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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday 4~ Childhood


Welcome to Toni's Tuesday 4 and another chance to learn more about yourself and your fellow bloggers.

This week is all about you …

1. Were you an adventurous child at all?  
Yes, I'd say I was quite adventurous.
I've shown this picture before, but when I think of me as a child, my mind always goes back to this picture.  Our home was out in the country/woods, and we didn't really have any close neighbors for me to play with, and I was the "baby" of the family, so my older siblings were often too busy to spend much time with me, so I had to entertain myself a lot. But I didn't mind. I loved being outdoors and exploring the woods. My sister Doris, although a few years older, did like to build forts with me in the woods, and so we did do that until she became a teenager and had better things to do. The thing is, the woods in Florida back then were still quite dense and wild, and diamond back rattlesnakes and coral snakes were very prolific at that time.  However, God was certainly watching over us as we played in the woods many times and were often barefooted, and we never saw a snake in the woods, but we did see them quite often out in the open in the yard or on the dirt road.  Thankfully either my father or my big brothers were usually around at those times to "take care of them".  It was wise to keep a hoe handy for such times.

Sometimes I did have some girlfriends come and camp out with me in a pup tent in our yard.  I loved camping out, and often did so with the Girl Scouts as well as with my family. Every summer our family would camp on our way up north to visit our relatives in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Those are some of my best childhood memories.

My friends Sue, Carol, and yours truly, probably in 8th grade...Not sure how we all three fit in that pup tent all night, along with all our "stuff"!  

2. What were some of your favorite places to go when you were a child? Amusement parks, movies, restaurants,. zoo, etc.?
There were no amusement parks near us when I was growing up in Florida in the pre-Disney World days. But we did have some wonderful natural Old Florida scenic attractions that were much better than the artificial places in Florida now. I know at some point we did go to Cypress Gardens and watch the water-skiers and see all the beautiful young ladies in their  gorgeous gowns. I also remember going to Silver Springs and seeing Ross Allen with the rattlesnake show and the glass bottom boats.  We also used to go to places like Rock Springs, Alexander Springs and Juniper Springs to swim.   I do remember going to the Saturday matinee' movies with my cousins when I'd stay with them for a week at their home near Neptune beach, where we would also go swimming in the ocean and search for shark's teeth and seashells on the beach.  Also my family would pack a picnic lunch and go to Daytona Beach for the day, which was about an hour away from our home. We'd come home sunburnt and tired and cranky, but we always had a great time. Restaurants? That was a very rare occurrence when I was growing up. With a family of six, eating out was a luxury that we could not afford, and besides, we didn't have fast food places like they do now.  I do remember while traveling on vacation that we would sometimes stop at an A&W Root Beer place
Internet Photo

and they would bring the food to us on a little tray that attached to the window of the car. We'd get ice cold A&W Root Beer in a frosty mug, and that was always SO good!!
Internet photo

3. What games did you play outdoors? indoors?
My cousin Becky and I would set up the Monopoly game and play it for days at a time in the summer when I'd spend the night at her house.  Seems like we played card games like "Old Maid". Oh, we played Clue and Scrabble too, and checkers. We also played with our Barbie dolls and built houses for them and made clothes for them. Outdoor games with friends were games like Red Light/Green Light, Mother May I?, Red Rover, Hide and Go Seek.  I sometimes went to my friend Rhonda's house, and she had a tree house and we spent a LOT of time up there. We also started our own sea-shells, rocks and fossils collection/museum in her parents' shed. I think we even charged admission to come see it. LOL.   

4. Where did you grow up and do you think it affected who you are today?
I grew up in a very small town in central Florida named Tavares. * If you want to read the link below that I wrote a few years ago about my home town, it will give more details and answer some of these questions.
*That link above about "Tavares" is how it is today. If you read the history of Tavares, it may be a little more like it was when I was growing up. The town today is NOTHING like it was when I was growing up. It's still a nice town, but its whole focus has changed over the years. I still prefer it the way it was...

I am very thankful for growing up in my hometown. Because our school was small, our teachers knew us and literally cared about us.  I feel like I had more opportunities to do things there than I ever would have had in a bigger school or city, where I would have been a very small fish in a big pond.  I was able to participate in many school activities like cheerleading, drama, the school chorus, Future Homemakers of America, and other extra-curricular activities.  Also my home church was very instrumental in helping to form me into a strong believer.  I was very active in my Sunday School and Youth Group, and sang in the church Junior Choir.  I went to church camp and even became a youth counselor at the camp. Much of this experience helped to prepare me to become a Pastor's Wife, youth leader and Sunday School teacher and choir member as an adult. I am very thankful for the town, school and church where I grew up.  I definitely believe that it helped prepare me for the life God had planned for me.

1 Corinthians 13:11-12 NKJV

11 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, 
I put away childish things. 
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known."

Isaiah 26:12 NIV
"Lord, you establish peace for us;
all that we have accomplished you have done for us."

Jeremiah 29:11  NKJV
"11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."

I hope you enjoyed reading this post about my childhood. Now let us go visit over at the Tuesday 4 site and see what others are sharing!


  1. I enjoy your blog...I read few...even though these questions seem to be repeated or similar, you make them intriguing...I also read, occasionally, Terri's blog, and she grew up 40 miles from where we raised our kids, near Columbus...small world...ten best years of my life...living in Circleville, Ohio...I have lived in 33 homes, and it was one of the best places to raise our family...I miss it...that being said, I loved growing up in WV, living and teaching in SC, living in Indy, and I like Florida because my family is here...other than that, I would not live here...critters and bugs...lol...I remember the Florida of old, we sometimes brought our kids to places in Florida (although Myrtle Beach was a favorite...) Florida is different now, and I get so aggravated when I read blogs of people complaining about the tourists...actually, tourists made Florida...Mother had a place near Ocala...we stayed there a couple of times, but we usually stayed in hotels...keep writing...you have one of the best blogs ever, and you have one that I read often...you are a true writer and an amazing woman. Thank you...

  2. You had such a nice childhood. That's wonderful. We had an A&W Root Beer place in Titusville, Florida and would go there from time to time. Also enjoyed Lum's Hotdogs until they went out of business. Those were the days ...
    Have a blessed day my friend!

  3. I enjoyed reading again about your childhood. I was NOT a tomboy, but I did put a tent made of an old wool army blanket over a rope between two trees and would play with my dolls in there. How I did that in 100F temperatures is beyond me. The blanket kept any breeze away. We were always outside playing and the neighbors had 12 kids so there was always several of kids to play with. Their Dad was a welder and built the most amazing playset in the back yard. Merry go rounds, six swings, three gliders, two slides, two trapeze bars and lots monkey bars. It was like having our own park in the backyard! I had a wonderful childhood in a small town in Iowa. I wouldn't change a thing although the town is nothing like it once was. There have been a LOT of $750-1 million dollar homes built around the lake and the new people have taken over. Many people in our small town were not well to do, but were wonderful people. Now they've been pushed out of everything. It's very sad and I don't think I could live there again.
    I hope you're having a lovely morning at Still Water Pond. Stay cool.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I enjoyed your recollections soooo much! And you 3 crowded into the pup tent! Aren't those petite bags called 'train cases'? I always wanted one, like what the glamorous stewardesses carried. Yep, to Cypress Gardens! One of the 8mm movies I've had digitized shows our family watching the water skiers and posing with the beautiful Southern belles. How my father loved the A&W Frosty mugs! We never had such things as drive-ins in Los Alamos, so he'd make it a point to visit when on Summer vacation. In a car with no air conditioning ... whew! Simple pleasures!

  5. I loved reading about your childhood! What a happy and FREE time that was back in the day. It's fun to have old photos...well, I don't mean OLD! heehee! But it's good to help with the memories of happy times! Stay cool this week. Keep the fans flying!

  6. We almost never ate out when I was growing up, Pamela, because it was too costly. I do have great memories, though, of our annual summer 'pilgrimage' to visit family in Massachusetts. That's the only time I got to play with my cousins and get lots of love from my grandparents, aunts and uncles.
    I love the photo of all of you in a pup tent, too. Great memories!

  7. Its been fun reading about everyone's childhoods. I only wish more had joined in for a greater variety. A&W roo tbeer was great. We had Stewarts here as well. They also served on the side of your car window. Their root beer floats were really good. On one of the old roads down here before NJ had highways of any kind, was a ma and pa side of the road place with handmade hamburgers, hot dogs, home made ice cream and home made root beer and Sarsaparilla! What a great treat that place was.

  8. Those photos of you and the one in the tent are great! I really think we grew up in the best of times before computers and cell phones. We were more social back then and knew how to play. Sigh. Fun answers!! xo

  9. I clicked on the link to the 'previous post you wrote about where you grew up.' It's a fascinating story, the stores, the civil rights issues, it was a different world back then. I loved your pictures, and the cheer photo! The school I graduated from (9th - 12th grades) had 400 students in our graduating class alone! Chuck and I have daydreamed about living in a small town. I think it would be nice, just like you described.

  10. my life was a lot like yours, except I was an indoor kid, I lived in Books. but when I did go out we played the same games, but I stood and watched the others do the crazy things, like jungle gym climbing and climbing trees. I liked to play in mud puddles and wade and play in the gentle rain...born in Savannah, left there when 9 and back there when 15, so the growing up fun years were in the hills of Kentucky, daddy pastored 2 small churches there, and I grew up with 3 room schools, 3 grades in one room, outhouses, no drinking water in the house, just rainwater. had to haul the drinking water by bucket from the house down the road.. lived those happiest years of my life, with a phone on the wall, that we turned the handle and asked operator for a 2 digit number, iF we ever needed it.
    our address, mainly address was simply Our name, Sloans Valley, KY nothing else. we walked to the tiny posty office. simple life and I was happy

  11. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed your post. You always have some good pictures. That one of the 3 of you in the tent is a fun one. I have a train case like the one in the picture. I loved going to my church camp when I was a kid. The weather was always hot, but we enjoyed being out at night and swimming during the day.

  12. Yes, I did enjoy reading this post about your childhood. You touched on some things that I experienced, too. (You and I have noted in the past that we were born the same year) One really big difference, however, is that my family moved MANY times in my childhood, almost always to big cities and at my schools, I was definitely a small fish in a big pond.


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