What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Family Blessings and Fun

Yesterday we finally were able to connect with our "extended" Florida family and celebrate Christmas together! We traveled about an hour south of us to meet up with my sister and her hubby and my husband's brother and his wife and son for lunch at a restaurant and a good visit.
This is my "little big sister Doris with me.  I call her that because she's "littler" than me, but she's still my "big sister".

Here she is with her hubby Art.

These are the "Steiner Men". It's very difficult to get a good picture of all of them at once, so this will have to do! LOL. They put on such shenanigans most of the time.

A certain nephew doesn't like to have his picture taken, so now it has become a big joke and event to try and get Nick to smile and be "normal" for a picture. It's all in good fun,
This is the "Steiner" clan, yours truly, our DIL Rose, Benton, hubby John in back, nephew Nick in front, BIL Bill and his sweet wife Peggy. Their daughter Shannon was unable to come.

Somehow my sister managed to get these two pictures, one of me giving Nick a hug and the one below where he looks like the handsome young man that he is. He really is a sweetheart, and we have good fun together.

And here is the "Mursch/Hutchinson/Steiner" clan, a.k.a. my side of the family:
Sister Doris and hubby Art, yours truly, son Benton, DIL Rose, and hubby John.  

Can you tell it was cold and windy? Well, it was!  The temperature kept dropping all day  and we really weren't all properly prepared for such a drop.  I mean, this is Florida, for goodness sake! LOL.

Our son Scott had to work so couldn't join us yesterday, but he came by here today and we had a fun time with him.  Uncle Billy and Aunt Peggy gave John and Scott some fun "toys" for Christmas gifts, so the "boys" had to try them out:

I have some fun videos of them playing with these, but I can't seem to download them from my phone to my computer for some reason, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it that they had a lot of fun!  Boys will be boys!!

I guess our family is a family that enjoys playing together and still has a lot of the "child" left in us.
Sugar and Spice were not forgotten with some more new toys from their "Aunt and Uncle",

And Benton and Rose got some new Tervis insulated cups in addition to some other fun things that I forgot to take pictures of.

And Lily Grace was not to be forgotten: She got a pretty new dress and black patent leather shoes to match.  

This beautiful snow globe has a lovely nativity scene inside! Really pretty!

And my sister always remembers to give me a new Teapot Calendar each year...
Along with the latest little Madame Alexander Hallmark tree ornament doll...

Who joins the family at Pamela's Victorian Cottage...

She has quite a few new sisters to get acquainted with...Our little family has certainly grown!!  I expect there will have to be some new stories in the near future about what's going on at Pamela's Victorian Cottage!

I can imagine what some of you are thinking...don't these people ever grow up?  Well, to be honest, no. I guess we are all big kids at heart and our family seems to indulge this fun and happy side of our personalities.  Maybe it's because when you've been through the hard and sad times of life you stop and realize that life is just too short to be so serious and stoic all the time.  Yes, there is a time to weep and a time to laugh...Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says it best:

1 "To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
2 A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
3 A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
4 A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
7 A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
8 A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace."

This past week it seemed as though just about everywhere we turned someone was losing a loved one...in one week alone our little church was touched by at least 5 deaths, either from former members or loved ones of members...most notably our former Pastor here for over seventeen years passed away rather unexpectedly.  He had just turned 70, and had a good report from the Doctor that he was doing better and improving. He had been dealing with health issues for a long time, but nothing that appeared to be that severe...but he passed away peacefully in his sleep early one morning...and I am sure he woke up in heaven and heard the words, "Welcome Home, Good and Faithful Servant!" 

I used to share his "Sermon Notes" here in my blog each week, and here is the post I wrote from his last sermon to us when he retired in June of 2019:  "Sermon Notes: A Season of Change" 
In loving memory of Pastor "A.C." Myers, here with his wife Leslie.  He will be greatly missed by his family and everyone who knew him.

Yes, there is "a time to be born, and a time to die", " a time to weep, and a time to laugh"..."a time to mourn and a time to dance"... we all go through different seasons in our lives, and oftentimes we can get stuck in one season or another, especially the season of grief.  I know this all too well, have been there and certainly don't want to go back...once in a while it still creeps up on me and I find myself succumbing to the need to weep and mourn again...but when I think about heaven...and the joy that is waiting for us there...and the loved ones who have gone on before us who will be there waiting to greet us at heaven's gate...well, that helps me to get back into "the time to laugh", and the "time to dance".  It helps me to rest in the joy of knowing where my loved ones are, and WHO they are with...Jesus! The One Who made heaven possible for us to enter...through His great sacrifice.  And it also allows me the freedom to enjoy the happy things of earth while I am still here...the love of friends and family, the beauty of God's creation all around us, and yes, even the joy and sweetness of allowing myself to be a child again...to be filled with that kind of joy and peace and trust...

Matthew 18:2-4 says:
2 "Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 
3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, 
you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 
4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

And most importantly to share that love and faith and trust with others. especially those who may be weeping or mourning and grieving...the faith of a little child that gives us great hope for our future.

So I must close this post for tonight and move on. I pray that whatever "season of life" you are in currently, that you will find the kind of rest and peace and yes, STRENGTH, that you need to carry on. There's only one place I know of to find it...in the Presence and Person of Jesus Christ...

Here's the sunset over Still Waters Pond right now as I write: 

"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You."
Isaiah 26:3

Amen...and Good Night


  1. There's always that one who has to be silly in the photos ... *giggling* Those are wonderful pics of the family.
    So sorry for your losses. We've been losing a lot of friends lately too. I guess it's because we're an aging population and there's very few young ones come up behind us. One day I'll be joining them. I'm ready whenever God wants to take me Home. I can only trust Him to pick the "right time" and try to be prepared.
    Have a wonderful evening.
    Blessings. xx

    1. My sweet little Daddy used to say, "Seems like the only time I see my friends anymore is at their funerals." Then he'd say to me, "Oh Pammy, don't get old!" And I'd say, "Well, Daddy, what's my alternative?" and he'd think a minute and say, "Oh, I see what you mean...". He lived to be almost 93, even while dealing with Parkinson's Disease...but he never lost his sense of humor and that sweet childlike faith. Yes, I am ready whenever God wants to take me home too...but yes, that's in His timing, not mine. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. I always love your photos, Pam, and the fun that you and "the kids" always have! I'm so glad you finally got together to share Christmas with your extended family members! I'm so sorry your church has lost so many loved ones over the past days. A time for every season... may all find peace through such tough times. Your sunset photos are beautiful. Have a blessed week ahead.

    1. Thank you, Terri. Yes, we do have fun when we all get together...we are still like a bunch of "big kids". Thank you for your kind thoughts for our church family. January has been a difficult month for many. Seems like God is calling "Roll Call" and many are being "called up yonder"....("When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there...") I guess we just always have to be ready for we never know when our name will be called. Praying you have a blessed and peaceful and happy week ahead too!

  3. Beautiful post Pamela. I love that you and your family members still make time to enjoy the holidays together even if it is a bit later. It's also good that you all love to laugh as laughter is good medicine.

    1. Thank you, Penny. Yes, laughter IS a very good medicine...so we should all be very healthy!! LOL.

  4. Your sister and you look like twins. How many years apart are you? I would imagine not much. What a lovely family who loves to play and have fun. That's great. You all look so happy to be together. That's what it is all about isn't it? Hugs

    1. Thank you, Debby. My sister and I never used to look alike growing up. She is 4+ years older than I am, and she was a petite brunette. I was a tall and gangly redhead with freckles. Somehow as we've gotten older we've kind of melded together and now we look alike. Her hair looks more "red" than mine...but mine is still fading out naturally...ahem. (many silver threads are filtering in among the gold). We are thankful to still have each other and don't take that for granted.

  5. I am so sorry about your former pastor...keeping his family in prayer. It looks like you had a wonderful time with family, smiles.

    1. Thank you. I know his family appreciates all the prayers. Especially for his little grandson Charley, who was his best buddy. He will really miss his "Poppie". And yes, we did have a great time with the family. We are very thankful to still be able to get together whenever we can.

  6. Beautiful family photos. Christmas in Jan is cool. To.me its Christmas always. Sosorry to hear about your pastor, prayers going up for his family. Have some new posts up you will like. Have a blessed week ahead.

    1. Thank you, Gina. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I will try to get over to visit you soon. I'm a bit behind with all the activities of the weekend...I have a hard time keeping up with everyone!!

  7. Good Morning Pamela! I sure had a good time looking at the photos of your family celebrating together. It's very obvious how much you care about each other. The smiles and laughter are evidence of that. I smiled through the fun gifts that were given to each other. I think that in someways it's good to not "grow up" too much and always remember the fun of playing together.
    Every time I see a photo of you and your sister it seems like you look more alike. You are obviously sisters.
    I'm sorry to hear about your losses this week. It's always hard, but then you remember the joys of Heaven and it makes things just a bit better.

    1. Thank you, Betsy! I appreciate your kind thoughts and sentiments. We do enjoy playing with one another here and with our "toys". I just am not ready to be an old fuddy duddy. LOL. Hey, aren't you supposed to be on your way to a cruise? I hope it doesn't get snowed out! Praying for your travel. Blessings to you and yours. Have a wonderful time whatever you do.

  8. Glad you were able to get together with family, Pamela, and even though bit was after Christmas it just extended the holiday even longer. As far as your comment that people will think don't you all ever grow up...there is nothing wrong with not doing so and the alternatives are not fun. Speaking of which, so sorry to read about the loss of your former pastor. He looked like someone who also enjoyed having fun. The gifts you showed for John and Scott looked like they would be fun ones.

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts about "growing up". I appreciate your understanding of it!! I agree, the alternative of growing up and not allowing oneself to relax and have fun is not a pleasant thought. Life is just too short! Thank you for your kind words about our Pastor. And yes, you read him right. He truly did love to have fun and was a great fellow and Pastor. He will be missed, but we know he is happy in heaven with Jesus today. And yes, the "toys for the boys" were a lot of fun. I am glad they have never grown up completely! LOL. Blessings to you and yours.

  9. You have such a lovely family, Pam! Your nephew is a cutie. He should let people take photos of him more! I think it's lovely to continue Christmas celebrations into January.

    I just love your doll house. Every time I see photos of it, I want to get one myself.

    I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your former pastor. So sad, when all was thought to be okay. Prayers to his widow. There are seasons for sure. I'm in an interesting one right now. I may blog about it sometime.

    Cold here in east TN and snowing. Makes me miss Florida! It gets cold there too, I know but not like this! Stay safe and warm.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. We are thankful for our family and the times we can get together. Nick is a character. Someday I tell him he will look back at these photos and wonder what he really looked like at that age, but anyway he is just a sweet kid and we love him so much. Thank you for your kind words regarding our Pastor and his wife. He will be missed by all who knew him. He was kind of like a big kid himself, but also I know he is happy to be with Jesus.
      Re: the doll house... at $15.00 yard sale find that was a fixer upper. It has been worth the expense...so much fun, and I think my sister enjoys keeping it filled with new family members! LOL. Re: the seasons of life...yes, please do blog about it when you feel you can. I find writing to be good therapy! Stay warm and cozy and healthy and safe! Blessings my friend. in TN.

  10. Pam: I always love to read about your family and it's time spent together, It warms my heart. Today, Monday, it is -1*. Overnight it was even colder. So glad your family got together. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Brrrrr, you are COLD! We are getting some colder weather later this week, but not THAT cold! Praying you stay safe and warm and healthy. Thank you for your kind words. Love ya.

  11. Looks like you had such a good time with your family. You and your sister look a lot alike.
    I'm sorry to hear about your former Pastor. He was young - but is now with the Lord!
    Your photos are beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Mari. We did have a great time, even if it was cold standing out in the parking lot taking pictures! LOL. And yes, people say that my sister and I look alike, but we never have thought so. We didn't start out that way...she was petite and brunette, I was tall and gangly and a redhead with freckles. Somehow we've grown together as we've aged. We are just thankful to have each other still. Thank you for your kind thoughts for our Pastor. yes, he is with the Lord and I know he is very very happy. But his family and friends will be missing him so much. He was a great man and a lot of fun too.

  12. A family without a sense of humor is bereft of so much that life has to offer, Pamela. It is easy to tell from the photos that y'all are a cheerful group!
    So sorry about your former pastor, too. I'm sure he will be grieved for a long time by all who knew him.
    Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, we are a "cheerful group" of people. We know how to enjoy each other and try to get together as often as we can to do so. We are very thankful for our family. And yes, we are sorry for our pastor's family especially, but he is with Jesus, and I know he is having such a great time!! So happy for him!!

  13. I always enjoy your family 'get-togethers', great pictures of good times. Every time you share your little cottage I have to say "Be still my heart!" I've been looking for one but none to be found in a price I can afford. {{sigh}}. So, I just enjoy yours♥ All your little ladies all in a row, so cute. I don't think we ever get too old to play. I bet the guys really had fun with the cars.

    1. Oh Mary, thank you. Regarding my little "cottage", I found that at a yard sale for $15.00, and it was a "fixer upper" for sure, but it was money well spent as you can see I do have fun with it, and my sister keeps it well stocked with people! LOL. Yes, we need to allow ourselves to play. It keeps the glummies away!!!

  14. I'm sorry, I for to mention how sorry I am for the loss of your former pastor, and the others who passed away. We mourn because we will miss them, but we are joyful they are in the arms of their Savior.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers. Yes, I can well imagine the joy our friend is having now in heaven with His Savior and Lord. That's what keeps us all going...knowing that our loved ones are so much better where they are...and someday it will be our turn!! (Oh that will be glory for me...when by His grace I shall look on His face...that will be glory, be glory for me!)

  15. I'm SO glad y'all were finally able to get together with your family and unwrap presents! (I dare not show Tom the Fast n' Furious car Scott received, lol.) It warms my heart to see the good times together you enjoy.
    Mary just took the words out of my mouth about your former pastor. This reminds me of a title of a well-loved book, "Tears Are For The Living."
    As ever, thank you for your prayers; they're felt.

    1. Thank you, Myra. We had a great time. Scott enjoyed playing with his Mustang, but he's actually a Camaro man in real life. LOL. He still had fun with it even tho he is prejudiced about his cars...LOL. He has actually owned both kinds. One of the perks of not being married or having "responsibilities" other than himself. LOL (although the cars have always been OLD and needing a lot of work, which he does himself) Thank you for your kind words regarding our Pastor, etc. We are sad for us and his family, but oh so happy for him.

  16. I'm so glad you had so much fun with family. I didn't realize how much you and your sister look alike. Isn't family just the best and sisters are the bestest! Sorry about the loss of so many friends lately. Take care my friend!

    1. It's funny about my sister and I looking alike. We never did growing up. She was petite and brunette. I was tall and gangly and a redhead with freckles. Somewhere along the line her hair turned red (?) and mine has faded to something mixed with some gray streaks here and there, and somehow we look like each other now. We look at each other and say "Nah..." But everyone else thinks so. LOL. We are thankful to have each other, that is for sure. Thank you for your kind words. Blessings to you...

  17. I'm so happy to hear that you got to meet them to celebrate Christmas. Loved seeing you family in all the photos. The bumper cars look like fun. The pups look so cute. The family of dolls in the house are so cute.

    1. Thank you, Debby. We did have a wonderful time and so much fun. My dollhouse is full...I may have to send some of them off to college or marry them off or something. LOL. I hope you are feeling better these days. (((hugs)))


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