"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord."
Psalm 31:24
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!"
Psalm 30:5b
This was one of those kind of weeks. It started out difficult, then got harder, and then, well...God showed up. Don't get me wrong. He was there all the time. He promised us...
"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6
And again He tells us:
"And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed."
Deuteronomy 31:8
I knew when I selected my
"One Word for 2014", "STRENGTHEN", that I could expect to endure some tests of strength. After all, how can one become stronger without exercise? Whether it be physical strength, mental strength, or spiritual strength; the only way to become stronger is to work at it. We don't gain strength lying in a hammock and sipping lemonade all day.
But I didn't expect the tests to start out so difficult. I thought I could build up to them gradually. Apparently that's not the way God chose to teach me at this point.
Sadly the week started out with a dear friend suddenly passing on to be with the Lord. She was a young woman, the age of my own sons, and I've known her since she was a teenager. It was quite a shock, and I've spent a good part of the week working through the emotions of this sad event. However, I comfort myself with the knowledge that she is with the Lord, and that Heaven's choir just got more powerful with the addition of her beautiful singing voice.
Then my own dear son, who is battling cancer, has had an extremely painful week. The pain medications just were not helping, and he was really suffering. Plus he is waiting to hear whether or not the insurance company will approve further chemotherapy for him. Even though my son is 40 years old and lives 1500 miles away, is married to a wonderful wife and has a 14 year old son, as any mother knows, when your child is hurting, you hurt as well. You want to go to battle for him...and kiss away his pain if only you could. At least that's how I felt.
Knowing that another mother lost her dear child this week, which for that particular friend, it was the second one to die and the only child she had left...making it a double sorrow for her...and then feeling so helpless about my own son's situation...well, it was a difficult thing to deal with, to put it mildly.
But then, last night something really precious happened. My sweet daughter in law posted some pictures on Facebook of a milestone event in the life of my grandson. As I said above, my grandson is fourteen years old. The last time we saw him a few months ago he was already proud that he was taller than his mother and his grandma (me). Since then, I've heard that he has grown another couple of inches, and his shoe size is a men's 14!
Well, last night he had his first shaving lesson! His dad, (my son) showed him step by step how to shave...and it was all captured in pictures!
What a keepsake for my grandson to treasure in years to come...to be able to look back at a very special time when his daddy and he shared in this rite of passage into manhood together. And what a tremendous experience for my son to treasure in his heart...being there for his son as he enters puberty.
You see, my son realizes that, unless there is a miracle out there for him, he may not be able to share in very many milestone experiences in his son's life. This is not an easy thing for me to write, or to accept. I am still praying for a miracle.
He did it!! |
I know that the Lord is with us. He is with our son. He will never leave us nor forsake us. "He is the One who goes before you." I know that God is preparing the way. However, like my friend, I may have to give up my child someday. Until then, I won't give up hope.
"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord."
Psalm 31:24
Job well done!!! |
Oh, and by the way, my son's oncologist was able to prescribe a better pain medication for our son that has helped to alleviate the constant pain he has been dealing with all week. As you can see by the smile on his face above, by last evening he was able to enjoy the special time with his family and end the week on a more positive note. This was a great comfort to me as well...just to see that smiling face gave me great hope.
Thank you Lord...for small miracles while we wait.
It must do your heart good to see that smile, all of those smiles! Very sweet thing to do. I am praying for your son each day my friend. Hoping for good news on the financial issue.
Thank you, Susie. That means so much to me. Truly. Yes, we are trusting that doors will be opened for him to get the best possible treatment. God is in control. I just have to keep remembering that when I get panicky. Thank you again. <3
DeleteI get chills all over just reading this and being a mother,I can somewhat know how you are feeling. I pray for all of you every day. I hurt for you too, but we can be encouraged just knowing, as you said, God is in control. He will see you through. He gives a mighty strength that cannot be matched! Read #57 on pgs 132-133 in "Jesus Today". "In Quietness and confidence shall be your strength"---- rest in quietness--
ReplyDeleteThank you, Doris. I am enjoying the Jesus Today book that you gave me for Christmas. Actually, the verse at the top of this, Psalm 31:24, what what I read in Jesus Today before writing this. God is giving me strength each day...and I know that many are praying, which is also a huge encouragement. Thank you for your words. I love you, my dear big sister!
DeletePam, I am sorry that you've had such a HARD week! I love the way the Lord comforted you with the pictures of your son teaching his son how to shave! What a special blessing. I cried through the whole post...both the hurtful and the blessing. YOU, my friend, are a blessing to me!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dianna, for being a caring friend. Sometimes I wonder if I share too much personal information for others to appreciate, but then when I see that it is a blessing to others...and also that they are giving back words of hope and encouragement to me, I am so thankful for this "open window" of communication. Bless you for being there!
DeleteWhat a week. No wonder God led you to choose the word you did. It's all about Him strengthening you...but what a bumpy ride. Bad news, good news, sweet pictures, good news. Still waiting moments. All of it mixed together. I'm sorry. I pray for you as a mom, and for your son as a dad. All of you.
ReplyDeleteThank you my dear friend, who has been on your own bumpy ride lately. You are such an encouragement in the way you handle you own ups and downs and in betweens. Thank you for your prayers for me and for my son. Every day is a new adventure on this journey. I am so grateful to not only have the Lord as my guide and stabilizer, but also dear friends who come alongside even from afar and give words of encouragement and hope. Thank you, and bless you today.