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Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day/Happy September!

 I know it is Labor Day, and I'm sure the holiday has great significance for some, but for most it is like the last day of summer...the last holiday before the busy-ness of the fall season sets in. 

This was the first sunset of September from last night! It seems like the fall sunsets are always the best, so I am looking forward to seeing more beauties throughout the next months.

And for some, today is a day of "labor", working on some much needed projects around the yard or house as we close out the summer season and prepare for fall:


Hubby and son Benton have been busily trimming some low hanging trees in the yard, which turned out to be a bigger job than either expected, but aren't they always?

So thankful for our strong younger son to help out with the hard stuff! 

As today is the 2nd day of September, I need to share the "calendar roll call" for the new month! I didn't do it yesterday because I had more exciting things to show, like Black Bellied Whistling Ducks! (you can check that link in case you missed it.) So here we go!

I will start with my favorite, the John Sloane Country Seasons painting for September, entitled "Grandma's Kitchen".

I don't know if any of you had a Grandma with a kitchen like this. Maybe we are too young to have seen the wood stoves and hand pumps in action, but I'm sure our grandmothers and maybe our mothers probably grew up with this kind of kitchen.  My mother in law remembers her mother using a wood stove, and she always baked the best biscuits!  I love everything about this kitchen, and if I could have one like this I'd love it...but it might be a novelty that would wear out when I got tired of stoking up that fire and making sure someone always had wood chopped just right for it...and I think I would miss the hot water coming right from the tap.  I do have a Hoosier Cupboard like that one below, and it belonged to my hubby's grandmother. I've shown pictures of it before. You can read more about it HERE.  Although mine is oak stained now, when I got it it was white, with many layers of paint on it, which I stripped, but that's another LONG story for another time. (there's a link to that story in the above link as well).

Moving along to the other calendars...this one is in my bathroom, and although the mountains are a bit too steep and rocky for my liking, I love the water and the boats.  Looks like a nice place to visit...

The Teapot calendar is a bit different this time. Not sure I like black candles, but the chocolate cake looks like something people who can eat chocolate would love. LOL. This is not in my particular kind of taste for teapots...but maybe someone will like it...

The Thomas Kincade calendar is always a special one...what a beautiful estate...can you imagine yourself living there?  They must have a really good gardening staff and other "servants".  It would be fun to visit sometime...

I love the verse above and this one below...which makes me think more about school and education again...

For many children throughout the land Labor Day is their last day of freedom before the school bells ring again! I remember those days, and in some ways I miss the excitement of going back to school and having new pencils and notebooks and supplies, and maybe a new outfit to wear the first day of school...

Me, First day of school many moons ago. Brooksville, Florida, where I spent the first semester of 1st grade, and then we moved to Tavares, where I stayed for the rest of my school "life" through 12th grade.
I love seeing the shadow of my Mother taking this picture. I would recognize that shadow of her head and hairstyle anywhere. That's a sweet memory. I just wish she could've gotten me to open my eyes and look at the camera! LOL. Notice my handkerchief tied to my dress? I guess that was in case I got the sniffles when I left home to go to school for the first time in my life. I rather doubt that I cried. I loved going to school.

Now, here is the last calendar of the bunch, but I saved it for last for a reason...

Here's the Susan Branch calendar for September...a brownie recipe, which is appropriate for who's coming next...

Ah yes! Lily Grace is dressed in her "Brownie" uniform, and is all ready to go to school!  She's been begging and begging to go to school, and so I think it is time, don't you?  She's certainly very bright and so anxious to learn new things all the time...

And here she is with her other friends, and they are also ready to get back to school!

I doubt that today's students have a classroom like this, but this is where Lily Grace and her friends will be going to school each day.  This is actually from one of the older John Sloane calendars.

Oh, and the children over at Pamela's Victorian Cottage are all excited and getting ready for school to start too:

And here's the classroom where they will attend! (yes, another John Sloane picture! I save these calendars just for such events!)

And this little couple from the farmhouse are ready for school...this must be "Nellie and Joe" from the song "School Days, School Days"

How many remember this song?  I don't remember all these verses, but I thought it was cute and appropriate to share here...

School Days, School Days
A nostalgic song. Words and music by Cobb & Edwards. Published by Gus Edwards Music Pub. Co., New York City. 1. Nothing to do, Nellie Darling, nothing to do you say Let's take a trip on memory's ship, back to the bygone days Sail to the old village school house Anchor outside the school door Look in and see, there's you and there's me A couple of kids once more Chorus: School days, school days, dear old golden rule days Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic Taught to the tune of a hickry stick You were my queen in calico, I was your bashful barefoot beau And you wrote on my slate, I love you Joe When we were a couple of kids 2. 'Member the hill, Nellie Darling And the oak tree that grew on it's brow? They've built forty stories upon that old hill And the oak's an old chestnut now 'Member the meadows so green dear So fragrant with clover and maize Into new city lots and preferred bus'ness plots They've cut them up since those days --------------------------------------------------------

I think I will close with this for today.  I hope you enjoyed this little walk down memory lane!  I kind of got carried away, but it was fun.  Have a blessed and Happy Labor Day, doing whatever you enjoy doing on the last holiday before fall really sets in!  


  1. How fun! I sure enjoyed this post Pam. I'm with you on the black candles and that teapot. Not my favorite, but the cake looks delicious, as does the brownie recipe. The only way I could live in that Thomas Kincaide house is if Dennis and I were the servants. His paintings are beautiful though.
    Yes, I guess most kids will head off to school tomorrow for the first day of the new year but Piper has been going for 3 weeks already. Some start back so early.
    I hope your Labor Day is a great one. I need to finish packing for our camping trip so I better stop writing! :-) I can only imagine if we lived in that house next door to you. You and I would never get anything done, we'd be visiting so much! Ha!
    Blessings and hugs.

    1. I bet by now you are packed up and off with your camper having fun. I envy you that wonderful experience. I know, I'm not supposed to envy, but I would love to go camping again sometime. OH, you keep mentioning the house next door to us like you really do want to move here...keep thinking about it. That would be SO much fun, but I know you would miss your Piper and Mom and family, etc. , and the heat here in summer is unbearable...but I guess you could take your camper and head to cooler climates. Take care my friend and enjoy your time away from the house. Peace and quiet and birds singing...

  2. That school days song was always sung to me on the first day of school by my mom. Only the first three lines of the chorus part. I then continued the tradition by going into my boys room, raise the shades and start singing. They would be half- asleep and it was always greeted with a grunt by them. They liked school but it was always a chore getting them up in the morning. I did it also with the children I used to Nanny. I wonder if they still remember that?
    I enjoy your monthly calendar and I’m thinking of doing this after the new year. We’ll see. Ginny is doing this as well. Fun.
    Labor Day means absolutely nothing to me - only that the banks are closed. It used to mean double time when I worked and I sure enjoyed that. And when my kids were in school it was a big day of ironing and getting backpacks ready for the start of the school year.
    Enjoy your “Labor Day”

    1. Oh, I love that you remember that song and that it had such memories for you. So sweet. I am sure those children do remember, perhaps if they are reminded that is where they heard it. They may have been too sleepy to appreciate it back then, but it's like a subliminal message that comes back to them now. LOL. Thank you for enjoying the calendar roll call. We have so many, as some are gifts and some are just for utilitarian purposes for keeping track of our appointments, but I enjoy looking at them throughout the month.
      I hope you are having a pleasant day where you are. I am finally cooled off after this morning's yard work. Yes, I worked too, but I didn't take my picture. I was too sweaty. LOL.

  3. Beautiful sunset. That is great that they trimmed the trees. Those are lovely calendar pictures. Such a sweet photo of you. I think the kids should still go back to school after Labor Day. I don't like that they changed it. Your doll collection is beautiful Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you, Debby. Yes, I agree the kids should wait until after Labor Day. School started here the second week of August, but they do get out right around Memorial Day for the summer. I guess for the parents, they are ready for the kiddos to go back to school! I hope you have a lovely week.

  4. We have only one calendar hanging in our home, but I have a desk calendar I use to mark all appts, reminders, and even some journaling notes and colored-pencil scribbles.

    Miss Lily Grace looks very cute in her Brownie uniform!

    1. Several of our calendars are "gifts", and one is a gift to myself. We have two "master bathrooms", if you remember from your visit, and so there is one in each to keep track of our appointments so we see it first thing in the morning...both of us need our own to help us remind each other of what's going on. LOL. Yes, we are at that stage in life. LOL. Lily Grace sends her love and thanks! Have a lovely rest of your week.

  5. On the down slide to Halloween, Thanksgiving then Christmas. I always enjoy your posts, smiles. Have a great rest of your week.

    1. Thank you Linda. One day at a time. I am trying to savor the moments and looking forward to fall days, even if they aren't exactly like they are up north, but beautiful for us all the same. My favorite time of year. I come back to life. LOL.

  6. I know I say this every time I come to your blog..but This One is My Favorite One!!!
    Love the calendar memories and all the thoughts that come rushing back to me too.
    I feel a few new blogs posts coming on to me too. Maybe a bit beyond the First of September but fun all the same. Then I will get back to my posts about our volunteer mission trips.
    You picture of your Hubby looks like my Dave the last few days. So much yard work to be done. I have to tell you that a week ago, getting ready for garbage collection and green waste collection. Hubby wheeled out the green waste can, but before he did he set his clippers and lopper inside the can and was going to push down the brush to see if he could get any more in the can. Shut the lid and wheeled it out to the curb.
    Hmmm, next day he was going to cut something and LIGHT BULB moment.. The clippers and lopper have found a new home in the land fill..bye bye tools..Dave was not a happy camper.
    Now we have via Amazon a new clipper and a wife that is constantly checking where the "tool" is now residing..haha..
    Have a wonderful day.

    1. Oh no! Strange things happen when we try to do too much in the heat of the moment! Sometimes we find tools left in strange places around here too, but thankfully we do find them! LOL. Thank you for your kind words about my blog. You are a wonderful "cheerleader", and I appreciate it so much. It's fun to go down memory lane now and then and maybe even on the fun side of life. Variety is the spice of life, and blogs! I hope you have a lovely week ahead!

  7. I always look forward to seeing your calendar assortment as each new month begins, Pamela, and except for the teapot one, I loved them all. Yes, too dark for my taste, too. I certainly recall the School Days song, but didn't realize that it was published in 1907. Wow! My maternal grandmother would have been 10 years old and my fraternal one only seven. I certainly can visualize them both in the kind of schoolhouse your calendar depicts. I do hope that Lily Grace and her friends have an amazing school year and the Victorian children, too. You have such a whimsical way of keeping my inner child happy and entertained. And tell John I said NOT to overdo it in this heat! Blessings to all of you!

  8. I love that photo of you with the shadow of your mom!
    The calendar photos are so fun to look at. I really like the old fashioned school house photos. I can hear the school days song in my head, it's one I remember my mom singing.

  9. Quite a nostalgic post! Growing up, school began the day after Labor Day. When I moved to Florida, my kids began school in August. It's a bit cooler here now but no picnic for me. It was sure busy though at the grocery store on Saturday, full of people preparing for one. I remember that song but only the chorus. I don't think I even knew any of the verses. Thank goodness for Benton helping with the branches. That looks like hard work. Have a great week.

  10. Yes, I sang the song! Hadn't thought of it in years. Lily Grace looks ready for school with all of her friends! It is so hot to be working outside. Bless your two boys for the hard work they did on Labor Day!! Have a good week ahead, my friend!! xo

  11. I always love the calendar post. The schoolhouse ones are just my style. I absolutely love the picture of you in your cute little dress with the handkerchief. I did cry the entire first day of 1st grade. Ha! Love the shadow of your mom too.

  12. What a cutie patootie you made in that pinafore! That shadow shot of your mom touched my heart. Who'd guess sometimes our shadows are all that remain.
    Would you believe, yesterday I was walking around the house singing that song. (I had to Google one word I wasn't so sure of, but still ...)
    I always look forward to your parade of calendars and September didn't disappoint! I've glimpsed one of those olden school desks a time or two and would love to bring one home with me -- if I just had the room. My father passed down the old wooden lap desk that belonged to his grandfather, but it's stored away in the hope chest. For whatever reason beats the heck out of me.
    Please don't work too hard in this heat!

  13. I know the chorus and did not know it was an entire song. thought it was a short song we all sang back in The Day. I love the first kitchen and would l Ike to live in a house like that but the stove would not be USED just there, and I would hide the toaster oven/microwave from site. my favorite in the kitchen is the sink.. Only I would have curtains on the bottom not doors.
    I did live with pumps and out houses and no water in the house for 2 years in KY, and pumps at 3 room school with desk like this. in 1953 Kentucky there were many homes like this and it was like living a hundred years in the past. the happiest of my childhood years.
    your calendars tell the past, and I do love it but would NOT want to go back to it. bring on the tech stuff. ha ha and the internet to order food

  14. Oh my goodness memories flooding me with this School Days song. Love the kitchen and all your sweet shares here. Our grands went back a few weeks ago. Times moves so swiftly. Thank you for this beautiful post. Have a blessed evening.


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