What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday 4~ Lunch at Woolworth's


Lunch at Woolworth's

Click to see full size.  
(Note from Annie, our hostess:)
"It's time again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
Prices are soaring and there is no end in sight! Wouldn't it be nice to go back in time to do our buying? Even restaurants were affordable back in the day.
You can click on the menu to see it full sized.
I worked two full time jobs to help put my kids through school. One of those jobs was Woolworth's."

1. Did you ever eat at Woolworth's?
Oh yes, I remember going to Woolworth's with my mother after doing some other shopping. We would sit down at the counter and have a Hot Fudge Sundae or a Chocolate Soda! I loved them both, especially because I was there with my mother enjoying it with her! Those are precious memories for me.  I don't remember if we ate any of the other food or not...I just remember the ice cream part of it!  Mom would say, "Let's go get a Hot Fudge Sundae!" , and of course I said "Yes!!"

2. What would you order from this menu?
I would probably order the #2 Cheeseburger Platter with cole slaw and french fries, although I really am not a big french fry fan, but they just go with the hamburger. And for 60 cents! Wow! What a deal! Sure beats the more than $12.00 we have to pay today for a similar platter at a local diner today!

3. Woolworth's had banana splits and Sundaes. Do you like Sundaes? What kind?
See my answer to #1.  I do love Hot fudge Sundaes with whipped cream and walnuts. You can keep the cherry on top. LOL.  But Woolworth's also had a Chocolate Soda, and that was a real treat that is hard to find anymore.  I have never had a banana split. Somehow a banana with ice cream and all of those toppings has never ap-"peal"ed to me. (peal-pun intended...banana "peal" LOL)
(Internet Photo)

(This picture is from the blog that I linked above, "Retro Housewife Goes Green".

4. What restaurants are your favorites and what do you usually order?
That's a tough question.  I do love Cracker Barrel, and I love their chicken and dumplings. I may order the sliced cooked apples and the cooked carrots to go with it. I prefer the corn bread to the biscuits.  But I also enjoy going to a good BBQ place too, and if they have it, I love to get a baked sweet potato with whatever else I get. 

I also love to go to a place called Corky Bells, which is about 15 miles from us, on the St. John's River. I always get broiled shrimp and/or scallops, baked potato, salad, and hush puppies.
But no matter where we go, it's even better when we can be with people we love:
(these photos were taken a few weeks ago when we went there with our kids for my birthday)

So that's the Tuesday 4 for today...now I'm finding myself craving a Hot Fudge Sundae or a Chocolate Soda! LOL. It's been a LONG time since I had either one.

I'm writing this actually Monday night. Today hubby had a follow up appointment with his doctor in Gainesville, to get results from some tests he had a couple of weeks ago. Praise God! The tests came out REALLY good! We are very thankful for God's healing!  And even though we had to wait in the Doctor's office for OVER and hour from our appointment time, the results made it worth the wait! I felt like going out to eat to celebrate, but since it was rush hour by then and hubby just wanted to get home, and it was an hour's drive back home, we opted to eat our peanut butter crackers that I always take along for such a trip and then we had chicken sandwiches when we got home, using leftover chicken from the fried chicken I bought yesterday at the grocery store after church. It was fresh out of the fryer then because we ordered it ahead.  Anyway, tonight's chicken sandwiches with sliced tomato and lettuce were really good!  And since I only had a sandwich for supper and a salad at lunch, just maybe I can justify a hot fudge sundae tonight (if we have any ice cream and hot fudge...I think all we have is Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, which isn't exactly hot fudge, but I can heat it up and pretend! LOL.) Well, maybe it's too late for that now anyway...we'll see how I feel when I finish writing this.  (I ended up having a bowl of raspberry yogurt and granola instead)

This morning we had a couple of "visitors":
Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird stopped by to check up on their house(s). They actually looked over both houses to make sure they had not sustained any damages in the hurricane I guess.  They checked everything out thoroughly and then flew on their way. They'll be back in the spring to set up housekeeping again, but for now they just wanted to make sure the houses were still in good shape.
Looks good from way up here!

Yep, the roof is still intact!

Don't see any leaks or issues inside this one:

Everything looks pretty ship-shape here...

Better check this other house out too, just in case someone else gets the other one before we get back:

Well, would you please hurry up? I need to get back to the tree branches for a tea party with our friends...

It's always fun to see them pop in!

Just some closing thoughts from God's Word for today and for the days ahead:

Romans 8: 35-39

"35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 
36 As it is written:
“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


  1. It was always fun going to eat at Woolworths.

  2. Your photos, as ever, are always so cheerful, Pamela, and I do hope the bluebirds will stick around and build new nests in the spring. I wonder where birds go to get out of hurricane winds and rain? I guess the Lord alone knows how to keep them safe and sound.
    I don't ever remember eating at Woolworth's, but the store was always intriguing in my small child's world.

  3. Oh yes, I remember going to Woolworth's with my Mom after shopping in the Big City..San Francisco. It was always a treat. I don't remember what we ate but it was a big deal to eat out and not at home. Love hot fudge sundaes and banana splits. So "sinfully" delicious. I remember making chocolate and other flavor sodas when I worked in the Sears Roebuck Snack Bar. I got pretty good at concocting those yummy things.
    Such gorgeous bluebirds. I'm glad everything checked out and hopefully they will be back in the spring.

  4. Woolworth’s — we are showing our age with that one, aren’t we? I probably ordered the hamburger (what a great price!!!). Yes, I like Sundaes, any flavor. As for my favorite restaurants now: just about any except Carabbas (too spicy). Like you, I enjoy baked sweet potatoes. Such a good picture of you and John at Corky Bells. And Benton and Rose look good, too. I’m so glad to see that John’s follow up appt gave you really good news.

    Wonderful scripture; so encouraging.

  5. Good to hear that Hubby’s tests were all good.

  6. Yay for great results. Now I want a sundae.

  7. I am smiling ear-to-ear after reading this post, Pam. Thank God over and over for John's good doctor report! I love the blue bird checking out the available properties in your yard. They are so fun to watch. I want a hot fudge sundae now!! Love & hugs!

  8. Did Blogger eat my comment? Greedy fellow!

  9. I've never had a chocolate soda. I will take a look at it. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.



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