What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday Foto Friends - Moving Right Along...

Greetings to our Friday Foto Friends!

I "pray" you have had a good week:

This Praying Mantis spent a day "praying"  (or "preying?") on our window, watching me as I took his picture, and also "praying" for a tasty catch of bugs who happened to venture into his territory...

Not a lot of pictures to show this week, but this was an interesting little purple wildflower I noticed as we took a walk one evening with our "newlywed kids" in their neighborhood...

We took a walk down the road from their home and enjoyed the view of the very smooth glassy Lake Ida nearby their home...

This "Cooper's Hawk" kept a sharp eye on us as we walked their two doggies down the road...(I forgot to take pictures of the doggies!)  Thankfully the doggies are too big for Mr. Cooper to tackle now...

Here's our sweet "newlyweds"...it will be one year of married bliss the middle of November. We visited the scene of where they first met...at sweet daughter-in-law's place of work...I guess I'll have to stop calling them "newlyweds" soon...but they still seem newly-wed to me!
We love these two and enjoy being near them...so much so that we have made some BIG decisions this week...

I invite you to come and visit and sit on our porch and have a cup of tea while we chat, but better do it soon because...

This is what happened this week....
 Yes, we have listed our wonderful home in the woods for sale.  I can hear the gasps out there right now...but hear me out....

This decision comes after many months of prayer and thought and discussion on the subject...ever since we started visiting the little community where our "kids", the newlyweds, live, and since we started attending church in that same community and found much joy, fellowship and a place of sincere worship and love of the Lord...our hearts have been drawn to wanting to become more actively involved there.  This community is about 30 miles north of where we currently live, and as time goes by, we would prefer to live closer rather than have to travel so far through the woods to get there!

In addition, we believe it is time for us to "downsize" and try to live more "simply"...at least that is our intention. We don't know yet what size or kind of house we will find, but most likely it will be smaller than our current 2300 sq. ft....so I know I've got my work cut out for me.

But rest assured, wherever we live, I will be looking for that special spot to set up a "secret garden", and also a place suitable to have friends over for tea parties and a guest room ready to receive guests...as well as we expect there will still be plenty of wildlife to enjoy nearby.  The town we are moving to is very rural, with lots of woods and lakes and dirt roads to walk on...so not much different than where we are currently, except they don't seem to have too many bears. They do have some...but not like here. And they do have plenty of deer!  It is also a bit closer to shopping, doctors, etc., which will be a help in the future...

So time will tell what kind of adventures we will experience in our new "neck of the woods". It may be a while before we actually make this move, as we cannot move until we sell this house...and only God knows how long that may take. Please pray for us in the meantime as we seek our new home and prepare our hearts, minds, and bodies for the BIG move...  Those of you who know how much "stuff" we have will be sympathizing with me.

I didn't write the usual "Sermon Notes" post this week as I've been preoccupied with this event above, but here are the scripture verses we studied in our lesson...and you will perhaps see that the message was speaking to our hearts as we contemplated this big move:

Matthew 13:44-46
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid;
and for joy over it he goes 
and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again the kingdom of heaven is like 
a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,
who, when he had found one pearl of great price, 
went and sold all that he had and bought it."

Simply put,
we feel much like the man in the verses above who found a treasure hidden in a field...or who found one pearl of great price...and we believe that God is leading us to "sell all that we have" and go and "buy that field" or "that pearl of great price" and live where we believe we are being led by God to go.  And that is why we are doing what we are doing.
Thank you for your prayers for us as we "move ahead."

Now let us "move right along" over to Deb's place at "Breathing in Grace" and see what our other Friday Foto Friends have been up to...God bless you all and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. "they don't seem to have too many bears. They do have some...but not like here."

    WHEW! Praying that the only bears you see are stuffed. :)

    "And they do have plenty of deer!"

    Oh...yay!! I prayed that when you arrive at your new home you will be welcomed by a chorus of deer.

    "So time will tell what kind of adventures we will experience..."

    Many adventures await!

    1. Yes, they do await...hopefully it won't take too long, but God's timing is always perfect, so I will try to be patient! I have a lot of work to do in the meantime. Thank you for visiting here, and hopefully there too! :)

  2. I've been through the downsizing part of life and it can be invigorating and a new beginning.

    1. It will definitely be invigorating...trying to get my energy levels up to tackling this job! One day at a time. Today I threw out old magazines! That's a great beginning!

  3. Pam: This is a big decision for you and your hubby. I will add this request to my prayer list. God will direct you to the place He has for you. Peace and blessings.

    1. Thank you so much, Cecelia. It will be challenging, but we'd rather face this challenge now than later when we are too old to do it. (almost there now. LOL) Thank you for your prayers. We know God is in this, so we will try to be patient and let Him lead. I would just like to wave a magic wand and have it all over and done with...

  4. Good luck in finding a great place to move to. Its nice to live close to family. I hope this brings tons of happiness.

    1. Thank you, Annie. I pray it will be a happy move. It will be a challenge just getting from here to there...only 30 miles, but tons of stuff to do away with first! Praying for strength and the ability to "let go". It will be wonderful when it is all done. Would love to wave a magic wand and have it over already! LOL.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Joana!! Thank you for visiting. Please come again!!

  6. Always praying for you!!! I would love to downsize also, but I'm waiting on God to speak to us both! ♥

    1. Not sure who this is, but I have a feeling I know. Sometimes one has to take the lead and say, "let's do this!" But pray first....

  7. Can't wait for you to join us in our neck of the woods!

    1. Oh Vivian! Thank you for this welcoming voice! You know we can't wait...but we will have to wait on the Lord to get things really "moving"...Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!! You are a BIG part of the reason we are doing this!!!!

  8. How very exciting!! Hoping you sell quickly and get the move underway! Down-sizing is not the easiest thing to do but it is made a little easier when you think of what you really need and what you haven't seen or used in over a year. Do keep us posted!!

    1. Thank you, Terri! It will be a huge challenge, but I know God is in it and He will give us the strength we need to accomplish this task. One step at a time. I started today by getting rid of old magazines. I felt so good to watch them go! LOL.

  9. Oh, sweet Friend I'm so excited for you! This is going to be a brand new adventure for you all! I can't wait to see what God has in store....."see He's doing a new thing"! 💜

    1. yes, that is exactly what He is doing, and we are excited to watch it unfold. We know God has already gone before us and will light the way. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers!

  10. In spite of the email I sent to you privately earlier today, Beloved has figured out my problem with leaving comments on blogs and here I am!!!

    Have you ever heard of people keeping a Praying Mantis as a pet? I believe I have. They are very interesting creatures.

    I'm praying with you about your future. Your plans sound both exciting and good for this chapter of your life.

    1. So glad you figured out the glitch in commenting, and welcome back to blogger comments!! I've never heard of keeping a praying mantis as a pet...that would be interesting...I'm afraid I would not be a very good keeper...he'd have to figure out how to get his own supper! LOL. Thank you for your prayers for our future. We know that God is in control, and we are excited at the way He is leading. One day at a time, Sweet Jesus!!

  11. It is exciting that God knows just the place He has for your next season. God bless you.

    1. YES!! I know He does, and He loves to surprise His children...so we will just have to wait and see!! That's all a part of living the great adventure of following Christ.

  12. Pam, I am so sorry that I missed this post. I will be praying for you and with selling the house and God's divine plan for y'all's life here. Oh yes, I am sure it would be awesome to live closer to your family and your church. As well as stores, doctor appointments and such. I know that you will miss all the things you are accustomed too. And yes....I see a brand new secret garden on the horizon. Will pray for God's Will. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. THank you, Cindy. It is going to be an exciting time...I'm just trying to be patient and wait on God to reveal His plan. We can't do anything about a house there until this one sells, so it will be a surprise to see what God has in store for us. Yes, I will find a special spot for a secret garden if I have to plant a tree to do it! LOL. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I will keep you posted. Hey, it will put us about 30 minutes closer to you than we are currently! :)

  13. Oh my goodness, you're going to leave the bears and deer!! Well, you have to go where your heart leads and I know you've prayed about this move. I truly hope a buyer comes along soon and you can get busy living a new chapter of your life in a new place. Sounds like a good move, close to your family and your church. Prayers for God to bless you and keep you, that He will direct your path to your new home.

  14. I am so very happy for you....keeping you in prayer. smiles


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