I wanted to start out this post with this collage of mostly cactus blooms from our walks in the past week or so. This is their season to "shine", and so I thought they should be recognized for their beauty while it lasts...
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."
Proverbs 31:30
First of all, I want to thank you for your kind comments on my "Do You Want To Be Made Well" post HERE the other day. I am overwhelmed with your thoughtful and prayerful words...they have truly blessed me and have helped in the healing process of the past few days...just knowing there are so many sweet friends out there who took the time to comment and also pray. And I know some of you are also dealing with your own personal health issues, and I want you to know that I am also praying for you. I have not replied personally to each one yet as the past few days have been busy in some ways, and difficult in other ways as I have continued to deal with the headaches. But each day is a new day, and God is helping me day by day.
"Colt", standing way out there on the little sand bar island in Still Waters Pond, all by himself. Parents were coaxing him to swim to shore and work his way around the pond...all a part of the growing up process. Learning to take steps of faith!
To answer some of your questions and concerns, I ended up not going to the Doctor the other day as originally planned. I did call and talk with them about the fact that I have another appointment already scheduled coming up soon for lab work and then discussion of that. I thought I'd like to try and stick it out until then and see if the lab reports show anything that might have a bearing on this. However, the headache was much worse yesterday morning, and so I called them back and requested to see the Dr. this morning to discuss other options besides taking that particular medicine. And actually, praise God! This morning my headache is mostly gone, but I still intend to keep the appointment. So, again, I thank you for your continued prayers. I will keep you posted on any new developments!
Mr. Canada Goose, honking about any new developments...
Meanwhile, after a very rough start yesterday morning, I eventually began to feel better throughout the day. I am SO thankful for that because we had a very special engagement planned for the evening that I absolutely could not miss! I will only share a few pictures here because Lily Grace wants to share this story in her post later. (Don't look for it just yet...it's still in process...hopefully will be done later today or tonight).
Anyway, I was SO excited to finally meet in person my dear friend Debbi, from "Debbi's Front Porch" blog. If you don't know Debbi, you need to go over there and meet her. She writes about the very interesting city of Charleston, SC, where she comes from. She always has the most lovely pictures of the old homes and streets of downtown historic Charleston, as well as fun walks through some old plantations and parks , and very often she is walking with her sweet little friends "Tracie" and "Amybelle"...

If you have followed my other blog, The Adventures of Lily Grace, then you will understand this picture better. Debbi and "Tracie" are the "Auntie Debbi and Identical CousinTracie that Lily Grace has often talked about. Yes, my friend Debbi is the very kind benefactor who sent Lily Grace to me in the first place. We had never met before in person, and I asked her last night whatever made her decide to send Lily Grace to me, and she said that she just felt compelled to do it, as if God were prompting her. Well, I believe that... Lily Grace has become a very special little 'celebrity' in our lives and home.
So here we are, meeting in the parking lot of Corky Bell's last night, where we met for dinner.
And yes, Lily Grace and Tracie came too, along with Amybelle, Tracie's new sister.
And Lily Grace brought Bailey her dog.
And actually our hubbies were both there as well, but preferred not to be included in the blog post, so they shall remain anonymous. (Of course, you all already know my hubby...he's hardly anonymous on here, LOL). Perhaps something about being seen in public with two ladies and their dolls was too much for them. Ha Ha! They are both very good sports, believe me!
Here's a few pictures of our "girls":
Lily Grace, Tracie, and Amybelle, kind of crowded into our booth at the restaurant...
And then after we finished eating they exchanged some little gifts .
After dinner we went outside on the dock and did some more visiting, but I will save the rest of the pictures for Lily to share with you later in her blog. So be sure to be watching for that. Well, maybe a couple more pictures won't hurt:
There I am with the girls and some other lovely gifts...
And this is "Auntie Debbi", holding all three girls and Bailey the dog, and the wind was really having fun with her hair! LOL.
Needless to say we attracted some attention there among the other customers and waitstaff, but everyone seemed to enjoy our fun. We really didn't care too much what they might be thinking...We were very happy.
Okay, I will leave it at that for now. I've got to run to the Dr. appt.
Tomorrow, Lord willing, is going to be another exciting day, meeting up with some other very special people from Blogland. Pray that my headaches will stay away and I will be able to make the trip. Personally, I think it is just what the Doctor ordered for me...
"A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones."
Proverbs 17:22