What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday Thankfulness and More

 Happy first day of Summer!  Not sure how I really feel about that...summer is not one of my favorite seasons since we live here in the "Sunshine State", and summer is HOT, HOT, and MORE HOT! And HUMID too!  But if I can list at least one thing I am very thankful for, it would be our central air conditioning...and also the fact that since we replaced our old AC unit last June, we have noticed that our electricity consumption so far in these past few warmer months has been considerably less, and our electric bill has literally been cut in half from what it was during the same period of time last year!! Now that is a blessing I can really be thankful for! It also goes to show you how much electricity the older less efficient appliances really use, and when at all possible, it is worth the expense of replacing them with newer models.  

It sure beats having to fan ourselves with hand fans and other kinds of fans...Like I wrote about HERE a few years ago when our AC broke down.  However, we were thankful then and would be thankful now to have those fans if we needed them again.  

That hand made fan above belonged to my husband's grandmother, and I expect it is quite old, but it still works!  And those coasters that say "Life is BETTER on the porch!" would be true, if it wasn't 90 degrees outside! LOL. Our porch sitting season is actually in the fall, some of winter, and spring. But definitely not summer!

Because it has been so hot, we haven't been outside much. We did take an early walk this morning before it got too hot, and yesterday we went to Walmart and walked around the store doing our shopping for a while, so that was our exercise for that day! 

This week has been rather quiet compared to most weeks lately. Tomorrow we do have to travel all the way to St. Augustine for hubby's eye appointment with the Ophthalmologist. They are still trying to determine if he needs to have his cataracts removed yet, or if they need to treat another eye condition first that could be more serious than the cataracts. Hopefully we will get some answers tomorrow. Praying for clarity. (Hey! That's a good word to use in this situation! LOL).

Speaking of hubby, this past Sunday was Father's Day.  I've already posted these photos on Facebook, but not here.  

Here he is with his gifts from the kids...new lights for the yard. He LOVES these lights.  He has them all around the yard, and he loves to go outside at night and look at them. So they couldn't have given him a better gift!

2 Corinthians 4:6 NKJV
6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Our family gathered for lunch after church...Scott, Benton, Rose, John and yours truly. We had a Chinese Stir Fry dinner...partly cooked by me, and partly picked up at the local Chinese take out place. They provided the egg rolls, rice, and crab rangoons and fortune cookies. I cooked a chicken and vegetable stir fry, which was very good. We had that peach cobbler that I baked the night before for dessert.

Here's "Daddy" and his boys...well two of them. We always miss our dear son Matthew on these special days (and every day).

Here is a favorite very old picture of Daddy and his three sons, taken during the Bible Story reading time at bedtime each night.  This is a priceless and precious picture  to me. As you can see, Scotty was just a baby, and Benton and Matthew were in Kindergarten and Pre-school. Those were such sweet times. 

(Sorry for the reflections on the glass...I didn't want to take it out of the frame)

Proverbs 22:6 KJV

 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, 
he will not depart from it."

I am very thankful that our sons have a Daddy who loves them and who took the time to teach them about Jesus from a very young age. They were given a strong foundation on which to grow and develop and build their lives. Were they always perfect? No, they were normal little boys and teens and young men who tested the waters and sometimes made wrong choices in life, but when all is said and done, they have a faith that still sustains them in their adult years, and also that carried our son Matthew into heaven when he was 41 years old.  I am so thankful that he knew and believed what Jesus said:

"6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  John 14:6 KJV

I have no doubt that we will see Matthew again one day in heaven.

I guess I will sign off for tonight with those thoughts.  I don't have any new photos yet for "Friday Foto Friends", so we shall see what develops tomorrow. We have to take that ride over to St. Augustine for the eye appointment, but there won't be any time for doing anything extra as hubby will probably have his eyes dilated and we will want to come straight home after the appointment. The sun will be too bright for him to do any sightseeing! (And I will probably be driving home, so no chance for me to take pictures along the way!)

So, good night for now! I'll catch up with you later!

Happy First Day of Summer!
This was the end of the school year class picnic in 6th grade. I'm the crazy one on the left with the bubblegum cigar in my mouth and the feather in my hat. The other sweet girl is one of my best school buddies, Mary. We were both redheads, and when we got together, anything could happen.  "Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end..."   Mary and I do still stay in touch via Facebook, but she lives in another state and it's been way too many years since we actually got to be together. Maybe one of these days we can make it happen. I hope so. We aren't getting any younger.


  1. I sure enjoyed your post, Pam!! Fun photos, as always, and what a great picture of you and your friend, Mary!! Cigar AND a feather in your hat!! Those were the days, indeed!! xo

  2. Yes, A/C is a big blessing in the Deep South. I love summer. I know it is hot, but I think it is the freedom it always represented while teaching. Either way, it is hot, BUT I have to say it has been an odd start to June here in the Panhandle. The mornings for the most part have been oddly still spring like. I am enjoying it immensely. I hope for clarity in the decision for the eyes. I still can't get over how much better my eyes are after the cataract surgeries. I had them a bit early for my age, but man I can see so good. Your guys look wonderful.

  3. We’re also at that time of year when it’s not enjoyable to sit outside. My back patio gets full afternoon sun till sunset. Ugh, the hottest part of the day. Supposed to be 106 tomorrow. I’ll stay inside and enjoy the AC!
    Enjoyed your photos.

  4. Same here with the heat and humidity although it was only 84 today. The humidity was around 80-85% all day. Yuck! I go from A/C in the condo to the same in the car!
    I love those beautiful Father's Day photos and the one from childhood too. It looks like Dad read himself to sleep but the boys were wide awake! :-)
    That is a great photo of you and Mary. Do you know, that is my "real" first name. It's Mary Beth but I have been called Betsy since I was a newborn. Just a tidbit. :-)
    I'll be praying tomorrow that the eye visit is positive and no roadblocks to the cataract surgery and that's all he will need.
    Also praying even more and more for Israel and the tense situation there. Maybe we'll all be meeting for the first time in Heaven, very soon! Wouldn't that be a blessing?
    Blessings and love,

  5. Now that is one wild photo with that hat! I like those littlelights too and had them around one of my ponds for years. I need new ones now but my daughter bought me bright larger lights for the front walk. They look so nice. I also love to look at them at night. My granddaughters been working on my yard now that school is out. She is so good at gardening! I enjoyed the photos today. I sure hope your weather will not get too awfully hot. Have a safe trip to St. Augustine.

  6. Praying all goes well with the visit to the ophthalmologist tomorrow - that a decision will be made! Love your photo's particularly the one of Dad and the boys, lovely. Enjoy your day tomorrow.

  7. A fun post. I pray all goes well at the doctor tomorrow.

  8. Such a sweet post. Prayers for a good doctor's visit. Let us know how it goes!? Ours on Wednesday went well. Doc is so happy with all our test results since we've gone keto (low sugar/no carbs). Except for all the damage I've done in the past at least I'm not still adding to it by poor eating choices.
    I like solar lights too. They're fairly cheap now and when they wear out I just buy another one and replace it. Easy peasy.
    Have a great day! 💙

  9. I loved the photo you shared of John and the boys when they were little guys, Pamela. I'll be praying for John and you as you travel to his appointment.

  10. The photo of your 4 boys is heartwarming and beautiful. thanks for sharing it with us. Prayers for the trip to St Augustine and for the eye doctor visit and results. I just came from a blog that was celebrating today as Summer Solstice and talking about all the traditions of things they do to celebrate the longest day of the year. Having been born and raised in the heat and humidity of Georgia and Florida, I do NOT celebrate Summer anything... you are right about the heat. last night we went in the back yard and it was hard to breathe. the temp on the fence said 102... its hot in that corner, it was 98 though and this morning the humidity had Beau and I with heads dragging and it took 5 minutes longer to walk the same distance... its like wading through water while breathing water.. drink lots of water and keep in the AC. Ditto what you said about the new AC. we bought ours in 2020 and have been truly shocked at how much lower the power bill has been. the one we had was 17 years old and the new one uses half the power. and keeps it cooler.. keep us posted on the eye

  11. I really enjoyed your thankfulness post and all of your wonderful photos of family. You'll see your Matthew again just like I'll see my dad and mom again and so many more I've known and loved. What blessed assurance there is when we are a part of Jesus and His Kingdom!

    You mentioned the central air. I actually prefer open windows but usually here in eastern NY we need the central air for sleeping by the end of June and most of July. I could NEVER live in the south though because i love summer and all the activities (hiking, kayaking, biking, picnics, traveling to new spots in the northeast, chasing waterfalls, reading outdoors on the deck or backyard swing). And of course I even like Winter although I don't do much in the way of winter outdoor activities. I do walk every day unless the temp is below 15 or there is freezing rain.

    We are off to Plymouth MA tomorrow for a week and will be able to have those nice ocean breezes!! :)

    Happy SUMMER!!

  12. Laughing at your bubble-gum cigar! (Yes, I'm starting backwards.) I used to love those things ... and Mary Hopkins' "Those Were the Days" is one of my favorites. I think I've still got that CD around here somewhere.
    That image of John and the boys is beyond precious; I can see why it's a favorite. Your Father's Day meal sounds really good; I've been sort of craving Chinese food but have never tried making stir-fry anything. The solar-powered light is new to me, but that looks like something we need (lol), particularly come the time change this Fall. (Hurry!)
    Praying for a good eye appointment and safe travels!

  13. Pam: I also love the picture of John and your little boys. We all have memories of when our boys were small and their daddy's interactions with them. We aren't out much either, No one seems to be out and about in this "upper 80's to mid 90's" heat wave. Prayers for you and for John. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  14. Dear Pam, what a precious family you have. It's wonderful that your sons are close by and come for special occasions. I'm sure the picture of you and Mary brought back precious memories, it would be great if the two of you could see each other again.

  15. We just turned our air on today and they both started. Praying they last all summer since it's been 17 years now since we moved into the house. Way to go on getting exercise at Walmart. Hope things go well at the doctors office. Looks like he had a nice Father's Day. The picture of him with the boys is so precious. Love the photo of you and your friend. Have a nice weekend.

  16. Hi there Pam, love all the fun pictures! Looks like a great Fathers Day for John! Hope his appointment went well today? We've never been to St. Augustine, but would love to see it. My folks went years ago and enjoyed it. Maybe we could do a side trip there sometime with y'all when we are there visiting. Or not. LOL. I hope y'all get a good soaking rainshower or two soon, and it fills up your pond! Oh how I love spring/winter/fall days and throwing open all the old windows and all that fresh country air flowing in!......but that sure wont be for a long while. Looks like SUMMER IS HERE. LOL. Heat heat, and more heat, plus it's so humid. Our new air is doing great so far too, I am beyond thankful for that! So glad we did it and our electric bill is also better, like yours! Thats a fun 6th grade picture.....wow, 6th grade seem soooo long ago, yet I remember it and my teacher and the Top 40 and our outfits (maxi dresses, mini dresses, black velvet chokers, granny boots, "wet look" boots, mens sideburns and long hair, mood rings, fringe, crochet vests, etc} and all my friends and all we did SO CLEARLY. Hugs and have a great weekend!


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