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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday 4~ Autumn Reading


Autumn Reading

 Happy September friends and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

The Autumnal Equinox is September 22 and it is the actual beginning of Autumn. Many, however, consider Labor Day as the unofficial opening of the Autumn season of the "Ber" Month

1. What's on your reading list for September?
So far nothing!  I've been on the waiting list at the library for "Hillbilly Elegy" by our hopefully new Vice President elect J.D. Vance.  Apparently the book became quite popular once he was announced as Trump's VP pick, and so the waiting list to read it became rather long. I've been waiting a while. The lady at the library assured me I was next in line.  Meanwhile, I really haven't been doing much reading this summer.  When we had Covid in July I kind of lost my reading mojo and haven't gotten it back yet.  Usually I do most of my reading in the fall and winter months anyway, when it gets dark earlier and we have those "long winter nights" with nothing to do. LOL.

2. Does your favorite reading nook look anything like the one in the picture or do you wish it did?
Here is my reading chair, and you can read more about this on a previous Tuesday 4 post back in January!
And here is a picture of our "fireplace", when it is lit up, which won't be for a while yet. Although I can turn this beauty on without the heat and just enjoy the ambience of the firelight, which I often do once the days get shorter with the fall time change.  And yes, I can see this from my reading chair, which does make for a cozy place to sit and read!

3. Can you name some books you've read many times? Do you recommend them?
I have to think about that.  I enjoyed the Jan Karon Mitford series, and would read them all again if I hadn't have given my copies away! I guess I could check them out from the library.  I do have a collection of very old books, which I have shared before, and I've read many of them over and over again through the years. But they are VERY old, and some are getting too fragile to even try to read anymore, which makes me sad. They are all out of print and you would never find them in a library today either, but I did love them so much.Here is a link to more about those collections of books.

Also included above was Anne of Green Gables, which I love dearly.

4. Which of the classics have you read? Good Reads offer a list of classics they recommend here.
Oh, I'd forgotten to include "Little Women"  in my thoughts above about books I've read over and over...and yes, I've read quite a few of those books on the list, but probably not as many as I should have read!  I do remember reading 1984 by George Orwell, in 12th grade. It was required reading, and I took it home with me and my father picked it up and turned to a page that had a curse word on it and threw it in the trash and said he didn't want me reading such garbage!  I tearfully explained to him that it was required reading by Mrs. Hudson, the English teacher, whom he knew quite well as she was a member of our church.  He "harrumphed" and reluctantly let me pull the book back out of the wastebasket and finish my book report, but I think he had a talk with Mrs. Hudson about his feelings.  Oh Daddy, if you could see what kids are told to read today, you would turn over in your grave.  It's really sad what kids are exposed to in school today.  And we are actually living in the 1984 scenario pretty much now!   

Thank you, Annie, for these questions today.  

Of course, the most important book that should be on that list is the Bible!  And yes, that one I do read and recommend to others to read every day!

Psalm 19:7-12  English Standard Version

7 "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
8 the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
9 the fear of the Lord is clean,
enduring forever;
the rules of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb.
11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward."


  1. Oh my friend! I had almost the whole set of the Mitford books in paperback that I gave away. If I'd only known! You could get them at the library, I';m sure or on Amazon unlimited. They are ones that I read over and over and over. I don't know why I didn't think of them for my post!

  2. Nice reading spot. I read wherever I happen to be, have time and the inclination. I guess if I had to pick a favorite spot it's either on the front porch in my rocker or one of the back porches during cooler weather. It's a lovely quiet out here in the country. Bird song is the best music ever. Makes one feel tranquil all over.
    It's feeling a bit Fall-ish today. Might go work outside while it's so nice and before the rain.
    Have a blessed day. 💙

  3. Lovely place to read and the desk with the old books looks so inviting and pleasant. Thanks so much for joining in.

  4. I like your reading chair. Mine is the same as my knitting/crochet/tv watching chair! :-) We still have the entire Mitford Series of books. Dennis read them first and told me I should try them out. I loved them too.
    Mandy and I belong to a Jane Austin book club that meets once a month. Several friends from church are also in it. Next year is Persuasion, This year is Mansfield Park which is rather slow moving but we're getting there. lol
    We're enjoying our camping time so far. The families were gone when we checked in yesterday with mostly retirees like us left behind. It's SO quiet. Just the birds and crickets to be heard with an occasional train whistle.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Right now, I am reading a book I had previously reviewed, "40 verses to Ignite Your Faith". It's our Sunday school book I have reread it several times since our class leader saw it in the church library. When I was reviewing books for this one particular publisher, I had days from when I received them to get them read, written up and posted on their form for their website. I liked the book then, now I love it. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  6. I wish I had a special place to read, in fact I think I have lost my reading mojo lately. Used to have my nose in a book all of the time. I really need to get back to it.
    I bought the paperback of the Hillbilly Elegy from Amazon and here it sits pristine and unopened. Shame on me. If you don't get it soon I promise to read it asap and then send it to you..
    Your vintage books are wonderful. I do have a few of those myself.
    I have read the Mitford series several times and The Number One Ladies Detective Agency series several times. I never got the last few as the price of the books kept getting higher and higher. Loved Little Women and as a youngster Nancy Drew.
    Thank you for sharing the closing verse today.

  7. Read the book when it first came out. Since I lived near that area and spent summers there, I questioned much of the book. Just saying…this was before he became famous. I read a couple of hundred books a year. Brenda

  8. P. s. Be prepared for language. Brenda

    1. Thank you for the heads up. I've been hearing that now from others, and am now not too sure I even care to read it. I prefer to see the man he has become rather than what he was.

  9. I love your reading nook and would be happy reading there with the pretty fireplace. I read about 2hours of every day, I only read fiction and I never met a classic book that I would read a 2nd time. the only ones I have read were the ones forced on me by senior English teacher. I made it through a few Mark Twains and Little Women and those are the only ones I can remember. I grew up reading Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys and every western I could find, Davy Crocket, Daniel Boone, Tarzan and the city of Gold I read until it fell to pieces. Louis Lamour, Zane Gray, I rather read than watch a movie or TV. I do like movies but not all of them. We watched Hillbilly Elegy because I had no idea what it was about, it was watchable is all I can say.

  10. I do love your reading "nook," Pamela. And the fireplace adds so much coziness to it. Like you, I hate to think what reading assignments children in school are given. Sarah is certainly on high alert now that Virginia is in high school. We read the classics when I was in high school and college (an English major) and have so many great memories of the enduring stories.
    We are living in 1984. May God help us!
    Have a blessed week!

  11. I read JD’s book when it first came out back in like 2017/18. and didn’t know who he was - and I saw the movie.
    It has a lot of foul language.
    I’m going through a personal revival to where the only book I read and study is the Bible. From Isaiah to Revelations. That is my focus.
    I’m loving it and it reminds me how blessed we are to live in a country where we can still read God word. The more I study the more blessed I feel. I don’t know what has come over me. It’s just the season I am in. 🙏🏻

  12. This is the coziest post ever. I have yet to read Anne of Green Gables, but I know I should. Same for Little Women. I am currently readying The Lord of the Rings trilogy and just started Book Three so am hoping to finish by Christmas. I actually am working on a reading post, and have read a few great books this year. I just love everything about this post...it takes my back to simpler days...Hugs, Pam!

    1. Oh, Dawn, it is SO good to hear from you again! I've missed you, and I know you have some new posts that I need to read. Would love to have you visit here more often...it's not quite the same as it was when we were doing "Random Journal Day", but now it's just kind of like every day is a new journal day. Hope you are doing well. Blessings to you my dear friend.

  13. I have just been hearing from others about the foul language in the book Hillbilly Elegy. I am sorry to hear that. I may not read it after all. I don't need that kind of stuff to read. I guess he wrote the book to be realistic to the life he grew up in, but I prefer to see now the man he has become. Old things are passed away and all things become new...but that's assuming he has become a Christian. I think from what I have seen he has, and I truly hope that is the truth. Thank you all for the "warnings".

  14. Love your cozy reading chair, Pam!
    Gosh, up to now I'd no 'insider information' on Hillbilly Elegy. I'm still on the waiting list at our public library and feel reasonably certain the contents won't change my opinion of the man. So many classics... yet so few I had/have any desire to read.

  15. My first Bible was KJV and several in our church still prefer it to the ESV that we use in Sunday school and church. Many of the verses I've memorized from childhood are the KJV. I enjoyed your post and your cozy reading chair and fireplace!! xo

  16. I love your reading place. Looks very comfy!

  17. You have a perfect reading nook!

  18. Love your reading nook!
    I have reread CS Lewis's Narnia tales numerous times, as well as Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Have you ever read Bodie Thoene books? I highly recommend. Be prepared to learn much about WWII in Europe from a Jewish/Ally perspective.

    1. Hi I was just reading your comment about Bodie Thoene books. I had forgotten all about them. I think I read every one and couldn't wait for the next one to come out. Gave them all to our church library when I was done so now I have no more. Sue

  19. We're still in the 80' s but your chair and fireplace look so cozy for reading. I love Jan Karon and have all her books. I felt like I knew all the characters personally. We have had some difficult days in August and Sept started off that way too. Praying for some quiet and peace. Thankful for my husband getting better each day and he headed into work this Wednesday. I love your posts. The Scripture you share is always so perfect. Thank you and have a blessed rest of the week.

  20. I actually have Hillbilly Elegy on my TBR list but never made the connection. I have read the first book in the Jan Karon series and have the second one I'm working on. My mom and grandma loved them and read them all.


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