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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Tuesday 4 ~ Roses


Here is another of Tuesday 4 invented by Toni Taddeo and kept alive in her memory. While June is the month of roses, they do bloom all summer long and well past September in many places.

1. What is your favorite color of roses? Do you have a favorite kind of rose?

My favorite rose is this "Don Juan Rose" that we planted in memory of our son Matthew.  We originally planted it in our Memorial Garden at our former house, and then when we moved here to this house we brought it with us. It did great the first few years here, but sadly now has stopped blooming and growing. It is still alive, but I think I need to try and transplant it to a spot that gets more sunshine and see if that helps.  But here is one of its blossoms back when it was still blooming:

2. Do you ever buy flowers for your home?
I rarely ever buy cut flowers. I prefer either flowers grown in a garden (if I could grow them!), or wildflowers from the fields and woods.  I do not like "hot-house" roses that you buy at the grocery story or florist. They do not smell like a real fresh rose should smell.

3. Are there any roses in your yard or neighborhood? If not what kind of things grow around you?

Right now things have been too dry recently for many flowers to grow and bloom.  We are now starting back into our rainy season, and so things should start looking better again. However, I do not have a green thumb, and gardening is not my forte'.  Plus I can't get out in this heat and do any weeding right now, so things are looking pretty sad.
And here's another link to my butterfly garden, when things looked better.

4. What do you see when you look out your front door? How about out your kitchen window or back door?
Here's how it looks out my back door right now:
Still Waters Pond, "Butterfly Garden" (above) and Secret/Memorial Garden below:

And here is how it looks out my front door:

That is "Magnolia Cottage" hiding behind that magnolia tree across the street.  This is what I would see from my kitchen window if I were to open the blinds, but I don't open them because the sun gets too bright on this side of the house for most of the morning hours, and also I don't like looking at the street and people looking back inside at me! LOL.

These are my 3 large kitchen windows from inside my kitchen.  Since I don't like the view outside, I enjoy the view inside.  

Okay, that's it for this morning's Tuesday 4.  I hope you enjoyed looking out my "open windows" today.  And may we always take time to smell the roses...especially the ones we can grow in our own gardens.  Praying mine will come back and start blooming again.

Psalm 16:5-8
O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance.

7 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
8 I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.


  1. Bob has always been the greenthumb, i called him Johnny Appleseed because every seed he found in his food he planted it to see if it would grow. he grew the avocado tree that is now towering over our house and making beau sick from eating tiny avocado, from a seed. I like your view out all your windows but do understand the looking in those large kitchen windows. Maybe you could put some colorful FL foilage in for color in the memorial garden. I have never tried roses but have heard they are hard to keep growing and need a lot of attention.
    i do not buy cut flowers. I am with you, love the look of wild flowers but there are none here to pick

  2. I enjoyed the look out your windows! I never realized that Still Water Pond was so close to your house. I always thought you took a short walk to see it. That's a beautiful view!

  3. For many years I have loved those words from Psalm 16:6, “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places…” What a beautiful way to praise and thank our Lord for His provisions for us.

    I’m sorry your Don Juan Rose is taking a blooming break and hope it starts up again real soon

    As for the “view” in your kitchen, I really like what you’ve done there. That wreath is so pretty, along with the chair with its cushions, Lily, the lamp, and needlework on the wall. You have a very homey, comforting style of home decor.

  4. Y'all have such a nice place. Pretty neighborhood too.
    Funny thing, my green thumb is I can grow flowers that'll knock your socks off, but I kill veg's. Go figure. *lol* We have a lot of wild flowers here in the Country, of course. Those are the best anyway because they require zero care.
    I think my favorite color for a rose is yellow but I like lots of colors. Kinda hard to chose.
    Hope y'all are still feeling good and every day gets better.
    Stay cool! Love from steamy Gawga.💙

  5. Maybe with the rain, your rose bush will start blooming once again, Pamela. I did love all the views you've shared here with us today. Happy Tuesday!

  6. I love the rose bush for your son. I hope you can get it growing again. Such a beautiful color. Loved your answers! Have a great day. ♥


  7. I also don’t bring flowers into the house - I much prefer them in the garden! As I get older certain flowers cause my eyes to swell. Or my cat eats them! So I use the fake flowers! Susie nibbles on those as well but not like plants.
    I love all roses so I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite color. Only that, they must smell good!
    Boy lots of action next door. Hope you don’t get any wind. Do you find it’s a bit dusty in the house? They’re widening a bridge down the road from us, and it’s quite the mess. The houses close to the construction have just let their yards go. One house has a little vineyard and with the exception of that, their front yard is unkempt.
    I don’t think your kitchen view is so bad. Just call me Gladys Kravitz, but I like to see out my front. My kitchen is in the back but the front looks out to the yard and street. I just tilt my blinds where no one can really see in plus our windows have a slight tint made into the window that we can see out but they can’t see in. Looks like a regular window but offers a bit more privacy.
    Roses aren’t as difficult as some think. We don’t do anything special and they grow and bloom almost all 12 months. They’re old and well established so maybe that’s why. They do like sun! Yes the rain should help. And check for aphids. From what I could see, the foliage looked good and healthy!
    Always enjoy the happenings from your house. Have a good week and I hope you continue to feel much strength as you and your husband recover.

  8. I never heard of a Don Juan rose, but I'm praying it recovers in its new environment. Hot-house flowers (aka prima donnas) aren't my thing at all. Maybe I'm just compensating for having a brown thumb, but much prefer those varieties that thrive in the wild ... impervious to whatever nature throws their way.

  9. Your Memorial Garden is beautiful, both there and at your former home. The views from all of your vantage points are special. Visits with you here in blogland are always sweet!! Have a blessed evening and week ahead!

  10. It's so lovely to have a view whether it's out the front or back. I understand about not being able to garden in the heat. I'm not much of an avid gardener either though I do love to be surrounded by growing things.

  11. I love the view of your pond! I hope you can revive your memory rose. They are pretty hardy and can make a comeback. Maybe Google for help on transplanting roses.

  12. Pretty rose and I hope you get it blooming again. I understand what you are saying about looking out at the street and having others be able to see back in. I don't have that but I would not like that much. Have you thought of the window cling film that you can see out but no one can see in and it even comes in one to filter out harsh light. The pond looks lovely and I can imagine a cookout in your backyard would be so nice.
    So glad you joined in and I enjoyed the photos.

  13. I do love roses and I think my favorite is the Peace rose. Its pastel coloring is so creamy and has a soft fragrance. I do enjoy our neighbors rose bushes that border our property. I too have a brown thumb.
    Your yards are so lovely and inviting. I would love to sit there overlooking the pond and have a glass of ice tea with you.
    Love your views around your home. I posted a few of my "view from my office" photos several blog posts back. I love watching the world go by behind our bushes. Makes it cooler and more private too.
    Gonna be 108F again today. I have to say I'm over the day after day of 108 and higher!

  14. Third try: We grew roses for a while. We liked the Sterling Silver variety. However, the Indiana climate in winter caused the ground to freeze below the hybrid node and they all went wild. I love getting cut flowers. When we celebrated Mother's Day, I had two bouquets. (Roger came the week after Mother's Day.) Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  15. I enjoy still having our two rose bushed blooming. One quit blooming for awhile, since I had to cut some of it off as it was too tall. That one's the oldest rose bush, for 32 years. Other rose bush is one that was given to us on our 40th anniversary almost 7 years ago. It's still in the pot and I hope my husband will put it in the ground eventually. I need to get rid of a few plants as one is dead due to too much water that stayed in it even though I was able to remove some of the water. West side of our house gets hot especially lately due to the heat. Kitchen window has a pull down UV shield for less heat. Hard to see out of there except a bit to the right side. I can see birds on the suet feeder. I like the hawk you shared on the link about the memorial area in 2020. I saw a dove that was flying close to our house and I was going out there to put more suet out for the birds. I am glad suet does not melt. Thanks for sharing the scriptures. Take care and have a good week, Becky


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