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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday "WONDERING" Where I've Been?

I'm sure you are "wondering" why I would put a picture of a naked chicken on my post?  Well read on to find out.

 Hello friends...Here is it Saturday, and instead of my usual Saturday "Wanderings", I bet you may be having a Saturday "WONDERING" where I've been?  Yes, I've been MIA pretty much this week.  I did manage to get the Tuesday 4 post done, but that was the end of my activity here in blogland. Why? you may ask... well if you're a Facebook friend you may have noticed this picture posted earlier in the week:

Psalm 118:14 NKJV
14 The Lord is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation.

I had previously posted a little blurb about "being under the weather" on Facebook...and so I was.  It started actually late Monday night with a scratchy throat, which strangely developed during a very fierce thunderstorm just as we were getting ready for bed.  Not that the storm could have had anything to do with that as we keep our windows closed and have the AC on, but still, that's how I remember it.  I figured it was an allergy because we had mowed the grass that day and at that time it was pretty dry and dusty and I breathed a lot of dust and grass pollen, etc.  But anyway, I went to bed, and woke up the next day thinking I should probably take an allergy pill because my throat still felt kind of funny, and my glands were kind of swollen.  Our son called and said he and Rose had sore throats and felt like they were getting bad colds, and it had started for them the night before as well, with a scratchy throat during that storm! Weird, huh? I thought so too.   But as the day progressed I started feeling worse, like a really bad cold was coming on. Hubby said he felt fine.

Then I started hearing from different ones at church that others were sick with bad colds, and then one lady reported she tested positive for that dread word, covid.   Uh Oh! Now we were on high alert! Benton and Rose had helped serve communion on Sunday morning, and we do it in our church where everyone comes forward and is served at the altar, so they had contact with everyone in the church. John and I also served communion to the people sitting in the choir and those who are unable to come forward from their seats to be served. We do this every week, and I look forward to serving some very special dear ones face to face.  But that was Sunday, and none of us felt sick or had any sign of any symptoms then.  

As a matter of fact, here is a picture I took of Benton and Rose on Sunday after church at our house. They looked so nice and we are so proud of them and thankful for the sweet dear couple they are. They are actually getting ready to take a trip to Minnesota for a few weeks, but their departure had to be delayed because of this development. Thankfully they are both pretty much well now and hope to be able to leave by Monday, Lord willing.  We will certainly miss them.

So to make a long story short, as the week progressed, I got worse and worse, and finally went to the Doctor for a Covid Test, which was positive. They do the testing in the parking lot and don't allow you inside the building unless you test negative. So they gave me some packets of supplements to help build the immune system and gave me prescriptions for both my hubby and me for a zpack, even though at that moment he was not yet symptomatic, but they said he would be, and yes, he is now and is pretty much miserable, but we are SO thankful for the advances they have made in the treatment of this nasty virus.  God is good, and we are so very glad.  

And so today is actually the first day I have even felt like doing anything here on the computer. Oh, and back to this:

So,  I woke up this morning thinking how much I wished I had a "boiled chicken".  You know, where you boil (or stew) a whole chicken in a pot with celery and onions and maybe a carrot, until it is falling off the bone tender and delicious? And then you can either make your own chicken noodle soup (so much better than the canned stuff I've been eating this week), or chicken and dumplings or some other wonderful chicken dish.  But of course there was not a piece of chicken to be found in my freezer! I usually keep some breasts or thighs, but there was not a one. 

 I thought I was feeling so much better this morning so that I could get dressed and run to the store, wear a mask and run in and out so fast no one would recognize me, and get a nice plump chicken to stew.  But I soon discovered that just going out to our mailbox and back was about as much "running" I could manage today.  So a little later I was talking to Benton and Rose on the phone and they said they had a few little errands they had to run today to get ready for their trip, and I mentioned how much I wish I had a whole chicken to boil. I thought my son would never stop laughing at how funny that sounded to him, but he said he would be happy to go get me a chicken to boil.  And sure enough, he showed up at our door a little later with a sack and said, "Here's your chicken to boil! Enjoy!"   Gotta love him!

  It's done boiling now, but I am waiting for it to cool so I can take care of the rest...it smells SO good! That's real comfort food!

Oh, and earlier today I actually enjoyed taking some pictures of some real live birds, the Bluebirds and others. I haven't even hardly looked out the window all week, but today I know I am getting better because I am enjoying seeing all the beauty God has provided around us once again:

Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird have been quite active the past few days actually feeding the babies inside the house. I know they must be getting bigger, because the parents are bringing food and then taking some back away in order  to entice them to follow them out of the nest. This is how they do it when the babies are ready to leave the nest...

Here's Mrs. Bluebird  looking out the window and looking rather grumpy, I might say. It must be getting too crowded inside that little hot house!

Here comes Daddy with a juicy bug...
Hey! This is my bug!  You can't have it!    LOL.
My that looks tasty...
Not sure what that is...is it a wasp or a bee or a spider? Whatever it is, it's what's for dinner!
Here's Mama with another juicy tidbit for her family.

Earlier these small white Egrets were out on Still Waters Pond looking for something good to eat.  
Yes, the pond is still very shallow and almost dry in places. Although it is raining right now as I write, it will take a lot more rain than what we've been getting lately to fill this pond back up. All those lily pads  are probably going to die and become the next layer of muck on the bottom of the pond when we do finally get some significant rainfall.
The Egrets don't seem to mind at all. This is their kind of place!

Well, friends. I know I've missed out on all of your posts this past week, and I know I probably won't be able to get caught up anytime soon, so I'll just have to start where I can and say hello as I go. I've missed you and pray that you are all well.  

I am VERY thankful to God for His kindness and care and healing. That I am most sure of.

Isaiah 40:29 NKJV

29 He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.

Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!!


  1. Oh, Pam! I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. I'm sure boiling that chicken would help a lot! Unfortunately, that pesky Covid is still making itself known but at least it's not as virile as it was in the beginning. Take care.

  2. So glad to hear you are doing better! I heard the viruses has mutated and making the rounds. Nothing like chicken soup to make you feel better! Take time to recover. Praying for you!


  3. I'm sure a good bowl of chicken soup will be good for both of you. Here's to good health and healing!

  4. Since reading your FB update I've been so concerned. Praying! On one hand, I'm relieved the dreaded c-word doesn't seem to pack the whallop it once did. On the other hand, now I'm craving a sip of your soup! Would you believe, I wouldn't have a clue if someone were to present me with a raw chicken. I don't even like to touch uncooked meat.
    Food Coward, party of one!

  5. I'm so sorry you've all been sick. I had covid once, in the middle of the pandemic and I was so sick! I am thankful for they have better treatments for it now.
    Homemade chicken soup is the best, and Benton is wonderful to have gotten you a whole chicken to boil!

  6. Boiled chicken is good for what ails ya. Must be eat a chicken weekend 'cause we're planning to eat Chicken Carnitas' tomorrow. Steve cooks them in the Slow Cooker. The left overs are made into Chicken Salad. Both are so good. Yum!
    Glad you're back. Get well soon. 💙

  7. I've been praying for both John and you since you mentioned his eye problems. When I hadn't seen you posting all week, today I started praying for your health and that nothing was seriously wrong. I almost sent you an email until I saw this post! God has a way of letting us know when dear ones aren't feeling well, doesn't He? I'm so happy to see you back in action and that the darned covid is in the rear view mirror.
    Blessings always!

  8. PTL you are on the mend. Take your time in getting out and about, you certainly don't want a relapse. Covid is currently doing the rounds here as well but so far hasn't reached our household. Chicken soup sounds so good. Get well soon :)

  9. I'm so glad to hear you are all feeling better Pamela. Please take care until you feel fully strong. God bless and keep and also grant your son and DIL travel mercies.

  10. Thanks for the update, Pam, and sorry to read about how awful you have been feeling, thankful that you are getting better. Yes, to homemade chicken soup, thanks to Benton getting you a chicken to boil. Take all the time you need to rest and feel better as fellow bloggers will understand and be here.

  11. so glad you are recovering and hope hubby is better soon.. you are not the only ones reporting the big C, its everywhere. I assume because of heat and everyone crowded in AC indoors. I just passed your story to my brother in Augusta, he has zero immune system, after 6 years ago a years bout with amylodosis cancer, and chemo. he is in remission and did not die, they gave him 6 months to live. but the big C might kill him because has no functions to fight it... he goes to church on line and has not eaten out in 6 years, and they do love to eat out.
    I would love to eat a bowl of your finished chicken soup. Only if you cooked it and I did not have to smell it cooking. I don't care for meat and don't eat very much of it, and will eat one piece of fryed chicken, but the smell of boiling chicken makes me sick.. you are right, it taste so much better than canned. our used to be neighbor made a huge pot and brought it to me for my son, who lived in a garage apartment that he rented and had the flu. I took 2 bowls for us and went to his door and knocke, he opened it and I said take this quickly, Dick made it for you. closed the door and ran like crazy. he later said it was as good as a cure.
    hope everyone is back to normal soon and it doesn't mess up your 4th of July..

  12. Oh no...so sorry!!! I was under the weather Friday and left work very early. No "c" word, just blah--actually I think it was because the ac is on the blink at work and it was just so hot...anyways, keeping you in prayer. Unfort. that c word is with us-forever, I am glad you all are feeling better.

    P.S. I grew up without ac too and remember those days and we spent 9 yrs. living up north without ac too. Sorry, so do not desire to go back to those days, LOL.

    1. I totally understand. Hope you’re feeling better now too. Thank you for writing. Love you 😘

  13. I am so sorry to hear about you being sick and having Covid. Hope you are feeling better now. How nice that they picked that chicken up for you. Take care.

  14. Pam: Sorry to hear that you have been sick with COVID. I am thankful that you have Benton and Rose near you. Prayers will go up for you and John. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  15. Yes, I have missed you, dear friend!! I am so glad to hear you are all on the mend and that Rose and Ben will get to take their vacation. I am sure your chicken tasted good in your soup. Nothing better!! Your bird house is a busy place for your blue bird family! take care and have a good week ahead! Hugs!

  16. I use those kind of chickens to make chicken and dumplings but yes homemade chicken noodle is also good! I am so glad you are feeling better. Love the birds its extremely dry here too we need rain. I have a new post up

  17. So glad you're feeling better and hope John will be too! Love the pretty bluebird pictures. It was a chicken weekend here too-- I fried a bunch yesterday and there were plenty of leftovers for tonight's supper. And corn 🌽 on the cob. We got at least 2 nice summer thunderstorms move through here late tonight, love listening to them. It was hot as blazes here all weekend and very draining. Hugs! and continue to GET WELL! Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous. LOL

  18. Hi Pamela. I hope that both you and your husband are feeling better soon. Covid can be a little rough. It took me about a month to get my energy back when I had it. Homemade chicken soup sounds so good and comforting. I hope you have a great week filled with many blessings.


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