What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday Treasures

Happy October!
This was the "sunrise" yesterday morning, October 1st.  It was a rather foggy start to the day and month, but soon the fog rolled away and it was a beautiful day.

I didn't do my regular calendar roll call yesterday, so will present it here for you this morning...

Let's take a walk down Memory Lane, shall we?  Isn't it beautiful here?
This picture is from my John Sloane Country Seasons calendar. I also receive posts on Facebook from John Sloane Art, and here is what he said yesterday about this very picture shown above:

"Happy Flip Day!
John Sloane says “Happy October! In my new painting ‘Memory Lane’, it’s a beautiful fall day, so let’s take a pleasant walk. In my scene, a couple stroll alongside a quiet path, no doubt familiar to them, seeing what has changed over the years and what has stayed the same.
Each of us is like a great tree, with roots deep in the past and many branches reaching ever-upward into the future. Each of our memories is like a rich colorful leaf on that beautiful tree. Things may change over time, but those rich memories last forever.
This month (and always), create your own memory lane. Every day, write down one memory. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy. Just start somewhere and follow your path of memories. The more you write down, day by day, the more you will remember … it’s true! Have a beautiful month!”
Question: What is your favorite walk down memory lane?
**** Enjoy a stroll through a country year with all new paintings in John Sloane’s Country Seasons® 2025 Deluxe Wall Calendar, available now in stores and online. There’s nostalgic beauty on every page!

I love that, don't you? Great idea regarding our own "walk down Memory Lane."

Okay, switching gears...here is the cute Susan Branch calendar for October, which goes along with the fun times of October and Halloween...
I like the little black crow above that is saying "Boo!"

Well, that calls for a cup of tea...which I am having right now as I write, as it is only 5:39 a.m. right now, and we have a trip to make this morning over to Gainesville for a medical procedure for my hubby, so this may be cut short and finished later today.

What a pretty teapot!  You can read more about it below:

(oops! Sorry, I didn't take a picture of the whole description, but you get the idea!)

Well, that "perfect Alpine lunch" described above might be somewhere on the banks of this lovely mountain river/lake setting.  Although seeing this picture makes me think of all the folks who are suffering right now in our own country's Smoky and Appalachian mountains since Hurricane Helene blew through and destroyed so many of their homes and businesses and way of life. We need to continue to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

I posted this Thomas Kincade calendar picture in my post yesterday, but it is beautiful enough to share again, along with the verses that came along with it:

One of my favorite verses...have you ever noticed the Acrostic for prayer in this verse: 
A:  ASK, and it shall be given you;
S:  SEEK, and ye shall find;
K: KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you.
The first letter of each phrase spell the word ASK!  I love how God spells things out so plainly for us!

So that's the calendars for October!  And mine are already getting filled up with appointments, activities, and even a trip!  So stay tuned for further details as the month unrolls!

Speaking of trips, our grandson Noah and his mother Nicole have been on an amazing trip this past week.  Noah will be 25 this month, and something he really wanted to do for his birthday was take a trip through some of our nation's amazing scenic National Parks. So, he and his mother took off from work and flew out to the north west and saw some wonderful sights and took a LOT of major hikes! Thankfully they posted pictures on Nicole's Facebook page so we could go along for the ride, so to speak!  Here's just a few of the pictures. I've been so thankful to feel a part of this journey with them, as we don't get to be together very much anymore since our son Matthew passed away in 2014 (they live in Maine), so this was a treat to me to see so many pictures of their adventure together.

These pictures will be backwards most likely from the order in which they traveled, but that doesn't matter...let's just sit back and enjoy the view:  (I am posting them here for my own reference and album, but you can enjoy them too!)

The first batch is from the Grand Canyon and Sedona:

This batch is in Bryce Canyon

They did a bike and jeep tour/ride through Zion...

This series was in Tufas at Mono Lake, the east side of the Sierrra Nevada, through Death Valley, and then to Hoover Dam...

And this was in the Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks:

They logged over 1500 miles and 6 national parks in 8 days!  Nicole said they were looking forward to "temps under 100 and a bit of humidity" as they headed back home to Maine last night!
What a trip! You can tell they are a lot younger than we are! LOL.
I enjoyed this so much, as I am sure I will never be able to see and do all of that in my lifetime. What a wonderful adventure!
Happy Early 25th Birthday, Noah!
May God bless you and guide you on all of your life's journeys.

And with that, I will say bye for now. I have to get ready to go for our little trip to Gainesville this morning.
Have a blessed and glorious day!



  1. I enjoyed your different calendar photos, especially the trip down memory lane.
    The trip your grandson and DIL took is wonderful. We went to several of those places a few years ago and so enjoyed God's creation!

  2. Pam, welcome to October and thanks for the calendar images as fall is my favorite season 🍁🍂 What an amazing birthday adventure for Noah and his mom, Nicole. It's obvious that they were having a great experience seeing the beauties of the national parks and both looked very happy!


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