What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Something New for My Friday Foto Friends


This morning I was reading one of my blogging friend's posts, Tales of the TCKK Family, HERE, and she (Cathy) was doing a  new photo challenge that I thought was interesting.  She links up with Kym over at A Fresh Cup of Coffee~ Everyday Images #53 to do this "personal photo challenge".  I guess there is one every two weeks, with several prompts for things to look for and take photos of and share.  So since I didn't have anything new to share today, I thought I would try to do this and link up with Kym and Cathy and others who are doing the personal photo challenge.  The prompts for this week are: 

doorway (quarterly)

So let's see what I can come up with!  Of course, you know the calendar photo for me is already a regular event each month. Maybe I can find something new to share in the way of a calendar that you haven't already seen:

Not too fancy. That's our church calendar, one with the birthdays and anniversaries for the month,  and the other with the activities for the month.
Below is the box of cards that I use to send out birthday and anniversary and get well cards to members of the church each month.  That is a little ministry that I do for the church that keeps me on my toes, especially lately with the number of people needing get well cards! 


I just switched our door wreath from Christmas to a Valentine decoration, which will probably stay up through February.

And when we think about doorways, of course the title of my blog is "Closed Doors, Open Windows", so things having to do with doors are things that I tend to gravitate towards...like this collection of doorknobs:


I am assuming you mean letters, as in "letters of the alphabet" ?  This made me think of a little bag full of blocks that I've had for years and had stashed them away in a cabinet. So this was a good opportunity to bring them out:

Each side of the block has a different letter on it, and if you arrange them correctly, you will find four different messages!

Sometimes it's challenging to rearrange them and get them in the right order.  Finally I got smart and penciled in a very small number in the corner of each block so that if you put them in that order, all of the messages will be in the correct order for each side.

Still Waters Pond early in the morning, when it was 39 degrees outside.  That's a way to get "chilled" if you step outside to take a picture!


There's something hiding behind that photograph of my great-nephew's graduation picture on the bookshelf in our living room:

Oh, it's this beautiful handmade music box, created with love by my father many years ago:

And hiding on the back is his little note: "Handmade by Bill Mursch,12/90"
It was a Christmas gift to me that year. I think he made one for each of his children.  The little upside down sticker says "These Foolish Things", which is the song that it plays when you wind it up. 

When I started to write this post this morning I had no special plans for the day. Just figuring out what pictures to take and share was my only plan...and hubby had another plan...He wanted pancakes for breakfast...so here you go:

This used up the last of the frozen blueberries that we got from the Blueberry Farm here in town last summer. So I guess my next plan will be to buy some at the grocery store until we can get the good fresh ones again from the farm when they are ripe!

Regarding "Plans", here's some words of Wisdom from God's Word:

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 19:21 NIV
21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 16:9 NKJV
9 A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.

Just as I was about to close this post, I got a call from my niece, telling me that her father, my sister's hubby, was out running errands, and was stepping out of a store and someone on a bike or e-bike or something ran into him and knocked him down and he hit his head.  Thankfully he didn't lose consciousness, but he's at the hospital getting checked out to make sure there are no internal injuries, especially in his head since hit it so hard.  Apparently whoever knocked him down did not stop.  And my sister now has pneumonia and can't go to the hospital to get him, so thankfully his son is available to go get him.  So please say a little prayer for my brother in law Art and my sister Doris. Thank you so much.  Sometimes the "plans" we have for the day just don't work the way we planned. Praying that God will speed healing to them both.  Amen.

Thank you, Kym, from "A Fresh Cup of Coffee", for these photo prompts for today. I enjoyed finding the pictures and I hope you will all enjoy them too.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wednesday Treasures

Okay, shall we?
Do you need a "quiet moment" right now?
Sometimes we just need to step away from the world and spend a little bit of quiet time alone...
Maybe not totally alone, but perhaps alone with the Lord...
or maybe alone in the sense that we are allowing God to speak to us as we sit quietly and wait for Him to guide us in what we should be doing or writing.
I needed to do this...today my tummy is actually feeling a bit "uncomfortable", and I am praying it's not a bug that's going around, because hubby is complaining of similar symptoms.  I decided to drink a cup of "Cozy Chamomile" tea, as it is supposed to be good for calming the tummy. 
So I am sipping it as I write. 

"Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have relieved me in my distress;
Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer."
Psalm 4:1

We took a little walk this morning in the woods. We haven't been in a while because it's been so cold or we had other things going on. It felt so good to get back out in nature and stretch our legs and enjoy some rather chilly, but fresh air.

These little pine tree "flowers" are blooming...a sure sign that spring is not too terribly far away!

I saw this one lone little yellow wildflower blooming actually beside our pond the other evening while I was out waiting for the sunset...

I almost missed it...as you can see it was quite camouflaged...

One blossom blooming on the azalea bushes...

And raindrops on the poinsettias looked like crystal beads:

We haven't seen much of "Pretty Kitty", a.k.a. "Gray Kitty", lately, so I was happy to see her come visit on the back porch this morning.  She was watching my foot movements through the glass door, and when I made a move toward her she took off...

But at least we know she's okay and looks healthy. I think she must belong to someone...

Thankfully my hubby's cousin Linda called us again this morning from California to let us know that they are still doing okay. They are still back in their home, but she said the devastation all around them is terrible. They are wearing masks because of the ash and pollutants in the air.  She said also that because their house was one of the few still standing in their neighborhood they had been opening it up to firefighters to come in and use the restroom and get a drink and just rest for a bit.  They are very very thankful that their home has been spared.  Also, I may have mentioned before that they had already been planning to put their house up for sale this month because they already have a place ready to move to in the mountains of north Georgia. With this fire all around them they weren't too sure now what was going to happen and if they would be able to sell their house as planned.  However, their realtor has assured them that there are so many people now looking for homes that they should have no problem in selling their house pretty quickly, so they are going ahead with their plans to make preparations for moving.  They are extremely thankful to God, and also to all who have been praying for them. She was very comforted that they have actually heard from friends and people that they haven't heard from in many years, people who called to check up on them to make sure they were safe.  So even though it has been a very stressful and scary time, it has been a time for reconnecting with family, friends and also with God.  God works in mysterious ways.  We continue to pray for so many others who have lost everything and who are struggling and hurting so very badly. May God provide for their comfort and healing as well.

This was the sunrise this morning...
I wrote on Facebook when I shared these photos early today:

Psalm 118:24  NKJV
24 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

While I've been sitting here writing, I just learned that one of our church members, who had some major surgery yesterday, is home, and they said there was no sign of cancer! So that was a big praise!  And another member had surgery on Monday to remove her bladder because it had a cancerous tumor in it, but because the tumor was only in the bladder, by removing the bladder she is cancer free.  

Lately we've had way too many people in our church being diagnosed with cancer. It's hard to see so many having these issues, and we pray for them as they recover and deal with the aftermath of surgery and whatever other treatments they may need to have. In one case, the cancer is already too far involved, and the person has opted to not have any treatment and is preparing to live each day to the fullest until God calls him home.  

It would be easy to get anxious and maybe even a bit angry over so many suffering or having to alter their lives considerably due to these illnesses. 

I draw comfort and wisdom from this Psalm...

Psalm 4:4-8
"4 Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah
5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And put your trust in the Lord.
6 There are many who say,
“Who will show us any good?”
Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.
7 You have put gladness in my heart,
More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.
8 I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

With all of the crazy stuff going on in the country, around the world, and even right here in our own little church and community, it is good to remember to "Put your trust in the Lord."  Don't let anger over injustice or disaster cause us to sin. Pray for those in peril, but trust in the Lord.  "For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" ...therefore, I can "lie down in peace, and sleep."  

Well, I do feel a little better now. My tummy is settling down, and hubby is asking what's for supper.  I hope you've enjoyed this little moment of quietness and putting things in perspective, so to speak. 

Those are my treasures for today. Thank you for spending this time with me.  


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday 4~ Winter Musings

 Winter Musings

Hello and welcome once again to Toni's Tuesday 4.

It's cold in these United States. Everyone seems to be chilly and some have blizzard conditions to contend with.

But I think winter is a time for us, as well as animals, to hibernate and takes things slow and easy. I think many find themselves a bit more sleepy than usual and maybe we are supposed to take the time to rest... Let's talk it over okay?

1. Do you find yourself a bit more lazy or tired as the nights get longer or does it not seem to do much to you? In general how are you doing this winter?
Yes, the longer nights, along with the time change in the fall, do make me want to go to bed earlier. It's hard to stay awake when it is dark outside. Having the Christmas tree lights on helped a lot, but now that I've taken all of that down, it's back to dark again, however, the days are starting to get a big longer now, so that helps.  In general, I am doing fine, but I think I am looking forward to spring now.

2. Do you appreciate the extra hours of dark that allow for more sleep, more leisure, less travel and hurry or not?
The thing is, whether it's dark or not, the schedule stays the same.  Even though we are retired we still try to stay on a regular schedule for going to bed and getting up in the morning. We just have to turn on more lights in the house. And during the winter days between Thanksgiving and New Years, there's no such thing as "more leisure".  The holidays create a lot activity and rush for me. Even though they are happy days, it is also a bit stressful.  Now that they are over maybe I can relax a bit more and not feel like I constantly should be doing 'something', whatever that is.

3. I know I love a hot drink on a chilly evening and the quiet of the streets outside as people stay inside more on cold nights. I feel more relaxed in the winter. How about you?

You've already seen this picture before, but yes, to answer your  question, I do love a hot drink on a chilly evening or afternoon. If it is evening, then probably either an herbal tea or hot Ovaltine. In the afternoon a regular tea with caffeine to help me perk up and keep moving is oftentimes what I need. Oh, those snowmen in the picture below have been put away now, and no more "Peppermint Patties" for me. LOL. Well...maybe there's still a couple of them available, but I'm trying to avoid them...

4. Do you ever gaze out of your window like Miss Kitty in the picture just watching the world go by? How do you find yourself relaxing on a chilly evening?
Well, you all know I do a LOT of window gazing from my "Room With a View",

But the scene outside is nothing like the one on that beautiful calendar! LOL. I wouldn't mind seeing a beautiful farm scene like that in the winter, but here in Florida where we live, this is what I see if I look out my windows in the evening...(actually these pictures were taken right now, at 6:30 a.m.)

That's what I can see that's left of the full moon in the early morning dawn before it totally descends out of our sight for the day...

It's hiding behind some trees, but that actually makes for a lovely frame around the moon, don't you think?

And this is the scene across Still Waters Pond. There is a highway on the other side of the trees and also a gas station/convenience store.  During the daytime we really can't see it that well, but at night the lights are actually kind of pretty:

Some of my pictures got a little wonky...

I guess I moved the camera and didn't realize it, but I like the pictures anyway, don't you?  I know Sandra over at MadSnapper will like these!

I love these, and couldn't do them again if I tried. They are total "accidents" that created something beautiful!

Oh, and that is the full moon picture...I guess the moon is in a hurry to descend! LOL.

These last two pictures are looking out the front door through the glass and across the street this morning:

My hubby was just saying that it was kind of nice to look out there and see some lights and life again. For a long time that house on the end never showed any signs of life, and recently a young family has moved in there with 4 boys, and now there is always a lot of activity over there.  The one young boy loves to come over here and ask if he can do some more yard work for us so he can earn a little money. We are trying to find a few little jobs for him to do, like raking and picking up branches. Maybe this summer we can let him do a few more things. He's very sweet and respectful, and we like to encourage a young person to be industrious.   So that is a nice thing that has happened in the neighborhood recently.

It's nice to have a little "helper" come and offer his help to us.  And Jesus also has promised us that He would send us another "Helper", that is, The Holy Spirit, to come and abide with us and help us forever!
Having God's Holy Spirit abiding with us is a great comfort, as He is also known as "The Comforter". It is comforting to know that when we believe in Christ, we are never alone! His Spirit dwells within us and is there for us no matter what we may be facing each day.  That is some good news!

John 14:16 NKJV

16 "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—"

Well, that's it for today's Tuesday 4. I hope you have a wonderful day today, and that you will be blessed and comforted no matter what this day brings.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Monday! Praises and Gratefulness!

Jeremiah 32:17 
‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.

Last night I spent probably at least a half hour or more watching and waiting for the sun to set. After a very chilly start to our day (31 degrees F, with frost on the ground, which is very cold for us here in Florida!), and even though it was sunny and bright all day, it stayed quite chilly for most of the day. But by evening the wind had died down and it was actually quite pleasant outside.  I grabbed my cell phone (because it takes the best sunset pictures), and went outside to watch the beauty unfolding in the skies over Still Waters Pond. All the while as I was waiting, I paced back and forth along the shore of the pond, looking for the best angles to take the pictures, but also stopping to pause and praise the Lord for each and every beautiful change as it took place.  

I thought about so many things...the week we've just had...the fires in California with people that I know and love affected by them, but the praise that their home was spared was so amazing... 

and then there were things going on here in our own community of friends that had been challenging...one dear friend had a stroke on Tuesday night (she is our church pianist). and thanks to the Lord and the quick action of,  first, her husband calling 911 as soon as he noticed her face starting to droop, and the local ambulance drivers contacting the Stroke Center at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, who sent out a specially equipped ambulance for stroke victims to meet them half way (the hospital is almost an hour away from here), and the extremely quick action of the stroke trauma team examining and removing a blood clot from her brain within minutes of her arrival at the hospital! Yeah! That was a miracle!, And she was able to call me the next day from the hospital to tell me how good she felt and that she was ready to go home!  She did have to spend a couple of nights in the hospital, but now she is safely home and will only need some basic therapy for a while until she regains her strength. She is 81 years old, and has other pre-existing health concerns, but God definitely intervened on her behalf in this situation and I just want to praise the Lord for His mercy and grace and kindness.

I also thought about how wonderful our gathering of Blogging Sisters was on Saturday, and how great it was to be together with people that we normally just see here in cyber-space. But yes, we are all real flesh and blood people, all with unique talents and gifts and needs. Each one has her own special story to tell...and that's why we blog! For each one of us our "stories" have changed over the years as life events took place that none of us expected or wanted to happen...but life happens, and we grieved, adapted, and learned to move forward with whatever our "new normal" is after the unexpected happens. None of us has done that alone...we each one know that God has been with us all the way, or we probably wouldn't be here today to be able to talk about our life stories.  And we are each one thankful for this community of friends who have been so supportive and comforting throughout our personal ordeals.

I thought about my own sister,  who has been battling a very bad bout of bronchitis for the past almost two weeks, and she's still trying to get over it. Wonderfully, when I got back inside the house she called me to tell me how she was doing (as I had kept asking her on Facebook), and also to tell me that she finally received our Christmas gifts to her and her husband, thanks to my sister in law delivering them to her daughter and then her daughter delivered them to her! Whew! She was happy to have a little "Christmas party" at home to cheer her up, and I was so happy to hear from her and know that she's going to be fine...she just needs to get over this bug.  
There's other stuff...oh, our kids were all here after church and we had a delicious Pork Tenderloin dinner with baked potatoes and a salad. I didn't take any pictures, but you've seen us all before and you know what our food and table looks like, so just picture it! I am VERY thankful to have our kids and the grandpups here anytime. Scott came down after he got off work (he works very early in the morning to maintain a golf course, even when it was 31 degrees...probably colder where he was more than an hour north of us!) to do his laundry and visit and also had a few Christmas gifts waiting for him from his Aunt and Uncle, so we had a little "Christmas party" for him too.  Sometimes Christmas just goes on and on for a while, but that's quite okay with me...it's the Spirit of Christmas that continues even when the decorations are all put away and the calendar says it's practically the middle of January, but that joy and Spirit of God's love and love of family continues, Praise God!

So I'm writing all this as I am showing you pictures of the sunset that I was watching as it changed from moment to moment...each view getting better as the colors got richer and deeper and more glorious. I kept thinking I should go back inside the house, but it wasn't terribly cold, and I wanted to see it all the way to the end...plus in my mind I was thinking that the Sand Hill Cranes had not returned to their roosting place yet for the night, and so I was hoping they would show up before I had to go inside.

And my patience was rewarded by this amazing sight...here came the Sand Hill Cranes, flying over the treetops and preparing for their landing on Still Waters Pond:

AS they approached the water, their "landing gear dropped down"...

And they aimed for their landing site on the other side of the island...

And this was my last view of them as they landed on the water/marsh site...
And then all was calm and beautiful and the sun continued its descent and I went back inside, filled with awe and joy and thankfulness.  I praised God for His faithfulness to our family and friends...and rejoiced in the beauty of all that I had just been so privileged to witness. I truly am grateful for what God has provided, and don't take it for granted. Life can change so rapidly, as we have seen this past week for so many people. It has made me very, very grateful to God indeed.

Thank you for hanging in there with me to the end of this amazing sunset. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Jeremiah 32:17 
‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.