What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday 4: Blast From the Past


Blast from the Past

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.. We are glad to have you here!

1. If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?
Gosh, only on myself??? That is a difficult question to answer. I can't imagine just buying something for myself with that much money. But what I would most likely do is buy the home I've always dreamed of...a large rustic cabin style home on a lake, with plenty of guest rooms (or extra guest cottage) to share with people who need a place to get away for a little rest and retreat.  Something like this: 

But nowadays one million dollars probably wouldn't be able to buy this...so whatever I could find within that price that meets this idea would make me happy. And I would like to have a housekeeper and cook to help when guests come. 
This might be more affordable:

2. You can do it again. What decade are you going back to and why? What's the attraction?
I assume you mean a decade that I have actually lived in?  Maybe the late 50's to 60's...that's when I was just growing up, but perhaps I'd like to be an adult in that decade. It was a "kinder, simpler" time, and people were good honest God fearing folks, not ashamed to bow their heads in prayer in public places like schools, and we were hard working, proud Americans. There was a lot of enthusiasm for living in this post WWII era, and young families were buying new homes, starting businesses or working a farm or moving across the country to a better life.  We loved God, our family and our country.  And I loved the cars from that era too. I love classic cars and wouldn't mind having one today.   Oh, and ladies still dressed like ladies and guys dressed like men and boys and girls were proud to be exactly that, boys and girls. And people/children didn't spend all their time with their noses in their cell phones or laptops. They actually had face to face conversations, the children played outside all day and were creative with their toys and games. If they didn't have something to play with, they created something. We played "let's pretend..." a lot...used our imaginations and were very physically active.

3. What's the last song that got stuck in your head? Alternatively, what's your current favorite song?   This song is called, "Take Up Thy Cross and Follow Me", and we sang it in our Easter Cantata at church on Easter Sunday. Here is a group of people singing it and doing a nice job with instruments, etc.  This song was buzzing around in my head and I was happy I could find this version to share with you.

My favorite song is very difficult to say. I love so many songs, mostly sacred, gospel, hymns,  etc. The list is really endless, from Handel's Messiah & Hallelujah Chorus, to "Jesus Loves Me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong! Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so."  I guess I would have to say Jesus Loves Me is my all time favorite. It is the first song I taught my babies...and actually sang it to them while they were still in my womb. I wanted them to know that Jesus loved them from even before the first breath they took.  Yes, that is my favorite song. It still speaks to me today. We sing it every Sunday morning in church when the little children go out to Children's Church. It's a sweet sweet song.

4. What items do you miss from the past and wish they were still around?
Well, that's another hard question. You are hitting a lot of soft spots today in my head and heart.  
Of course, they aren't "Items", but I wish my parents and grandparents and all those we knew and loved were still around, but I would never call them back from heaven. I look forward to being with them someday in heaven for eternity.  So back to the original question, what "items" do I miss from the past...
I'm drawing a blank here.  I would love to have lived in the era of lovely horses and carriages, women wearing beautiful feminine dresses and hats and gloves...

Uh, well, maybe not the small waistlines and bustles, etc.... LOL.

However I wouldn't want to bring back outhouses, chamber pots and doing laundry by hand.... I guess that's all I can think of right now. I rather miss the pre-technology era, but then again, I love sitting here at my computer and writing this to you now, and I probably would never have known you without this invention...so I guess we need to be careful what we ask for.

Thank you,  Annie, for coming up with these challenging  questions for Tuesday 4 today. I've had to really scratch my head and think, which is good for me, but not so good for my headache! LOL.  

God bless you all and have a wonderful day.



  1. Ooooooooooooo's and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs on those houses (grin). Yes, the modern convivences such as having running water, toilets and such is a reason for me too, grin. Have beautiful day friend. smiles

  2. Reading this, I'm getting such a RUSH of warm emotions. Great minds think alike, but you express them more beautifully than I could. I agree 100% with every word of your response to #2. The last song stuck in my head is "Up from the grave He arose!' The nearby Baptist church had that on its sign and that's all it took. Unfortunately, I don't know all the words, so poor Tom had to listen to me singing those 2 verses over and over (and over). I find it almost impossible to name a favorite song, but "The Way We Were" comes close.

  3. I too love the song "Jesus Loves Me". It's just so simple and easy, but so very true and comforting. I don't know the other song, but thanks for sharing it. I really like your houses by the lake...I think I could really enjoy living in one of those also. Hope you have a great day!

  4. Love that cabin idea. Something you can enjoy and bless others with as well. I would love that!
    I like your decades you chose for the way people dressed. I don't know maybe I'm behind the times but I just cannot get into a lot of the fashion these days. Bring back some classiness would be nice. I think ripped up jeans will never go out of style but I couldn't pull them off even if I liked them lol . My little teenage daughters look cute in them but I'm grandma and I think they look cute in anything :)

  5. Thank you for the lovely video . . . your dream home is certainly a dream, mine would be much the same, only smaller . . .A little cabin on a good fishing and swimming lake, one that I could skip through and keep clean easily . . . more time for sitting on the front porch :)

  6. Lovely homes. They would be so nice for entertaining people. Well, now you do live on a lake/pond and while the house is not big, it is very nice! I would like to live in the 50's. I think things may have been a bit better for many then.

  7. Those are some difficult questions. I like where I am now, yes, I wish I still had my husband at my side, but apart from that, I am enjoying my life. I grew up in a very poor home and we didn’t have a lot of the niceties of life, just the basics. I never felt poor as a child, but I know now that we were.

  8. I love both of those houses! Choosing between them would be tough. I know the one is bigger, but they both have gorgeous settings. It seems like most of us long for the days before all of our high tech gadgets took over and we actually looked at and talked to each other.

  9. I love the cabin pictures! I agree on everything you said!

  10. When it comes to a cabin, I have to admit that used to be my dream, too. Danny and I have discussed what it would mean for us to purchase one, but now with health issues, we know we need to simply live in a more urban area and reserve cabin time for vacation. And there is definitely a part of me that would love to have been an adult back in the 50s and early 60s; life truly was more simple in so many ways. At least, those years are the origin for my current day values, so I give thanks for that solid foundation.
    Blessings, Pam!

  11. I enjoyed reading your answers. I hope your headache is over and done with sooner rather than later.
    Maybe you will get your cabin, but honestly your view of the pond is pretty sweet!

  12. Loved reading your answers. I am with you. A million dollars surely wouldn't go far these days would it? Love the cabins! I've always said if I had plenty....non ending funds, I would want a cabin in the mountains, a cottage at the beach, and a ranch on many acres of land to white tail deer hunt. I mean If I am going to dream it might as well be big, right? But I must say as I am sure you agree...there is absolutely no place like home but...my home is with my family and that is where my heart is. Happy Wednesday dear Pam. Hugs and blessings, Cindy P.S. I have been singing Amazing Grace as of lately. Sweetest song ever!

  13. Girlfriend, I sure don't want fashions like that again, much as I like vintage I never want to have to wear a corset with bones and laces!! Whew!! A fun post and sorry I'm late!


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