What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday 4 Food and Health and More!


Food and Health

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4....

How we eat, drink and exercise are important to our health. Let's talk about it.

1. Do you believe you eat a healthy diet and what makes it healthy?
I try to eat a healthy well balanced diet.  I believe in the old fashioned food pyramid of a balance of fresh fruits, vegetables, protein/meats, whole grains, and some dairy in three different meals a day. I try to stay away from sugars and fats as much as possible, but I do prefer real butter to margarine if I am going to eat butter.   The only area I probably don't eat enough of is fruits and leafy green vegetables, although I try to eat fresh spinach in a salad every day for lunch, and I also try to eat an apple every day. I don't do well with citrus fruits as they are too acidic for my system, but I do love berries and melons in season. For supper tonight (actually a late lunch/early supper) we went out to eat with our Pastor and his wife to the new Longhorn's Steakhouse in the city near us.  I had the 6 oz. "Renegade Sirloin Steak", with a side salad and a baked sweet potato. It was very good and I feel like it was a healthy meal.

2. What sort of drinks do you have with meals or between meals. Does it include enough water?
I drink a cup of hot tea in the morning and then a cup of water with breakfast. I usually have a glass of unsweet iced tea for lunch and drink water for supper. I try to drink several glasses of water throughout the day in between meals. In the winter months I may have a cup of hot tea in the afternoon, and sometimes, like tonight, if it is chilly, I may drink a cup of hot Ovaltine in the evening before bedtime. *Ovaltine is not like real chocolate, which I can't drink, and it has more vitamins and minerals in it and less caffeine and sugar than hot chocolate.*  I do NOT drink Sodas at all, except maybe a root beer float in the summertime. I don't do well with high caffeine or sugared drinks at all. I do not drink any form of alcohol.  It does not agree with me and therefore I do not agree with it! LOL.  I also do not drink coffee...same reason! LOL.

I fill up this 24 oz.Tervis Tumbler several times a day with ice water and take it with me everywhere I go. The key is to remember to always bring it back home with me! It's been left in some funny places, but thankfully I always manage to find it.

3. Do you enjoy snacks throughout the day and what kind do you enjoy?
I do not eat many snacks throughout a normal day. I will only eat a dessert when there is a special occasion and there is a good pie or cake that needs to be eaten. LOL. Sometimes I bake cookies and I will eat a couple while baking them when they are still warm. I bake them for hubby, who loves them with a cup of milk for his snack. I do not tolerate sweets well at all, and cannot eat chocolate (except maybe a small piece of dark chocolate, but only one!) Sometimes I eat some crackers with cheese or peanut butter. Oftentimes my "bedtime snack" is one piece of bread with peanut butter on it, or a bowl of yogurt with granola and fresh fruit when I have it.

4. How do you make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet?
Our Doctor has put us on a special vitamin called "Two Per Day Multivitamin" from Life Extension Co.  Our Doctor's office actually gives to them to us free so we will not have any excuse for not taking them. Although I will admit I usually only take one per day, as I think that is enough based on the percentages. So far my labs are always good so I'm not worried about it.   But again, I try to eat right and eat a well balanced diet so that I will get what I need from my food.  

Thank you, Annie, for these interesting questions today!  You can join in Here if you want to play along with the rest of us each Tuesday!

Now, earlier I was reading one of my favorite blogging friends, Aritha, who lives in the Netherlands. I have to use the language translator to read her blog as it is written in Dutch. But I enjoy her posts so much and find that we have a lot in common even  though we live across the ocean from each other.
This was on her post today (Monday, when I am writing my post), and I found it an interesting little exercise and thought I'd share it with you along with my answers to the questions:

"Yes, a mindful exercise against worry. This 54321 exercise can be done in many different ways. This one is nice:

See five things : Name five things in your environment that you can see. Pay attention to the details of these objects.
Feeling four things : Name four things you can feel right now, such as the texture of your clothes, the air on your skin or the ground under your feet.
Hearing three things : Identify three sounds around you. Maybe it's sounds from the environment, such as birdsong or traffic.
Smell two things : Name two smells you notice, whether they are subtle or strong.
Tasting one thing : Consider what you are tasting at that moment or, if you don't taste anything, think about your last meal and try to remember that taste."

My Answers:  
5 See: 
1)Although it is dark outside, I can see the lights across Still Waters Pond through the darkness.
2) Pictures/photographs on my wall, some of which I have photographed myself. 
3)My computer screen as I type 
4)Pamela's Victorian Cottage to my left (dollhouse) 
5) my little bookshelf with special books and pictures that are meaningful to me.

Here is the unretouched real picture of what I just described above. Yes, I probably should have cleaned up a few messes before taking this picture. Now you see the REAL "uncensored" "Room with a View"  LOL. This is where I work and read and write and dream and scheme...

4 Feel: 
1)The keys on the keyboard as I type this, 
2) my feet resting on the iron bar under my desk, which is an old "White" sewing machine table  that I repurposed. (see photo on right)
 3)my soft, warm flannel shirt around my neck and shoulders 
4)the comfy cushion in the seat of my desk chair as I sit here typing. 

1) The TV in the other room where my husband is watching it 
2) ringing in my ears like little crickets (tinnitus?) 
3) The keys clicking on my keyboard as I type. 

2 Smell: 
1)Warm Ovaltine in my cup that I just drank 
2)The fresh lemony citrusy fragrance of Tea Tree Verbena hand soap on my hands from recent washing. 

1: Taste: 1)I can still taste the Ovaltine and warm milk in my mouth. It was good and comforting on a damp, chilly evening..

*Ovaltine is 99.9% Caffeine Free! 

I enjoyed doing this little "54321" exercise, and thought maybe you would too. Thank you, Aritha, for sharing it with us. I hope you don't mind that I have borrowed it to share with everyone here in my blogworld.

Here's a good Scripture verse to sum up all of the above questions and answers:

1 Corinthians 10:31
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

And my "Strength" verse for today:

Psalm 73:26
"My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."



  1. I'm not sure I've ever had Ovaltine before, even though I've heard of it all my life. I'm thinking I may want to try it. I love seeing your office and the desk is so pretty. Hope you have a really good Tuesday.

  2. Every time I hear the name Ovaltine I giggle. Ok, it's because I'm a Young Frankenstein (1974) fan. It's just something Steve and I find humorous when the actress Cloris Leachman says, "Ovaltine ... perhaps?" to Frankenstein. Inside joke. *giggle*
    Our offices look alike! I have a "room with a view" too but it's over the front acreage down to the dirt road. Right now all I hear is wind howling through the trees. I hope this storm loses it's power as it nears us.
    Time for more coffee. I hope your day is a good one.
    Blessings. xx

    1. We are big Young Frankenstein fans also...and yes, I love that scene, among most all others! I hope your storm passed over with no damages. We are fine...no power loss or even the wifi! That is amazing, and we praise God! We got a LOT of rain, and the pond is looking pretty good!! Yay!

  3. Oh Pam, I do believe you were the daughter my mother deserved! (lol) Like you, she was always conscious of what she put in her mouth -- while (unfortunately) I was my father's daughter consuming mostly protein. (Keto before Keto was cool, lol). I do avoid all carbonated beverages, and consume several bottles of water throughout the day -- room temp. (Those flavor drops are a game changer!) Like Cathy just wrote, I don't remember ever having had Ovaltine. As soon as I finish the little can of Cafe Vienna -- and while the weather's still cold -- I'm going to try Ovaltine.

    Thank you so much for these "5 Things" to ward off worry. If you don't mind, I'd like to try it!

  4. I do make sure to drink water throughout the day, Pamela, and I eat pretty well almost every day in large part due to Danny's healthy cooking. Do I get off the straight and narrow at times? Yes, particularly if we have anything chocolate in the house!
    I love this game Aritha shared; her latest post hasn't shown up yet in my inbox. I'll be looking for it!

  5. I like the 54321 exercise, good mental exercise, which I need. lol I love Ovaltine, that's what Momma gave us kids when we were little, precious memory. Great scriptures, they went great with 54321.

  6. I enjoyed the healthy 4 questions! Loved your answers to the 54321 - what a fun exercise! I loved the picture of your beautiful restored sewing table used as your office desk! It is fun to see where others write their blog posts from. I hope you are staying safe and warm from all the crazy weather that is happening in the US these days. Many blessings to you dear friend!

  7. Sounds like you eat pretty well. Nice to have your doctor give out vitamins! I always did like Ovaltine. Rainy, rainy day/night here from that big storm. It is supposed to get a bit worse in the next few hours. Have a lovely evening

  8. Hi Pam, I might have to get some Ovaltine. I enjoyed the 54321 questions. I like the picture of your room. I take the time to organize mine, but it doesn't take long to get it messed up again. Better to be messy and used than clean and you not posting on your great blog!

  9. 54321 is a fun exercise and it is great that you can translate her blog and be connected across the miles like that! I always enjoy my visits with you here! Hugs!

  10. It sounds like a blessing not to tolerate coffee, sodas, chocolate, lol. I love that your doctor gives you free multivitamins and they sound very good too. Our doctors here don't tend to test us for missing vitamins. We have to go to a naturopathic doctor for that and they can be quite expensive because they want you to come back time and time again so they can help you address diet, nutrition and anything that might be wrong with you.

  11. Happy Wednesday Pamela. This is such an informative post. I've never had Ovalatine either, although I've heard of it all of my life. I don't have nearly as good of a diet as you do. I LOVE chocolate of any kind, especially with sea salt but I don't have it very often. I also drink a diet soda every day. We've both decided that after our vacation we will be trying very hard for a better diet and I'm going to try to stop drinking diet soda.
    No alcohol or cigarettes ever though. I've never had any inclination to try either one.
    I hope you have a lovely day today my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Pam: Like you, I have to stay away from caffeine. I also have celiac issues (can't eat anything with wheat, barley or rye. As an extra thing to avoid, I also have issues with oats. I usually have hot chocolate (Swiss Miss, low percentage of caffeine,)

  13. Pam: Don't know how that happened, I was not finished with my comment. I don't drink soft drinks unless you consider Sparkling Ice a soft drink,( no caffeine no sugar,) The COVID shut down turned me into a "cookie monster". I am thinking about what I want to give up for Lent. I do need to drink more water. Thank you for the encouragement.

  14. Those are lovely verses you posted and so relevant to me this week, our church is doing a prayer and fast which is whatever we pray about and decide to do. I'm thinking of it not so much as giving something up but what I gain spiritually and how I can help someone in this coming year. I'm trying to stay away from Diet Coke through this and drink water. I'm supposed to be drinking more water anyways. Happy 2024 to you and your family!

  15. You've been blog-quiet the last day or so, so here's a quick note, Pam, to learn how you & yours have weathered the most recent storm that came blowing through your neighborhood (at least that's what I can tell from the news reports--no mention of Interlachen) When you get a chance, do fill us in on all your excitement. I've been praying that all's well and now I'm anxious to learn how the Lord has answered those prayers!
    Bobbie in Sunny Southern NM where the dust flies by at 35-50 mph with this latest one.

    1. Hello Bobbie! I don't believe I've had the pleasure of "meeting" you here before! Welcome to my blog, and thank you for your kind comments and concern. If you check on my latest post from last night you will see the information you are seeking! Yes, the storms did pass through here and we were under a tornado warning, but thankfully it passed over us and we are all fine. We did have some high winds and a LOT of rain, but no damage and no loss of power! So we are VERY thankful! Thank you again for visiting, and I hope to get to know you better in the future! Have a blessed and wonderful day.

    2. Thanks for the sweet & encouraging response. I think I qualify as a lurker--love to read your blog but never seemed to get around to letting you know what a blessing it is. Guess it took a tornado warning for you to encourage me to put my keyboard to use.

      And now to add another thought to your word for the year, it brought this to mind: "...strength for today & bright hope for tomorrow, blessings all mine with 10,000 beside! Great is Thy faithfulness..." I suspect you know the rest of the hymn those words came from :-) so will shut this down and let you take it from there.
      "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned - the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." - Is 43:2-3 NIV


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