I entitled this post "Happy Reflections", because I want to reflect on happy times and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness to us! I regret that I totally forgot about taking pictures this past weekend when we had a family/friends gathering here at our house! I must be slipping! As I sit here and reflect back over the past few days, it makes me want to take notes and try to paint word pictures for the moments I want to remember!
This was one of the highlights of our "celebration"...Yes, a celebration of sorts...celebrating good friends, new friends, old friends, "old" family and possibility of "new" family...Anyway....stop going into so much detail Pam, and without further ado...we had sweet corn on the cob! Now, how many of you out there just
love sweet corn on the cob? Especially when it is really fresh, really sweet, and really good!!
I do wish I had thought to take a picture of one of our newer friends, Leon, who hails from Nebraska. As soon as he heard that we had sweet corn that needed to be shucked, he quickly volunteered saying, "Let
me shuck the corn...after all, I'm a "Nebraska Cornhusker!" And he proceeded to do an expert job of shucking that corn out on the front porch
while visiting with friends...

and even took home the shucks for his compost pile!
(pictures are a "re-enactment" without the people (using extra sweet corn that we didn't cook on the weekend but are having for supper tonight!) since I forgot to take pictures while they were here)
This sweet corn was
so good...that in itself was worth a "celebration"! How many of you remember the first sweet corn of the season, drenched in butter, and seeing how many ears you could eat without making yourself sick?
This corn was so perfect...nothing would do but to serve it hot and fresh on Mama's beautiful antique Flow-Blue platter. I asked my sister if I dared to use it, because I've been so afraid I'd break it...but she agreed with me that Mama would be so pleased to know that we used it just like she did for our many family gatherings at the old home place. And so we did...
I love our special gatherings like this...everyone brings food so that I don't have to do all of the cooking...we usually grill chicken or something else good...and the food and fellowship are always something wonderful. I especially love how God brings the people together from all backgrounds and stages in life, and we blend together with laughter, fun stories and new friendships.
That's what our home is designed to be...a gathering place...a place to make memories...
The foyer of our home...
hopefully it spells
Sometimes I forget to remind people to sign the guest book...so I go back and
write in their names so I can remember the day and who was here with us...
This beautiful magnolia blossom from our huge tree in the Secret Garden gave off the freshest lemony scent as it welcomed
our guests....
The only picture we thought to take was toward the end of the day, as my sister and I sat down to relax and have a cup of tea. Here we are...
She had told me back when I wrote about this little
"Rose-Pansy Teacup" that the next time she came for a visit, she wanted to drink from this cute little cup. And so she did! We enjoyed our Lady Grey Tea, served from a delightful tea pot that I have never used before, although I have had it for many years.
Here it is:
It was ideal for our little impromptu tea for two tea party...and a perfect ending to a perfect day.
Here's some thoughts about the "Rewards of Wisdom" from King Solomon in Proverbs 3 that speak to me tonight as I reflect on this sweet time of fellowship and pleasant times with loved ones and friends...
Proverbs 3
5. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding;
6. In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your paths.
7. Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and depart from evil.
8. It will be health to your flesh,
and strength to your bones.
9. Honor the Lord with your possessions,
and with the firstfruits of all your increase;
10. So your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will overflow with new wine.
13. Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
and the man who gains understanding;
14. For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver,
and her gain than fine gold.
15. She is more precious than rubies,
and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
16. Length of days is in her right hand,
In her left hand riches and honor.
17. Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all her paths are peace.
18. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,
and happy are all who retain her.
I hope you've enjoyed these "Happy Reflections" from a pleasant time of fellowship. Something I've learned over the years from having many of these gatherings is what Proverbs 3:9-10 says:
9. Honor the Lord with your possessions,
and with the firstfruits of all your increase;
10. So your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will overflow with new wine.
When we choose to honor the Lord with our possessions, our home, our food and friendship...God blesses us with plenty! Our "vats overflow with new wine" so to speak, the new wine of joy, laughter, lasting friendships that have endured through time and many trials...and I want to give Him the glory and praise for these marvelous blessings. We have truly been blessed by God...and He deserves all the praise. Thank You, Lord, for so much "plenty". Amen.