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Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy First Day of July!

Happy 1st Day of July!  The month where we celebrate our nation's freedoms, and essentially our own freedoms and hopes for a better future...

Our front door is proclaiming our pride in belonging to America, the land of the free!

And as is my custom on the first of each month, we have the "roll call" of the calendars!  I will start with this wonderful little Susan Branch calendar today...Oh, I love this picture for so many reasons....

That little redheaded girl with her sunglasses on reminds me of this picture and story HERE, of another little redhead with her sunglasses on, many years ago:

This quote below goes well with both of those pictures...

And of course, no July would be complete without a visit to the beach!  I wish I could say that I will be doing that sometime soon...I bet the salt water and air would be very therapeutic for us right now! Maybe not quite there yet, as hubby is still a few days behind me in his recuperation status, but perhaps we can think about it in another week or so. Sure looks inviting, doesn't it?  But thank you for your thoughts and prayers, and thanks be to GOD OUR HEALER, we are getting better day by day and we are so very very thankful!

I love this Thomas Kincade calendar, which always has the most beautiful paintings as well as the perfect scripture verses to go along with it...

Oh, who wouldn't love to be playing hide and seek in a field full of what my mother called "hay doodles"?  What a beautiful bucolic scene from our John Sloane Country Seasons calendar!

Again, another picture that reminds me of a precious old photo found in this old post from a few years ago.
This was on my Grandpa's farm back in the early 1940's. My Grandma Tedlie is on the far right. The other people are some of my cousins and my Aunt Belle. It was harvest time. Most of these people are already enjoying their eternal reward in heaven.

Then there's always time for tea, no matter what the season...
What a unique and interesting tea set! Maybe a little fancy for my taste, but it is lovely. And I totally agree with what Noel Coward said below:

Of course, here in Florida in July, iced tea is the most preferred form of tea!

So yes, we are getting off to a good start on our first day of July. We really are turning the corner on this covid thing, and I can tell a big difference in how I feel today.  Hubby had a later start than I did, and he's still got a ways to go, but he's getting there. So thankful for a cool house to recuperate in.

As  I've mentioned before, our kids were also sick,  but being young and more vigorous than us, they have recuperated quickly, and this morning they took off for their much anticipated trip to Minnesota.  Yesterday they wanted to come by to say good bye to us, and called us before arriving to let us know they were on their way home from the store and wanted to stop in.  So we got ourselves presentable and also prepared for the doggies to arrive like we usually do. We always prepare a bowl of ice water for them (with ice cubes in it) and set their beds with their toys  out in the living room.  The pups always expect things to be exactly like this when they arrive.  So you can imagine our disappointment when the kids arrived without the doggies!!!!!  What???? No puppies, I cried? (almost literally cried, still being weak and weepy with illness, I said).   Well, they were on their way home from the store and didn't have the pups with them.  We almost didn't let them come in the house! LOL.  But we did relent and had a nice little visit with them, but I let them know that I was very disappointed not to see the doggies before they go away for almost a month!

So, sure enough,  later in the evening they called again and asked if they could come back over and bring the puppies this time! Of course I said YES!!  I think they got the idea that we really care more about seeing the puppies than them! LOL.

Here's Sugar, who right away went and found her bed and her ball!

And here's Spice, who was having a "bad hair day". She was so funny. The pups had just been groomed on Thursday to get their summer cut before the trip.  Apparently Spice is confused about her tail that keeps touching and tickling her backside. She couldn't feel it as much before her coat was cut off...

And so she went through these antics of twisting and turning and flipping all around for the whole time she was here.  
She was so funny.  Every time she'd get up to walk, she'd twist around to see who was following her!  That tail kept tickling her behind and I think she thought there was someone else there!

I told Rose she was going to have to trim a few extra hairs off her tail or something, because it was obviously driving her crazy!  I said her new name was "Twisted Sister", because she'd walk all twisted trying to get around and look at that crazy tail following her.

Oh, and they certainly know who loves to spoil them!  Yes, Grandpa loves to sneak a few snacks to them when they come over, but he always asks permission first to make sure it's okay.  

Yes, I'm afraid we will miss these "girls" while they are gone for almost a month!  Oh, we'll miss Benton and Rose too, but honestly, they just aren't as much fun as these pups! LOL!

Well, I've sat here as long as I can for now. Time to go take a little nap.  I don't think we'll be having any big July 4th celebrations at our house this year. No home made ice cream or BBQ.  Our son Scott may come over the weekend briefly, provided we are totally well. We made sure he knew not to come this past weekend as we certainly didn't want him to get this bug!  It will be a very different and quiet celebration here than what we've normally done in the past, but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.  We are just thankful to be able to do anything at all!

So, since we are on the theme of furry friends...here's few 4th of July memes to close this out:

No matter what you are doing this week, always take time to remember the price so many have paid for our freedom to do whatever it is we are doing.  Here's a song that brings goosebumps to my body everytime I hear it:  "God bless The USA"

"Proud To Be An American"
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,

From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there's pride in every American heart,
And it's time we stand and say:

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land! God bless the U.S.A.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up... next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.




  1. What a fascinating visit here with you this morning! So happy you are feeling better and I loved every photo and every word!
    Love ❤️ your life and the way you live it! ❤️ YOU!

    Linda Chapman

  2. I like that song by Californian, Lee Greenwood. Beautiful post Pamela. Love those grand-pups. We have grand-cats! Only we have to go to their house to see them. Your calendar collection is nice and I like how you do the “roll call of the calendars” each month on the first.
    I hope your husband will be feeling better soon. Nothing wrong with a quiet 4th - you can rest up and feel better and put that nasty Covid behind you both! God bless!

  3. First things first about the most important members of your family ha ha. I agree the tail needs to be trimmed either back to the woman who did it or buy somebody because that would drive me crazy just watching it drive the dog crazy. That calendar and a picture of your grandpa‘s farm it’s just like Bob’s memory he doesn’t have a picture except in his memory of the farm in Pennsylvania that was his grandfathers the only memory he has of his grandpa was him sitting up way up high on one of those wagons driving to Percherons. Well you certainly are ready at your houseAnd your house is all red white and blue and spiffy for the fourth. Safe travels for your family yet and the dogs as they go up north. Hope you get well enough to go to the beach soon

  4. Lee Greenwood's version is the best, in my opinion.
    Sugar and Spice are adorable! The haircut(s) & grooming turned out good. They look nice.
    I may have to "borrow" some of your 4th of July graphics for FB. So cute!
    Oh, and per our Pastor's wife, Jackie, she is much improved. Still aways to go on the healing but getting better and better every day. Thanks for asking and for the prayers. We do all love her dearly.
    Happy 4th and have a great day y'all. πŸ’™

  5. I always love seeing your calendars. You do a fantastic job of decorating your house and yard. Those pictures of Sugar and Spice are precious. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  6. EVERYTHING you said about the pups was so cute! Yes, I hope some trimming was done on that tail to give relief!! I hope you two feel much better with each passing day!

  7. Oh, thank you so much for checking in! I always look forward to your parade of calendars. Normally I lean toward Thomas Kincade, but this month's winner is a certain little girl in sunglasses.
    How I love the way you love your grandpups! Not as often as we did when living in Arizona, but we like to put the occasional ice cube in our girls' water bowl. We just got them home from the groomer and I love how fuzzy they feel ... and smell like some folks call a 'French xxxxx.' LOL! I'll be they're going to miss their g'ma and g'pa, too!
    Prayers that John's back to feeling 100% soon!

  8. I love the calendar pictures and your matchup with your own pics. My favorite is the one of your when you were 6. So sweet!
    Perfect song!

  9. I do hope you are all over it soon. I always love the calendar stroll for a new month. You were so cute with your sunshades. AND those pups. Like little grandkids:)
    Happy 4th. Get well.

  10. I enjoyed this post and am so glad you all are feeling so much better. Nice that Ben and Rose brought the pups over to say good-bye for a few weeks. I know you will miss all four of them!! God bless America!! xo

  11. I am glad you are feeling better! Have a Happy 4th!

  12. Glad to read that you and John and everyone is feeling better. Thanks for your comment on my blog post today about the Hopewell Rocks site we visited in Canada. Yes, the leaving toll was costly, but that number was in Canadian funds. We used a credit card and it was less πŸ˜€when we got our statement. I tried to find out if PEI residents had to pay the fee if they crossed the bridge on a daily basis, but couldn't locate anything about discounts.😟

  13. Have a happy day my friend. Thinking of you. Regine

  14. Aww, Pam, I'm so glad you and your hubby are feeling better. Being sick can sure drag one down.
    Those pups are so cute. Funny about the tail tickling the behind.
    Ours will be a very quiet 4th too. Going to be too hot to do anything or be outside. The temps will be 112F. UGH ! It will be an entire week of triple digits..

  15. Hi Pam! I am glad that you are starting to feel better and I hope that you are soon 100%. Getting over Covid takes a while - at least it did for us. Quiet 4th of July for us too. We will probably spend out morning painting instead of going to a parade. Enjoy your time with your grandpuppies. It's nice that you can keep them "pet parents" are gone on vacation. You sure have some lovely calendars. It was fun to see that picture of you as a little girl. I hope you have a lovely Independence Day. Rest and recover. See you again soon!

  16. Pam, I am so glad you are feeling better. It will be a quiet 4th here also not to mention it is spose to be 105 actual temp and 117 to 125 index....a/c sure sounds good to me. I sure miss those days of homemade ice-cream, BBQ and fireworks. MY parents used to invite everyone over *esp their friends in the city that couldn't shoot off fireworks. Those were the days. I love the calendars and the little girl does resemble you. Happy 4th I have a new post up

  17. I hope y'all are feeling so much better!! I'm so glad you got to see the pups AND their mommy and daddy, LOL, before they left on their trip! Hope they arrived safely and are enjoying themselves, but bet you miss them. I love your pretty front door decoration! Happy 4th of July my friend!


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