What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Monday

 Happy Monday after a long weekend!  Hope you had a pleasant holiday.  Now some are facing a hurricane on the Texas coast, which may include some of our blogging friends. Our thoughts and prayers go out for you to be safe and praying no harm will come to your home or family.  We hope you will update us when you are able.

Hubby and I are mostly better from our long siege with that virus, but still not 100%.  We did go to Sunday School yesterday morning so hubby could teach his class (the Adults).  But we went back home after the class was over and didn't stay for church.  We were both still feeling exhausted and having residual sinus/coughing issues that make for an unpleasant experience for us and anyone around us in a crowded space, so we felt it was better for us to come home and take a nap as soon as we got home...yep! Then we had lunch, and took another nap later! So, as you can see, we are still not back to 100% by any means.  We spent the rest of the just taking it easy.  

We've been watching some good old movies over the past couple of weeks...We watched Fiddler on the Roof, but took two nights to watch the whole thing. It had been many many years since we had seen it and frankly had forgotten how long it was and also how sad it was, but still, such an amazing movie and story. If you've never seen the movie, I highly recommend it, but be prepared with some tissues handy.

Another movie that is very touching is the old original movie of Oliver Twist.  Again, another hard one to watch, but still had some very sweet and touching and highly charged emotional scenes.  There are so many very unique and interesting characters in this Charles Dickens classic tory.  Some parts we have watched over and over again, while others we have skipped over to get to the best parts...another amazing story.

We also watched Great Expectations, another Dickens' classic!  How many remember having to read the book Great Expectations in high school? It was one of those required readings we had to do I think in our senior year of English literature.

One more notable movie we watched was Little Lord Fauntleroy.  Although this wasn't a Dickens' classic, it has similar kinds of story lines and another one that tugs on the heart strings!

There's been a few other interesting old movies we've watched, but these stuck out in my mind the most.  I am wanting to watch the Dickens' classic "David Copperfield" again, but we have to pay for that one and so haven't gotten around to watching it yet.  Maybe later today...

So that's how we've entertained ourselves over the past couple of weeks.   Then this morning there was a lot of entertainment right outside our "open windows"  (not really open windows, as it is too hot, but right outside our closed doors...or something like that... LOL)  We were just getting ready to eat breakfast and I heard truck beeping sounds outside, so hurried out the door to see what was happening on the lot next door.

There was this big flatbed truck with a huge concrete septic tank on it...

And there were these bulldozers and excavators digging and moving all those piles of dirt around that I told you about the other day

And they dug a big hole and moved this septic tank right into the ground:

Down, down, down in the ground:

And then they added this other smaller tank right next to it...all a part of the drainage system:

Quite an operation...

But that's not all!  They also installed all these long drainfield pipes in the ground, except they will actually be above the ground and covered with dirt and grass eventually...
Oh, and that truck loaded with more tanks was not for here (I asked them!!!) They were headed to another job site after this. Shew! I was afraid they were going to end up with two houses on this lot or something...but thankfully no, it's just one system for one big 4 bedroom house. The drain field has to be above ground because it is so close to the water (the pond), and that is the law here in Florida if you are in a wetlands zone.  We aren't in a flood zone, just a wetlands. There is a difference.  Anyway, this drainage system takes up half of the lot!  I hope they left room for the house and driveway, because you can't drive over these or build over them!

All this was done before 9:00 a.m. this morning.  They had to leave it open like this for now for inspections.  Once it all passes inspection, then the next step will be to build the "pad" for the home (a manufactured home), lay in the plumbing, electrical, etc., and then bring the house.  Thankfully there is already a community water system so they won't need to dig a well.

It sure is a lot of mess and work just so people can go to the bathroom! LOL.

Oh, and to add to the excitement of the morning, while all this other stuff was going on, this big truck arrived at the Magnolia Cottage across the street!  That little cottage house has been sold, and I've been waiting to see when someone would move in. I thought perhaps this would be the day, but no, this was just a delivery of a new refrigerator!  Still exciting stuff, but not the moving van yet. 
I have learned via a neighbor that it will be an older single man moving in. We hope he will enjoy his new home.

Well, this was a 4 pair of socks kind of morning! Every time I ran outside to take pictures and see what was going on, the grass was wet and my shoes soaked it all in right to the socks, so I had to keep changing my socks and shoes! LOL.  Good thing I have plenty of socks to wear and it is also laundry day! LOL.

Proverbs 31:25-27 sounds like some good words of wisdom today...

"25 Strength and honor are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,
And on her tongue is the law of kindness.
27She watches over the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness."

So now I need to get on to something else and not be too idle...Hope you enjoyed this post today. We are very thankful to be feeling better and give God the Glory, great things He has done!

Have a blessed and wonderful week!


  1. this is super news, that you are better than you were and that you found out who bought the house across the street, and the best of all Watch The Contraptions Do Their Thing. I love to watch them and take photos. my blog is full of every thing that ever happened within sight of our front yard.. someone must have bought the new house going up, unless this is one they will put up for sale.... that is a huge septic. I remember our tiny septic tank in Savannah GA, it was a really big and deep HOLE that had a large metal lid and every year, daddy and my brother had to dig up the hole, lift out the stuff with buckets and carry it to a hole they dug to pour it in, cover that hole, and did out the lines the ran 3 or 4 out and rebury them... old time septic. we also had for 2 years an outhouse in Sloans Valley KY... that is another story. spiders and snakes and snow and ice and it was DOWN the steep hill from the house.. PHUNN

  2. So glad you're both feeling better! So far we've avoided the bug. We were supposed to get some rain from Beryl today, but looks like we won't. We're too far west.

  3. I'm so happy to hear that John and you are getting better each day, Pamela. When we had Covid, I recall that fatigue the most of any symptoms we had. Hope you can gets lots of rest in the days to come.
    I did enjoy all your photos of the effort it takes to install a viable water/septic tank in the lot next door. Every state, it seems, has different rules about how things must be arranged according to environmental concerns, and that can be a good thing. I do hope, too, that your new neighbor in the cottage will be friendly and likable, too.
    Have a great week!

  4. Glad to hear y'all are doing so much better. May that continue for ya.
    Fiddler On A Roof is a profound plus enjoyable film but it does take time to watch. The music is so fitting too. We have it on DVD. Excellent movie.
    It's been wet here and I'm lovin' it! Our grass really likes it. Everything is greening up again.
    Hope y'all have a great remainder of the day. 💙

  5. I have never actually seen a septic tank before, so thank you for the illustration. Big things going on in your neighborhood. I hope and pray all the new neighbors turn out to be very pleasant!

  6. Thank goodness you're both feeling better! Fiddler on the Roof is one of my all-time favorite stage plays -- and movie, too. I have to look, but pretty sure I bought the soundtrack.
    Before moving here, I've never lived anywhere with a septic tank. Honestly, they worry me ... especially when on a couple occasions the ground gets soft. We've had them checked and emptied twice now, just erring on the side of caution. My DIL was telling me this weekend it costs like $50k to have a new one installed. Ouch!
    I hope your new neighbor turns out to be a laid-back sort -- and not a senior party animal. LOL.

  7. Hi Pamela! This was an interesting post. I have never seen how a septic tank is installed. Old movies are fun. So glad that you have been enjoying some classics. I am glad that you continue to get better. See you again soon!

  8. I'm glad you two are doing better. I remember when I had it, it took some time to feel like I was close to normal. That exhaustion is no picnic!
    We're going to have to watch some of those old movies. I don't think we've seen any of them.
    So interesting to see that septic system go in. We have one, and last year had to put in a new drain field, so we saw that process first hand.
    You have lots going on in the neighborhood!

  9. Questions being answered about new neighbors! How fun to have a ringside seat for all the action! I am so glad you two dear friends are feeling so much better now! Have a good week ahead!! xo

  10. Hi Pam. So glad you guys are feeling better. I hope your new neighbor will enjoy living in your neighborhood and also the ones with the new septic tank will enjoy their new home when completed. Have a great day!

  11. We are going through street repair, have been off and on for a month. Some days, it is difficult to get into our driveway. One day they had both ends and the side street that we can usually get onto our street blocked off. There is a cute story about my getting home from being out with a girl friend from church. I will relate that on my blog when I get a chance. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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