What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday Wanderings

 I really haven't been "wandering" anywhere much lately, so don't have much to tell you about. I do want to thank the Lord that we are finally feeling quite a bit better since our bout with that nasty virus over the past two weeks. We are finally able to sleep through the night without coughing, so that is a real blessing. And little by little we are building our strength back...just not quite ready for any marathons yet...but then again, we weren't ready for that before either. LOL. Anyway, we are very thankful to be so much better.

  Since Lily Grace wrote to you on Independence Day, that left me to tell you what happened the rest of the day since then.  Not a whole lot, but let's see what I can remember!  

Since we were home alone (sounds like a good name for a movie! LOL), we really didn't feel like having a BBQ for just the two of us. The day before we had made tacos, and I had a lot of the meat mixture left over. I always add a can of diced tomatoes to my meat mixture with the spices, etc., and I also had added a can of pinto beans instead of using refried beans since I didn't have any.  So, anyway, on Thursday I decided to make what I have called a taco lasagna casserole, by layering tortilla chips in the bottom of a casserole dish, then the meat/tomato/bean mixture, shredded cheese, then more tortilla chips/meat mixture/cheese and a few more tortilla chips/cheese on top, and baked it in the oven for about 30 minutes or until heated all the way through.  Then served it with sour cream and lettuce and tomato. You could use salsa instead of the diced tomatoes or Rotel, but I used what I had and it was very very good.  Hubby said he'd rather have that than the tacos next time!  I'm glad I had made so much meat mixture that I actually froze a container of it, so it will be an easy dinner sometime again when I can't think of what to fix for dinner! LOL.

After supper when it was starting to get dark, we kept hearing a lot of firework booms very close by. So I went outside to try and see if I could see where they were coming from.  I soon discovered them somewhere way over on the far side of the pond, so I stood outside in the dark, with mosquitoes feasting on my bare legs, and took the following pictures:

Psalm 46 seems to go along nicely with these photos:

1 God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah

4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved;
God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.

6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved;
He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
7 The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,
Who has made desolations in the earth.

9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariot in the fire.

10 Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah


Not too shabby for a backyard fireworks show, huh?  

Well, then when it really got dark we decided to jump in the car and drive into town to see the fireworks from our little downtown.  We found a spot to park in a parking lot close by where we could watch them from the cool, air conditioned comfort of our vehicle.  I got a few videos, but not sure if they will work here or not, but I will try.  Here is the best one.   I hope this works!
For such a small town, they do put on a really nice fireworks show, as well as they had a parade earlier in the day and other activities in the park all day long. We didn't participate in that because it was so hot, but for those who love to do those things it was a lovely day!

So, what else? Well, today, our son Scott came home for the day, and it was sure good to see him again. It's been a few weeks since we were sick and he was busy.  He grilled some delicious BBQ chicken for us, and I made deviled eggs, a salad and some boiled tiny new potatoes. I also baked a devil's food cake. So this was our more official Independence Day dinner! No pictures to share, but you can just imagine how good it was! Most of all, it was just nice to have him here with us for a while!

I guess that is all for our "Saturday Wanderings" today.  I hope you are having a blessed and peaceful holiday weekend, wherever you are.  

Psalm 46:11 
The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah


  1. I do that all the time with leftover Taco meat. or basically anything. Nothing goes to waste. Mystery casserole with whatever I have on hand.
    Enjoy the rest of your day. God bless you.

  2. Your video is excellent, Pamela! Yes, your little community does a "bang-up" job with those fireworks - LOL! Your use of the taco meat is quite resourceful, and I just might have to try that, or have Danny experiment with it. Sounds delicious just as the BBQ Scott provided. How nice that you got to visit with him.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the make do recipe is something I would love, I can't eat tacos anymore because of stomach issues but boy would I be trying this if I could eat it. I could eat what Scott made and it sounds wonderful. the video is great, you did good. I like the sound of it better than the real sound. muted. sounds like both of you are a lot better and hope you get better and better each day. the scripture is perfect with your photos.. I think the God of Jacob is sending a plague on us, we are cursed with flys and we never have flies..

  5. I'm glad you two are feeling better. Your pictures across the pond really turned out good. So nice to enjoy fireworks that way! I liked the video too!
    Your taco lasagna sounds very good! When there are only two in the house we have to figure out what to do with leftovers sometimes and this is a great way to use the taco meat.

  6. You had a great view of fireworks!! Nice ones from your car as well and the video worked great for me! I'm glad Scott came home and spent some time with you and I'm so happy you are both feeling better!! I know you are missing Rose and Ben and the grand-pups! I hope they are having safe travels and good visits with Rose's family. Happy weekend!

  7. I am glad y'all are feeling better and that taco lasagna sounds nice, smiles. Have a beautiful day my friend.

  8. So good to see this update, Pam. Y'all have been on my mind (and heart).
    Wow. That taco lasagna sounds delicious ... right up our alley. And I like your going off-script, using what you had.
    I don't know I'd be as brave (as you, letting mosquitos dine on my bare skin), but these photographs are wonderful. That first one looks like something out of a high-end magazine spread.
    Wishing you an easy day!

  9. I'm so glad to see that you two are feeling better and regaining your strength for that "marathon" called Life.
    I Adore all your fireworks photos set to scripture. Perfect!!!
    The video clip worked great and that was a wonderful way to end your day, especially when you could have your son visit too.
    Taco lasagna sounds perfect for a meal. That may be my next meal from ground beef leftovers. Thanks for the heads up.

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Your taco lasagna sound interesting. I enjoyed your photos. Take care and God Bless.

  11. Yes! I could see the fireworks in your video! And your snapshots of the fireworks show on the other side of your pond are really neat, too! The scriptures you've shared are a blessing. Our Lord is in control of it all, nothing surprises Him and for His people, all will turn out well. I'm so glad you and John are feeling so much better!

  12. Hi Pamela! Wow, you saw some great fireworks! So glad that you were able to spend some time with you son. So glad that you are feeling better. Have a good week. See you again soon!

  13. Pretty fireworks. The Holy Scripture with the photos is very fitting. Patterson (our town) doesn't have fireworks anymore. The tiny town of Screven, to the North, does. They go all out.
    So happy to hear y'all are feeling better. I used to get a Summer cold every year but seems to have stopped when I changed my way of eating. Thank Heavens for that.
    Have a wonderful evening. 💙


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