In our Bible study today we were asked the following question:
"If you saw Jesus standing nearby, how would you approach him?"
What is your first reaction to this question? One of the members of our group said that she would be in such awe that she would fall down at His feet, probably weeping and praising Him. Another said that she would approach Him timidly, feeling unworthy. My first reaction was that I would run into His arms,
like a little child so happy to see her daddy or beloved grandparent after a long separation. I could envision myself hugging His legs and wanting to be held in His lap.
Photo by Michael Belk, "Journeys With The Messiah" |
I guess I feel a lot like Simon Peter, who, after the Lord's death, felt lost and alone...and probably quite perplexed with how things had happened. The disciples never expected that the Lord would die...even though He had given them plenty of hints and notice...they just didn't quite get it. So, they went back to the thing they knew
In John chapter 21 we find the disciples out in a boat, where they had been fishing all night long and had caught nothing. In the morning, (see verse 4) "Jesus stood on the shore, yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus." And then in verse 5, Jesus calls to them, "Children, have you any food?", and they answered, "No." So He tells them (vs. 6) to "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." And so they did, and the Bible tells us that "now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish."
First, the disciple John recognized that it was Jesus, and said, "It is the Lord!" (vs. 7) When Simon Peter heard that it was Jesus, he put on his outer garment and plunged into the sea....and in his excitement and joy, hurried onto the shore to meet the Lord.
Was it because Peter felt worthy of Christ that he ran onto the shore? Did he feel entitled to being first in line to greet the Lord? Probably not...remember, Peter was the one who had denied Christ three times the night before He was crucified. And Jesus doesn't exactly let Peter get away with that when He does sit down with him on the shore to have breakfast. Jesus asks Peter three times in verses 15-17 just how much he really loves Him...and tells Peter to not only tend to, but to feed His sheep.
This gives me pause. My gut reaction to the question about how I would approach Jesus was to run and leap into His arms. Now I wonder...How would He respond to my exuberance? Would He welcome me with open arms, like the pictures above...or would He have some questions and instructions for me as well?
Honestly, I know that I am not worthy to approach Christ with anything but awe and extreme reverence and deep humility. I am not worthy of His love, mercy and grace. But guess what? None of us are worthy in our own strength. We are only able to approach Christ because He has made us worthy. He paid the price for our sins, and washed us white as snow with His own shed blood on the cross.
Romans 8:14-17 tells me that as I am "led by the Spirit of God", I am a son (daughter) of God. I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ...and therefore I am worthy to be called His child...and to call Him, "Abba, Father". "Abba", in the Greek means Father, a term expressing warm affection and filial confidence. Therefore, I have confidence that I can approach Jesus, the Son of God, with unreserved joy and excitement, knowing that He will indeed welcome me as His beloved child. And, as any good parent might do, He may ask me a few questions about whether or not I've been a good girl...and perhaps He may even give me some instructions for how I could improve or possibly give me some new assignments. And that's okay with me.
Romans 8:18 says "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
So, whatever instructions Christ may have for me will only help me to continue to grow in grace and be prepared for the glory that is yet to come in heaven.
Now this question is to you, dear would you approach Jesus? Do you feel unworthy to even speak His name, afraid that He might not know you? Or do you have confidence that you can run into His arms as a child running to her father, and know that you will be welcomed and loved...and cherished? If you aren't sure about that...I invite you to make sure now...just ask Him to show you the way, and He will definitely welcome you with open arms.
These flowers have nothing to do with the story...but the rose was blooming in my garden this morning, and I wanted to share it with you. The violets continue to bloom on my kitchen windowsill, and again, I wanted to share them with you. Sometimes we just have to stop and smell the roses/flowers. Life is too short to be so busy and hung up on whether or not we meet all the proper standards. standard needs to be met...ask Christ to come into your life and heart....and then just breathe....and smell the roses. You are beloved.
This is beautiful, Pamela. I have envisioned myself running with relief to be finally home in the arms of the one who saved me. I know I am not worthy in myself, but He has clothed me with His righteousness and when His word tells me I can come boldly, I don't take that to mean I come arrogantly, but I don't have to be afraid because He has extended the invitation. I can run to Him as a daughter. BUT! I suspect we will all fall at His feet when we see Him for the first time. How can we stand in the presence of the One who took it all for us? I know there will be some very profound comments to this post and I look forward to reading them. I will probably have more thoughts on this to meditate on.
ReplyDeleteYes...running with relief into His arms...what a beautiful picture...such a loving and warm welcome you will none other you've ever had before. What a marvelous day that will be... Thank you for your thoughts today. Blessings.
DeletePam, thank you so much for sharing about your Bible study from today. I loved each of the answers that the women in your group gave, but especially yours! You have such a beautiful way of teaching God's Word that encourages the heart. I certainly will be thinking on the things you've pointed out here as I go throughout the remainder of my day. Knowing in my heart that I can run into the arms of the One who gave all that I might know Him is not hard to imagine because in a spiritual sense I do that often when I am hurting or when I am in need of wisdom, etc. I am so limited in my ability to imagine what Heaven is like and because of that, I feel that I will fall at His feet when I do see Him. How could I not.
ReplyDeleteI know that none of us truly knows what that day will be like, but it can only be even better and greater than our fondest imagination. Why? Because He loves us so much,and He eagerly awaits our introduction into heaven's gates. It will be such a marvelous day. I know we will probably go through a series of responses...falling at His feet, running into His arms, but no matter how or what...the wonderful thing is He will not reject us but welcome us with open arms and so much love. What a glorious day that will be.
DeletePamela, your post here so reminded me of the lyrics from "I Can Only Imagine.
ReplyDelete"Surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel, will I dance for you, Jesus, or in awe of you be still. Will I stand in your presence, to my knees will I fall? Will I sing 'Hallelujah,' will I be able to speak at all?"
All I know is that I want to run to His open arms.
But I will make sure to smell the roses He created on the way.
Oh, I love that song! It's funny, but I never even thought about that while I was writing this, but there it is...exactly the way I feel and so many others. What a beautiful song and what a glorious joy awaits us. sure to smell those roses! He gave them to us as a gift of His love in the meantime.
DeleteBeautiful post, Pam! I had a dream many years ago that I saw Jesus and my immediate reaction was to fall at His feet. Today, I probably would be like you. I would run into His arms. I believe His smile as He me running toward Him would be awesome! I'm so thankful that someday I will get to find out! Have a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteYes, someday we will find out what that will be like...and I know it will be even more awesome and amazing than what we can even begin to imagine now. I guess it is just the child in me that sees myself running into His arms, like a child running to her parent or grandparent after a long time wonderful. It's that child-like faith that He tells us we are supposed to have...and I guess I took that literally. Have a blessed week, my friend.
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ReplyDeleteI think "falling" into His arms would be more like me. Sometimes the race is long and at the end of the day, my tongue is wagging! Sometimes I skip, happily on the journey but the result seems to be the same, my tongue is wagging! So to just be held, to find rest, yes to hear His heartbeat, even to hear the instruction/correction of the Lord. Just to be near Him.
ReplyDeleteHello Mrs.Pamela. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am so blessed and encouraged by your post on your blog. I am blessed and feel privileged to get connected as well as know you as a Pastor's wife. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 37 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ tobring healing to the brokenhearted. we also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to MUMABI to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have young people from your church to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. I am sure they will have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friends.God willing I will be coming to the States in the month of May/ June and will be so glad to stop by your place and meet you as a Administrator and also the Pastor of the Church.
ReplyDeleteI love that first picture! I have one like it on my bedroom mirror. Too me it looks like Jesus is hugging my daughter and welcoming her to her heavenly home. It gives me comfort. This time of year is always rough on me. The season when she became ill again. And yes I will be running to Jesus, like you!
ReplyDeleteMy love and prayers to you!
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