This morning I was reading one of my blogging friend's posts, Tales of the TCKK Family, HERE, and she (Cathy) was doing a new photo challenge that I thought was interesting. She links up with Kym over at A Fresh Cup of Coffee~ Everyday Images #53 to do this "personal photo challenge". I guess there is one every two weeks, with several prompts for things to look for and take photos of and share. So since I didn't have anything new to share today, I thought I would try to do this and link up with Kym and Cathy and others who are doing the personal photo challenge. The prompts for this week are:
doorway (quarterly)
So let's see what I can come up with! Of course, you know the calendar photo for me is already a regular event each month. Maybe I can find something new to share in the way of a calendar that you haven't already seen:
Not too fancy. That's our church calendar, one with the birthdays and anniversaries for the month, and the other with the activities for the month.
Below is the box of cards that I use to send out birthday and anniversary and get well cards to members of the church each month. That is a little ministry that I do for the church that keeps me on my toes, especially lately with the number of people needing get well cards!
I just switched our door wreath from Christmas to a Valentine decoration, which will probably stay up through February.
I am assuming you mean letters, as in "letters of the alphabet" ? This made me think of a little bag full of blocks that I've had for years and had stashed them away in a cabinet. So this was a good opportunity to bring them out:
Each side of the block has a different letter on it, and if you arrange them correctly, you will find four different messages!
Sometimes it's challenging to rearrange them and get them in the right order. Finally I got smart and penciled in a very small number in the corner of each block so that if you put them in that order, all of the messages will be in the correct order for each side.
Still Waters Pond early in the morning, when it was 39 degrees outside. That's a way to get "chilled" if you step outside to take a picture!
There's something hiding behind that photograph of my great-nephew's graduation picture on the bookshelf in our living room:
Oh, it's this beautiful handmade music box, created with love by my father many years ago:
And hiding on the back is his little note: "Handmade by Bill Mursch,12/90"
It was a Christmas gift to me that year. I think he made one for each of his children. The little upside down sticker says "These Foolish Things", which is the song that it plays when you wind it up.
When I started to write this post this morning I had no special plans for the day. Just figuring out what pictures to take and share was my only plan...and hubby had another plan...He wanted pancakes for here you go:
This used up the last of the frozen blueberries that we got from the Blueberry Farm here in town last summer. So I guess my next plan will be to buy some at the grocery store until we can get the good fresh ones again from the farm when they are ripe!
Regarding "Plans", here's some words of Wisdom from God's Word:
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Proverbs 19:21 NIV
21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 16:9 NKJV
9 A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.
Just as I was about to close this post, I got a call from my niece, telling me that her father, my sister's hubby, was out running errands, and was stepping out of a store and someone on a bike or e-bike or something ran into him and knocked him down and he hit his head. Thankfully he didn't lose consciousness, but he's at the hospital getting checked out to make sure there are no internal injuries, especially in his head since hit it so hard. Apparently whoever knocked him down did not stop. And my sister now has pneumonia and can't go to the hospital to get him, so thankfully his son is available to go get him. So please say a little prayer for my brother in law Art and my sister Doris. Thank you so much. Sometimes the "plans" we have for the day just don't work the way we planned. Praying that God will speed healing to them both. Amen.
Thank you, Kym, from "A Fresh Cup of Coffee", for these photo prompts for today. I enjoyed finding the pictures and I hope you will all enjoy them too.