What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Thankfulness! Praise God!

I woke this morning with this song on my mind:

I just came to praise the Lord
I just came to praise the Lord
I just came to praise His holy Name
I just came to praise the Lord

I just came to praise the Lord
I just came to praise the Lord
I just came to praise His lovely Name
I just came to praise the Lord

He came into my life
One very special day
He came into my heart
To show me a better way
He said He'd never depart
This is why I say
I just came to praise the Lord

I just came to thank the Lord
I just came to thank the Lord
I just came to praise His holy Name
I just came to thank the Lord

I just came to praise the Lord
(I just came, just came to praise the Lord)
I just came to praise the Lord
(Praise His name)
I just came to praise His Name
(Lovely name)
I just came to praise the Lord

We woke up around 4 a.m. to the sounds of "silence", for which we were very thankful indeed.  The winds had died down and the rain had virtually stopped. The "eye" of the storm had already passed over with all of its fury, and things were calming down in our neck of the woods.

When we first went to bed last night around 10:00, the power flickered on and off a few times, but then thankfully stayed ON!  We kept hearing things beating against the side of our house on our bedroom wall (below), and in the dark we couldn't tell if this oak tree was bent over that far and hitting the house or what was going on.

We just prayed that God would control the winds and the tree and keep it from doing us any harm, and praise God! When we woke up this morning the tree was still intact, and there was no sign of any damage on our house at all.  But it is amazing how far a tree can bend in the wind to reach our house!

So, at first light we looked out and saw this pine tree leaning against the other two down by the pond:

But here's what really happened:

Obviously it was already damaged and dying, so it was no surprise that it broke off at that spot.  I see little faces in there, don't you?
LOL.  They are happy to be set free from the tree! LOL.

We will have to cut this up and remove it, but not today. It can wait a day or two until we have some helpers with a chain saw.

As I looked around the yard further, I found these little "knock out rose-rosebuds".  

And the bottlebrush bush is blooming! That's unusual for October!

And look at those holly berries!

Still Waters Pond didn't really come up that much, considering we had 4.5" of rain in 24 hours!
This was our "celebratory breakfast" this morning... praising God we had power, and we didn't have much of any kind of damage, and we are alive and well!  So far I've heard from most of our family members and friends and they are all doing fine as well, and we are all VERY THANKFUL!

Oh, and our big old oak trees in front of the house are still standing big and tall, and only lost a few little tiny branches like last time.   Another big answer to prayer!

So, "I just came to praise the Lord..."

Isaiah 61:3  King James Version
3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.

 Praying still for our friend Sandra, "Mad Snapper" down in Bradenton, who said she is okay, but without power, and another friend who comments from that area, Brenda, who is also okay, but not sure yet what damage may be where she lives as she had evacuated with her son.  So keep them in your prayers please.   

Thank you again for your prayers for us.  We are SO thankful for you and for God's answers to prayer.


  1. Such wonderful news. I'm so glad all is well, with just the one tree broken. Yes, I see faces too. Both of my girls are safe also. God has blessed!

    1. So thankful to hear your girls are safe! That is a real comfort to you, I know. Yes, we are also very thankful to have no real damage. God has been very merciful and we are very thankful to Him.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes! We are very thankful!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. We are very thankful to God for His mercy and grace.

  4. Baruch HaShem!
    I too, saw the faces in that tree. We’ll do good to hear you’re doing good and everyone else is alive and well, even if without power. I’m sure that must be frustrating. What shocked me was when some woman mayor said if you stay, you’ll die. That was very upsetting to hear.
    I hope this is it for your hurricane season. Enough is enough.

    1. Ignore the typos - just an unprovoked attack from Spell Checker.

    2. That mayor was probably from the towns that were right along the coast, where the storm surge would definitely be deadly, over 10-15 feet deep! So, yes, she wanted to make a point, and most people listened and evacuated. I haven't heard any numbers yet on a death toll, but most were from tornadoes spawned on the other side of the state from the storm! Totally unexpected and weird. It was a strange storm, and we are very thankful it is over.

  5. Praise God for answered prayers! I can't make out any little faces, but I'm astonished AND in awe of its raw beauty. Anguish, like bloody tears dripping down. Part of me wants to preserve it under lacquer ... aren't you glad I live far away? (lol)

    1. No, I'm NOT happy you live far away! I think it would be wonderful if you lived closer!! But I am not sure I would want to preserve the tree under lacquer...I'd have to think about that one. LOL. I do a lot of strange things and try to preserve many things that probably should just be thrown away, but I think the little "faces" in the tree want to breathe, so lacquer would not be a good idea. LOL. Now who's crazy? LOL. Thank you for being my friend.

  6. Crying for joy for you.
    Sorry maybe one day I won’t cry.

    1. Crying is a language that God understands, and He gave it to us for that purpose. So let the tears flow. It's healing you from within. (((hugs))) Thank you for your tears of joy. They are the best of all!

  7. So glad you are okay and have minimal damage!

    1. Thank you! So are we. We are VERY thankful to God!!

  8. So thankful for this answer to prayer!

  9. Seems God answered all the prayers. Hooray!

  10. Got electric late evening…son had some damage to house…minimal…he is still moving me back into condo…prayers answered…feel for others…glad you are okay. Hope Terri is ok. Thank you…blessings…keep praying…Floridians strong.

    1. Praise God! So happy to hear that you are okay and with minimal damage, etc. God has truly answered many prayers.

  11. Replies
    1. Yes, I figured that out, and am so glad to hear from you that you and your family are safe!! Praise God for many answered prayers.

  12. How about Terri….brenda

  13. Definitely Thankful Thursday, though I am reading this on Friday morning. Yes that song is perfect for the praises of friends and family being okay.

  14. Pamela, I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to know that you all are okay after Milton barreled through! Have you heard anything from Terri, though? I'm really worried about her after we heard about the damage in Lake County south of Lakeland. If you hear anything, please let me know. Blessings!


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