What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tuesday 4 "What Things..."


What Things.....

It's time for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  You can join in by clicking on THIS LINK

Questions about your life...

1. What makes you tired?
What makes me tired? Physical and emotional distress will wear me down pretty quickly. Not to mention the fact that I am rapidly approaching 3/4 of a century of living...and that's enough to make anyone tired. LOL.  I wish that I had the stamina and energy that I had when I was a young mother of three very active little boys, juggling babies, housework, and outside work along with being an active Pastor's wife, participating in many church activities such as singing in the choir, teaching children/youth Sunday School, leading our women's ministries/Bible and prayer fellowship, acting as the church secretary, preparing bulletins and all other kinds of communications...yes, those were the days, my friend...and in some ways I'm glad they are over, but in other ways I wish I could go back do some of it over and maybe do a better job having the wisdom I've gained by living to be this great age. LOL.

Me with my three sons back in the early ministry days. Precious memories

2.What things do you value in life?
My relationship with Jesus Christ is the most valuable gift I've been given. My family is next...yes, next, because my relationship with Christ is eternal whether or not I have my family. My family is a gift from God, but ultimately my family belongs to God, not to me. It is a treasure that I am very thankful for and give thanks to God daily for this blessing...but I've already learned the hard way that my family, my children, are not my own. But the good news is that when we all belong to God, we will be together again eventually in heaven for eternity. So it all goes back again to that relationship with Jesus Christ.

Here's a song that expresses how I feel about this...

Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold.
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds,
And nothing I desire compares to You.

3. How do you want others to see you?
I pray that others can see Jesus living in me.  I know that I am not perfect and I often fail to do the right thing or say the best thing, but it is my prayer that God will have preeminence in all that I do and say...
My theme verse for this blog and for my life goes back to something my mother shared with me many years ago  (you can read about that HERE) in my little autograph book:

"Let the words of my mouth
And the MEDITATIONS of my heart
Be ACCEPTABLE in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

4. What things do you enjoy most and find most relaxing to do?
Well, most of you know how much I enjoy watching the birds and God's creation found in nature.  

Like watching this little baby bluebird poking his head out and waiting for his parents to come back and feed him!

That was on Saturday, and I haven't seen him or his parents since. I think the birds fledged out of the nest sometime during the night!

I enjoy watching even the "good, the bad, and the ugly" of God's Creation.  
The Bluebirds would be the good.  This below would be the bad and the ugly.

This is what is known as an Eastern Lubber Grasshopper:

If you read that link above, you will understand why they are the "bad and the ugly".

This creature was sitting on top of our flag pole, and I almost brought him inside the other evening when I brought the flag in.  Thank goodness I saw him just in time.  Can you imagine having this beast hopping around inside your house???

These critters will devour every green leaf in sight if you don't watch out. They especially love amaryllis plants and will totally defoliate them in no time.
There really is only one good kind of lubber grasshopper, but I won't tell you what it is in words.
Just know that if you see one, you really don't want it to stay around for dinner...

Okay, morning has broken and blackbird has spoken...it's time to get up and get a move on.
Thank you to Annie for these questions this week.
Again, you can join in over at the Tuesday 4 linkup each week.

Have a blessed and beautiful day!


  1. Ha ha..."the little beast" could be saying, "Can you imagine hopping around in a house??" ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. Pam: I enjoyed your post. I especially liked your answer to the first question, "What makes you tired?" I can relate to the emotional stress thought. I am a few years ahead of you on that age thing. Some physical things also wear me down. However, the emotional things I have learned to give them over to Jesus. I value my relationship with Him and my family.

  3. We sure are a lot alike. I enjoy many of the same things and sure miss being able to do as much as once could. Good post. Really enjoyed it. Blessings. xx

  4. I think we all could do better with a do over, or at least we like to think we would. That is a patriotic grasshopper.

  5. Such thoughtful, sweet responses! I especially loved what you said in #2. Now, that grasshopper? I never heard of them. Eeew! He(she) is mighty comical looking but I hate hearing about the destructive side. Why does Life have to be fraught with such things?

  6. I loved your answers Pam and I love that little bluebird peeking out of the bird house. I don't like grasshoppers, but I have to say, I think all the colors on this fella are really pretty. God's creation amazes me all the time. Have a great day!

  7. I do recall how much energy I had back "then" when my kids were young, and I do wish I had more of that now, Pamela. But God didn't make us like the Energizer Bunny, and He has His reasons. Perhaps slowing down is more vital than we know in developing a deeper relationship with Him. Blessings!

  8. You are so right, Pam, in saying that our relationship with Christ is eternal whether or not I have my family. You know that, and it’s certainly been made clear to me when a loved one has passed. And like you, I can thankfully say that when we all belong to God, we will eventually be together in heave for all eternity.

    Psalm 19:14 is my prayer EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

    As for that horrible grasshopper, my Colorado friends are saying this is the year for the massive invasion of Miller Moths. I don't miss them at all. Both the moths and the grasshoppers remind me of Moses and the plagues in Egypt.

  9. Hi Pam. Amen to relationship with Christ being of utmost importance. You are right, it is only through Jesus that we will have family relationships in eternity. I don't have the stamina I had when I was younger either. Most days, I come home from school exhausted. I may join with you in answering these questions a little later. I hope you are having a good week!

  10. You live your faith. You live for your family. Children and grands are miracles from God.

  11. Energy... I've lost most of mine too!! I am not a fan of any bugs and hated it when we had locusts in Virginia one year. They were awful and were thick everywhere. The crunching made me shudder!! Love & hugs!!

  12. Oh sweet lady, I do see Jesus in you!! ♥

  13. This is a wonderful post Pamela. I can especially relate to #2. Our family is SO important to us, but God has the supreme spot in my heart. Thank you for the reminders here today.
    The grasshopper on the other hand, ick!

  14. Came back and read again... ๐Ÿ˜Š

    "...but ultimately my family belongs to God, not to me."

    Wow, so true.

  15. I am learning to love the birds too! Saw my first hummingbird at the feeder today!
    Do you know that I am a leftie, too, and my grandma taught me to knit left-handed. I wish I could teach you!

    1. Well, there goes that excuse!! I always like to blame my ineptness at doing things like knitting, bowling, and anything else I don't do well at, on the fact that I'm a lefty. LOL. I guess I'll have to come up with a new excuse! I wish you were close enough to teach me! But I fear I would not be a good pupil at this stage in life. Thank you for at least thinking of me. Have a wonderful day my friend.

  16. Beautiful~ I love watching the birds, I have 3 hummingbirds, meadowlarks, redwinged blackbirds, cardinals, mockingbirds rabbits, and squirrels all come to say hi to me daily. I am a rightie, that was spose to be a leftie, they changed my hands in school. I still find I try to do stuff with my left hand over the right hand and let me tell you it is funny crocheting with my right hand like a leftie. I think we all wish we had the energy as we did when we were younger, I know I certainly do! hope you have happy and safe Memorial Day. (new posts up)

  17. I learned Psalm 19:14 when I was in grade school at Christian Release Time Education. Cute picture of you with your boys!

  18. I enjoyed your answers and loved your photos!


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