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Saturday, March 2, 2024

March Has Arrived!!

Yes! March has arrived, and has brought some rain showers to our land, which are greatly appreciated.
Yes, I know yesterday was the first day of March, but I had other things going on and never got around to announcing the changing of the calendars! So here we go:
Spring is coming, my dear friends! Here in the south where we live it has already pretty much begun, but I know for those of you in the northern part of our country you are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of the crocuses and daffodils and Robins and other signs of spring.  I did see some Robins yesterday and I believe they said they were on their way to see you, so just try to be patient! Spring is definitely on its way!

Oh, wouldn't you just love to take a ride in a horse and buggy through the beautiful spring countryside?  This John Sloane Country Seasons calendar always makes me long for "the good old days". 

The Teapot Calendar has a lovely tea party scene for us to enjoy...those little cakes certainly look scrumptious!  So people are just so clever and talented.  What a beautiful tea set too! I really think it's about time for a nice spring tea party!  

And this lovely view is on the calendar in my bathroom. Can't you just hear those waters making their noisy and rushing escape over the rocks and into that refreshing pool?  I love how the sun is shining and welcoming a new day...

But this calendar, which is in my hubby's bathroom, has to be my favorite for this month.  This is the Thomas Kincade calendar, and the paintings are always so gorgeous. I love that each one also has a Scripture reference.  As I looked at this picture, entitled "Walk of Faith", it appears that this is a picture of Jesus walking with a man, perhaps the "Rich Young Ruler" found in Mark 10:17-22.  Although I am sure the surroundings didn't look quite like that back in Israel at that time, but it is still a wonderful picture...and to be walking with Jesus in the garden would be something I know I would truly love to do...

But sadly, the rich young ruler was not able to give up his worldly possessions and do as Jesus said in this verse...

This is a good reminder for each of us during this period of Lent leading up to Easter. Am I able to deny myself and take up His cross daily, and follow Jesus?  It's not an easy thing for any of us to do even for this short period of the 40 days of Lent...but Jesus is asking us to do this every day.  Thankfully, like in the picture above, He walks along with us and guides us and helps us if we will just heed His words and follow Him.

Speaking of walking in the garden, my new rose bush has been blooming nicely and I am enjoying it so much.

The view of the "butterfly garden", while sitting on the swing in the Secret Garden.

And this is the view this morning...if you look really closely you can see Mrs. Crane sitting out there on her nest!

I am also excited to see that this bottlebrush bush is starting to develop blossoms! We planted this last year and it didn't bloom for long then, but now it looks like it is going to have a  lot of blooms! This will attract hummingbirds and butterflies, so I am happy to see it is thriving!  Just wait a few weeks and those buds will all be red!!
Over in the "Secret/Memorial Garden" the Easter lilies are starting to sprout up. I don't think they will be blooming by Easter, however. Probably more like Mother's Day, which is fine with me.

Also I am happy to see that the "Memorial Rose Bush" that we've had for almost 10 years is finally trying to make a comeback. I pray it will survive. This was a gift from my sister and sister in law for our Memorial Garden back when Matthew passed away, and it has bloomed on special occasions ever since, until this past year.  I cut it way back and fertilized it, and hopefully it is going to survive.

The azaleas have been blooming nicely in the Secret Garden:
The are a bright and colorful spot amidst the green of the trees and woody area surrounding the garden :

These bushes are still small, but they are still growing and they are producing so nicely.  That makes me smile!

This morning we just took a walk and I discovered these flowers blooming:

Of course I had to bring a few back home with me.  They are sitting next to a little vase of  "fairy flowers" from our yard. I just cannot resist picking little bouquets of these sweet flowers while they last.

Something else that makes me smile is this old vintage dinner plate that I found at our church Thrift store a couple of years ago. I only have two of them, but I enjoy bringing them out occasionally to brighten our meal...

Which yesterday happened to be this:

A delicious spring supper...tiny red boiled potatoes, fresh asparagus and sweet red beets, with a baked boneless/skinless chicken thigh.  I bake them in the oven for about 30 minutes with parchment paper over top to help seal in the juices and keep them very moist and tender.  It was a delicious 'spring' supper!

 Yesterday I finally got a haircut after three months!  Yes, I definitely needed it BAD!  Why did I wait so long you ask? Well, my hairdresser had the audacity to retire the end of December, leaving us with no other options. How dare she? LOL. Yes, she was actually older than I am and certainly deserved to be able to retire, but still, some of us just don't take to change very easily!  The one other hairdresser in town is swamped and can't accept any new customers for at least a month she said when I called her in desperation.  So finally yesterday I called Walmart (in the next city over) and booked an appointment with a gal that I last saw about 5 years ago, before we moved to this town. I was actually glad she was still there, but still, I don't like the system at the Walmart salon and not to mention the price was literally double what I'd gotten used to paying our sweet gal here who retired. She had not raised her prices in YEARS, and so we were spoiled.  Anyway, it did feel good to finally get my hair cut and I think she did a good job, even if it did break the bank (and that did not include shampoo or blow dry/styling! I had to go out with a wet head!)  I decided to take a few pictures this morning so I can remember how she cut it for next time, whether I go back to her or find someone else, at least I'll know how I want it cut!

Please don't look at the wrinkles or the sprinkles of gray.  Just the style. I like the way she did the back and hope I can remember that for next time.

Now we just have to find someone to cut hubby's hair. He did not like the Walmart system after sitting for over a half hour with his name on the list and the next girl available took someone who just walked in the door and overlooked him...so he walked out, and I ended up cutting his hair, which I have done zillions of times over the past 54 years, but I just don't like all the mess and fuss and cleanup and yesterday I cut a little too close with the clippers in one spot.  Thankfully it's not terrible, but I know it's there and I'd prefer him to find a professional to do it, as when my hairdresser retired, so also did the lady barber who was in the same place, which is who was cutting hubby's hair. We found out yesterday that there is a new person renting that space now and taking customers, so we shall see how that works out.  We kind of don't want to be the first customers...want someone else to be first so they can let us know how she does...

Well, folks, I guess this is enough for the first Saturday of March.   Here's a happy thought for today:

Isaiah 35:10 NKJV
"And the ransomed of the Lord shall return,
And come to Zion with singing,
With everlasting joy on their heads.
They shall obtain joy and gladness,
And sorrow and sighing shall flee away."


Have a lovely March weekend!


  1. It's so hard to find a trustworthy hairdresser, Pamela. I do like your new cut, but I don't blame you for opting for someone who doesn't charge so much the next time around. I do love seeing your calendar photos every month, too. The pictures are always charming and inviting, and having scripture on them is so inspiring. The flowers are gorgeous, too.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Martha. We will see if there is anyone who doesn't charge as much as Walmart. I think I was just being spoiled by my former hairdresser, who kept her prices low because she had a small place that catered mostly to elderly and country folks. She could have retired long ago, but chose to keep working part time for a while just because she loved to keep busy and enjoyed her customers. But she was beginning to have health issues herself and decided it was finally time to retire and enjoy some time with her husband. I don't blame her, I just miss her! Thank you for your visit and friendship! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well!

  2. Thomas Kinkade a favorite...I often send thinking of you cards, birthday cards, and Christmas cards with the little cottages. I have several of his prints from back in the day, gifts. I probably mentioned this but visited Carmel, CA, several times...saw the places he painted...and his "place"...also anywhere in the country where I was living or visited...always to the Thomas K. stores...museums...etc...art galleries...my daughter has visited me monthly from Indy for a couple weeks each time...it has been fantastic...we walk at the ocean...seeing the whales and dolphins...the birds...it is right out my door. As I have said before, I never wanted to live in Florida, but by the ocean makes it okay with me...beautiful...love your blog as always...as to haircuts, I only go occasionally...

    1. Oh, I know you enjoy those visits with your daughter...so wonderful to spend time at the ocean together, watching God's beautiful creation in action! How nice to have actually been to the places that Thomas Kincade painted! I didn't realize they were "real places", but only places he imagined. To think there are such lovely places for real is truly amazing! He was a master artist for sure! I hope you are doing well and that you will have a lovely rest of your weekend.

  3. My first time visiting...Lovely blog!

    1. Thank you for your visit, Jill. I just went over and said howdy at your place! So nice to meet you!! I do hope you will come back again!!

  4. your calendars are so beautiful and I am wondering if you put all your appts on all three? I can barely keep up with the one in my kitchen for all our appts. she did good with your hair and I hope the new one will have someone for both of you, closer to home and not so expensive. i can't begin to say how much I like your views of your homestead.. about the hair.. my hubby has cut mine for 40 years and he cuts the front of his and I do the back. Due to health issues i needed to find another barber... the story is in my label https://snapperone.blogspot.com/search/label/haircut scroll to bottom to see the beginning and then go up. the first hair cut was great, the second was the last and I now have no barber.. you can skip my blather and just look at the photos.. be wary of the new people. but yours is longer, mine is extremely short, which makes a difference

    1. Thank you "snapperone". No, I do not put all of our appointments on all of our calendars, but I do put them on the ones in our bathrooms. That way both hubby and I can see them daily and it helps to keep us on task. (We each have our own bathroom, which was a real surprise when we found this house, and it has been such a blessing!) I will check out your "hair Cutting" stories. It does seem to be an issue among us at this stage in life. I've had my hair shorter, but not extremely so. This last haircut was the longest it had been in years and it was way overdue. It was literally driving me crazy! LOL. Thank you for your kind words. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

    2. PS I just saw your hair cut saga, and am glad you never went back! I hope you can figure out something that works for you. Whoever that stylist was needs to go back to school!

  5. I don't that kind of change very well at all. 😁 Nice haircut. As I age my chosen "do" keeps getting shorter.
    Some of my azalea's are blooming too. There's no frost or freezes predicted by the Weather people which is good. That means more blooms will be happening soon.
    Blessings my friend. 💙

    1. I guess we "Pamela's" need to stick together on these "changes" in life! LOL. Yes, the weather seems to be warming up...I'm not that crazy about it, but I know it is inevitable. We live in the south, so we have no grounds for complaint. I bet your area and yard will be gorgeous when everything starts blooming. I love the southern parts of GA and SC in the spring...and also the mountains too when the mountain laurel and rhododendrons start blooming! We keep saying we should take a spring road trip. I doubt it will happen, however. It's a nice dream. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the calendar pictures. I grow roses too. Hubby cut them way back kind of late in the season and so I doubt I will see any blooms May. I need a haircut too. I remember cutting my hair during Covid and it turned out pretty good. I have a lot more grey than you and still color my hair. I need to look for someone, but like you said, the prices has really gone up! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hi Susan! Oh, I would love to see your roses when they do come back. I am hoping my old bush will revive and produce blooms again, but in the meantime I am very happy for this new one. Yes, we all got creative during Covid, didn't we? Haircuts, all kinds of things we had to figure out on our own, but we survived, praise God! I hope you find someone that you like as well. Take care my friend in CA.

  7. Your new cut looks great, Pam. I hope you are able to find a new person you can both use. I go to a barber and Joe went to her too. She does a dry cut, so no shampoo or blow-dry but it works for me. You might try a barber so you can both go. We made our appointments back-to-back. Spring is popping out all over!! Love you pictures and all the lovely blooms!! Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you, Terri. We are just so limited here in Interlachen, as you can imagine. I am hoping this new girl who is renting our old salon space will be good. Since I just got mine cut it will be a while now before I can check her out, but I think some other people in our church may be trying her out, so we shall see. I hope you enjoyed your weekend of relaxation with the kitties. You needed some downtime I'm thinking! "Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside...Great is Thy Faithfulness..."

  8. I like the new haircut! I admit to being a little jealous of that elusive thing called spring! I know, it'll come, and no one delights in spring like a northerner. Amen to taking up our cross daily, following Him on the way...it's what brings joy.:)

    1. Oh, I do hope your spring will arrive soon. I can remember those long winter days and nights when we lived up north. It seemed as though spring would never arrive, but it always did...just later than I wanted it to. It was truly always a day to rejoice! And yes, "to taking up our cross daily, and following Him on the way." Yes, that IS what brings joy indeed, everlasting joy! Amen!

  9. Thank You for visiting my blog, and leaving the nice comets...I'm back to see more of your blog.

    1. Thank you!!! So wonderful to get to see you again!!!

  10. I alwaysenjoy seeing all of your new calendars each month. I'm also looking forward to walking with Jesus in a garden in Heaven with flowers and sweet smells all around us.
    Your pretty plates are perfect for spring which I "think" has arrived here. It's 68F right now and I saw a robin this week! That's always exciting for me.
    Your new haircut looks wonderful. I rarely seem to get anyone who cuts my hair the way I want it. When I do they retire or move away.
    I have cut Dennis's hair since we got married. A handful of times he has gone to a barber or Great Clips, etc., and has come home and asked me to trim it even. I don't mind and it only takes me a very few minutes.
    Enjoy your weekend my friend. See you tomorrow morning in church, (in spirit)!
    Blessings and love,

    1. I love that thought, "See you tomorrow morning in church, (in spirit)!!" That is such a wonderful thought that when we are all gathered in Jesus' Name, no matter where we are, we are one in the Spirit. What a beautiful thought. Yes, "I'll meet you in the morning". Until that day when we really do meet at Jesus' feet in heaven, we will continue to be one in Christ here below. Blessings to you, and thank you for your kind words.

  11. Oh, you have a beautiful hairstyle! You look great! It suits you. It's tough when hairdressers stop. Our hairdresser is going on maternity leave and my husband really doesn't like it. Now he has to find another one. So, same problem.

    The rose is very beautiful, Pamela. Does it smell nice? Lots of Love, and a blessed Sunday.

    Aritha xxx

    1. Thank you, Aritha! I am so happy are playing "catch-up" with my posts. I always enjoy our "conversations" here in blogland. Thank you for your kind words. That particular rose is what they call a "Knock out Rose", which is a hybrid rose. It really doesn't have the strong rose smell, which is sad, but it is lovely. I am praying my other rose comes back because it does have the true rose fragrance and it a very beautiful rose. I've been missing it, hence I bought this one to give us some beauty and color even if it doesn't have quite the same sweet fragrance. I hope you have a blessed Sunday also.

  12. I dread the day my hairdresser retires. I have been going to her for 40 years, so you can imagine my distress at that thought!
    Your calendars and flowers are lovely. I think that rose will pop back up this year for certain.

  13. Goodness, all this new life makes me want to sing, "June is bustin' out all over, all over the meadows and the hill..." Well, except this isn't June. But still!
    I love how you bring out those vintage plates every so often; probably b/c I have a couple favorites of my own. It doesn't cost anything!
    Finding a new hairdresser is so stressful. Your cut looks really becoming, but Wal-Mart's system sounds woeful, at best. Hopefully this is a temporary hiccup!

  14. Walking through your garden got me SO excited for spring! The gorgeous flowers, and the sun shining on the ground, I actually got butterflies in my stomach! In the winter my garden looks awful so I can't wait until things start blooming again. Your yard is so pretty. Ugh, hair cuts. Beth and I got ours cut this last week and I had to cut hers again when we got home. The stylist only took off about an inch, not at all what Beth asked for. And Beth paid a pretty penny for that haircut! Your hair looks great by the way!

  15. I really like your hair...and I so understand about Walmart...and finding the right person. I wait for Sundays when the man barber is at Great Clips. He is the only one I allow to touch my hair. He talks me through it--prob, more for him than me, LOL. Speaking of which, I need my 4-week haircut, will have to wait until payday, LOL. yep, breaks the bank. LOL-wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

  16. We are getting a lot of rain again this year in California. I love your calendars. You shared so many beautiful and interesting photos. Love the haircut.

  17. Hi Pamela. I love your haircut. I have a hard time finding a hair dresser I really like. I had been going to a woman at a "fancy" salon several miles away. She was recommended by a friend and did an excellent job, but the charge was $80!!! That's too much. I have been trying to grow my hair out but I do need to get it trimmed and shaped and "cleaned up" so thanks for reminding me that I need to make an appointment to do that. I love all the flowers and beauty in your world as March begins and moves us toward spring, which is such a lovely time of year. We got six inches of snow here where I am this weekend, so I guess we will have to wait a bit longer, but I did see that my tulip bulbs are pushing up so spring is coming! I hope you have a wonderful week! See you again soon. :-)


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