What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Tuesday 4 - "Let's Talk About You"

 Tuesday 4

So Tell Me....

This week's questions come from Sparky at "My Thoughts Exactly" I hope you enjoy doing them.

Let's talk about you...
(This was taken last year... I haven't been out in the kayak yet this year...but this is a pretty good picture of the "real me!")

1. Music. What kind of music do you enjoy? Are you musical?

I mostly enjoy gospel music, sacred music, hymns, contemporary Christian music (to a degree).  When I was younger I also enjoyed popular music of the 50's and 60's, but once I got married and started having babies I was more into singing lullabies and nursery rhymes. LOL.  Yes, I do enjoy singing and have done a LOT of singing throughout my life. Started out in Junior Choir as a child in church, and then graduated to the High School Chorus and then the adult choir at church.

I used to sing a lot of solos in church, but now my voice is better singing harmony (alto) in either duets, quartets, or choir. I never learned to play any instrument, but wish now that I had at least tried to learn the piano. I was too busy playing outside as a child and couldn't be bothered with piano lessons. No one told me that one day I would be a Pastor's Wife, and the first question that would be asked of me when my husband was being interviewed for his first pastoral position was, "Do you play the piano?".  And when I said no, I was told that "Our Pastors' wives have always played the piano."  I replied, "Well, unless you want to sing Mary Had a Little Lamb or Chopsticks, you don't want me to play the piano!"  My husband still got the job. LOL.

2. Travel. Where have you been? What's your favorite destination(s)?
Good question. We really haven't done a LOT of traveling in the vacation sense of the word. But throughout our years in the ministry we did a lot of traveling to our new destinations.  We started out in Florida, our home state, and from there went to Georgia (Toccoa Falls), back to Florida, then to South Carolina to Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions, (hubby) then to North Carolina to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary for a summer grad course, back to Florida, then to Ashland, Ohio to finish (hubby's) Master of Divinity degree and served in a couple of churches in Ohio before moving back to Florida and then back to Georgia, Ohio (to finish his doctorate), Michigan, New Hampshire, Kansas, Maine, and finally back to Florida for good (I think!) (I hope!)  We served in many different churches and places throughout our almost 52 years of marriage.   (This map was a part of our 50th wedding anniversary party)

 My favorite destination now?  Well, we still love New England, and since our grandson lives in Maine, we look forward to visiting there again whenever we can. I would also love to take a road trip someday up to Ohio and who knows where beyond. Hubby would like to see where Custer's last stand took place, Little Big Horn, so maybe we will take that trip someday.  

3. Occupations. Did you end up working at what you wanted to be? Do you wish you'd done something else, if so, what? etc.

To be honest, I didn't really know what I wanted to be.  When I graduated high school, I had plans to go to an airline stewardess school, but changed my mind and went to a community college instead, and there I met my hubby and the rest is history. My career became PHT (putting hubby through) and Mommy to three wonderful sons, and then on to become a Pastor's wife. I never dreamed that was what God had in mind for me when I started out in life, but He prepared me each step of the way and I was very blessed to serve in that way. I also did other jobs along the way, mostly in schools so I could have the same schedule as our children once they were all in school.  I took several courses in college throughout the years, but not enough for a degree. I ended up being a school bookkeeper and my final job before retiring was as a Church Administrator for a large church.  That seemed to use all of the years of training and experience that God had provided for me.

Our family around 1981

Our family 2014

Hubby being ordained to ministry

4. How do you keep from being bored?
Well, anyone who knows me knows that I love to take pictures of just about anything, anywhere. Nature, family, friends, just whatever happens to be happening at that moment. I also enjoy writing, reading, and taking walks with my hubby, spending time with family and friends, and going to church.  When we open our eyes to the beautiful world around us, we can never be bored.

And with that, I will say "Good Night!"


 Thank you for joining in each week. You have made this such a wonderful experience and I know Toni, in whose memory we continue, would be pleased as punch.


  1. I'm impressed by the many places you have lived in your lifetime, Pamela - wow! Such is life in the ministry, though. I think pastors move almost as frequently as folks in the military - lol! Boredom is not on my radar, either. There is always something fun and creative waiting to be discovered each and every day.

    1. Yes, our life in the ministry took us to a lot of interesting places...we served in mostly small rural churches, with a couple of big city churches thrown in for good measure. Life was never dull and still isn't, even though we are retired and thankful to be able to relax a bit nowadays. NO more 24/7 schedule of a Pastor. People just don't realize...they only see him on Sunday morning and think that's it for his week. Boy are they wrong! Anyway, we are blessed and thankful. Thank you for being a part of this part of my life today!!

  2. I love seeing your photos - especially the first one, and enjoyed hearing about your journey too. Beautiful sunset at the end.

    1. Thank you, Martha! I haven't been in the kayak yet this year. The lily pads are too thick out in the pond and I can't get the paddle through them very easily. Plus it is already too hot. I'll have to try earlier next spring, or wait until fall this year. Thank you for visiting!!

  3. You seem like the type of person that is never bored. I don't get bored very often either...too many interesting things to do! We're having a rainy day which is nice! Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Diane. I do have some boring moments, but then I find something to do as quick as I can. I don't like to be bored. Yes, I think the rain is on its way here this morning too. Very cloudy. We just took a walk and decided we'd better hurry back home! Enjoy your rainy day! Maybe you can play with your dollies! :)

  4. Oh girl, I LOVE that picture of you in the kayak. Grinning right back at-cha! And that family picture when your boys were young ... sweet! Wow, that map. Such a novel idea! I, too, would love to visit Maine; actually all the eastern seaboard. While I've seen all 50 states, there's little I remember.
    Fun post! Now I'm thinking I might join in a little later.

    1. Oh, please do join in! I know you have some interesting tales to tell!

    2. Thanks for your encouragement ... I just did! (Join, that is.)

  5. That map tells a lot! I am glad that there is a Maine connection and it looks as if you were in my corner. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope that you squeak a visit in to see your grandson some time soon.

    Yes, that was the standard line for young pastors' wives. Do you sing? Do you play the piano? You scored 50% on that one!

    1. Oh, they wanted to know if I would be in charge of VBS, teach Sunday School and lead the women's group too. All that, with three little kids, one still a nursing baby...well, I tried my best to do all of the above except play the piano. It was a challenge and a growing time in my life...I learned how to say "no" after that! LOL. Our grandson lives in Lyman. Do you know where that is? We hope to come up in the fall and go to Fryeburg Fair, if they have it this year...but that is still in the dream stages. I'll keep you posted. It would be fun to meet you!

    2. Yes, I know where that is. It is south of me. I do know that the Fryeburg Fair is on this year. (My aunt and uncle live in Fryeburg.)

    3. Oh how wonderful to know the fair will be on this year! We love the Fryeburg Fair. Our grandson's birthday usually coincides with fair week, and so for many years that was our October destination. We actually used to live in Fryeburg for about a year. Lovely little town. Here is a link to a post I wrote about the house we lived in: https://pamelasopenwindow.blogspot.com/2017/04/interesting-places-ive-lived-story-of.html I wrote this before you became one of my "followers" so you probably haven't seen this before. Maybe your aunt and uncle will know where this is.

  6. I totally agree with I am not sure how people can ever be bored...there is so much to do.
    What a wonderful life you have led. That is awesome. I love the pictures of your family.
    I love southern gospel music...before they passed away our church had The Cathedrals come and sing. I fell in love with southern gospel right there. That was years ago of course...before I was married and before Josh was born of course. Our church used to bring in many Christian artists. I am not sure why they stopped that. I loved it. Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


    1. You must belong to a good sized church if they were able to bring in so many Christian music artists. I love hearing good southern gospel...the Gaither Homecoming crew, etc. We once had Anthony Burger come and play the piano at one of our churches. He used to play for the Gaithers. That was quite an event! Hope you are having a great week. Is school over for you yet?

  7. We're a lot alike in we like to stay busy! That's they best way to get through life, I feel. God likes us to keep working. He didn't make us to be sedentary.
    I really enjoyed your answers and the photos. You have such a lovely family.
    Blessings. xx

    1. Thank YOU for being in charge of this week's questions. You did a great job! It's good to learn about each other and what we like and where we've been. Yes, God does like to keep us busy one way or the other. I am thankful for where He has placed us for now. God is good! He always has a plan for our lives when we surrender to His will!!!

  8. Well, I just love the real Pamela. HOw cute! Your life story is wonderful. New England really is amazing. Hope you get there time and again to visit your son!

    1. Thank you so much. It's been an adventure for sure. We are very thankful for the ways God has led us through the years, and we are also thankful to be retired now! Praise God!

  9. That's nice that you enjoy singing. That is so wonderful about you serving in so many churches. God definitely had a plan for you. You can't get bored taking pictures all the time. I enjoyed seeing your photos with this post.

    1. Thank you, Debby! I am so glad you came and visited and enjoyed the pictures. I tend to be a visual learner/person, and that's why I love to share pictures so much because they say "a picture is worth a 1000 words". Blessings to you today.

  10. Pam: I love to read of your adventures in your past and in your present. You and I are so different in the respect of the places we have lived. Since kindergarten I have lived in our city for all the intervening years. Prior to that, my parents and I lived in Chicago, Il. I was sent to the Hattiesburg, Ms area for a few months, had my fourth birthday there. My fifth birthday was celebrated in New Bern NC. (My dad got called back into the USMC.) God has been good to you and to me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Yes, we may be different in many respects, but we are very similar in the ones that matter most...we both love Jesus and love to share His word and His story with our friends! And there is something to be said for being stable and living in one area most of your life. Until I married I had lived in the same town for all of my school years. That gave me a wonderful beginning and a place to always call home while we were away so much in our working years. God has been good to both of us, that is so true.

  11. The family picture of y'all when the boys were young is precious. I once thought we took horrible pictures. One of us was always wonky but now I just love the memories they bring to me. I don't get bored too much either. I love to look at my treasures and piddle around the house. I am actually such a homebody.

    1. You are a wonderful "homebody". You've made a lovely, comfortable home for your family and grandchildren to feel safe and secure and happy together. That is a blessing for sure!! Thank you for your kind words. And yes, I love the "wonky" pictures of our family too. They captured our true selves in a snapshot that lasts forever.

  12. Very interesting. I love Southern Gospel music, have sung in the choir, but now make a better listener than a singer. I have been to the west coast of Canada,through several states while on vacation and to Nashville, for a weekend of concerts. Had a few odd jobs, became a stay at home Mom and finally was a school bus driver for 41 years.Now happily retired and usually not bored. So much beauty to capture with my camera.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts and interesting history as well! Being a stay at home Mom is one of the best occupations ever! I was blessed to stay at home with my little ones full time until they all were in school, and then I mostly worked in the schools with them so we could have same vacations, etc. God was very good to us to have that time together as a family. We didn't have a lot materially, but we had what really mattered most. And yes, our cameras do capture so much of God's beauty around us. we are blessed to see that, aren't we?

  13. Dear Pam, you left an amazing, heartfelt tribute to your wonderful fourth grade teacher on my post and it really moved me! God bless her and Gid bless you!

    1. Thank you, Schotzy. You mentioning that you were a 4th grade teacher just struck a chord with me. That was a perfect time to have strong influence in the lives of a young person...before the issues of puberty and adolescence set in...while the child is still eager to learn and so open to positive reinforcement. Yes, I was very thankful God gave me the teacher He gave me. He knew what I needed at that time in my life.

  14. Beautiful photos I also love Gospel music, the traditional old hymns are some of my favorites, I do enjoy some of the modern praise and worship! Have a blessed week

    1. Thank you, Gina. Yes, there is nothing that can compare to the traditional old hymns...along with the good old gospel music. I enjoy modern praise and worship as well, but especially with a blend of the old and new together. The important thing is to focus on WHO we are worshiping, regardless of HOW. Amen?

  15. I loved seeing those photos, Pam! This was a fun Tuesday 4 today! I think it's time for you to get back out on the water!! Keep us posted! xo

    1. Ha Ha! I want to get back out there on the pond, but the lily pads are so thick this year I don't think I could paddle through them. Plus I'm having a lot of neck and shoulder pain issues that keep me from even trying. Plus it's just too hot already. I may have to wait until fall to go back out there. I do think about it often, however, and wish I could.


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