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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday 4~ Books

To be honest, I was going to skip this one as it seemed like I had written about books not too long ago, but then I saw that so many of our friends were participating and I wanted to jump on the "bookmobile" and join in. So here we go.

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that.

1. Do you have some books in your home? If so what subjects are they? Which is your favorite?

Oh yes, I have books in my home. Subjects? The majority have something to do with Christianity and faith, Bibles, Bible study guides, Pastoral counseling and theological books/commentaries, and also books on history, WWII, The Civil War, and many collections of Christian fiction and/or very old fashioned fiction from the late 1800's/early 1900's. Also I have many gift type books that are about tea/tea parties, women's ministries. Which is my favorite? The Bible.
Here are a few pictures of the collections of books in our home:

This bookshelf sits next to my desk. Many of these books are "gift books", cookbooks, Women's Bible Studies and other women's ministry type books
This little bookshelf is in the guest room, and it houses my collection of mostly very old, vintage, fiction novels. I've written about them before...Here's a link to a previous post with more details about these books , also HERE

This bookshelf sits in our living room, and there's a variety of books like textbooks, hymnbooks, ministry related books from my husband's years in the ministry and also some that I have collected about women's ministries as well. A lot of these books are getting outdated and probably we could purge quite a few from these shelves...

This is my husband's grandparents' antique secretary cabinet, and there are a lot of his books about history and WWII and the Civil War kept on these shelves. Behind all those pictures on the shelf are some old classics as well.

The pictures below are of my hubby's grandparents, "Nanny and Granddaddy Martin".
And here are those old classic books by Charles Dickens, J. Fenimore Cooper, Sir Walter Scott, and Washington Irving, Oliver Goldsmith, and Sir Joshua Reynolds. No, I haven't read all of these, mainly because they are so old and such small print...

2. Do you enjoy browsing around in bookstores ? Do you have a favorite you like to go to? 
The closest thing to a bookstore that we have near us is Ollies. They carry a pretty good selection of books at a discounted price. I enjoy looking at them but I try to refrain from buying. I now prefer to browse around our public library and check out books for free!

3. Do you think real books are clutter or do you just love having them around you?
Well, yes, real books can become "clutter" if there are just too many and not enough places to put them. But I do LOVE real books and I love having the ones that I have around. However, I try not to buy any new books unless they are written by someone I know personally (some of our blogging friends have written some excellent books that I love having in my library).

4. What is the oldest book you've read and what is the newest book you've read or are reading. The Bible is the oldest book I've read, and also the best. The newest book? Hmmm, I'm not sure. Maybe this one...it was really good.

Here is my current stash of library books, just picked up today:

I like to work my way through one author at a time until I exhaust all of the books available, and then I move on to another author. I primarily read Christian authors, as I told a lady at the library today, "They are wonderful books full of adventure and romance and great stories, and you never have to worry about being embarrassed by what you read!"

Well, I think I've certainly "exhausted" this subject for today's meme! I hope you enjoyed browsing through my library with me. Would love to have you come and 'check out' a book and stay a while for a cup of tea! Here's a couple of my favorite reading areas:

Okay, that's all for today folks! I need to get around and read your posts as soon as I can! Have a lovely day! And thank you, Annie, for hosting us once again!


  1. We have one room for books - Actually I like the clutter of books - maybe a neat clutter! I’m wanting to re-read the classics. I’m not much on the those Christian romance books. I like books with substance.

    1. I understand about books with substance, but at my age I enjoy just relaxing and reading more for entertainment. I mostly read while hubby watches sports on TV. And Christian novels often have a lot of food for thought that is substantial intertwined with a good story.

  2. Your collection of books and special dishes and such make for a very homey atmosphere. Comforting. Thanks for sharing some of your special things.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. It is homey, but sometimes I find myself wanting to purge and simplify things a bit, and then when I think how much work that would be I just relax and enjoy reading a book with a cup of tea and I'll just let my kids worry about what to do with it all someday. LOL.

  3. You have a great collection of books. Please put the kettle on as I'm dropping by for tea! lol Have a wonderful week Pamela.

    1. Oh, how wonderful that would be! Let me know when you are coming and I'll even bake a cake! LOL.

    2. Oh yummy, I love cake, lol.

  4. You have a beautiful collection of antique books! You have a knack for arranging things just right. Enjoy your week!

    1. Thank you Diane. I enjoy these old books, but there are days when I'd like to just let someone come and haul things away so I don't have to dust it all. LOL. But then, I do enjoy these "old friends" and they will probably stay until they carry me out someday. LOL.

  5. Oh you have similar books like I do. I forgot to mention all my tea time books. Oh gracious, lots of books but I am going to give my children's books to our new grandbaby and free up space for books I have tucked away in plastic tubs. It is hard to let them go. Mary Crowley who was the Home Interior lady in it's heyday wrote many beautiful books and on her death bed at Baylor Hospital in Texas a nurse gave her testimony to Focus on the Family long ago and said even though Mary was in such pain she never stopped witnessing for the Lord Jesus. She helped me through my early years of marriage & children too. I see your teacups. Another overflow in my cupboards and curios. But each one tells it's own story. If we lived close I would share them with you too. Have a blessed week.

    1. Yes, "each one tells its own story". I understand that statement. That is why I keep these things. They each have a story about where they came from and why I cherish them. I would love to hear your stories of your special items as well, and we could talk about it over a cup of tea someday! Wouldn't it be lovely?

  6. Reading a book is my favorite way to pass the time. You have a nice collection too. My favorite genre is British mystery, thrillers, and spy novels. Also really enjoy Medieval History particularly the Tudor Age (1400s-early 1600s). 💙

    1. I do enjoy mysteries too and need to get back into that genre when I can work my way back to it. LOL. And yes, I've read a lot of the old historical fiction as well and enjoyed it. I seem to go in cycles. Hope you are doing well and feeling fine!! Love ya!

  7. I love books and have a lot of them too. I've read Before we were yours also and agree that it was really good.

    1. Yes, it was a difficult story, especially because it was based on a true story. That made it really hard, but an eye opener. Thank you for popping in!

  8. Your have quite a collection, Pam! Books add warmth to a home, for sure. I still have too many books. Another fun Tuesday 4!!

    1. Well, we may have too many books, but sometimes I feel like they are old friends that I hate to let go of. Someday my kids will have that honor. LOL.

  9. How inviting your book shelves! I love the way you've coupled them with the tea cups and photographs. The 12 year-old that was me would probably come in and sit cross legged on the floor in front of your array, picking up one then another. Make myself right at home ... sorry (not sorry). LOL. Those old classics are so beautifully bound -- what pride publishers used to take!
    The image on 'Before We Were Yours' is so sweet ... and sad at the same time. I need to Google and learn more.

    1. Bring your 12 year old self and make yourself right at home beside this little girl in an old body. If we could sit cross-legged on the floor...that would be fun, but someone will have to help us get back up! LOL. The Before We Were Yours book is based on a true story, and it is sad but has a happy ending. It's worth reading, but has some difficult places for a soft heart. I recommend you read it.

  10. You know that I am a big bibliophile also, so I loved this post. I zoomed in and saw that we have many of the same books.

    1. Yes, I know we do have some of the same OLD books, and I have one book on my shelf that came from YOU, written by your own hand! I love it and cherish it!!

  11. Hi Pamela, I love all your books and goodies. I like to surround myself with the things that I like. If my kids don't want it, they can do what they want with it. I won't need it where I am going. I do have one granddaughter that is like me, and I will let her keep what she wants. I forgot to mention I have several books on tea too!

    1. You are blessed to have a granddaughter who appreciates the things you enjoy. That is really special. And yes, my kids will have "fun" someday figuring out what to do with it all. LOL.

  12. Lots of antique books. Have you read them all yet?NIce to see them have a happy home. Thanks for joining in.

    1. Yes, I have read all the antique books on my collection book shelf. Some of them several times, but now they are so old they are difficult to read because of old darkened fragile pages, and small print, and I am old and fragile and can't read the small print. But I still love them Thank you for this meme.

  13. I enjoyed seeing all your books! I would feel like I was in a cozy library if I came to visit! You have some real treasures♥

  14. Hi Pamela! I love all of your book shelves. We have a lot of books, and feel like our books are an important part of who we are. Thanks for sharing all the pictures of your home. Have a good week. See you again soon.

  15. That secretary is gorgeous. I have my books in an old secretary desk that was my moms


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