiful time with your sister...and we will meet up when we meet up, and please tell Benton no worries...p.s. I dropped my phone and cracked it...it works when it wants too, and I meant to text him back...sigh...NO WORRIES make sure you all know this. smiles

    1. Thank you, Linda. I hope it won't be too long before we can get together. Sorry about tomorrow, but the possibility of rain is not a good thing, plus other things going on that I had forgotten about when we first talked. Hope you enjoy a pleasant day off!!

  14. I'm glad you all are safe from that storm! It is worrying if you are living in a manufactured home or mobile home - when do you evacuate? I've had to go through that many times.
    Love your flamingos! Take care and stay safe. Cold temps coming, I here!

  15. I am glad you survived the storm and the Crane family as well. I enjoyed seeing the photos you shared. The scripture verses were good to read since I remember reading them many times in the Bible. We are staying warm in the house with snow and ice that we have. Snow it's much but weather is freezing through Wed. Most likely not going to church tomorrow as it's frozen roads and not sure how the parking lot will be. Most likely no bible study on Tues either. Husband is off work on Monday due to holiday and most likely not of Tues due to weather freezing. I appreciate your prayers and friendship!!! =---Becky

  16. Wonderful pictures as always. Praise God we only got RAIN! But, so needed and now my pond looks better than it has in a couple of years. We have our heat going for sure as us Floridians don't know how to really handle cold weather. LOL! Thank you for your wonderful prayers for me. They have meant so much. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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